Area Culture Guide - May-August 2016

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Editors: | @kerryfused | @davefused Writers: Lyle Bignon, David O’Coy, Kerry O’Coy, Danann Swanton Front Cover: Courtesy of Farm Fest taken by Alex Raswon Content Image: Courtesy of Farm Fest

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AREA Culture Guide tel: 01384 837 362 @areaguide / @fusedmagazine DISCLAIMER Reproduction of all editorial/images in any form is strictly prohibited without prior permission. We cannot be held responsible for breach of copyright arising from any material supplied. While we aim to make sure all listings are correct we can not be held responsible for any incorrect entries. Readers should check venues before arrival. Views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily the publishers. This is a Fused Publication © Fused 2016 © Area Culture Guide 2016.


BRUMHAUS Birmingham’s skyline is continuously evolving and the city’s architecture is a diverse mix of periods showcasing a rich history. Artist Alex Edwards has developed a unique graphic style to capture some of Birmingham’s fondest buildings and produced them over a set of beautifully crafted prints that are available under the name Brumhaus. 04


Brumhaus is such a great concept, how did it start? Before Brumhaus I was creating elaborate hand drawn doodles in my spare time. These were interesting but usually lacking any subject matter. I created an interpretation of Central Library which was very different to my usual style and I launched it on social media. It had an instant impact, appealing to people in terms of architecture and the city environment. This image was so different to my usual style and I needed to come up with a name to differentiate it and as I am influenced by the Bauhaus movement this helped me with ideas for the Brumhaus name. Do you think Birmingham is particularly unique in terms of architecture or is you subject choice due to where you live? In Birmingham, there is a fascinating and eclectic mixture of old and new. I like the Brutalist and Modernist buildings the most and I notice new things everyday; new ways of seeing and interpreting spaces and places. In my work as a designer I moved workplace to Gas Street in the City Centre and on my commute I am reminded daily that there are some inspiring places in this great city. I have grown up in Brum and the places I draw are usually ones I have personal experiences with.

What are your plans for Brumhaus? I am very happy with the work I have created so far and hope to build on this. I’m developing new ideas all the time and for the short term I will be producing more art based on Brum and other UK cities will follow. Right now I’m working on another cityscape and also a wallpaper design. Have you turned your talents to any other city skylines? I like to take the architectural influences of somewhere and make something new with my art, I play with perspectives and viewpoints, so this treatment can be applied to anywhere. Amongst other things I have a London skyline in progress and I am keen to do other cities and buildings. Do you have a building in the city that you are particularly fond of? Yes there are a couple such as the Signal Box, with it’s unique faceted surface and the currently being demolished Central Library, the ziggurat, both examples of Brutalist architecture. You can buy Brumhaus prints at and follow for new releases @Brumhaus 05


CLIPPING THE CHURCH Tereza Buskova St Barnabas’ Church, High Street, Erdington, Birmingham B23 6SY 11 June, 3-6pm Birmingham-based Czech artist Tereza Buskova is working with Erdington’s communities to bring back a traditional custom to the area, encircling St Barnabas’ Church with ornate baked decorations reviving an almost-forgotten English tradition. Clipping the Church traditionally took place once a year when young apprentices and women in service were allowed to travel home to visit their families and their ‘mother’ church. During the ceremony, the reunited families and local faithful would link hands to form an unbroken chain around the entire church. Facing out towards the world, members of this living circle would often sing hymns as they slowly moved around the symbol of their faith and belonging. Over one hundred locals will work with Buskova to explore motherhood through live performance, music and ornate baked goods, to be paraded and affixed to the church as decorations. In the weeks leading up to the main event, the artist will hold a series of baking workshops, open to the public, where participants can work with plaited dough. Communal preparation and display of ornate baked goods is rooted in the harvest and marriage celebrations of Buskova’s homeland.


On Saturday 14 May, 2.30-5pm head to St Barnabas for a salt dough decoration workshop, films screening and food and drink. Sign up via to join the artist in the re-enactment on 11th June.


FOR ALL TIME Steven Follen

Swan Wing, RSC, Stratford-upon-Avon A significant new permanent site-specific artwork has been unveiled as part of the RSC’s 400 anniversary celebrations of Shakespeare. A highlight of the restored Swan Wing is For all time, a major new artwork commission by artist and designer Steven Follen. For all time is made of 2,000 stainless steel stars suspended from the ceiling by fine wires to make the shape of a 3-metre tall human face. The three-dimensional artwork offers an ethereal quality; reflecting light and moving gently in the air. The face is surrounded by further metal stars, which loosely reflect the position of the constellations on Shakespeare’s birthday. For all time is inspired by Romeo and Juliet, where Juliet speaks of her star-cross’d lover Romeo, “When he shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, and he will make the face of heaven so fine…” (Act III Scene II). The Royal Shakespeare Company unveiled the newlyrestored Grade II listed Swan Wing in April to coincide with Shakespeare’s birthday, and the 400th anniversary of his death. Built in 1879 and the oldest part of the RSC’s theatres in Stratford-upon-Avon, the Swan Wing has been the subject of a nine month restoration. A major new visitor attraction telling the story of the making of Shakespeare’s plays, The Play’s The Thing, will open in autumn 2016. 08


AMANDA JACKSON Editorial photographer Amanda Jackson ( has a passion for capturing sustainable living and environmental issues, with an emphasis on people and places on the edges of mainstream society. Based in Malvern she is currently working on a series called ‘To Build A Home’ about the Lammas Eco Village in Pembrokeshire. In 2015 Amanda was shortlisted for Environmental Photographer of the Year. 010


Favourite art gallery in the West Midlands? I love the Courtyard in Hereford ( It not only has a great gallery space with a wide range of shows but it is also a venue for the Borderlines film festival (borderlinesfilmfestival. It’s also a favourite as it’s one of the first places I had my photography exhibited, as part of the Hereford Photography Festival ( What has been the best exhibition you have seen in the past 12 months? The Royal Photographic Society’s International Print Exhibition at the Hive in Worcester ( was a great and eclectic collection of contemporary photography. There was a great range of work, from portraits to wildlife photography so there was something there for everyone to enjoy. I also enjoyed the Eco-Craft exhibition at the RBSA gallery (rbsa. in Birmingham, especially the jewellery by Rachel Darbourne who uses recycled polythene in her pieces. What highlights are you looking forward to during summer ’16? Being inspired by the film Wild, I am


walking half the Pennine Way on my own in July. I’m looking forward to the adventure and of course I’ll be taking my camera with me, photographing the people I meet along the way. Are there any must-go to venues you attend each year? I love films so the Herefordshire Borderlines film festival is something I always go to. They have a great range of films, from popular award winning films to ones that you probably wouldn’t have had the opportunity to see otherwise. Where do you feel most creative? I have been working on my series ‘To Build A Home’ about the Lammas Eco Village in Pembrokeshire for the last 3 years and whenever I go back I feel a surge of creativity. The people and the place really inspire me. I used to live next to the Eco Village so whenever I go back it’s like going back to a second home. If you were taking a visitor to the region on a cultural day out where would you go? Birmingham is an obvious choice, with its wide range of galleries and the museum. For lunch I would take them to The Warehouse Café (, which does amazing vegetarian food. 011


I also love the multiculturalism of Birmingham. I was born in Toronto, Canada and being in Birmingham reminds me of the diversity I was surrounded by where I grew up. Favourite artist / creative from the region? The photographer Brian Griffin ( does amazing work and is very proud of his Black Country roots. His series ‘Black Kingdom’ is about his life growing up in the area in the 50’s and 60’s and I love the balance his photos have between being humorous and sinister. Amanda is currently planning a joint exhibition with photographer Jonathan Goldberg. “We have both been photographing Eco Villages for years, me with Lammas and him with Grow Heathrow and we think the two bodies of work will compliment and contrast with each other well in an exhibition”. 012


PAUL FELTON Freelance graphic designer Paul Felton ( has recently re-located back to Birmingham after a hiatus in the capital. While his work spans many disciplines he specialises in identity and print based design with a particular emphasis on striking typography picking up in the region of fifty design awards along the way. 014


What would be your perfect day in your city? I’d say the perfect day for me has to begin just outside the city centre, at Lewis’s in Moseley (@ LewissofMoseley) for one of their epic veggie breakfasts together with a Monmouth cappuccino. Following that I’d head in to town for a nosey round the Ikon Gallery ( and try my utmost not to bankrupt myself in the book shop. After my culture fix — I’d go for a stroll down the canal to the Mailbox to catch a film on one of the comfy sofas at the Everyman cinema ( I really like that cinema, the interior is done out really well, it’s got a nice feel to it (plus I’m a bit of a sucker for neon type!). A film there has to be accompanied by a tray of their delicious nachos and a can of ice-cold Longhorn IPA. Those nachos will have no doubt got my tastebuds going so next I’d probably head for some food. Birmingham is full of such great options for food these days and my favourite place tends to change quite frequently, but number one for me at the moment would have to be the ‘purveyors of filth’ themselves — The Original Patty Men (, under the arches of Moor Street station. Unless there’s a tempting special on it has to be their immense bacon and cheese burger and a portion of chips


smothered in jalapeño slaw and crispy onions, so so good. They even do a burger in a Krispy Kreme doughnut! Finally, I’m going to ignore geography a little here and cap off a good day, well spent with pint of Saddle Black in PureCraft ( The best hidden secret / undiscovered gem about the City? One that’s hidden, but probably not much of a secret, is Peel and Stone ( in the arches on Water Street, by St Paul’s square. They do amazing bread, cakes and sarnies for lunch, well worth a visit, but get there early. One that may be a bit more of a secret that I really enjoy is the Old Joint Stock theatre (oldjointstock. The Old Joint Stock pub reminds me of some of the grand old London pubs around Fleet Street and the Bank of England that I used to love in London. Tucked away in the back corner is some stairs up to their theatre. It only seats about 30/40 people but they have some great productions on there. I recently went to see a one man play called The Unknown Soldier. It was incredibly captivating and the theatre’s intimate nature makes you feel right in the heart of the performances. Definitely worth 015

picking up some flyers next time your in there having a drink or three. Favourite bars... Where to begin! I’m a born and bred Brummie but relatively new back to Birmingham after living in London for a few years so I’m still working my way through them all! So much has changed in the last few years. The perfect pub for me is quite old mannish — I like a boozer with a good selection of real ales, a nice leather Chesterfield armchair to enjoy them in and a roaring fire is always bonus. The Rose Villa Tavern ( in the Jewellery Quarter ticks most of those boxes, as does The Fighting Cocks in Moseley ( There’s also something quite charming about The Wellington ( The Spotted Dog (spotteddog. and The Anchor in Digbeth ( also do a cracking pint. Favourite coffee shop... I have to sadly admit to being a bit of a snob when it comes to coffee. When I lived in London I used to spend a lot of my time around Borough Market, mainly for beer and food purposes, but they also had a Monmouth coffee there which fast became my favourite brew. When I moved back to Birmingham I was on the hunt for somewhere to get my Monmouth fix and we found


Lewis’s in Moseley that serves it, Phew! But a bit closer into town I really like York’s (yorksbakerycafe., lovely coffee and their chocolate and pistachio cookie is immense! I discovered Faculty ( not so long ago hidden away in Piccadilly Arcade which I really like too, a tad on the hipster side, but those hipsters do know how to make a very good coffee! Favourite shop... Me and busy shopping areas don’t really mix, so Great Western Arcade is much more up my street — my favourite shop in there is Liquor Store (liquorstoreclothing. com) — a clothes shop styled like an old New York prohibition Speak Easy bar… I’m very aware there’s a constant theme of booze running through pretty much every answer in this piece — I’m not obsessed… I promise! Anyway, Liquor Store stocks some really great brands like APC, Oliver Spencer and Folk — I’d highly recommend in investing in a few pairs of their Universal Works socks, they’re an absolute dream on the feet. Favourite cultural event... One I’m particularly looking forward to this year is the Mostly Jazz, Funk and Soul Festival (8-10 July — De La Soul and Grandmaster Flash, yes please! Another upcoming event I’m very excited about is at the Ikon

Gallery — they have a constant flow of great events including the Dan Flavin exhibition, I absolutely love his work — I’ve seen odd pieces in various galleries but never a whole exhibition on his work, so very much looking forward to that. Favourite neighbourhood... My favorite place in and around Birmingham is Moseley, I love the villagey feel of it, and you really are spoilt for choice when it comes to great places to eat and drink. The Fighting Cocks and The Prince of Wales ( in particular are good for a drink and Carters and The Dark Horse ( are great for food. What I really like is that it’s mostly filled with really good independent places rather than over-populated with chains. Where do you head for a late night drink? These days I’m rarely out much past midnight but there are a couple of places I like for a night cap — Cherry Reds on John Bright Street ( has got a nice laid back atmosphere, good beers and it’s never too larey so you can (hopefully) grab a table and enjoy a civilized chat. The other I’m enjoying at the moment is Buffallo and Rye (, they also do great grub but once the kitchen closes it’s a nice cosy, dim lit bar to enjoy a good selection of whiskeys and cocktails.

JACK BRABANT Jack Brabant is the co-founder of the Birmingham-based Digbeth Dining Club. Since its creation in 2012, DDC has grown into a large award-winning street food event that has helped to broaden the city’s eating habits. As well as a weekly residency in Birmingham, DDC plans to expand within the Midlands over the coming months, with events scheduled for MADE Festival, and in Coventry and Wolverhampton for summer 2016. 018



What has been your best creative experience in the Midlands from the past 12 months? Digbeth Dining Club is linked with the Rainbow Venues and it’s amazing to see the festival standard events that the guys there put on on a regular basis. The line up for Chapter 12 earlier this year could challenge most major dance festivals. Not many know what it takes to put these events on, so it was an even more enjoyable experience seeing months of hard work paying off. What creative happenings are you looking forward to most during summer 2016? I’m excited for the return of the City Of Colours Festival (cityofcolours. in June. The first one had an almost Notting Hill Carnival vibe to it with the whole of Digbeth coming alive. Seeing so many fantastic artists turning the area into a sea of colour was a joy to watch. The fact that it appeals to all ages is great; the team behind the festival have shown that street art is a valid art form that adds something to an area. Also we will be there with a load of DDC traders! 019

Are there any venues, festivals, exhibitions or events you always attend each year? There is so much to do nowadays in Brum, its great if you like a day or night out. One stands out most to me though being a Moseley boy and that is the annual Mostly Jazz, Funk and Soul Festival (mostlyjazz. Top line up every year and on my door step. My days of camping at festivals are over so this perfect for me when I can sleep in my own bed at the end of the night! I’m already looking forward to seeing De La Soul and George Clinton at this year’s festival in July. Where do you feel most creative? Easy: Digbeth. The area has rightly become the go to area for creativity and that rubs on off on everyone. We’ve been lucky enough to do some fantastic events over the past four years and we have the spaces and people here to develop creative ideas further. If you were taking a visitor to the region on a cultural day out where would you go? Start with breakfast in my favourite cafe, Damascena (damascena. in Moseley, a fantastic Turkish and Middle Eastern place. Over to the Dudley for the Black Country Museum (love it) for a nostalgia trip ( Checkout either the Lickey, Malvern or Clent hills as all are beautiful on a sunny day. Back to Brum for a film


at the Electric Cinema (theelectric. or a show by Birmingham Royal Ballet at the Hippodrome. Follow this up with gin at 40 St.Paul’s ( Finally, finish off the night at the best place in Brum: Digbeth Dining Club. Where is your favourite place to eat in Birmingham? Brum has a glutton of fantastic places to eat and we are getting to the point where there is something to suit everyone’s taste. Personal favourites are Anderson’s in St. Paul’s Square (, Kababish in Moseley (kababish., Sushi Passion in the Great Western Arcade, Original Patty Men in Shaw’s Passage ( and if I’m feeling flush you can’t beat Simpson’s, fantastic food every time ( What defines the Midlands’ creative community for you? Birmingham and the Midlands has now got a sense of pride about itself. Its fair to say the rest of the country has often ridiculed us. We have turned that on its head food wise, we are the best outside London, and we have amazing street artists, musicians, DJs, venues and culture representing the region to prove it. For DDC dates and events visit LB

EXHIBITIONS YOU REALLY SHOULDN’T MISS THIS SUMMER As spring turns to summer across the West Midlands, galleries everywhere are putting on exciting exhibitions for us to experience and explore. Whether you are visiting the area on a Staycation, or are a local looking for new things to do, sites like the Barber Institute of Fine Arts and the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum are giving us little excuse to stay indoors. So whether you wish to marvel over big ceramics or exploring the woods from the safety of a gallery, there is plenty to occupy you with this summer. 023



BIG CERAMICS Until 28 May Wolverhampton Art Gallery Big Ceramics challenges our expectations of the clay object and celebrates the ambition, creativity and skill that it takes to produce ceramics of monumental size. From giant vases that stand as tall as a person and installations made up of hundreds of components, to the containment of the human body after death and the rise of corporate culture, these ‘big ceramics’ play with concepts of scale and the relationship between the artwork and the viewer. 024

Learn about the quest for microscopic life at the edge of space in this exhibition, where science meets art. Through photographs and cyanotype prints, sculpturally altered relics, environmental samples and video-mapped film footage, this first ever exhibition by the High Altitude Bioprospecting (HAB) science-art team enables us to understand and re-live the experience of researching the effects of space travel on bacteria. Conducted in collaboration with NASA and civilian space authority, The Rocket Mavericks, research has been conducted to search for microorganisms adapted to life in space in order to consider their uses in novel biotechnologies.


INTO THE WOODS Until 12 June The Barber Institute of Fine Arts From leafy bowers sheltering weary travellers to the melancholy or menace of brooding forests and overgrown paths, these prints and drawings explore man’s relationship with trees, woods and forests, and are drawn from a wideranging geographical area and period. Curated around one of the gallery’s latest long-term loans, ‘Path Through a Dark Wooded Landscape’ by John Bernard Gilpin, this display includes stylistically diverse works by distinguished artists such as Jacob van Ruisdael, Theodore Rousseau and Samuel Palmer.

LOUISE BOURGEOIS PRINTS: AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SERIES AND 11 DRYPOINTS Until 19 June Arena Gallery, mac mac features two collections of works by one of the most influential artists of recent decades, Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010). Best known for her powerful emotionally charged sculptures – she was also a prolific printmaker and d r a u g h t s w o m a n . Autobiographical Series (1994) consists of 14 etchings illustrating some of her deepest thoughts and memories whilst the 11 Drypoints (all from 1999) brings her obsessions into more vivid focus.

DAN FLAVIN - IT IS WHAT IT IS AND IT AIN’T NOTHING ELSE Until 26 June Ikon Gallery Ikon presents a major exhibition of fluorescent light works by Dan Flavin, one of the most important post-war American artists. Ikon’s exhibition spaces will be bathed in radiant light, exemplifying Flavin’s interest in the possibility of “infinite specific expression in relation to specific space.”



MAKING A MASTERPIECE: GRAHAM SUTHERLAND’S CHRIST IN GLORY Until 3 July Herbert Art Gallery & Museum An official war artist in the Second World War, Sutherland painted scenes of bomb devastation. He later moved onto religious subjects including the design of a monumental tapestry, which hangs behind the altar of Coventry Cathedral. The cathedral, designed by Sir Basil Spence and consecrated by the Queen in 1962, is an icon of modern British design and Sutherland’s tapestry is one of its most stunning features. Learn the story of the challenges and triumphs faced by Sutherland in the creative process of his masterpiece in this exhibition, which showcases the collection of studies made for the tapestry design. The four sections in the exhibition explores Spence’s vision for the new cathedral; the concept for the tapestry and why Sutherland was chosen to execute it; the evolution of Sutherland’s design for the tapestry against the background of his dealings with the cathedral authorities; and how Sutherland’s final design was translated into the largest single woven tapestry in the world. 026


BARBARA WALKER SHOCK AND AWE Until 3 July First Floor Gallery, mac Barbara Walker’s exhibition concentrates upon the contribution of Black servicemen and women to the British Armed Forces and war efforts from 1914 to the present day. It reflects upon contemporary British conflict alongside historical events of warfare involving Britain and the colonised nations of the British Empire. As the world commemorates the centenary of World War I, this body of work addresses the stories that remain largely untold. Poignant and affecting, Shock and Awe alludes to the physical and psychological impact of conflict, and the return to civilian life after war. 028

GRAYSON PERRY: THE VANITY OF SMALL DIFFERENCES Until 3 July Herbert Art Gallery & Museum The Vanity of Small Differences is a series of six large-scale tapestries by the TurnerPrize winning artist Grayson Perry, which explore the British fascination with taste and class. Inspired by the 18th century painter William Hogarth’s moral tale, A Rake’s Progress, Perry’s tapestries follow the life of a fictional character called Tim Rakewell, as he develops from infancy through his teenage and middle years, to his untimely death in a bloody car accident. The tapestries are rich in both content and colour and depict many of the eccentricities and peculiarities associated with life in the UK, from interior design to British cuisine, political protest and celebrity gossip. The composition of each tapestry also recalls early Renaissance religious painting, drawing us in to an art historical, as well as a socio-political exploration.


BIRMINGHAM MUSEUM & ART GALLERY IN 130 YEARS Until 1 September Bridge gallery, Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery Discover Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery’s ‘rich past’, in this special anniversary exhibition. Opened on 28 November 1885 by the future King Edward VII, the gallery was established with the aim of inspiring creativity and learning amongst the people of Birmingham. The Museum continues to inspire, hosting a range of wonderful collections. From Japanese armour and a Canadian totem pole, to beautiful metalwork and fascinating modern art, explore some of the treasures from the city’s vast and diverse collection. OUR SHAKESPEARE Until 3 September The Library of Birmingham 2016 marks the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. To celebrate the

achievement of one of England’s greatest playwrights and poets, the Library of Birmingham is staging an exhibition of Shakespeare-related items from around the world.

Designed for visitors of all ages it features a colourful range of books, films, posters and photographs WANDERLUST CRAFT EXHIBITION Until 24 September RBSA Gallery Having a strong desire to travel, or ‘wanderlust’, has inspired many designer-makers with their creative practice. Makers in this exhibition may be of international origin, or may enjoy exploring the world in order to gather new ideas for their work. Through examining varied

aspects of different cultures, this exhibition also reflects the diversity of Birmingham.

NATURE NOTES Until 20 November Herbert Art Gallery & Museum This exhibition highlights the wildlife and plants – and how well they change during the seasons - in Coventry and Warwickshire. By looking at nature diaries of local people, the exhibition will focus on ways to appreciate nature for its scientific and aesthetic merits in a non-invasive way. It is a multi-sensory exhibition including natural history specimens, things to touch and smell, screen interactives and artworks. DS 029

MAY CULTURE HIGHLIGHTS COMEDY 4 May Shazia Mirza: The Kardashians Made Me Do It Tickets £14 (£12) mac Following an acclaimed Edinburgh Fringe run, Shazia Mirza’s new show is inspired by the story EXHIBITION of three girls who left 2–20 May Bethnal Green to join Shun Ito: Cosmic Birds ISIS and is a searing and Municipal Bank, Broad urgent exploration of life, Street, Birmingham B1 love and Jihadi brides. 2DR Gravity, movement and light are explored in an exhibition of kinetic sculptures by Japanese artist Shun Ito. Central to the work is a new installation, Cells (2016), a large-scale mobile EXHIBITION comprising 200 rotating 5 May-25 June steel rings and 30 electric Another Minimalism light bulbs, made by the Art after California Light artist in Birmingham. and Space A programme of Mead Gallery events includes a Another Minimalism is live performance In A the first exhibition to Landscape (12–14 May) recognise and examine by Kei Miyata, combining the influence of California sculpture, movement Light and Space artists and hypnotic sounds of the 1960s and 1970s played live by Ex Easter on a younger generation Island Head. of international artists. Open 11am–6pm, free The exhibition features entry. works by artists including 032

Larry Bell, Tacita Dean, Olafur Eliasson, Spencer Finch and James Welling. These artists use photography, film and materials including glass, mirror and coloured lights to alter the viewer’s perception of space and time.

PERFORMANCE 12 May Lucy J Skilbeck & Milk: Joan mac Packed with guts and a lot of heart, Joan fuses lyrical new writing with drag king cabaret for the very first time. An earthy story of courage, conviction, hope, survival and love, this is Joan of Arc - quite possibly the world’s first drag king. Performed by Drag Idol Champion 2014 LoUis CYfer. Tickets £13 (£11).

TALK 17 May Panel Discussion – Dan Flavin Ikon Gallery Jeffrey Weiss, Senior Curator, Guggenheim Museum; David Batchelor, artist and writer; and Jonathan Watkins, Ikon Director, discuss the work, life and legacy of Dan Flavin (booking essential - £4 per person, £2 concessions: students, unwaged, 60+, 6–7.30pm).

EXHIBITION 14 May-12 June COVENTRY OPEN 2016 The Herbert This is the ninth Coventry Open for West Midlands and Warwickshire artists. Work in a wide range of media is selected for the exhibition by a panel of judges. This year’s selection panel is artist Peter Kennard, artist Matthew Macaulay and curator and art historian Professor Lynda Morris.

TALK 19 May Discovering Brown Compton Verney Sarah Rutherford author of The World of Capability Brown gives a fascinating talk on how she discovered Brown and his world through visiting his family places, letters, plans and design drawings. Tickets: Adults £25, Concessions £23.50, Gold Members £10. Advance booking required. Call 01926 645 500. Includes exhibition, collections and park admission.

EVENT 20 May Vintage Wedding Dress Afternoon B-ham Museum Collections Centre Join Birmingham Museums’ curators and discover vintage wedding dresses from the 18th-century to the 1970s. Whether you’re fascinated by fabric, or a bride-to-be looking for inspiration in the run up to your special day, this informal afternoon will introduce you to the history of the wedding dress, walk you through some of the developments in bridal fashion, and give you the unique opportunity to actually handle some of the historic costume collection. Includes cake and refreshments (£20 per person, must be prebooked by calling 0121 348 8038). 033

EVENT 28-29 May Birmingham Pride Andy Bell, Lisa Stansfield, Katy B and Fleur East will be on hand to get the party started at the 20th Birmingham Pride event this year. The theme ‘A Generation Of Pride’ will be celebrating the achievements of the LGBT community over the last 2 decades which have included the equal age of consent, civil partnerships, the right to serve in the military, the right for trans people to legally change their gender, marriage for lesbian, gay and bisexual couples, and equal adoption rights for same-sex couples as well as celebrating Birmingham’s own gay scene as one of the most popular in the country.


EXHIBITION 27 May-17 July Never Judge a Book… the book in contemporary art Meadow Arts at Richard Booth’s Bookshop, Hayon-Wye Anselm Kiefer, Fiona Banner, Harland Miller, Michael CraigMartin and Jonathan Callan are amongst the artists to show in a Meadow Arts exhibition at the iconic Richard Booth’s Bookshop, the secondhand bookshop that launched the now world-famous Hay Festival. Many influential artists have used books as objects in their work, in a spirit of inquiry or critique. They appropriate, reinvent and test the graphic capacities of the object, to encourage the viewer to reassess notions of general knowledge, prevailing truth or even individual escape. This exhibition sees the book investigated as an object by a diverse range of renowned artists. for live event info.

DANCE 27 & 28 May Motionhouse & NoFit State Circus: BLOCK mac NoFit State Circus and Motionhouse bring together their unique styles in BLOCK - an exciting new collaboration. Twenty oversized blocks are deconstructed and reformed into an infinite variety of shapes for the performers to play on, move with and explore. BLOCK is about life in the city; its contradictions and challenges. What happens when dance and circus collide? When they converge, rub against each other, blend into one another? Shows at 6pm & 8.30pm each evening.

JUNE CULTURE HIGHLIGHTS Madeley, near Ironbridge Hotbuckle Productions head to Blists Hill for the first time with their own inspired adaptation of Jane Austen’s Emma. Outdoor performance suitable for all the family; bring rugs and a picnic, cash bar and chairs to hire. Enjoy all the fun of the fair before the play. Tickets must be purchased in advance at £9 adults; £7 for 60 Plus and Children, £5 students.

COMEDY 2 June Sara Pascoe: Animal Warwick Arts Centre This show is a mixture of completely true stories about Tony Blair, Oedipus Rex and the wildlife of Lewisham, plus a load of stories that don’t sound true at all about Jason Donovan, Henry the Hoover and when God took over the tannoy in Sainsbury’s. Age 15+, £13, 7.30pm MUSIC 9 June TG Collective with special guests Ikon Gallery The instrumental 7-piece TG Collective return to Ikon, combining hotclub, flamenco, jazz and PERFORMANCE contemporary classical 4 June influences. Based Hotbuckle Productions around guitarists Jamie present Jane Austen’s Fekete and Sam Slater, Emma TG Collective features Blists Hill Victorian Town, flutes, bass clarinet, 036

percussion, trumpet, double bass, violin and the Arabic oud. Tickets £10 per person, booking essential, 7.45–9.30pm.

PERFORMANCE 15 & 17 June Roger Hiorns Untitled (a retrospective view of the pathway) St Philip’s Cathedral, Colmore Row, Birmingham B3 2QB Ikon and Birmingham Cathedral present a new site-specific work by Birmingham-born artist Roger Hiorns, Untitled (a retrospective view of the pathway) (2016). Working with the choir of St Philip’s Cathedral, the event sees choristers undertake Choral Evensong whilst lying on their backs on the floor, within the nave of the church, rather than standing to sing in stalls behind the altar. This will be a full service rather than a performance –

led by The Very Revd Catherine Ogle, Dean of Birmingham, and directed by Canon Marcus Huxley – with the congregation seated in the aisles and galleries. Free entry, booking essential, 5.30–6.30pm.

EXHIBITION 18 June – 5 August Laura Oldfield Ford Grand Union Laura Oldfield Ford presents an exhibition of work made in response to her residency at Grand Union in 2015. Oldfield Ford’s practice is rooted in the investigation of post industrial areas in cities and how these neighbourhoods have shifted since 1970s/80s.

EVENT 18 June 1940s Night Blitz Hill Blists Hill Victorian Town, Madeley, near Ironbridge Enjoy a summer evening on the home front as Blists Hill Victorian Town travels forward to the 1940s, with vintage entertainment, music and food. Dress-up in your finest 1940s civilian costumes, pencil-on your stocking seams, grab your Ration Book and get ready to ‘make do and mend’ at this fantastic fun event. Tickets must be purchased in advance. For details call 01952 433 424 or visit www.

EVENT 25 & 26 June Park Life! Big Weekend Compton Verney Enjoy two distinct days packed with entertainment, music and crafts. Saturday the 25th (11am-5pm) is given over to Georgian Heritage and Elegance with re-enactors of historical Gardeners, Ice Cream Making, Floral Art Displays, Baroque Music and more. While Sunday 26th (11am – 5pm) is Practicality and Rural Life with a demonstration from a Stonemason, Thatcher, Weaver, Brick Maker and Sheep Shearing to enjoy.


JULY CULTURE HIGHLIGHTS EXHIBITION 8 July-11 September Inspire 16 Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery This year’s summer showcase will display a rich array of artwork from the 10th anniversary exhibition of Arts Council England’s Arts Award achievers and a collection of sculptural models created by local schools and inspired by the Birmingham Big Art Project. Part of the exhibition will also be made from submissions to our new arts competition for 11-19 year olds in the city.

EVENT 8 & 9 July Furious Folly Sutton Park A major Hippodrome CREATIVE project, Furious Folly takes place as night falls, in a noman’s land on the battle front between the two lines. Disorientated, 038

the audience find themselves immersed within an open-air collage of sound, light, pyrotechnics and performance. A specially commissioned outdoor production as part of 14-18 NOW, the UK’s arts programme for the First World War centenary. Taking place at a secret location in Sutton Park that will be revealed to ticket holders.FREE but tickets need to be booked in advance on 0844 338 5000.

COMEDY 22 July Butt Kapinski mac From the director of Red Bastard. Think it’s a solo show? Think again. Private eye Butt Kapinski invites you to co-star in a film noir murder mystery. Join Butt in a seedy world of sex, sin, shadows and subterfuge.

EVENT 22 - 24 July Summer in Southside Southside (Hurst St) Southside meets seaside this summer as the popular family festival produced by Hippodrome CREATIVE returns. Hippodrome Square, Hurst St, Inge St and the Arcadian will be transformed with seaside sights, sounds and silliness including a cod choir, deep-sea divers, pirates, lifeguards, street acrobatics, and an enormous whale! Plus a beach with giant sand sculptures and much, much more. With traditional acts from the seaside pier to the extroverted carnival of the Caribbean and South America, if you can’t get away on holiday this year then have a staycation in Southside!



WIN TICKETS TO THE BEST FESTIVALS THIS SUMMER WITH AREA GUIDE & FUSED! Over the following pages we are giving away pairs of tickets* to this year’s hottest festivals. To enter you’ll need to head over to our sister website & follow us on our social media channels where you will find the festivals listed over the coming weeks alongside deadlines and details on how to enter each competition. For extra chances of winning LIKE us on our FB page fusedpublications, follow us one twitter @Fusedmagazine and Instagram and join our mailing list via the website. Winners will be notified via email or phone call 2 weeks prior to the festival start. Please note that travel is NOT included in any of the prizes unless stated. Festival entry is only open to people over the age of 18. For full T&Cs see 039

KNOCKENGORROCH WORLD CEILIDH 26-29 May Scotland’s original roots music festival is situated in an incredible location in the Southern uplands of Galloway. Tthe World Ceilidh festival features a dazzling array of incredible roots and dance music from across the world, including: Black Uhuru, Skerryvore, Optimo (Espacio), Mungos Hi Fi Sound System, Freestylers, Krafty Kuts, Family Atlantica, Niteworks, Habadekuk, Nubiyan Twist, London Bulgarian Choir, The Turbans, Orkestra Del Sol, K.O.G and the Zongo Brigade, Auntie Flo, Radical Dance Faction, 47 Soul, Electrikal Sound System, Samedia, Loki, Girobabies and the Twistettes plus many more visual and performance arts, workshops and activities for all the family. BEARDED THEORY 26-29 May Bearded Theory Festival takes place in the fabulous surroundings of South Derbyshire’s Catton Hall. With interest at an all-time high, and tickets selling faster than ever before, this year undoubtedly boasts the strongest line-up in their 9-year history and includes headline slots form Levellers, Public Image Limited and Squeeze alongside Arrested Development, Billy Bragg, Killing Joke and Terrorvision. HOWTHELIGHTGETSIN FESTIVAL Win 2 x Finale Weekend Festival Tickets 26 May - 5 June The world’s largest philosophy and music festival returns to Hay-on-Wye this summer. Feed your minds, bodies and souls at HowTheLightGetsIn Festival. The week is packed with stimulating debates that include Green Party leader Natalie Bennett, Nobel Prize-winner Frank Wilczek and former London Mayor Ken Livingstone, as well as the best music line up yet, with headliners like Gilles Peterson, Ghostpoet and Mercury Prize-nominees C Duncan and ESKA. 040

GLASTONBUDGET Win 4 x Weekend Adult tickets + VIP backstage tour 27-29 May Six stages will showcase and promote the very best unsigned talent from all over the UK, alongside top quality Tributes to some of the industry’s greatest bands, past and present. Be there with friends or family by winning 4 Weekend Tickets to Glastonbudget. Winners will also be given the VIP treatment with a chance to go back stage and meet their favorite act! LECHLADE FESTIVAL 27-29 May The beautiful Cotswolds town of Lechlade on Thames plays host to its fifth 3 day familyfriendly music festival at the end of May. From rock to reggae, folk to funk, pop to punk and everything in between, there’s something for everyone including free family activities, real ales, fabulous food and burlesque. Headlining are rock legends Status Quo, ‘Sprit in the Sky’ popsters Doctor and the Medics and renowned tribute bands Whole Lotta Led and Bon Giovi. Added to the mix of over 60 bands on 3 stages, this is fantastic weekend of live music. 041

LIVERPOOL SOUND CITY 2016 27-29 May Crowned Best metropolitan festival at the UK Festival Awards, Liverpool Sound City is an unrivalled 2-day festival of incredible live music and arts, capturing the city of Liverpool and reinforcing it as the cultural core of the UK. Since its inception in 2008, Liverpool Sound City has grown into one of the most important and well-respected cultural events in the UK. Sound City sets the standard for all music festivals to follow by bringing you the very best breakthrough acts and major names before anyone else. Playing at this year’s festival are Catfish and the Bottlemen, The Coral, Leftfield, 2manydjs (DJ set), Hot Chip (DJ set), Circa Waves, The Dandy Warhols and many more. LOST VILLAGE 27-29 May More than a music festival, Lost Village (taking place im a secret location in Lincolnshire) is an immersive experience taking place in a long forgotten forest, filled with otherworldly beings. With musical headlines such as Fatboy Slim, BBC Sound of 2016 winner Jack Garratt, scene-leading techno artist Ben Klock, Pampa Records frontman DJ Koze, house visionary Mano Le Tough, illusive UK tastemakers Joy Orbison and infamous mix master Ben UFO, the musical line-up is simply sublime. The Lost Village surreal realm is ready to engulf all who dare enter. The Basecamp market town, the Lost Theatre, comedy, secret performances, banquets of fine dining and the Lake of Tranquillity all accompany music areas such as Forgotten Cabin, Abandoned Chapel and Burial Ground – a multitude of temptations are all waiting to be discovered deep in the woods. 042

SHINDIG WEEKENDER 2016 27-29 May Now in it’s third year, Shindig Weekender is one of the country’s few genuinely ‘Boutique’ boutique festivals. No VIP tickets are necessary as Shindiggers are all VIP, and get to experience the acts up close and personal, set in beautiful countryside near Bath over the 3 days of the May Bank Holiday weekend. You can enjoy performances all day and live music at night in the Moonshine Circus & Cabaret tent, hang out in the Tutti Frutti Cocktail Beach Bar or visit The Dig Inn for drinks and music till late. If that’s not enough you can party till dawn at The Ghetto Funk Nightclub. Family fun includes Kids Kingdom, a fortress of fun devoted to the younger folk with workshops, climbing nets, storytelling and much more. COMMON PEOPLE 28-29 May 2 x pairs of VIP tickets at either the Oxford or Southampton locations Common People HQ has been feverishly planning a blockbuster two-day, dual site metropolitan adventures at Oxford’s South Park, and Southampton Common. The bank holiday bonanza will feature Primal Scream, Duran Duran, Craig David’s TS5, Public Enemy, Gaz Coombes, Katy B and many more, all topped off with a lavish helping of the Bestival team’s renowned magic, mayhem and merriment. Reuniting party lovers across Central and Southern England and beyond for the festival season’s stunning opener. RIVERSIDE 28-29 May Leading event organisers in Glasgow, Electric Frog & Pressure are back for the fourth year with the Riverside Festival 2016. Acts Sven Vath, Fatbot Slim,Kerri Chandler, Laurent Garnier, plus many more are set to delight 8,000 fans over two days to kick off this year’s festival season. 043

HAPPY DAYS FESTIVAL 2 x VIP tickets 28 -29 May As the days are starting to get longer and the sun is definitely dusting off its summer hat, this can only mean one thing; the festival season is on the way. This is the time to relax and reminisce in the warm vibe of your youth with 2 days of time honoured music from the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. Head to Happy Days Festival at Imber Court in East Molesey and enjoy retro bars, great food and some summer lovin’ with their amazing line-up of legendary Artists! Artists confirmed for Happy Days Party Saturday 28th May; The Human League, Marc Almond, Heaven 17, Kid Creole & The Coconuts. Artists confirmed for Happy Days Soul’n’Dance Sunday; Original Old-Skool Hip Hip & Funk Legends - The Sugar Hill Gang plus Melle Mel & Scorpio (Furious Five), Incognito, Jocelyn Brown, Joyce Sims, Martha Wash (original Weather Girl) and Vula (Basement Jaxx Vocalist). LOVE SAVES THE DAY 28-29 May Love Saves The Day have lined up indie rock outfit Everything Everything, acclaimed electronic pop group Hot Chip, renowned grimes artists Dizzee Rascal and Stromzy, plus loads more for their 2016 edition at Eastville Park, Bristol. Love Saves The Day 2016 is your only chance to experience the Arcadia Afterburner at a UK festival this summer. And the Arcadia Afterburner couldn’t be in better hands. Taking to this incredibly unique stage are some of the hottest names in electronic bass music including Roni Size and Chase & Status. Other activities at this year’s festival include partying with drag queens & unicorns at The Temple of Lust, and getting your skates on at Bump Roller disco and the Inflatable Church. Other artists appearing across the weekend includes The Martinez Brothers, Hudson Mohawke, Mura Masa, David Rodigan, and Roman Flugel. 044

SLAM DUNK 28-30 May Celebrating it’s 10th edition, Slam Dunk is a full 3 day touring festival (Leeds, Birmingham, Hatfield, England). The festival will have the same acts and number of stages (seven) including outdoor stages at each of the sites. This year sees some huge upgrades to the event with a new site at the Birmingham NEC where headliners Panic At The Disco, New Found Glory, Of Mice & Men, The King Blues and Shikari Sound System will bring the noise. Tickets for this competition are available for Birmingham only. BREW AT THE BOG 2 x PAIRS 2-4 June Brew at the Bog is one of Scotland’s most northern festivals, where 3,000 revellers are expected to imbibe to good music with a great atmosphere. Held on the beautiful Bogbain Farm, festival-goers will enjoy a comedy bus and art installations alongside delicious beers, gin, whisky, rum and prosecco. With acts such as Idlewild, The LaFontaines, Kloe and White among the many set to perform, Brew at the Bog is a true hidden gem in Scotland and is not to be missed!

RED ROOSTER FESTIVAL 2-4 June Welcome to Red Rooster, a good-time weekend of Rhythm and Blues in the heart of Suffolk County an event with only the finest R&B, Americana, Blues, Soul, Roots and Country musicians on their bill. They believe that the highest quality of music and style is what keeps the party going throughout the day and into the night. With a good ol’ rack of ribs soaked in Bourbon it may be a long way from Suffolk to enjoy the sounds and smells of the deep south, but they recreate it in the heart of the countryside. THE SOMERLEY TEA PARTY 3-5 June Building on the brilliance of its first two years, The Somerley Tea Party is back for a third edition that promises to be bigger and better than ever on June 3rd and 4th. For the first time ever offering camping and again taking place at the unique location that is Somerley Estate (Hampshire), it promises a knowing mix of established stars and hot underground talents from the worlds of house, techno and drum & bass. What sets this festival apart—as well as its killer lineup—is the stunning setting, which is the sprawling green grounds and lush gardens of an 18th century estate. Every area is unique and within five minutes walk of the campsite, offering a wide range of experiences from communal big top raving to more intimate and organic vibes in the woods where you can get back to nature. 045

LUNAR FESTIVAL 3-5 June This summer Lunar Festival returns for its third year in the enchanting rural setting of Tanworth-inArden, resting place of Nick Drake and now home to this established magical odyssey which likes to do things just a little bit differently. Wondrous late night beats entwined with guitar driven sounds sit side by side with a mythical ethos stemming from spiritual exploration and edifying adventure. Lunar encapsulates a unique energy which pulsates from the stunning rural location in which it is set, a sublime weekend which merrily joins the dots across a soundscape of live artists and DJs. WYCHWOOD 3-5 June Wychwood is one of the UK’s best loved family festivals set in the beautiful surroundings of the Gloucestershire countryside. Across the weekend the festival showcases timeless artists including The Waterboys, 10cc, Bill Bailey, Peter Hook & the Light and more. New and emerging music comes courtesy of London promoters, Smashing Blouse in the Big Top, where Black Honey, Tiger Club and Haelos are all set to perform. BALTER FESTIVAL 2016 3-6 June Balter Festival (set in a secret location in South Wales) is back for a third year of madness! Featuring ten stages but just 2000 people, it uses the Bristol underground scene as the backbone but brings in artists from across the UK and Europe. Featuring a wide variety of music from ‘household names’ to hot new underground acts, headliners include Los Albertos, DJ Hazard & Skibadee, Hellfish, The Carny Villains, The Turbans, Inner Terrestrials, Slipmatt, Featurecast, DLR, DJ Luck & MC Neat, Mungo’s HIFI, Devilman, Mandidextrous, and many more. 046

CAMDEN ROCKS 4 June Returning for its fifth year, this coming Summer sees the welcome return of the Camden Rocks Festival; over two-hundred high-energy bands performing in multiple venues across Camden Town. It’s a onemile strut of thrilling music that takes place in over twenty different venues and runs the full gauntlet of rock n’roll, from punk to indie to metal to classic rock, the future of rock rubbing shoulders with the past and the present, all exploding together in one glorious cacophony of chaos and noise. MOSBOROUGH MUSIC FESTIVAL 4 June Mosborough Music Festival returns to Sheffield’s Old Westfield Sports Campus and is headlined by Reverend & the Makers, and Space, plus Complete Madness, The Southmartins, Jungle Lion, Redfaces, Marquis Drive, Phat Bollard, The Jackobins, The SSS, The Shanklins, Bang Bang Romeo, Stop Drop Robot & Malarkey affair.


BORN & BRED FESTIVAL 4-5 June Rinse FM and Found Series are joining forces to present a weekend-long celebration of the present and future sounds of London at Haggerston Park. Stretching beyond its home city to celebrate the truly global reach of London’s influence, this year’s festival brings together pioneers and rising young artists alike, all inspired by the capital’s collisions of rave-inspired dance music and soundsystem culture. The lineup includes: Wiley, Slimzee, Azealia Banks, ILoveMakonnen, Benga, Newham Generals, The Square, Leofah, Youngsta and Josey Rebelle. 047

EDEN FESTIVAL 9-12 June Eden Festival is no longer Scotland’s hidden gem, it’s a treasure trove to be reveled in by discerning festival lovers! Showcasing fresh music and electrifying performances, corroborated by this year’s line up announcement, featuring Sky and Ross from Morcheeba, Andreyana Triana and Craig Charles Funk and Soul Show. 250 acts will perform live over 11 stages, set in the stunning Raehill Meadows of Dumfries. Be bambozoled by music, dance, theatre, art, our drive in vintage cinema, live fire show and much, much more. FOUND FESTIVAL 2016 11June Brockwell Park, Brixton, London Arenas will be hosted by Art of Dark, Feelings, Find Me In The Dark, Found & secretsundaze with a lineup featuring Kerri Chandler, Derrick May, Theo Parrish, Trade - Blawan & Surgeon, Rødhåd, Petre Inspirescu, Mood II Swing, Dream 2 Science, Paranoid London. ALSO FESTIVAL 2016 17-19 June Created by Salon London, Also Festival at Park Farm, Compton Verney, brings to life the biggest, boldest and most exciting ideas from art, science, psychology and philosophy in immersive talks and experiences over the summer solstice weekend. Across the programme Also seeks to find out more, from the personal to the universe itself. Talks with authors, professors and Nobel Peace Prize nominees explore how to survive an apocalypse, how to play a role in world peace through forgiveness and explore the future of artificial intelligence. DJs and live musicians provide the soundtrack to the weekend, Also’s beautiful lakeside banqueting tent hosts a range of dining experiences, and there are a range of workshops designed to get children engaged with big ideas. 048

ISLE OF WIGHT FESTIVAL 2016 9-12 June The award winning Isle of Wight Festival is back in Newport this June, kicking off the festival season as the UK’s first major music event of the summer. This year’s line up includes headliners, The Who, Queen + Adam Lambert, Stereophonics and Faithless, as well as Jess Glynne, The Corrs, Sigma and Busted. Now entering its 15th year, the festival is famed for its heritage and impressive line ups which mix legendary artists with the hottest acts to create a unique experience for all music fans. Festival goers have 12 stages to choose from, including the Cirque de la Quirk stage where fans can enter a nonsensical world, the Hard Rock Stage or head over to the Backstage Creation Tent to relax on bean bags and pillow pits enjoying coffee and cakes at the Tim Peaks Diner. Thanks to the festival’s official ticketing partner, viagogo, we have 2 tickets to give away! 049

BURYFIELDS 17-18 June Chesham’s Music and Comedy Festival takes place in the grounds of The Bury Manor House in Buckinghamshire. Now in it’s 4th year this London family friendly festival is set on the lawns and woods of an old manor house in the old town of Chesham and is just an hour out of London on the tube with plenty of time to get the last train back in. The Big Top stage is set beside a beautiful lake and the Woodland stage is tucked away in a grassy glade in the woods. The ideal setting to enjoy the likes of The Farm, The Wonder Stuff & Goldie Looking Chain. OCEANFEST 17-19 June Midsummer surf and music, DJ’s and chill tents, cider bars and Croyde Bay (Devon)! If you could bottle a beachside festival and pour it out each year against the backdrop of a sundrenched Atlantic, then the multi award winning 18th consecutive GoldCoast Oceanfest is the one to choose. It’s big enough to create a great party atmosphere, small enough not to be overwhelming. It blends an intoxicating, eclectic and laid back mix of quality music, exhilarating surf, action packed sports, locally sourced food, all in an oceanside arena with the best sunsets ever! #Oceanfest16 If you don’t go, you will never know. 050


LIVE AT CHELSEA 2016 18-19 June Taking place in the historic grounds of the Royal Hospital Chelsea, the Live At Chelsea concert series will return for its second year, featuring headliners The Royal Philharmonic Concert Orchestra (June 17th), Wet Wet Wet (June 18th) and Simply Red (June 19th). We have a pair of tickets to give away for each night of the event. LOVE INTERNATIONAL 29 June - 6 July The Garden Resort, Croatia Debutant Love International this summer is the spiritual successor of the acclaimed original Croatian odyssey, The Garden Festival, and seeks to build upon the decade’s worth of magic created already in the region. By day a harmonious holiday beneath the sizzling sun, and by dusk as the beats shift gear and introduce each balmy night beneath a canopy of stars, the intimate setting holds a unique energy, sound tracked by some of the world’s leading underground DJs and producers. Drawing a vibrant and diverse audience from across the world to a tiny strip of paradise set near the picturepostcard coastal town of Tisno. BLISSFIELDS 30June - 2 July Blissfields is an intimate festival for all the family in the heart of the Hampshire countryside. This is a festival for 4,000 people who want something as far removed from the big commercial festivals as you can get! There will be quality food and beer on sale all at a reasonable price. The house party themed festival will also include a beach and a giant dollhouse which will sit in the main arena opened up for festival goers to explore its rooms and hidden treasures, creating an interactive festival site like never before. Blissfields has always celebrated the intimate party spirit and this year it’s going all out with guests including Swim Deep, Dizzee Rascal, Roni Size and Everything Everything. 051

GAROROCK 2016 30 June - 3 July Plaine de la filhole, Marmande, Lot-et-Garonne, France Garorock celebrates its 20th anniversary with a bang! Muse, Disclosure, Savages, The Kills, Jagwar Ma, Charles Bradley, The Hives, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Jamie XX, M83, Boys Noize, Method Man vs Redman, Ed Banger Party and Ratatat are amongst the acts confirmed to be performing at the biggest festival of the South of France. BURTON AGNES JAZZ AND BLUES FESTIVAL Full weekend family pass 1-3 July The tenth Burton Agnes Jazz & Blues Festival takes place this summer in the award winning grounds and Great Hall of the magnificent Elizabethan stately home that is Burton Agnes Hall in (Small Visitor Attraction award winner, White Rose Awards 2015), surrounded by the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds. The Festival will showcase some of the finest jazz and blues acts including one of the great British jazz voices of all time, Elaine Delmar, performing Gershwin and Porter, and the legendary PP Arnold - one of the iconic faces of London’s swinging ’60s who is still performing more than four decades later! 052


LOVE SUPREME JAZZ FESTIVAL 1-3 July The UK’s only major greenfield jazz festival returns to Glynde Place in East Sussex with a truly worldclass programme that boasts some of the leading lights in contemporary jazz, soul, pop and r&b including Grace Jones, Kamasi Washington, Burt Bacharach, Esperanza Spalding, Caro Emerald, Lianne La Havas, Gilles Peterson, Morcheeba, Kelis and many more. Weekend tickets start at £110 and day tickets are £54. MAVERICK FESTIVAL 2016 1-3 July Maverick Festival, now in its 8th year celebrates Americana, Alt-Country, and Roots with music, film, and workshops in Woodbridge, Suffolk. Festivities kick off on Friday night with the welcome jamboree in the Barn, followed by a full program on Saturday that will include music and dance, performances and workshops, spread across four stages, indoors and out. BRITISH SUMMER TIME 1-10 July Massive Attack will be headlining Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Hyde Park on 1st July 2016! They’ll be joined by Young Fathers, Patti Smith & her band, TV On The Radio, Warpaint, and Ghostpoet (with more to be announced). We’re giving away two tickets for this spectacular event. Other headliners for the event of the summer are Florence + The Machine and Kendrick Lamar (2 July), Carole King (3 July), Mumford & Sons (8 July), Take That and Stevie Wonder. Barclaycard presents British Summer Time Hyde Park is an event spread over 2 weekends with a midweek programme of comedy, food and more in between, set in London’s iconic Royal Park. 053

SUMMER DAYS 6-July Summer Days Festival is new music festival which takes place in the grounds of Clitheroe Castle in the Ribble Valley in Lancashire. The festival will have two live stages featuring more than 30 artists including Simply Red, Jools Holland and the Rhythm & Blues Orchestra, Echo and the Bunnymen, Everything Everything and Circa Waves. Tasty food will be available from the locally sourced gourmet food village as well as a dedicated real ale area. HENLEY FESTIVAL 6-10 July The black tie event billed as ‘The UK’s Most Magical Summer Party’ returns to Henley On Thames bringing music, visual arts, fashion, street theatre, comedy and fine dining for 5,000. We have a pair of lawn tickets to see Elvis Costello & The Imposters on the Thursday night. 2000TREES FESTIVAL 7-9 July One of the most loved UK rock festivals, set in the stunning UK countryside near the Cotswolds celebrates it’s 10th Year. As festival organiser James Scarlett explains “This is 2000trees’ 10th anniversary so I’m very happy to say that without doubt we’ve booked our strongest ever line up. Twin Atlantic played for us way back in 2010 so to have them back as headliners in 2016 will be very special. And Refused are without doubt one of the best live acts I’ve ever seen so their Saturday night set will be something not to be missed!” 054

MOUTH OF THE TYNE FESTIVAL 7-10 July Mouth of the Tyne Festival is a four-day cultural celebration of music and performing arts that takes place each summer in Tynemouth, North East England. Its main outdoor stage is situated on a spectacular coastal cliff location, adjacent to the Tynemouth Priory and Castle, overlooking the picturesque King Edward’s Bay beach and North Sea on one side, and the River Tyne on the other. The Mouth of the Tyne Festival, now in its twelfth year, has welcomed a vast range of household name artists to North Tyneside. Besides nationally-known bands there is a very popular free jazz stage at the end of Front Street, which will be a blaze of colour and activity throughout the festival, and includes a programme of street performers, parades and the hugely popular children’s pageant. NOISILY 4 tickets 7-10 July Set in a woodland playground in the rolling Leicestershire countryside, Noisily is billed as “a fully immersive environment, allowing 2,000 attendees to truly let themselves go for an entire weekend of unrestrained hedonism.” Noisily is also a place of artwork, performance and participation. Attendees are invited to get involved and be a part of Noisily, whether just by dazzling the crowds with dance moves or designing and building an interactive art installation. In keeping with the site, structures will be made out of materials found in the forest, so the festival fits into the landscape rather than sits on it. Music stages are licensed until 6am all weekend and will see the like of Tristan, Grouch, Avalon, Headroom, Sebastian Mullaert Aka Minilogue & Patrice Baume getting the party started. 055

TECH-FEST 7-11 July UK tech fest is the world’s only outdoor festival dedicated solely to progressive and technical music. TECH-FEST 2016 is set to be even bigger with more bands, bigger names and even more activities. In addition to the music, food, drink and general festival goodness, there will once again be music workshops, Q&As and demonstrations with some of the top artists, as well as instrument and gear manufacturer stalls from the event sponsors Zilla Cabs, North Custom Drums and Double Slit Guitars. Onsite camping at the Newark Showground will have showers and 24 hour food catering for a wide range of diets and tastes as well as a bar with a great selection of craft beers and ales, suitably complementing the calibre of the music. NORTH SEA JAZZ FESTIVAL 8 July The North Sea Jazz Festival takes place in the picturesque town of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Since its inception North Sea Jazz has been widely respected as one of the most unique and eclectic live festival experiences on the planet, boasting a mixture of the very best artists across the genres of jazz, blues, funk, soul, R&B, hip-hop and pop. Founded in 1976 with performances from legendary 056

artists including Sarah Vaughan, Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie and Stan Getz, the North Sea Jazz Festival was an instant success, attracting over 9000 visitors in its first year. The festival moved to its current home in Rotterdam in 2006 and will this year expect more than a thousand musicians, spread out over 150 performances across thirteen different stages, and today attracts over 25,000 visitors per day. ELECTRIC BEACH 8-9 July The 2-day event returns to Fistral Beach, Newquay on Friday 8th and Saturday 9th July promising to be the UK’s ‘greatest beach party’. Saturday night is headlined by Hip Hop legends De La Soul and folkrocker Levellers will headline on Friday night. BSTK (BROWNSTOCK) FESTIVAL 8-10 July An independent boutique festival run by the Brown family on their farm in Essex. The festival started as an over grown family party giving it a rustic uniqueness. This year Mark Ronson will take to the decks and will be joined by Tinie Tempah, Scouting For Girls, Netsky and Mike Skinner. The coolest family party you could ever think of pulling together!


CORNBURY MUSIC FESTIVAL 8-10 July Join All Saints, Bryan Ferry, Seal, James Morrison, Corinne Bailey Rae and Jamie Cullum at the stunning Great Tew Estate for the Cotswolds’ best open air party of the summer. Cornbury Music Festival has something for everyone; a beautiful setting, great music, delicious food and a relaxed family-friendly atmosphere. There is a fantastic line-up over four stages, a comedy stage, a creative kids zone, a traditional funfair, an exclusive VIP area and beautiful campsites nestled in the estate’s rolling hills. Tickets £200. PRIORY PARK FESTIVAL 8-10 July The Priory Park Festival promises to be a standout gem in an elsewhere crowded festival calendar. It will also fill a long overdue gap in Chichester’s own festival month. It blends the best elements of a village fete with a food fair, literary weekend and a great and diverse range of music. Many of the musicians come from Sussex with artists from Chichester and Brighton in particular topping the bill. A lovely local feel with a widespread appeal. An eclectic weekend of music, food and the arts. Among those performing over the weekend are Sophie Ellis Bextor, The Feeling, Seth Lakeman, Zoe Rahman, Courtney Pine, Paul Jones and The Manfreds, Martin Simpson, The Monochrome Set, Ryan Burnett, the Hounds Of Love featuring Lisa Abbott and over 20 other bands and artists. 058



WIN T IN THE PARK TICKETS What is T in the Park? It is 20+ years of musical history. It’s the journey, finding your spot in the campsite, surrounding yourself with friends – old and new – that first sip of Tennent’s Lager once your tent has been pitched, making memories the entire weekend. It’s the glimpse of the big wheel through the Strathallan Castle greenery. It’s an atmosphere like no other. It’s the anticipation hanging in the air as your favourite artist walks on stage; that visceral energy, the feeling of being part of something bigger amidst the 80,000 strong crowd. It’s the inherently magical T in the Park campsite roar. It’s that intangible “in-the-moment” experience; feeling perfectly connected to your fellow festival-goers as you sing your hearts out in unison to The Stone Roses, Calvin Harris, Red Hot Chili Peppers and more. It’s making friends for life, and memories to last a lifetime. It’s the best fans in the world. It’s the best weekend of the summer. It’s T in the Park. SEE HOW TO ENTER ON PAGE 39


Don’t miss out over 8th – 10th July 2016, get your tickets now from For a perfect festival weekend check out T in the Park’s pamper parlour, Refresh, the culinary delights of TasteT and Tennent’s Lager’s popular Be Chilled service, where you can pre-order chilled cans of Tennent’s Lagers and Magners Original Cider at www. Thanks to festival organisers DF Concerts and founding partner Tennent’s Lager we have a pair of weekend camping tickets to give away to one lucky winner, plus return travel to and from the festival, courtesy of official coach partners Citylink and Big Green Coaches! To win, just tell us which night The Stone Roses will headline? a) Friday b)Saturday c)Sunday T&Cs For more information and regular updates from The T Lady visit tinthepark. com. For the facts about alcohol drinkaware. For more information on travel visit or . Over 18s only.

COCOON IN THE PARK A pair of VIP tickets 9 July The venue will once more be the majestic grounds of Temple Newsam on the outskirts of Leeds, surrounded by lush green countryside an absolutely massive soundsystem. There is no other event quite like it. The 8th successive year of Cocoon in the Park will bring you the finest artists on one huge stage (Sven Vath, The Martinez Brothers, Green Vevlet, and more) supported by state of the art sound, visuals, fx and all the trimmings. They are going to be playing with your senses and surprising you again in 2016. ELECTRIC DAISY CARNIVAL 9 July EDC is a spectacular festival for all the senses, with unparalleled focus on jaw-dropping production and head-spinning entertainment all day and night. For one magical day EDC brings together these scintillating stars in a truly iconic venue of the National Bowl in Milton Keynes which will be transformed into a wonderland of music, with tens of thousands of people from across the UK converging as one. Featuring Insomniac’s innovative art installations, exhilarating carnival rides, beautiful costumed performers and much more, this promises to be one of the dance music events of the summer. 061

EXTREMA OUTDOOR 9 July Taking place in the lush green outdoors of Eindhoven on July 9th, Extrema Outdoor features five magical stages and many special treats from ANTS, Carl Cox, Ed Banger Records and more. You can also expect some intimate and personal party experiences with plenty of unique surprises. LARMER TREE FESTIVAL 2016 13-17 July Larmer Tree Festival returns this summer, presenting the adventurous, the absorbing and the unforgettable, with an all-new programme of music, comedy, theatre, poetry and more across five days. Set in Victorian gardens in the stunning landscape of Cranborne Chase, an area of outstanding natural beauty spread across Dorset and Wiltshire, Larmer Tree is the quintessential party; an intimate and eccentric festival perfect for first-timers and experienced festival-goers alike. Each of the stages are carefully curated by the Larmer Tree team, combining established favourites with newcomers destined for success. The final line-up will appeal to festival-goers of all generations. TRUCK FESTIVAL 15-17 July One of the UK’s best and longest standing independent small festivals, a village fete meets Woodstock with a cutting edge musical policy featuring Manic Street Preachers, Catfish & The Bottlemen, and Kodaline headlining. Free of any sponsorship and corporate agenda, the event is held in family friendly, safe and secure surroundings of Hill Farm near Abingdon and is overflowing with eccentric entertainment. 062

THE SHREWSBURY INTERNATIONAL COMIC ART FESTIVAL We have 10 Weekend tickets + camping to giveaway 15 – 17 July The Quarry Town Park


Thousands of music fans will be flocking to The Shrewsbury Fields Forever Festival, Shropshire’s largest festival devoted to Alternative and Dance music, this July to see acts like the Happy Mondays and Wretch 32 play live. The award winning festival has become an increasingly popular event since it was established 5 years ago, embracing a full comedy festival on the Sunday and now it presents a brand new International Comic Art Festival celebrating the wonderful diversity of the medium of comics and graphic novels. Guests from America include legendary creator Howard Chaykin, famous for illustrating the first ever adaptation of Star Wars for Marvel Comics and for his controversial classic book Black Kiss. Also from the states the festival welcomes multi award winning, novelist, screenwriter and comics writer Jason Starr who as worked on some of Marvel’s most popular characters including Wolverine and The Punisher. Of course no international festival is complete without representation from the huge swell of talent from here in the UK including Marvel and DC artists Doug Braithwaite and Barry Kitson plus local creators Dan Berry and legendary Judge Dredd co creator John Wagner who appears as the inaugural event’s local guest of honour. In addition to all of this a huge marquee will be rammed full of the cutting edge of comic publishers from all over the UK helping festival goers discover the full breadth of the medium of comic art from the smallest self publishing creators to the largest independents and professionals. 063

THE SECRET GARDEN PARTY 21-24 July The Secret Garden Party is an independent annual celebration of the arts & music located in a beautiful setting in the heart of the Cambridgeshire countryside. Its ethos of participation and welcoming atmosphere makes it the perfect place to discover some fantastic music, make new friends, and laugh out loud. Headliners this year include Air, Caribou, Primal Scream and many many more across 15 music stages. There’ll also be Secret Parties with bespoke dj sets throughout the weekend. This year’s theme ‘Gardener’s Guide to the Galaxy’ has inspired the Secret Garden Party’s creative team of oddballs and eccentrics like never before and includes Laser Wars, Astronaut Training, Cosmic Knitting, Campfire Tales from the Outer Limits. Plus all the usual fun and games: Spiritual Playground, Lake Bathing, Sanctuary, Mud Wrestling and much more. NOZSTOCK THE HIDDEN VALLEY 22-24 July Set on a beautiful working farm in the heart of the Herefordshire countryside, the reassuringly welcoming and independent event has evolved from 50 friends gathered at the inaugural gathering and flourished into an intimate musical odyssey. Joining the dots between pop, ska, folk, funk, soul, indie, drum and bass, psytrance, house and a whole lot more, plus interactive adventure and performance for big and small kids of all ages, Nozstock is a playground for everyone, from seasoned festival goers to newbies setting out for their very first time. 064

TRAMLINES 22-24 July Taking place at various venues and open spaces throughout Sheffield Dizzee Rascal will headline the headline the Main Stage on the opening night. Kelis and co-headliners George Clinton And Funkadelic/Parliament top the bill on Saturday, and Catfish & The Bottlemen and Jurassic 5 will co-headline on Sunday night. The festival site is Sheffield city which is easily accessible by road and rail networks. CAMP BESTIVAL Family ticket - 2 x adults and up to 4 children aged 17 & under 28-31 July There are unmissable cosmic goings on at this year’s space-themed Camp Bestival. With out of this world music from Fatboy Slim, Tears for Fears, Jess Glynne, Katy, B, Squeeze, Arrested Development, Sasha, David Rodigan and many more, they’ll also have universal family fun from Dick and Dom, Aliens Love Underpants, the Tudors on Tour and Mr Tumble. Go and enjoy a whole galaxy of spacebased activities, and indulge in an array of delicious food and drink at Lulworth Castle. KENDAL CALLING 28-31 July Joining huge main stage headliners Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Rudimental, Madness and The Charlatans are Calling Out Stage headliners Peter Doherty, Ghostpoet and Blossoms alongside an incredible supporting lineup. Joining the already announced stage headliner Blossoms and needing no introduction, Libertines and Babyshambles main man Peter Doherty will be making his Kendal Calling debut in 2016 for a very special solo headlining set on the Calling Out stage. With his currently untitled, forthcoming sophomore solo album on the horizon, he’ll be treating fans and festival goers to what is surely set to be one of the most memorable Kendal moments in the festival’s history. Set in the stunning surrounds of the Lake District’s Lowther Deer Park, this innovative, independent festival is renowned for more than just music and festival lovers will also enjoy 4 days of arts installations, comedy, gourmet food, kid’s entertainment and a real ale festival all within the confines of what is widely regarded to be the most beautiful festival site in the UK. 065

WOMAD 2016 28-31 July This year’s WOMAD at Charlton Park is already shaping up to be an absolute classic. Following the earlier announcement of the first confirmed artists to be heading to Wiltshire between 28-31 July (among them George Clinton Parliament Funkadelic, Baaba Maal and the Hot 8 Brass Band). But WOMAD is far from being all about the big names on the big stages. Little known musical gems can be found in every corner of the site, from Vietnamese protest performers to Sardinian choirs, proving there truly is something for everybody to discover at this year’s festival. Tickets £175 for three days. FARMFESTIVAL 2016 29-30 July Set in stunning Somerset countryside Farmfest is an independent, 5000 capacity boutique music and arts festival. Intimate and all-embracing it has developed a unique atmosphere with a knack for spot-on new music bookings, an abundance of arts and entertainment for all ages and a feast of tantalisingly good local produce. Established in 2006 it remains adamantly sponsor-free with a commitment to affordability and raising money for good causes. 066

WIN TICKETS TO THE REVVING AND ROCKING SILVERSTONE CLASSIC 29-31 July Serving up a heady cocktail of classic car racing, classic rock music and great family entertainment, the annual Silverstone Classic is fast becoming one of the summer’s top festivals… and it’s not just for petrolheads! This time the live music line-up is topped by The Boomtown Rats, Reef and The Stranglers with several premier league tribute bands pumping out familiar hits from yesteryear to get the Friday and Saturday night parties rolling. If anything, the day time entertainment is even more upbeat with unrivalled grids featuring the full spectrum of historic motor sport competing on the legendary Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit. Adding to the nostalgia, the infield areas are home to more than 10,000 privately owned classic road cars hosted by more than 120 motor clubs. The result is fields and fields full of epic Ferraris, Aston Martins, MGs, TRs and other equally evocative machinery. And there’s yet more for all ages to see and do. There’s a vintage funfair, an auction, a shopping zone, live car restoration, a car clinic hosted by TV presenter Mike Brewer, copious high-flying air displays, interactive driving experiences… Adult ticket prices start from £42 and there are special rates for families, camping and weekend tickets. For full details log onto the official www. website. If you’re feeling lucky, though, we have three pairs of Friday tickets to giveaway. Simply answer the question below: Which chart-topping band fronted by Bob Geldof is headlining on Friday night at the 2016 Silverstone Classic? a) The Stranglers b) Reef c) The Boomtown Rats See page 39 on how to enter. 067

BOOM BAP FESTIVAL 2016 Two weekend tickets which include full access to the festival and camping. 29-31 July In July 2016, Boom Bap will return to the fields of leafy Suffolk to unleash a line-up of old school UK legends, US masters and fresh up-and-coming talent. Alongside exclusive reunion performances from Task Force and Phi Life Cypher, the festival will welcome Pharoahe Monch, RA the Rugged Man, Da$h and A-F-R-O from across the pond. STANDON CALLING 29-31 July Standon Calling returns to the stunning Lordship grounds in Hertfordshire from 29th to 31st July with a host of musical heavyweights including Suede, Jess Glynne, Kelis, the Hives, Everything Everything and many more. This year expect renowned and upcoming acts, immersive theatre, a host of weird and wonderful workshops, talks, the annual dog show, fancy dress parade, the best street food and of course Standon’s own heated outdoor swimming pool. Y-NOT FESTIVAL 29-31 July 3 days of quality music, food & drink, performing arts, comedy, workshops and good times all set in a stunning Peak District setting of Matlock, Derbyshire. This year’s great lineup includes Editors, Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds, Madness and Kelis with still many more to be announced for Y-Not’s 12 stages. Late night entertainment includes a dance tent, camp fire singalongs as well as real ales and local ciders. Great stuff! 068


SIDMOUTH FOLK WEEK A pair of All-In-One Season Tickets 29 July - 5 August A unique week-long seaside celebration of music, dance and song taking place in the charming East Devon regency coastal resort – a must in every festival goer’s annual diary. There has been a folk festival in Sidmouth in the first week of August every year since 1955 attracting tens of thousands of visitors to over 700 diverse events with broad ‘something for everyone’ appeal. With an ear to the past and an eye on the future, the festival features established stars and emerging talent; major concerts and small intimate sessions; ceilidhs, folk dancing and lively roots parties; storytelling; fun family entertainment and youth-centred sessions; hands-on workshops and spectacular dance displays; the best in South West crafts and the tastiest of local food and drink. The town’s streets and venues burst with festive atmosphere and colour as holidaymakers and festival goers join together in the friendliest musicbased holiday of the summer. REBELLION 4-7 August The iconic Rebellion Festival is set to return this year at Winter Gardens in Blackpool. The largest independent punk & alternative festival in Europe, Rebellion started out in 1996 as the ‘Holidays In The Sun’ festival and this year celebrates its 20th year alongside the 40th anniversary of the initial punk explosion in 1976. With six stages under one roof, there’s no chance of Rebellion being rained off like other festivals. The festival now incorporates the Opera House, that will also be home to the literary festival, cinema and selected bands, whilst the likes of Stiff Little Fingers, The Damned, The Exploited, G.B.H. and Slaughter And The Dogs gets the pogoing started. 069

SOUNDWAVE 4-8 August The Garden Resort, Croatia Soundwave takes place in the beautiful and enchanting Garden Tisno, a mesmerising piece of paradise hidden along the Dalmatian coastline. Sound-tracked by some of the world’s finest exponents of broken beat, reggae, afro to acid jazz, hip-hop, soul, funk, drum and bass and more, the festival is a harmonious and beatific odyssey which seamlessly merges a sublime holiday and musical escape like no other. Soundwave is revered for its eclectic range of bookings and its laid back attitude, which come together in an enchanting adventure by the sea, exploring a range of music seldom heard in the Adriatic region. MARGATE SOUL WEEKENDER 5-7 August Margate Soul Festival is Kent’s signature soul music festival held in and around the picturesque Margate Harbour, with a large outdoor arena overlooking the sea at the rear of the iconic Turner Contemporary Gallery. Now celebrating it’s 10th anniversary, this year’s festival will offer a unique combination of ticketed large-scale outdoor live shows, free family friendly street performances, DJ-led carnival street parties and the most eclectic mix of club nightlife. Join music legends Snowboy, Jean Carn, The British Collective, Shirley Jones (The Jones Girls), Kathy Sledge, Soul II Soul with Jazzie B & Caron Wheeler and Ce Ce Peniston for the three day soul extravaganza. 51ST STATE 2016 6 August Following a sold-out debut last summer, London promoters Found return once again with 51st State taking place in the historic grounds of 14th century Trent Park with a lineup consisting of Kings Of House, Soul II Soul (live), Body & Soul, Roy Ayers, Barbara Tucker, Dimitri From Paris, Todd Edwards, Todd Terry, Horse Meat Disco, Jazzie B, Mic Murphy (The System), Mr Vegas, Marshall Jefferson. 070

EASTERN ELECTRICS 6 August Undoubtedly one of the biggest all-dayers in the festival calendar, Eastern Electrics Festival has grown into the premier party of the summer for electronic music lovers across the country. Returning on Saturday August 6th to it’s stunning countryside home at Hatfield House, Hertford, the EE family have pulled out all the stops with their 2016 line up. With a headline set from the one and only Seth Troxler, appearances across 9 stages from Groove Armada, Steve Lawler, Skream, Oneman, Artful Dodger (to name just a few!), expect the usual madness from the one day adventure. Tickets currently at just £35, don’t sleep on getting involved in what promises to the rave of the summer with the Eastern Electrics crew. FAIRPORT’S CROPREDY CONVENTION 2016 First prize is a pair of adult three-day tickets plus up to three child (under-12) tickets plus camping for the party for three nights. Second prize is a pair of adult Saturday-only tickeys (includes Sat night camping). 11-13 August Fairport’s Cropredy Convention is a three-day open-air music festival of folk and rock music which takes place annually on farmland near Banbury where hosts Fairport Convention will make two appearances opening the festival and closing the show as is traditional. This year they are joined by Madness, Bootleg Beatles, Steeleye Span, Hayseed Dixie and a whole heap of others at the friendly festival with great ales and no sell-out! 071

WIN TICKETS TO LAKEFEST 2016 4 x tickets 11-14 August More. Than. Music. Don’t miss your chance to win a ticket for you and three friends to THE festival of the summer…. Picture the scene… it’s a beautiful August weekend, you’re in the grounds of a Castle, the bar is stocked, and awesome music is all around you! What’s not to love? Lakefest is a family-friendly music festival, and home to four stages of music, with headliners this year including: Primal Scream, Cast, The Coral, Newton Faulkner, Starsailor and many more! With an enviably loyal following, the festival is on the move for the first time this year, crossing from Croft Farm Waterpark to the former site of the Big Chill at Eastnor Castle Deer Park, in Herefordshire. Lakefest was born unofficially on April 9th 2011 when Croft Farm Waterpark hosted its inaugural music and cider festival. The 2011 effort was essentially a giant cider festival (over 32 different ciders available and real ales aplenty) accompanied by some great music from The Wurzels, Avert Francis and The Roving Crows. Over 9000 pints of cider were enjoyed by revellers that shared a super special day in the sunshine. It was an epic experience for everyone and the so-called ‘lads’ (organisers) chose to grow things a little in 2012…and Lakefest was born! It’s been a meteoric rise but the four friends, who pour their heart and soul into this unmissable event, have vowed to stick to the friendly, slightly hippie West Country roots and continue to build a festival that is friendlier and more fun than any other. Go along and see for yourself! Prize Details: One winner will be awarded four adult ‘Weekend with Camping’ tickets, for Thursday arrival. This ticket grants you access to the festival arena and permits access to camping for the whole weekend. For more information visit 072


DOWN TO THE WOODS 13-14 August Down To The Woods is an alternative music festival, offering an exciting and eclectic line up at an affordable weekend rate. Headline acts for this year’s event, being held in the grounds of Hardwick Hall Hotel, County Durham on August 13 and 14, are Primal Scream (Saturday) and Chase & Status (Sunday). They will be joined by Radio One favourites Catfish and the Bottlemen, plus a host of established and emerging talent, including Echo & the Bunnymen, The Sunshine Underground, Peter Hook & The Light and many more. www.downtothewoodsfestival. ARCTANGENT FESTIVAL 2016 18-20 August The award winning ArcTanGent is the world’s ultimate music festival for connoisseurs of Math-rock, Post-rock, Noiserock, Alt-rock and everything in between. August 18th-20th just 10 miles south of Bristol and only 2 hours from London. You’ll get 3 nights camping, over 70 bands across 4 stages, a silent disco and some of the best food and drink money can buy. Headliners this year include Godspeed You! Black Emperor and American Football. 073

THE GREEN MAN FESTIVAL 2016 18-21 August This folk-tinged event offers live music with more than 100 acts playing indie, psychedelia, Americana and folktronica across 5 stages, while DJs play everything from psychedlia, dub-reggae, electro and stoner rock right through the night. plus film, literature and workshop. You can also expect bundles of mischief for the youngsters in Little Folk, comedy in Babbling Tongues, holistic therapy with Nature Nurture and bountiful selfindulgence with local ales and artisan nosh at its Welsh beer and cider festival in Glanusk Park, Powys. LOWLANDS 2016 19-21 August Held in the heart of The Netherlands, Lowlands is a central part of the summer calendar for thousands of music lovers each year. Lowlands takes place in Biddinghuizen, an hour drive from Amsterdam. The nearest airport is Amsterdam’s Schipol, but both Rotterdam and Eindhoven are within reasonable reach. This year sees Muse, Sigur Rós, LCD Soundsystem, Foals, Disclosure, The Last Shadow Puppets amongst many others joining the fun. 074

CREAMFIELDS 25-28 August With festival season soon upon us, we’ve joined forces with our friends at Cream to offer 1 lucky winner the chance to win a pair of 4 day standard camping tickets to the UK’s No.1 dance festival Creamfields returns to take over the Cheshire Countryside for 4 days this August Bank Holiday weekend. With a line up featuring over 200 of the world’s hottest acts including Avicii who has chosen Creamfields as his last ever UK performance before he bows out from the DJ circuit, Calvin Harris, Chase & Status (DJ Set), Tiesto, Hardwell, Axwell & Ingrosso, Alesso, Fatboy Slim, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, DJ EZ, Andy C, Knife Party, Jamie Jones, Eric Prydz, Pete Tong, Idris Elba, MK, Annie Mac and Sasha, its not difficult to see why they’ve won the Best Dance Festival award 7 times! This is one festival not to be missed this year!


ELECTRIC FIELDS 26-27 August Scotland’s most exciting new music festival, is proud to announce that THE CHARLATANS will join PRIMAL SCREAM as headliners for 2016, with over 40 more artists added to the lineup. Returning to the stunning grounds of the 17th Century Drumlanrig Castle in Dumfries & Galloway, Electric Fields expands to two full days for the first time in 2016, offering festival goers even more incredible music and time to enjoy the intimate, community feel that the festival has become known for. Electric Fields co-founder Nick Roberts said: “We’re delighted to welcome another of the biggest bands in the country, The Charlatans, to headline alongside Primal Scream at Electric Fields. They have such an incredible body of work, including one of my favourite albums of last year, Modern Nature!” 075

WIN TICKETS TO READING AND LEEDS FESTIVALS 26-28 August Rock, hip hop, alternative, indie, punk and metal with big names, breaking acts, and exclusive performances Reading and Leeds Festival has it all. This year New York hip-hop royalty Nas will be bringing his untouchable catalogue of defining anthems to Reading & Leeds in a UK Festival Exclusive. Responsible for one of the most acclaimed and influential albums of all time; Illmatic, his heavy-hitting rhymes have kept him at the top for over 25 years. His set this summer is sure to be a welcomed reminder as to why he remains a true pioneer of hip-hop. After breaking the record for consecutive appearances at Reading & Leeds last year with his ninth straight set, festival hero Frank Turner is set to make it a decade of sing-a-longs and heart-on-your-sleeve performances as he takes to the stage this summer. His catalogue of distinctively British anthems has seen the troubadour stand as a true Reading & Leeds icon. Celebrating his tenth appearance in a row, Frank will open the Main Stage with a truly unique set this summer. Revered grime kingpin Kano cemented his reputation with his comeback album Made In The Manor; a collection of his classic rhymes and British flow, which he’ll be bringing to an electric headline set on the BBC 1Xtra Stage this year. Reading & Leeds have a strong history of musical icons taking the stages by storm and this year is no exception. Pop-punk trailblazers Good Charlotte will be returning to headline the intimate Lock Up Stage with track after track of euphoric classics in another UK Festival Exclusive. Coheed And Cambria are set for a mammoth return to the festivals on the Main Stage whilst Mastodon bring their heavy tectonic rhythms to The Pit with a hugely anticipated headline performance. Bringing together genres, generations and game-changers the Reading & Leeds Festival is unmissable and we’re giving away a pair of tickets to both sites. 076


FESTIVAL NO.6 1-4 September A festival like no other, Festival No.6 is taking place in the stunning fairytale village of Portmeirion (location of 60s TV series, The Prisoner). The carefully curated and eclectic line-up includes Bastille, Django Django, Hot Chip, and Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds as well as composer-in-residence Joe Duddell with Manchester Camerata Chamber Orchestra with an exclusive David Bowie Reimagined performance, that will see very special guest vocalists on each song. With a diverse range of arts and cultural activities, the village will also come alive with talks at the Piazza, cinema screenings, secret parties, interactive theatre, a food area featuring long table feasts and much more. MOSELEY FOLK FESTIVAL 2-4 September Set in the idyllic private park in the leafy suburb of Moseley, the festival has become a stalwart of the Birmingham summer calendar with festival goers traveling from all over the world to catch some of the world’s biggest artists in this beautifully intimate setting. The festival provides plenty of marquee cover, well-stocked real ale and scrumpy (cash) bars, plus fine food and refreshments, children’s area with entertainment, hand powered fairground rides, face painting, music making workshops, and storytelling pirates, along with a new healing and workshop area nestling in the dell behind the fishermen’s hut, more sessions and live music in and around the pubs of Moseley. ONE LOVE FESTIVAL 2016 2 x Pairs 2-4 September Now in its 9th year, One Love Festival (Hainault Forest Country Park, Chigwell) has secured yet another killer lineup of the most vital names in roots, reggae and Dub. This years headliners Over 3 Days are Lee ‘Scratch” Perry, Max Romeo, The Congos, Junior Reid and Big Youth.The event promotes the peaceful message of the music championed by Bob Marley and was created in honor of his famous 1978 One Love concert. Paying homage to it’s philosophy of “One Love” and to the foundation of Reggae Music. 078

PACHA FESTIVAL 3 September Pacha Festival Amsterdam celebrates its 5th anniversary in a brand new location at the Arenapark in Amsterdam. The festival is organized by exclusive Ibiza club chain Pacha. The all-familiar shiny red cherries will bring its Balearic magic to the Dutch capital, surprising visitors once more with some of the most beautiful stage dressing that can be found in Holland’s festival landscape. Combine this with the action-packed line-up and stunning entertainment, and you have a perfect recipe for a day to remember.


FUSION FESTIVAL 5 pairs of weekend tickets 3-4 September Fusion Festival and 107.6 Capital FM Liverpool are hosting a stellar line-up of pop royalty to perform at Fusion Festival, Otterspool Promenade. Serial chart-topper Jason Derulo will headline Day One, along with Tinie Tempah, Labrinth, Craig David, Sigala, Fleur East and Krept & Konan. On Sunday an exclusive festival headline performance from Olly Murs will bring the two day event to a close. Also performing on Sunday are Busted, The Vamps, Nathan Sykes, Lawson, Ella Henderson and Jamie Lawson. Tickets £89 for the weekend. 079

BESTIVAL 2016 8-11 September The omens are good. The Future is happening. Bestival HQ are hurtling headlong into the good times, with an incredible cast of musical pioneers, forward thinking funksters and precognitive pop stars, including The Cure, Major Lazer, Hot Chip, Fatboy Slim and many more with cosmic campfires, mindful escapism and Mexican wrestling, all journeying with us into Bestival’s glamourous machine age, where everlasting gobstoppers signal eternal bliss, disembarking from Robin Hill on the Isle of Wight. BOUNDARY BRIGHTON 17 September Four stages of music, a vintage fair and delicious local food all nestled between the crest of the Downs and the City with the sea below in Brighton’s Stanmer Park. There where no acts confirmed at the time of going to press, but you can be sure you will be in for a treat. FOUND PRESENTS: MOONDANCE FESTIVAL 18 September Found presents Moondance Festival will celebrate the pioneers of dance music, showcasing the best in old skool, drum & bass, garage, house, jungle and grime with over 180 acts including Todd Terry, Joey Beltram, Ed Rush & Optical, Fabio & Grooverider and A Guy Called Gerald. 080

DOWN TO THE WOODS 13-14 August Down To The Woods is an alternative music festival, offering an exciting and eclectic line up at an affordable weekend rate. Headline acts for this year’s event, being held in the grounds of Hardwick Hall Hotel, County Durham on August 13 and 14, are Primal Scream (Saturday) and Chase & Status (Sunday). They will be joined by Radio One favourites Catfish and the Bottlemen, plus a host of established and emerging talent, including Echo & the Bunnymen, The Sunshine Underground, Peter Hook & The Light and many more. www. LOOE MUSIC FESTIVAL 23-25 September A ‘grown-up’ music festival where camping isn’t a prerequisite, where you can visit for the day or the weekend, stay in comfort and eat like a king. The little town of Looe gets hit with big music, manic entertainment and a smattering of culture for good measure. The festival pops up from nowhere to transform the beach and the streets, giving locals & visitors from all over the world a chance to mingle and enjoy the show. Everywhere is the venue and everybody’s welcome to the party. 081

HASTINGS PIER 17 September


Saturday 17th September will see the HAPPY MONDAYS perform ‘Pills ‘n’ Thrills and Bellyaches’ in it’s entirety for it’s 25th anniversary, plus a selection of greatest hits. Support on the night will come from THE ORB performing ‘Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld’ in full, also for it’s 25th anniversary; and FORMATION, one of the most exciting new indie electronica acts of the moment. Sunday 18th September will see the LEVELLERS perform ‘Levelling the Land’ for it’s 25th anniversary, plus a selection of greatest hits; with support from TURIN BRAKES who recently released their seventh album ‘Lost Property’; and the Nottingham folk-punk outfit FEROCIOUS DOG. The history of Hastings Pier is one of love and tragedy, originally opened in 1872 it’s had many lives, including an iconic period in the 1960s where the pier quickly became of the most important venues on the touring circuit, playing host to The Clash, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Nico, Siouxsie and the Banshees as well as the location of Syd Barrett’s last ever show with Pink Floyd. Following on from the May 21st opening gala show with Madness, which sold out in just 1 hour, these two concerts with HAPPY MONDAYS and LEVELLERS will be two of the major outdoor events on the Hastings Pier in 2016. 082

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