Ecclesia 04 2016

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REMARKS The joy of Easter brings what the human heart has always needed: new life! God does not merely offer an upgrade if we trade in the old model. Instead, God takes the shambles of our lives – the pain, the disappointment, the regrets, and even the mistakes – and brings restoration! This is the power of resurrection. When we began the Lenten journey on Ash Wednesday, February 10, I had no idea what I would encounter. We frequently talk of “giving up something” for Lent. Although this is done with seemingly holy intentions, “giving up something” typically becomes another self-affirming exercise in our illusion of control. Whatever we give up (e.g. chocolate, soft drinks, or even attitudes), we choose it. We make the decision. In this way, what starts off as a spiritual discipline ends up as a confidence booster. “Good for me,” we say to ourselves. “I did it for forty days!” During this Lent, I gave up being with my father. I did not choose it. My dad did not choose it. And neither did God. Our bodies, created in God’s glory for God’s purposes in this world, are subject to aging, illness, and frailty. This Lent, in an entirely new way, I am forced to encounter this reality: “from dust we came, and to dust we will return (Genesis 3:19).” In her book, Gospel Medicine, Barbara Brown Taylor writes: Sometimes I think absence is underrated. It is not nothing, after all. It is something: a heightened awareness, a sharpened appetite, a finer perception. When someone important to me is absent from me, I become clearer than ever what that person means to me. Details that got lost in our togetherness are recalled in our apartness, and their sudden clarity has the power to pry my heart right open. I see the virtues I have overlooked, the opportunities I have missed. The quirks that drove me crazy at close range become endearing at a distance… If the relationship is strong and true, the absent one has a way of becoming present – if not in body, then in mind and spirit. My dad and I shared an absolutely strong and true relationship. And now, in mind and spirit, he remains present with me. I, along with my father’s incredibly large network of family and friends, gave up being with him during Lent. In Easter glory, he has gained eternity in paradise with our Lord. Together with all of the saints, we await that day when we are resurrected in the body. God’s Easter promises are impacting me in an entirely different way than in previous years. I am trusting that God will continue His work of restoration in me, taking my prayers, memories, and heartache, and bringing about new life. This is the power of Easter at work within me, indeed in all of us! With resurrection hope, Pastor Mark


BIBLE STUDY CLASS “Practicing the Parables” Throughout the gospels we find Jesus telling stories. Quite often the question arises, ”Why parables?” Why, after all, did Jesus not speak openly about the things he needed his followers to know? Each Tuesday in April we will investigate this question in more detail. You can expect to investigate the following: - What are parables, and why did Jesus use them? - What do we value? (“The Rich Young Ruler”) - Who is my neighbor? (“The Good Samaritan”) - What is just? (“Laborers in the Vineyard”) - How do I use my gifts for God? (“Parable of Talents”) Please plan to join Tangela Cameron, our Ministry Intern, for this study each Tuesday in April from 11:00AM until noon.

SUMMER CAMP It’s Springtime: the weather is beginning to get warmer and there are buds on the trees. That means Summer is around the corner! FUMC Summer Day Camp registration will open for the church family and current ASC families on April 4. Registration for general public will start April 11. Our program runs from June 9 until August 26. Weekly tuition is $115.00 per child and $225.00 for two siblings. Applications will be available on the church website, outside the After School Care room, or email Beth for more information. Join us this summer as we take Amazing Adventures through God’s Word, learn more about serving others, and spend a great summer together!

“WITH THESE HANDS” The ladies craft group, “With these hands” will meet on Monday, April 4, and April 18, at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a sandwich, drink and come prepared to have fun. For further information, call Anne Goodman at 704-633-7948.



save the dates Go Fish! K-5th grade! Join us each Wednesday in April and May @ 6:30 pm in the NEST.

Seeking to meet new friends? Looking for other parents that can say “I know just what you mean”? Longing to slow the pace of your life and reclaim family? Join us April 10, 17 and 24th. Register by contacting Pat McKim @ 636-3121 or Cost for study guide is $10.00. Reserve your copy today. If you are not connected to a Sunday school class this is a great opportunity to meet new parents in Christ! Open to parents of children and youth.

Camp Discovery! July 3-8

Coming to First U.M.C. July 31-August 4!


PRESCHOOL FUMC Preschool cordially invites you to our 7th annual Picassos & Pastries fundraiser on April 20, at 5:30 pm. Picassos & Pastries has something for everyone! It’s part art show and sale (featuring art by our preschoolers), a bake sale, and a silent auction. If coming for Wednesday dinner please make your reservations through the church office. It’s a fun family event to benefit our preschool program.

After 26 years of dedication to FUMC Preschool, Mrs. Frances Edwards has decided to retire. She has touched the lives of many preschoolers and their families. We at FUMC Preschool will miss her and wish her much happiness and many blessings on her retirement. We are currently accepting applications for a teaching position. If interested, applications are available in the Church Office. Please return application to the attention of Kelly Austin, Preschool Chairman.

Our FUMC Preschool still has vacancies in the 2 and 4 year-old classrooms. Children must turn 2 by August 31, 2016, and 4 by the same date to be eligible. Please alert friends and family to the wonderful program we have to offer. Contact Lindsay Winek, 704-798-4902 with any questions. It is a 1/2 day program.

APRIL 14 & MAY 12



CHILDREN’S MINISTRY OUTREACH This month we celebrate our After School Care Staff. Each week during the school year these ladies provide transportation, help with homework and an atmosphere of Christian growth for Kindergarten-5th grade from our local elementary schools.

My name is Garretta Rhames. I am the mother of two wonderful sons. My sons are Christopher and Jared. We reside here in Salisbury. We are members of Bethel Baptist Church in Kannapolis. My hometown is China Grove. I am very family oriented and my extended family is very loving and supportive. In my family, I am the fourth of 5 children. I have a beloved twin sister. I am a graduate of South Rowan and Cabarrus College of Health and Science. I really enjoy working with school age children as children are our future. I am delighted to be a member of First United Methodist Afterschool and Summer Camp Teams.

My name is Donna Fredrick, and I serve as an assistant teacher in the After School Care program. I love to be engaged in all the activities with the students and watch them develop and grow. I previously worked as a reading and math tutor in the RowanSalisbury school system for ten years. My husband, George works in the Rowan-Salisbury school system as a high school history teacher. I have three daughters, one son and three grandchildren.

My name is Kaye Sheets, and I serve as a tutor in the After School Care Program. I work with students in K-5th grade. In addition to tutoring, I enjoy my time with the children which includes reading books, educational games, crafts and supervising playtime. I enjoy the interaction daily watching them play, grow and learn. I also assist in some administrative duties. I previously worked as assistant librarian/assistant teacher at Mt. Ulla Elementary School for 21 years. I am married to Larry and have two daughters and one son. I enjoy spending time with my family and pursuing my favorite hobbies which are reading, sewing, gardening and cooking.


YOUTH MINISTRY This summer, a team of youth and adults from First United Methodist Church will travel to Honduras for a week of service in orphan care with Carolina Cross Connection (CCC). Committed to sharing the love of Christ, over one hundred orphans will travel to Camp Jerusalem in Honduras as the team organizes a day-camp for them. Our team, joined with the Carolina Cross Connection staff and local Honduran translators, will come together with the orphans to play, worship, sing, dance, and study. These days are called Refugio, a Spanish word meaning, “Refuge.” In addition, they will spend significant time with special-needs orphans who need friendship and comfort. Our team needs to raise $50,000 to make this mission possible. Would you consider supporting us in this effort? The cost for each participant totals $1,800. We are currently seeking sponsors willing to assist our funding initiative. Any contribution toward our goal makes a significant impact. We hope you will consider financially or prayerfully supporting us in our endeavor. With the love and support of our wonderful church, we can change the lives of Hondurans while seeking to do God’s work to further the Kingdom. Thank you!

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE High School Seniors and College Students: Your completed applications for the Roy and Lula Goodman scholarship are due by April 15. (Late applications will not be considered.) The scholarship committee looks forward to studying your applications and assisting with your financial needs. The Roy and Lula Goodman Scholarship Committee will meet Monday, April 25, at 7:00 pm in the Christian Forum classroom.





Our DAY OF SERVING is almost upon us. It will be a morning of work and sharing our Lord by serving our neighbors here in Salisbury and around our world. Make this your day to be the hands and feet of Jesus! For the early birds we will have light refreshments in the fellowship hall beginning at 8:30 am. Each group should proceed to their appointed location for a time of prayer and thanksgiving before heading out or beginning work. We have three activities/teams with three assorted challenges: 1. STOP HUNGER NOW food packers will meet in our Fellowship Hall to assemble 10,000+ meals. No experience is necessary. Come ready to help your team weigh, measure and stuff bags. Each bag will contain enough dry food to feed 4 persons when rehydrated and heated. If this is your choice of activities, please wear comfortable shoes. 2. For those helping with the gardening project at CAPSTONE RECOVERY CENTER, your project will be in front of big red brick house at 418 W. Innes St. You should meet with your team in the parking lot behind the church to load your tools and bedding plants. Parking is limited at Capstone, so you should carpool. Be sure to bring your own work gloves and a sun hat. 3. ROWAN HELPING MINSTRIES TEAM will pick up their tools and meet at the old building on Long Street where you will be directed to their project. You will probably want to wear old clothes and work shoes. We will have a full morning of work and service as we take our faith beyond the church’s world. Thank you for taking part on this special day.

Thank you for being a part of this Mission Team 2016 Event. Taffy Jordan, Mission Team 2016 Leader Jeff and Gloria Matthews, Evangelism Team Leaders


FINANCE Announcement from the Building Fund


As members of the congregation know, the total cost of the building addition completed in 2011 was approximately $4,000,000. At the end of construction, the church owed approximately $1,000,000 on the new structure. By January of this year, we had reduced this debt to $667,000 and were making monthly payments of approximately $5,000. Late in 2015, the church approved a recommendation by the Board of Trustees to transfer $110,000 to the Building Fund from a fund being held in investments made when the church sold its second parsonage over a decade ago. In addition, generous gifts from the congregation to the Building Fund in 2015 allowed us to add $80,000 from that fund and pay down our note by $190,000. With that payment, we reduced the balance owed on the building to approximately $467,000 and reduced the monthly payments to $3,362. The building addition has made our church safer and more accessible and enhanced our mission of making and nurturing Christian Disciples in the presence and power of God. We are grateful to God from whom all blessings flow and to the faithful and generous members of First United Methodist Church who have made these facilities available for worship, education, and service through their gifts.


At Long Last Here’s The

Yearend Financial Recap Thank you for generously supporting the mission of First United Methodist Church in 2015! Thanks to your giving, our church has been supported to make and nurture Christian disciples through the presence and power of God. Despite our pledged contributions being $51k less than our goal, overall contributions were $17k higher than our budget. This was due primarily to two items: first was the $30k of interest earned from the Associated Pastor housing fund; second was non-pledged contributions which were $35k higher than anticipated. Thank you! Looking forward to 2016 we can’t count on the $30k earnings this year. We should receive some earnings, I just wouldn’t count on them being that high again. The 2016 budget utilized virtually every dollar pledged. There’s no cushion here, and another shortfall on pledged contributions would hurt. On the positive side, I believe we do have a conservative amount in the budget for non-pledged giving, so that should help. Becca Blackmon, our Business Administrator, will conduct an analysis of our pledges to help our planning for 2017. On the spending side last year we were $45k favorable. This includes spending an additional $26k on apportionments. Apportionments were not budgeted last year to be paid in full. But, we met our targeted goal and, in fact, did pay them in full. Only a couple of the spending categories were overspent. All the staff and committee chairs need to be applauded for being frugal with the congregation’s money. Spending notes for 2016 include that we have budgeted paying apportionments in full this year. So there’s no issue here. Also, we’re already running favorable on salaries. Lastly, a comment about cash. The 2016 operating budget is $1,066k. To maintain a three month contingency balance we need to carry a monthly balance of $266k. 2015 ended with a $272k balance. So we’re on target and off to a great start. So with this report I’ll turn you over to Bob Meyers our new Finance Chair. Bob has a wealth of experience, knowledge, and insight. We’re all in good hands with him at the helm! It’s been a pleasure serving as chair. If I’ve learned nothing else, I’ve learned what a giving, caring, and loving congregation we have here at First United Methodist Church. You’ve come through time and again. How blessed we are!

Steve Schoch Retired Financial Chair



The Methodists of Salisbury had been a permanent station with a resident pastor for over a decade. They now needed a larger sanctuary to accommodate their growing membership and decided to erect a new building. At ten o’clock on Saturday morning, August 22, 1857, the cornerstone for the new church was laid amid the rousing musical accompaniment of the Salisbury Brass Band. Attorney Luke Blackmer made an extemporaneous speech, and J. H. Ennis exhibited the papers, books and other articles that were being put in the cornerstone box. Among the items was a freshly-minted copper penny. Sixty years later—in 1917—when the red brick structure was razed to make way for another new church building, the same 1857 penny was placed in the second cornerstone box where it rested for another 45 years—until 1962. (THE PENNY CAN BEVIEWED AT THE HISTORY CABINETS INTHE EDUCATIONAL BUILDING.) The new church was built in eight months, and it was formally dedicated on April 25, 1858.

A PRESBYTERIAN WEDDING IN THE METHODIST CHURCH When the daughter of the Rev. Dr. Jethro Rumple was getting married, the new First Presbyterian Church was under construction. The wedding of Linda Lee Rumple to Charles G. Vardell was held at the Methodist Church on October 27, 1891. This is the only known photograph of the interior of the 1857 church before it was renovated in 1896. — COURTESY OF THE ROWAN MUSEUM, INC.


This photograph, published in the Salisbury Evening Post on August 25, 1942, was provided by Miss Hattie Crawford. This image was scanned from the original article which the late Lorene Hartline had clipped and pasted in her scrapbook. — COURTESY OF FRANCES LEWIS HARTLINE BOWYER


The United Methodist Church’s top legislative body will meet at the Oregon Convention Center, the largest convention center in the Pacific Northwest, on May 10-20, 2016. General Conference is the top policy-making body of The United Methodist Church which meets once every four years. The conference can revise church law, as well as adopt resolutions on current moral, social, public policy and economic issues. It also approves plans and budgets for church-wide programs.



2-3:30 P.M. 12

First United Methodist Church will host a gathering on Sunday, May 1, 2:00 – 3:30 pm, in the Chapel for “holy conversation” and prayer for General Conference 2016. See Pastor Mark for more information. To read more about General Conference, visit



7:00 AM Easter Sunrise Service 8:30 AM Easter Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School - Easter Egg Hunt 11:00 AM Easter Worship Service 5:30 PM Club 45 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

10:30 AM UMW Board Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting




27 28 29 30 31 1 2 9:30 AM ASC Day Camp/Bus & Van 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting

9:30 AM ASC Day Camp/Bus & Van 2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements

9:30 AM ASC Day Camp/Bus & Van 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

9:30 AM ASC Day Camp/Bus & Van 12:00 PM Deadline for Eccelsia Articles 7:00 PM AA

7:00 PM AA

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM UMW 5K 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

9:00 AM Eve Circle Meeting 10:00 AM “With these hands...” 10:00 AM Naomi Circle Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 11:00 AM Bible Study 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM SPRC

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Midweek at First Meal 6:30 PM Adult Seminar 6:30 PM Go Fish! 6:30 PM Midweek Meditation 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Midweek at First Meal 6:30 PM Adult Seminar 6:30 PM Go Fish! 6:30 PM Midweek Meditation 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 6:30 PM M.O.M.S. 6:30 PM RHM Supper 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

9:00 AM Preschool Picasso & Pastries 2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Midweek at First Meal 6:30 PM Adult Seminar 6:30 PM Go Fish! 6:30 PM Midweek Meditation 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

2:00 PM Deadline for Bulletin Announcements 5:00 PM Choristers 5:30 PM Midweek at First Meal 6:30 PM Adult Seminar 6:30 PM Go Fish! 6:30 PM Midweek Meditation 7:30 PM Chancel Choir

7:00 AM Men’s Prayer Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 8:00 PM Alanon

7:00 AM RHM Breakfast 7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM FirstARTS Concert

7:00 PM AA

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:30 PM Club 45 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 11:00 AM Bible Study 12:00 PM Celebration of New Life Luncheon 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Trustees Meeting

7:00 PM AA 7:00 PM Mission Bridge Club

9:00 AM Day of Serving 7:00 PM AA

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

10:00 AM “With these hands” 6:00 PM CDC/ACS Board Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 11:00 AM Bible Study 2:00 PM Chrismon Class 6:00 PM Autism Society Meeting

7:00 PM AA

Adam and Eve – new bus 7:00 PM AA

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:30 AM Worship Service 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Worship Service 5:30 PM Club 45 5:30 PM Salisbury Youth

12:00 PM UMW Board Meeting 5:30 PM Alpha Delta Kappa Meeting 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meeting 7:00 PM Scholarship Committee

10:00 AM Staff Meeting 11:00 AM Bible Study 2:00 PM Chrismon Class

11:00 AM Spring Fest Silent Auction 5:00 PM Wedding Rehersal 7:00 PM AA

5:30 PM Smith/Grubb Wedding 7:00 PM AA



Jean Watts Deneen Jones ________________________________

Steven Heard 11 Benjamin Mastro


Mary Roakes Tamara Murphy 2________________________________ 12 Sallie Kate Meyerhoeffer ________________________________ Meyers 3 Patricia Bruce Kolkebeck 13 ________________________________ Michael Rocco ________________________________ Tim Howard 14 ________________________________ Marlene Spencer 4 Jeff Whittington Coleman Emerson 15 Leia Burton Christopher Foote ________________________________ Elizabeth West ________________________________ Angie Basinger 5________________________________ Carol Perry 16 ________________________________ Robert Pharr 6 Leah Brooke Wyrick Sara Banish 17 William Parks Watson Gregory Smith ________________________________ Jeffrey Whittington, Jr. ________________________________ Michael Faggart 7 Angela Pipes Stella Rae Smeltzer ________________________________ 18 _______ Cordts 8 Larry Donald Champion 19 Benjamin Baker Melissa Conrad Chloe McGee Jerri Katelyn Howard Matthew Gouge ________________________________


Peggy Feezor William Noell, III James Pannabecker Andrew Basinger ________________________________


Mark Conforti


20 ________________________________ Jay Duke 21 Tonda Coutu ________________________________ William Osborne 22 Evelyn Dymond

Elizabeth Edgworth Spencer Basinger

Rita Reynolds 23 Ryan Disseler

________________________________ Patricia Proctor 24 Jennifer Kribbs Michael Leonard ________________________________

Sherry Dillard 25 Riley Peltz

________________________________ Richard Eldridge 26 Dona Peacock Lisa Vaughn ________________________________

Henry Buck, Jr. 27 Elizabeth Kimball Ronald Gobble Susan Shumaker ________________________________

Corydon Johnson 28 ________________________________ Marie Leonard-Hampton 29 Barry Stokes Anne Wilson ________________________________


Harry Cooke Sam Nash John Nicholson

CELEBRATION & JOY Lucy Ann Webb was born on March 4, 2016, to the proud parents of Elizabeth Kraft Webb and Justin Webb of Durham, NC. The joyful grandparents are Lisa and Skip Kraft and Cathy and H.F. Webb.


CHURCH STAFF The Reverend Doctor Mark Conforti.............................. Senior Pastor Mrs. Becca Blackmon............................................................... Business Administrator Mr. Matthew Brown.................................................................. Director of Music and Organist Mr. Murl Leazer............................................................................ Building Superintendent Mrs. Christine Maloney........................................................... Administrative Assistant Mrs. Pat McKim........................................................................... Director of Children’s Ministry Mrs. Betty Slife............................................................................. Lead Teacher of After School Program Mrs. Lindsay Wineka................................................................. Director of Preschool Mrs. Vicki Wood.......................................................................... Director of Child Development Center Ms. Beth Yelvington.................................................................. Lead Teacher of Summer Camp Program

CELEBRATION OF NEW LIFE LUNCHEON The METHODIST CONNECTION (Adult Fellowship) will host a CELEBRATION OF NEW LIFE Luncheon in the Church Fellowship Hall on Tuesday, April 12, 12:00 noon. Danny Hunt will prepare a festive meal featuring Apricot Chicken. Consulting Rosearian and Gardner Sara Hill will offer some tips to help get our spring flower garden started. The cost is $8.00 and RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED BY 6:00 PM SUNDAY, APRIL 10. Call Shirley Jones at 704/636-9926. Please bring pencils for the Isenberg School Children.


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