Zang! Mystery of Chinese Rice Dumplings Unwrapped!

Page 1








p? ra w to ? w 包 Ho 怎麼 tep n o // ys s



b ion pe t o ep St truc a pr s n i ding . l fo gzi n zo

e ac ef Pr 前言 wel- nd // zai u a e


yo th ns ng Zo mes ces ctio co rodu nt se . k int fere boo dif this of

of in i 源 g i 來 z Or ong 的 triZ 粽子 of pa and // tale uan pling


Y m e Th c Qu e du i ot ric l. e th tiva fes

s nt sic edie 料 a B gr 材 t In 基本 o ge // ded t ed on very


e r rt Ne sta you . u yo king ngzi a m t zo s fir

3 -1 1 -1 棕 7 - 19 粿 -1 棕 惹 客家 5 棕 果棕 ip c 娘 槳 1 / Re 食譜 ng // ang / 棕 - 芭揶 心水 // ya za uih z / 壽司 // 參 g // 冰 / n k n ng No kka ang k za ly za z l a Ha shi m it je e Su si L l fru Na ysta Cr


1 1

Hai! I’m Zongzai! Let me open your eyes to my fragrant and delicious world of zongzi, or rice dumplings. The mystery of zongzi will finally be unwrapped now!

foreword The Chinese culture is rich with exciting mythologies and

traditions and the history of zongzi is no exception. Discover the tale of Qu Yuan, the loyal politician and how he brought about the tradition of the rice dumplings festival.

from Zongzai

Next, let’s start making zongzi! Firstly, we’ll need some basic understanding of the different ingredients that goes into your zongzi. After that, I am going to show you, step-by-step on how to wrap the perfect zongzi! Before long, you will finally be able to start making your different kinds of zongzi! From the traditional to the crazy, I will give you the different kinds of zongzi recipe that will surely surprise your family and friends. Whether you’re a zongzi-lover or a culinary hobbyist, this simple-to-understand book of Zang! is a must-have for your cookbook shelf. Let’s start our zongzi journey now!

1 // Foreword

棕 仔 的 前 言

嗨!我是棕仔!我將會 陪你走入粽子的世界, 解開粽子之迷! 粽子是華人在端午節必吃的 美食。中華文化真是精彩極 了!粽子的來源還有着一個令 人心酸感動的故事。我將會依 依把愛國屈原与端午節故事 講給你聽。 然後,我們就開始做粽子吧! 首先一定要了解粽子的材料。 買了材料,我將會一步一步地 教你如何把粽子包好。接下 來,當然是介紹不同粽子的做 法了!各種各樣的粽子食譜包 你滿意。 無論你是愛吃棕子,還是烹飪 愛好者,這本書一定能讓你大 開眼見。跟我來吧! 2 // Preface

The Tale of Qu Yuan


The Origin of

The ZANG. 3 // Origin of Zang



是公元300年千在楚國的愛國 詩人。看在自己的國家快被敵 軍打垮,在宮里的貪官又做事 不理,屈原實在看不下去, 只好 投下汨羅河結束生命。

Qu Yuan

was a statesman and poet that lived in the 3rd c BC in the Chu State. Being an uprighteous and loyal man, he could not bear to see his country being destroyed by corrupted officials whilst he was powerless do anything.

Thus he decided to end his life by drowning himself in the Miluo River. 4 // Origin of Zang

When fishermen saw him committing suicide, they raced to save him in their boats, beating drums to scare away the water dragons and creatures that might feed on his body. However, they failed to find him in the river.

在河邊的漁民看見了,馬上叫 人一起去搶救。他們一邊划船, 一邊打鑼鼓,想把在水里的龍 和魚嚇跑,不讓它們傷害到屈 原的屍體。

In order to prevent the fishes from eating his body, they threw in

5 // Origin of Zang

rice wrapped in bamboo leaves and tied with colorful strings as a decoy.

後來還是找不到屈 原,漁民們為了避 免水里的魚來吃屈 原的屍體,就把米 飯用葉子和彩帶包 成粽子,仍進河里。 就這樣,端午節龍 舟和包粽子的傳 統開始了。

Henceforth, the tradition of Dragonboat and Rice Dumpling Festival started. 6 // Origin of Zang



D oe s pi nd the le ece ling th D ave s o th oug o o st no s in f ba se ht o e tra p- t fe tim mb flim f w ted by- ar! ida oo sy pr rap gu ste Wi te an act pin ide p il th t you l ex ice g ( to us- his ? p ) pe , y lu zo s o n rt in u w a b gzi no ill it tim be of e!


7 // How to wrap?

包 ?

嗎 子 地 ? 法 。看 教 沒 便 你 問 起 得 如 題 來 簡 ! 何 很 單 這 包 複 多 篇 一 雜 了 說 粒 的 ! 明 完 棕 會 美 子 一 的 包





3 e. 1/ n e co th a 。 at ms 狀 角 es for 三 av it le t 成 e ha 折 th t rl ch 3間 u Cu s 1/ 2. nt i 的 子 葉 po

d ne ea es cl av er of le th o oo es o ec b sm 。滑 pi am e b 葉 th 2 d 竹 ke ile re . 的 Ta o su up 過 1. d b ng es i ,燙 an ak fac 理 m ide 清 s 片 。 兩 上 拿 向 面

le ho o no e t is n e co n. er e o th f th ter ! re o la 口 su m e 洞 e tto ag 有 ak o ak 下 M e b le 底 3. t th ent 讓 a rev 要 p 不

r ye la e a ric ith d rw an ve es g, o o av lin t t ,小 le il o 里 e rf ln 子 th u fu 葉 ll yo e Fi e, ar 入 放 。 4. ric . C 料 滿 of ain it. 餡 太 ag uff 和 得 st 米 放 糯 要 把 不 心

to e ac sp gh . ou es 。 en eav 去 be e l 進 ld th ou of 折 sh s 端 e ide er s 兩 Th n 2 的 5. ld i 子 fo

8 // How to wrap?

3 e. 1/ n e co th a 。 at ms 狀 角 es for 三 av it le t 成 e ha 折 th t rl ch 3間 u Cu s 1/ 2. nt i 的 子 葉 po

d ne ea es cl av er of o le oth o es o ec b sm 。滑 pi am e b 葉 th 2 d 竹 ke ile re . 的 Ta o su up 過 1. d b ing es ,燙 an ak fac 理 m e d 清 si 片 。 兩 上 拿 向 面

le ho o no e t is n e co n. er e o th f th ter ! re o la 口 su m e 洞 e tto ag 有 ak o ak 下 M e b le 底 3. t th ent 讓 a rev 要 p 不

r ye la e a ric ith d rw an ve es g, o o av lin t t ,小 le il o 里 e rf ln 子 th u fu 葉 ll yo e Fi e, ar 入 放 。 4. ric . C 料 滿 of ain it. 餡 太 ag uff 和 得 st 米 放 糯 要 把 不 心

to e ac sp gh . ou es 。 en eav 去 be e l 進 ld th ou of 折 sh s 端 e ide er s 兩 Th n 2 的 5. ld i 子 fo

葉 把

8 // How to wrap?


es av le e h ng t ni p u 子 ai m rm 粽 re fi 定 e to . th in pe ,固 起 ld ga ha 折 Fo a s 子 9. wn id 葉 do yram 的 p 出 。 多 狀 把 形 的

s es pr d an e 。 sid g 來 lon 下 e 拉 th n. 子 in w g do 葉 in it 的 Br ep 長 ke to 面

d un a ro ie d go d t an g, an ht , rin e ig st ic t 緊 e tw nd 邦 th g a 它 d lin ce 把 ol p ni 後 成! . H um ot e! 11 e d kn on ,然 完 圈 子 th ad e d 兩 。棕 de u’r 打 結 yo 子 死 繩 个 用 一 打

ed ! pp ed ra ti w be ! a o 了 ve y t 來 ha ad 起 u re 邦 yo ng 去 拿 ow pli 以 .N m 可 10 du 子 up 粽 的 你

es av le ng di 。 ru 去 ot 進 pr d. 折 e n 子 th r e 葉 in he 的 ld ot 邊 Fo an 一 8. m 外 fro 另 把 再




9 // Basic ingredients

餡料 FILLINGS Dumpling fillings could vary widely according to one’s preference and taste and could be both savoury or sweet. The most common ones are nonya meat fillings, salted duck eggs, chinese mushrooms, roasted chestnuts etc. But of course some zongzi contain no filling at all and could be eaten plain or with sugar.


BAMBOO LEAVES Long bamboo leaves are used for wrapping zongzi because they give off a distinctive fragrance. They are usually available in the dried goods section of a wet market or at any sundry shop.


STRINGS Raffia string is commonly used for tying zangs. It comes in rolled bundles and could be bought almost anywhere from stationery shops to to your friendly provision stores.

Soften the dried leaves by soaking them in hot water and then cleanse gently before use.


GLUTINOUS RICE Glutinous rice are sometimes known as sticky rice because of its texture. When raw, they are milky white and more opaque and shorter than normal rice. Could be bought at most supermarkets. Remember to wash the raw rice and soak them in water for ideally 4 hrs before wrapping your zongzi! 10 // Basic ingredients

Fragr a ness. nt meat du A trad m itiona pling with l loca l favo a hint of s weeturite!

13 // Recipes

棕 惹 娘 onya Zang! N

餡 料

1 公斤 300 克

糯米 3層肉

40 克


20 克


100 克


50 克


30 克

蒜頭 香蘭葉 芫荽粉 胡椒

糯米的預備法: 餡料做法:

把糯米浸泡水里4小時,把水瀝乾。撒下一些鹽和油,然後攪勻。 娘惹棕的特點是餡料都切得很碎,所以首先把蒜頭,蔥子,香菇和3層肉切碎。把蝦米泡水 浸軟以後搗碎。燒熱油,把蒜頭和蔥子爆香,然後加蝦米,冬菇碎和3層肉碎一起炒至半 熟。加入鹽,胡椒,味精和黑醬油。炒拌均勻。最後再加入甜冬瓜絲炒香就行了。

味精 黑醬油 粽子做法:

把2片葉子卷成圓錐形,倒入2湯匙米,2湯匙餡料,再倒入2湯匙米, 用2片香蘭葉蓋在表 面,包好紮緊。


用中火蒸2.5小時即可。 1 kg 300g

glutinous rice pork belly


dried shrimp


shitake mushrooms


candied winter melon






pandan leaves


20 min, spoon 1/2 coconut milk over and mix well, steam for another 20 min, spoon remaining coconut milk, mix well and steam for further 20 min till rice is cooked.

coriander powder pepper

Line a steamer with muslin cloth or banana leaves, steam rice over high heat for


Heat oil in wok. Fry spice paste till oil floats on surface, add siced onions and meat, add sat and sugar to taste, cook till mixture is dry.

MSG dark soy sauce


Fold 2 pieces of bamboo leaves into cone shape, fill 2 tbsp prepared glutinous rice into cone, add 2 tbsp filling and some ikan bilis, cover with 2 tbsp rice. Wrap up the dumpling and secure with raffia string. Steam over medium heat for 40 min.

14 // Recipes

Th no e Ha us kk ric as e f in lou ve r, nte giv d ing this it u za niq ng ue usi ch ng ew glu y t tiex tur e.

15 // Recipes


Hakka K 餡 料

300 克


30 克


280 毫升

50 克




200 克

絞肉(雞// / 豬肉) 香菇-浸軟,切丁

4 湯匙






1 湯匙


1/4 茶匙


1 茶匙

1 湯匙


30g 280ml 50ml

rice flour water salt pepper

4 tbsp 5 2 cloves

softened dried shitake mushrooms chopped dried shrimps shallots - chopped

燒熱油,爆香蔥子和蒜頭。加入蝦米,冬菇餃肉和調味料, 用栗粉水勾献。


取約50克粉團壓平,包入1.5湯匙餡料做成圓形。把竹葉表面刷油,做成圓錐形,包入粉團, 做成粽子。 用中小火蒸30分鐘便可。


Combine glutinous rice flour, rice flour, salt, pepper in a bowl, add water gradually and knead to form a smooth and pliable dough.


Heat oil in wok, add shallot and garlic, fry till gragrant. Add in dried shrimps and mushrooms, then minced pork and seasoning, thicken with cornflour.


Take a piece of dough (50g), flatten, wrap in 1.5 tbsp filling and seal well. Brush surface of bamboo leaves with oil, fold into cone shape, put in dumplings and wrap well, secure with string. Put into steamer and steam over medium low heat for 30 min.

garlic - chopped

1 tbsp

dark soy sauce 5-spice powder

1 tbsp


minced pork/chicken

1/4 tsp 1 tsp


cooking oil

1/2 tsp

6 pieces


glutinous rice flour

a dash 200g





uih Zang

sugar cornflour dissolved in 100ml water

16 // Recipes

Rice d too w umpling s hen disg can loo uise d as k pretty a a su shi. nd delic ate

17 // Recipes

壽司棕 Sushi Zang

餡 料


500 克

1/2 茶匙 2 茶匙

雞精粉 熱水

300 毫升 4粒

蔥仔 - 切碎

4 茶匙

250 克

蛋皮魚卷 蝦卵

30 克




1/2 tsp 2 tsp 300ml 4 4 tbsp 250g 30g

撒下一半的水,繼續蒸20分鐘,再撒下剩下的水攪勻,蒸多20分鐘或至熟。燒熱油,爆香蔥 子,加入糯米飯內混合。



在有小孔的蒸鍋內鋪上一層細紗布或香蕉葉。把糯米,鹽和雞精粉混合, 用大火蒸20分鐘,




把魚卷放入滾水中煮5分鐘。 鋪一層糯米飯在玻璃紙上,把魚卷排放中間。 用玻璃紙卷起,做成長三角形, 再切成1。5”大小。

glutinous rice


salt chicken granules hot water shallots cooking oil egg and fish roll


shrimp roe

Line a wet muslin cloth or banana leaves on a perforated steamer. Mix soaked rice with salt and chicken granules, spread over steamer and steam over high heat for 20 min, stir well and spoon over 1/2 of the water, steam for another 20 min, spoon oer rest of

zi-su leaves

the water, continue steaming for another 20 min till rice is cooked. Heat oil, fry chopped

plastic paper

shallots till fragrant and add to steamed rice, mix well.



Drop fish roll in boiling water and boil for 5 min.

Spread a layer of rice on plastic paper, arrange egg and fish roll in center. Roll up rice in between plastic paper, carefully shape into triangle roll and slice into 1.5” length. Wrap with a piece of leaf and decorate top with shrimp roe, serve with Japanese soy sauce. 18 // Recipes

dish aporean ! g in S a f IOK no tive fusio ang is simply SH a e r c is Th al z tradition with the

19 // Recipes


揶 漿 i Le


餡 料

1 公斤


2 茶匙

200 毫升


120 克



洋蔥 - 切絲

10 粒






20 只



300 克 2粒



在鋪了細紗布或香蕉葉的蒸鍋內,把瀝乾水份的糯米用大火蒸20分鐘,撒下1/2的揶 槳拌勻,再蒸20分鐘,再把剩下的揶漿撒下拌勻,繼續蒸20分鐘或至熟。

辣椒乾 - 去籽

2 湯匙

1 茶匙

5 湯匙

油 香蘭葉 - 切成2.5”長




把2片葉子卷成圓錐形,倒入2湯匙米,2湯匙餡料,江魚仔,再倒入2湯匙米, 用2片香蘭葉 蓋在表面,包好紮緊。


用中火蒸40分鐘即可。 1 kg 2 tsp 200ml

glutinous rice salt concentrated coconut milk


minced meat


fried ikan bilis

2 big

finely sliced onions



2 cloves


1” cube

shrimp paste

20 2 tbsp 1 tsp 5 tbsp

dried chilies - soaked, seeded sugar


pandan leaves - 2.5” pieces bamboo leaves raffia string

20 min, spoon 1/2 coconut milk over and mix well, steam for another 20 min, spoon remaining coconut milk, mix well and steam for further 20 min till rice is cooked.


salt cooking oil

Line a steamer with muslin cloth or banana leaves, steam rice over high heat for


Heat oil in wok. Fry spice paste till oil floats on surface, add siced onions and meat, add sat and sugar to taste, cook till mixture is dry. Fold 2 pieces of bamboo leaves into cone shape, fill 2 tbsp prepared glutinous rice into cone, add 2 tbsp filling and some ikan bilis, cover with 2 tbsp rice. Wrap up the dumpling and secure with raffia string. Steam over medium heat for 40 min. 20 // Recipes

A re f rice reshing dum d pling essert feas zang to co t!


21 // Recipes

te yo


棕 果 水 心 冰 Fruit Zang! Crystal

餡 料

10 克


1/3 茶匙


200 克

850 毫升

水 新鮮草莓奇 異果


黑葡萄 竹葉 繩子

餡料做法: 粽子做法:

把850毫升水倒入鍋內煮滾,把蒟篛粉和糖渾合,倒入滾 水內迅速攪勻約5分鐘,加入檸檬酸混合。熄火。攪至濃稠 狀。 洗淨,抹干水果,把奇異果切片。 把葉子的一端卷成圓錐形,用牙簽固定,置放玻璃杯內。把 遮喱料倒入填3/4滿,摆入水果,再用遮喱填滿,同杯一起 置冰箱讓遮喱粽子凝固,包好,用繩子扎緊。


放冰箱,冷食。 10g 1/3 tsp 200g

konnyaku powder citric acid sugar water


fresh strawberries

Boil water in saucepan, mix konnyaku powder and sugar together, pour into boiling water, stir for 3 min, add in citric acid and mix well, remove from fire and stir till cooled.

kiwi fruit black grapes


Wash and wipe dry fruits, slice kiwi into wedges.

bamboo leaves raffia string


Fold one end of bamboo leaf into cone, secure into shape with a toothpick, stand eachcone in a glass, fill cone with cooled konnyaku mixture, drop in fruit, top up cone with more konnyaku mixture. Leave to set in fridge, (dumpling and glass) wrap up and secure with string. Chill in fridge, serve cold.

22 // Recipes

References Jamie Jong (2007) Rice dumplings comes in various shapes and different taste. Selangor, One Publisher.

Yan Liao (2006) Food and festivals of China. The History and Culture of China. Philadelphia, Mason Crest Publishers.

Nina Simonds, Leslie Swartz & The Children’s Museum, Boston (2002) Moonbeams, dumplings & dragon boats. Orlando, Gulliver Books Harcourt Inc.

Peng Yuyun (2005) The flavours of rice dumplings (videorecording). Singapore, Xin ge mei ti.

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