Sb fall 2017

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Stony Brook University FUA Florence University of the Arts


Florence Italy Fall 2017

Stony Brook University Pro gram December 4 , Fall 2017

F o rewo rd This semester’s project goal is to encourage students to reflect on their personal growth and learning path during their study abroad experience at FUA. I have no doubt that you will have gained a deeper appreciation of your talents, your passions, and – why not – even your fears, as I am equally sure that you have relished the thrill that comes from overcoming a challenge all on your own, or gaining new friends in the process. It is my sincerest hope that you have enjoyed the unique pleasure of sharing a life-changing experience with another person, and that you are an emotionally richer person because of it. Each of you has expressed something about their experience in Florence in their reflections, and although everyone has had their own personal passage through Florence, I hope you will all continue to seek a life of inspiration, pursuit, and fulfilment. I would like to thank all of the students from the Stony Brook program for their contribution to this project and for all that their experience has brought to FUA. Although the Fall 2017 session has come to a close, you are all forever part of the FUA community, and I hope that your path through life brings you back to us one day. I wish you all the best for a bright and fruitful future. Grazie e in bocca al lupo!

Alice C in i Resident Director Stony Brook University Florence Program

Over the past few months, I’ve had the pleasure of studying alongside, as well as assisting, the Stony Brook University students. I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone from their curiosities, to humor or even their insights. Not only have I had the opportunity to watch them grow but these students played a large role in my growth as well. I will forever be thankful for the friendships and memories we have made with each other. Thank you for encouraging me to live my best possible life. For FUA, thank you for letting me fall in love with your city. In just 3 short months, I can truly say I’m a different person from being here. Thank you to the dedicated faculty and staff who are always willing to help whether it’s with food recommendations or teaching us Italian customs and traditions. If it weren’t for you all, I’d never be able to consider myself the Florentine I am today. Alla Prossima!

Marga ret H ar to f ilis Stony Brook University Student Representative

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Lauren Abbondondolo Finance & International Business University at Buffalo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? I am very into photography so I will occasionally walk around and explore the city taking pictures. I’ve found so many hidden gems throughout the city including various beautiful views. These explorations are very meaningful to me because no matter how many times I walk through Florence there is so much more to discover about the city I love.

When did you become a Florentine? I walked into a café to get espresso and the barista started to speak to me in Italian, I then proceeded to order in Italian. I walked out and realized within the entire interaction

there was no English spoken at all. Not only was I able to fully understand and respond fluently in Italian, the barista thought I was an Italian which made me feel like I had been completely assimilated into the culture.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

“Buona giornata” because it is always said with a smile..

M y f avo r i t e c l a s s wa s f i l m photography with Marco Gualtieri, I was able to practice a hobby I love in one of the most beautiful and historical cities in the world. The antiqueness Florence encompasses is even more prominent through film photos. I had an amazing time in this class and sincerely enjoyed developing all of my own pictures.

A few of my favorite places in Florence are Piazza Santa Croce, Piazza della Repubblica and Piazzale Michelangelo. ​What

is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Wascar Almonte Video Production Fredonia What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence has been the art and landscape the city offers; it is breathtaking. Something I have learned about myself has been adapting to live in a room with more than one person. Some spots that have particular meaning for me are Piazzale Michelangelo and the Boboli Gardens because the view from those two high spots allow you to see the entire city.

When did you become a Florentine? A time when I felt like a Florentine would have to be during my second week in Florence. One day I went to the supermarket and people would recognize me as a local rather than a foreigner.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My favorite class at FUA was Fashion Marketing because I learned how fashion brands run their stores to stay in business and also how certain techniques need to be taken into consideration if you want to be successful in the industry of fashion.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Pitti Palace, Piazza della Repubblica, Piazzale Michelangelo, along the Arno River, and Ponte Vecchio.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? For some reason I like “Non capisco” and “Rocambolesco.”

Allison Altschiller Communications Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? What I’ve learned in Florence is what we really have in life are interpersonal connections and our experiences. This has changed my world outlook, and showed me that friendships are everywhere. Florence as a whole has meaning to me. As I walked around, I found myself reflecting on the fact that I learned a new city on my own.

When did you become a Florentine? I feel I became a Florentine when I was able to walk into a bar for my morning espresso and communicate entirely in Italian. I even asked the cashier how his day was! This was a huge accomplishment considering when I came to Italy, I had never spoken a word of Italian.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? I absolutely love the bridges. I also try to go out and watch the sunset over the Arno River whenever I can.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Grazie mille!

My favorite class is Italian with Francesca Peruzzi! I love her energy and enthusiasm for the course matter and she makes class fun and easy to understand.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Hannah Atkinson Psychology and Political Science SUNY Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? That I should do more of what I love—go out, do things, and don’t wait around for other people. I think I’ve also discovered what a small bubble I live in back home—how great and big the world is and places never quite fit the idea you have in your head! I never knew how different Italian culture was throughout Italy as I always pictured it as uniform in my mind.

When did you become a Florentine? I don’t think I identify as a Florentine yet—perhaps if I spent over a year here, I would be

able to claim that title. However, I have felt welcomed here by the community despite my outward American appearance. In between classes on Mondays, my friends and I always made a trip to Panini Tuscana by the Duomo—everyone who works there knows us by name and always gives us free tastings! Their faces light up when they see us there.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? I loved my culture class with Marta! I found it enjoyable, learning about the history of Italy and why everything is the way that it is. I also loved my

From Farm to Table class as we went on lots of tastings—I could eat Florence’s food forever.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? I love the Uffizi Gallery, simply because the collection of art there is stunning. A gelato place down the street from my apartment also has found a special place in my heart—it sells some of the best gelato I’ve had in Florence. Their cheesecake flavor is to die for.

Chloe Barteau Marketing Binghamton University What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My greatest discovery in Florence has been the culture. Throughout my time here, I have visited so many places and had the opportunity to truly immerse myself in the Italian culture. It seems every day I learn something new and I enjoy discovering about Florence and Florentine values.

When did you become a Florentine?

My favorite class/instructor at FUA was my Cultural Perspectives class and professor, Marta. The Italian culture is something that I greatly appreciate and enjoy learning, so I find it very interesting to learn of the culture in a classroom and be able to compare these learnings to my real-life experiences.

The first time I felt less of an American and more of a Florentine was when an Italian woman asked me for directions. It was somewhat encouraging knowing that I appeared to be knowledgeable enough for an Italian to ask me directions.

It is difficult to choose only a few of my favorite places in Florence. I feel as though many places are not comparable, they are equally great in their own ways. However, to name a few,

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

they would be: the Arno River, Santa Maria Novella, Santo Spirito and La Carraia.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Two of my favorite phrases are “ciao bella” and “allora.” “Ciao bella” is just a friendly phrase that I know will be a great reminder of my time in Italy. I have noticed that most Italians say “allora” very often and again, it is a reminder of my time here and the language/ culture of Italy.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Hayley Bobyak Business Marketing Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? M y g re a te st d i s cove r y i n F l o re n c e wa s t h e B a rd i n i G a rd e n s . T h e g a rd e n s a re located south of the Arno; it has a patio that overlooks the entire city of Florence (a better view than Piazzale Michelangelo). It was here where the realization of living in Florence for 107 days hit me. The city feels massive and overwhelming but then seeing it from the vantage point made me feel more at peace and happy with my new home. ​

When did you become a Florentine? I became a Florentine when I stopped using a map to get around. This may have taken 3 weeks, but I finally figured out how to get around the city on my own! Instead of looking down at my phone, I’ve been able to look at shops and people when I walk. Recognizing these people and places makes me feel at home and maybe, just maybe, I don’t stand out like a sore thumb.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? M y f a vo r i t e p r o f e s s o r a t FUA is Marta, she taught my Cultural Perspectives class. Marta was able to teach us these cultural differences in a fun and interactive way. I appreciate how she encouraged discussions between classmates about our everyday experiences in Florence. Also, the many jokes and laughter filled lessons definitely made the class enjoyable.

Bari Buchberg Accounting and Management Information Systems Binghamton University What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

I have learned that I am much stronger, braver, and capable than I could have ever imagined. Throwing yourself into a whole other country and culture is hard. I have much more confidence in myself than ever before because of this experience.

My favorite class was Cultural Perspectives with Marta! She is the best, is very funny and made the class super relatable. There is no better time to learn about the Italian culture than when you are living in Italy! She kept the class upbeat and entertaining, and gave us assignments that helped us adapt during our time in Italy.

“Allora” because it’s sweet and fun to say!

When did you become a Florentine? The first time I felt like a real Florentine was when an older Italian woman stopped me on the street and tried to ask for directions. Even though there was a language barrier, I was able to help her by pointing in the proper direction and showing her where we were on the map and where she wanted to go.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? My favorite place in Florence is Piazzale Michelangelo. It’s such an amazing sight to see, and it’s fun pointing out all the places we know from up there!

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy



Hannah Buckstine Sociology New Paltz Walking through Florence is What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

My favorite spots in Florence are all of the places that I’ve found while wandering aimlessly throughout the city in an attempt to escape the hordes of tourists that usually fill the main piazzas. While wandering, I came across unmarked cafés on hidden side streets, and parks with winding trails lined with olive trees. These places seem authentically Florentine, and I love knowing that there will always be something new to discover.

When did you become a Florentine?

I first felt like a Florentine when the owner of the café across the street from my apartment started recognizing me. I had gone there a few mornings in a row to get an espresso, and the next time I went in, he smiled at me and knew what I was about to order. I now feel like a local whenever I go for my morning coffee.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My favorite class at FUA is called “Everything Chocolate: From Therapy to Pleasure.” Not only did we get to learn about chocolate, but we also had frequent chocolate tastings and cooking labs. It was unlike any class I’ve ever taken back

home, and I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to take it in Italy.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

One of my favorite places in Florence is the Boboli Gardens. There is an amazing view of the city at the top, and a lot of space to lie in the grass and read a book.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

My favorite Italian word is “Allora.” You can use it in any situation, even if you have nothing to say.

Emily Corwin Psychology and Sociology Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence so far has been Il Mercato Centrale, which my friends and I discovered one night after dinner. The market is an incredible place to spend time with friends, grab a bite to eat or a freshly filled cannoli and feel like you’re having an authentic, non-touristy experience in Florence. It’s a place that made me feel like I was truly experiencing Florence and began to feel a part of the community.

When did you become a Florentine? I think I began to feel like a Florentine when I knew my way around the city without looking

at a map. Also, once I had experienced all the tourist spots I began discovering my own favorite places in the city to interact with more frequently.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class at FUA is Cultural Introduction to the Italian Family. It was my favorite class because there were only 8 of us in the class so it became a tight-knit community within FUA where we all began to feel comfortable speaking to one-another and the whole class. Additionally, it was really interesting to learn about the Italian family from a sociological perspective with a great instructor who is from Florence himself.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Some of my favorite places I’ve been to in Florence are Piazzale Michelangelo for sunset and at night when all the city lights come on, the restaurant Vecchia Bettola, Pino’s Sandwiches, the terrace overlooking the Arno River in the student life building of FUA, and Il Mercato Centrale.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? “Ciao Ragazzi” because it was one of the first phrases I learned in Italian.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Matthew Crawford Psychology/Philosophy double major Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence was the discovery of my coffee bar. I went there almost everyday before class. They know me by name and they make my order when I come in, and most importantly, they’re incredibly kind. I realize that I place the highest values in people that are compassionate. I knew that no matter how my day went, I could go to that coffee bar and have a pleasant experience.

When did you become a Florentine? One cultural psychological theory has to do with accommodation, and how locals try to make you feel welcome. The moment I felt like a ‘Florentine’ was when shopkeepers replied to me in Italian. Those moments also made me feel most at home; there’s a sense of acceptance. By that, I’d say that I became a Florentine with every linguistic exchange.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class was Eastern Philosophy, because it allowed me to take a different perspective with how I view philosophy. It challenged a lot of what Western philosophy has had to say for hundreds of years, and because it does that, I value it. It’s vital, not just in philosophy but in anything, to question everything about a science. It just so happens that philosophy is the science of truth.

Colleen De Bernardis English Potsdam What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

When did you become a Florentine?

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

I believe that the greatest thing I have discovered in Florence is the art history imbedded in the city. There is literally no street you turn on that does not have a building that is at least a few hundred years old, and it is incredible to know that I am surrounded by this historical architecture everyday. I felt like a Florentine when I was able to confidently go into a store and ask for something to eat, or where something was. Being able to communicate, even in a limited way, with Florentines made me feel like I was at home rather than in a foreign country.

My favorite class is my culture class taught by Marta. I think that understanding a foreign culture is interesting in itself, but my teacher Marta brings such a fantastic energy to the class. She makes the class excited about discovering more about Florence.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

My favorite phrase in Italian is “allora” because it’s used so often. It’s a fun little word that everyone says.

My favorite places I have been in Florence are both the Boboli Gardens and Piazzale Michelangelo. Both places show a fantastic perspective of the city. While walking through the gardens, I feel like I’m thrown back in time, and taking in the view from the piazzale is stunning.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Victoria Dowers Public Relations SUNY Plattsburgh What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery within myself was that I can be anything I want. I have courage and take risks and I need to make more moves. People I’ve met in Italy are on the same page as me and are aiming toward the same goals. One spot that has particular meaning was my apartment at Borgo Stella. I have always wanted to travel but didn’t think I would live outside the U.S. but I’m highly considering moving abroad. This feels comfortable enough to be home. The whole city is comfortable to me.

When did you become a Florentine? I became a Florentine when I was rushing to class and had to maneuver through waves of tourists at New York speed. Every time a Google map says my walking time is 20 minutes, I can cut 3-6 minutes off that walk. I feel like a Florentine going to class but still with New York ways.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? I enjoyed all of my classes and professors. They’re all awesome equally but with different qualities and charms that make me appreciate them. It’s great

because I got a diverse set of skills and personalities but with common academic similarities.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to Florence? The Manifattura Ginori, a luxury Florentine ceramic shop, and the hill of Bellosguardo.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? The word piccolo, which means small, just sounds so funny to me

Deena Finegold Psychology Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence occurred while I was running alongside the Arno. The further I went away from the heart of the city, the area became more residential with dog parks and trattorias surrounded by greenery. As I kept running towards the mountains, the space around me felt tranquil and untouched. Cliché enough, but I truly felt under the Tuscan sun and every time I ventured off there, I was reminded of the beauty of Florence.

When did you become a Florentine? The moment I felt myself transition from a tourist to a

Florentine was the first authentic Italian restaurant I went to. Coming to Italy, I expected the food to be incredible but my first real Italian meal exceeded my expectations. Everyone loves pasta, but eating such homemade food was one of the best moments I had in Italy.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class at FUA was Developing Mind Potential: Mindfulness Practices. I found myself utilizing the information we learned in class in my everyday life because I could establish life-long practices that I can evolve throughout the rest of my life. This class taught me to live in the moment and helped me to especially

form that habit while living in Florence.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Some of my favorite places in Florence I have been are Pino’s, the best sandwich shop around, and Osteria Pastella, an incredible pasta restaurant. Additionally, I enjoy Parco delle Cascine.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite Italian word is “allora” as it was one of the words my Italian teacher said all the time and you hear it constantly from locals!

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Adele Haraughty Communications Oneonta What​ ​was​​ your​ ​greatest​ ​discovery​ ​in​ Florence?​ ​​ I’ve had many great discoveries in Florence. My favorite thing is being able to walk from place to place seeing beautiful buildings and people each direction I turn. I think Piazzale Michelangelo is a great spot to go and overlook this beautiful city especially at sunset. Florence has helped me learn how to be independent, self-reliant and grow as an individual in many ways.

When ​​did​ ​you​ ​become​ ​a ​​Florentine? I don’t know if I would necessarily say that I’ve become a “Florentine” yet. Florence has felt like home more than once though. I go to a local coffee shop to do homework and the owner knows me, greeting me so kindly every time and making me feel extremely welcomed.

​What​ was​ ​your​ ​favorite​ ​class​ ​or​ ​instructor​ ​ at​ ​FUA​ ​and​ ​why?​ My favorite class was my Public Relations Experiential Learning class. Sandra Nannini is an extremely engaging instructor. We participated in cool events

through FUA like Fly which is a monthly fashion event and Corridoio which are monthly photography shows. We wrote the press releases for these events as well as a post-event article for the DIVA website and Blending Newsletter.

What​ ​are​ ​some​ of​ ​your​ favorite​ ​places​ ​ you’ve​ ​been​ ​to​ ​in​ ​Florence?​ ​​ My favorite places I’ve been to are the Duomo because it’s an extremely gorgeous building and La Carraia which has the best gelato I’ve ever tasted.

Margaret Hartofilis English Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? One of my greatest discoveries was the art that resides within the city. Whether it is Brunelleschi’s Dome or a portrait of William Shakespeare in a scuba diving outfit plastered onto a city wall, the people of Florence never fail to express their originality. Even something as simple as a street sign is beautified here. Another great discovery of mine was learning the history of Florence. It has endured many hardships yet its inhabitants were never deterred but instead persevered and I admire this resilience.

When did you become a Florentine? I felt like a Florentine the moment my friends came to visit. I acted as a tour guide to them and was able to tell them all of the city’s history. This made me feel proud of Florence just as a Florentine would feel.

ago. Then I got the pleasure to walk the same streets as these remarkable authors such as Mark Twain and Percy Bysshe Shelley. Dr Ferrini is very knowledgeable and passionate about this time period which is evident in her teaching.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

My favorite class at FUA was Literature of the Grand Tour of Italy taught by my favorite professor, Dr. Simonetta Ferrini. In this class, I get the opportunity to read works from writers who took The Grand Tour around Italy. I read all about what Florence and other places such as Rome and Venice were like hundreds of years

“Chi dorme non piglia pesci” which translates to people that sleep, don’t catch fish.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Kaitlyn Herrmann Business Management Stony Brook University What​ ​was​ ​your​ ​greatest​ ​discovery​ ​in​ ​ Florence?​ ​ My greatest discovery was finding strength and courage in myself that I didn’t even know I had. Even deciding to study here was my greatest feat of bravery to date. Embracing the foreign and unknown takes a great leap of faith, and can test you in ways you wouldn’t expect. Studying abroad truly changes your perspective on life, and gives you the confidence to conquer any challenge you’re presented with. After embarking on a trip like this, you learn to trust in

yourself and the fact that you can do anything.

​When​ ​did​ ​you​ ​become​ ​a​ ​Florentine? I think for me it was the small victories that made me feel like a Florentine: finding my way back to my apartment without using a map, shop owners assuming that I spoke Italian, helping tourists with directions and successfully navigating a restaurant menu without using Google Translate. It’s these little things that made me feel like I really understood this city and knew it well enough to call it home.

What​ ​was​ ​your​ ​favorite​ ​class​ ​or​ ​instructor​ ​ at​ ​FUA​ ​and​ ​why? My favorite class was Cultural Perspectives with Marta Russo. She had such a zeal for teaching, and it radiated through her lectures. She made me so eager to learn about the history of Italy and the Italian people, and I loved that we ended each class with an Italian language lesson. I also enjoyed the city walks that were incorporated into the class, because we were able to learn and appreciate the city, both inside and outside the classroom.

Sabrina Hiller Visual Arts SUNY New Paltz What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence is that your experience in a new community is what you make of it. Florence is filled with incredible history, amazing food, and so much more, but I didn’t benefit from Florence until I took advantage of what it had to offer. From the street markets outside of Santo Spirito to the little gelateria on Via dei Benci; these are the places I’ll never forget.

When did you become a Florentine? I became a Florentine when I became a regular at my favorite panini shop. It’s on the other side of town, where I live, but my regular sandwich is worth

the walk, especially when the owner remembers my order every time.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class at FUA was Advanced Drawing. Every week for class I went to Piazza della Signoria to draw the statues in the open air museum. It was incredible to spend hours studying original statues made by Florentine masters, and I would’ve never thought this practice would help me this much as an artist. Florence is the best place to learn about art and technique and this class truly used our location to its advantage.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Some of my favorite places in Florence are Piazzale Michelangelo and Loggia dei Lanzi in Piazza della Signoria.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite Italian word is “Ciao!”; it’s the easiest hi and bye and definitely fun to say.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Kyra Illuzzi Biology Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

I really love the Bardini and Boboli Gardens. It is like a little escape away from the business of Florence. I liked how you could see the landscape of Florence from above and it isn’t very crowded. Another great discovery was just getting lost and discovering a new fountain or sculpture at every turn.

I really loved all of my professors, but Jamie Lynch is like no other professor I have ever had. He kept us updated about current events in Italy and gave us some background information we wouldn’t otherwise know. Since he has only lived in Italy for less than 10 years, he can relate to us in a different way. He asked us for our opinion and welcomed debate and other ideas.

My favorite place is a cafe I went to that was on a rooftop that overlooked the duomo. I also love walking on the bridges, and visiting the Bolboli and Bardini Gardens.

When did you become a Florentine? One time I went shopping alone and the cashier assumed I was Italian and I was able to go through the whole encounter without using English.

at FUA and why?

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

My favorite Italian phrase is “Ti voglio bene” (I love you) because it feels more special than in English.

Jennifer Kelly Criminal Justice Farmingdale State College What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence was Panini Toscani. It’s located on the circle of the duomo and it is extremely delicious. My experience abroad allowed me to grow as an individual. It taught me to be comfortable with venturing off and to find joy in my own company. A spot that I found really relaxing and beautiful is actually the balcony at Corso Tintori, that overlooks the Arno River. It’s truly a breathtaking little spot.

When did you become a Florentine? I find this question quite comical because I don’t think I would consider myself a

Florentine. I think my choice of outfits is very frowned upon still by the traditional Italians. I wear basic flip-flops and I get stares from people I walk by. Little do they know it’s actually because I broke my pinky toe and it hurts too much to put in a completely enclosed shoe!

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class at FUA would be either Cultural Perspectives with Marta or Elementary Italian with Marco. I am very grateful for my Elementary Italian class because it taught me the basic terms to be able to communicate with people in public. I am also grateful for Cultural Perspectives which helped me better

understand my surroundings and the background of the city, nonetheless country. Both of these professors are very happy spirits and a pleasure to have.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Some of my favorite places in Florence have been Piazzale Michelangelo, the balcony at Corso Tintori and a casual walk past the duomo is always nice.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite word in Italian is “allora”, I love the way it sounds and I love its ability to change meanings in different context.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Lauren King Education Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence would have to be the view from the top of the Bardini Gardens. So far, during my experience in Florence, I have definitely learned a lot about myself and grown as a person in a positive way.

When did you become a Florentine? I feel that I became a Florentine when I started frequenting the same panini shop near one of my university buildings and the people that worked there started to recognize me. This

made me feel at home and a part of the community because I no longer felt like a tourist in another country, having a local recognize me and later remember my name.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class at FUA would have to be my “From Farm to Table” class. This class was very interesting and I enjoyed the field learning experience where we got to witness the things we were learning in class for ourselves.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? My favorite places that I’ve been to in Florence are Piazzale Michelangelo, the Boboli Gardens, and my favorite panini place that is located near the Duomo.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? La dolce vita: The sweet life

Shannon Kostoff Fashion Merchandising Oneonta What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My experience in Florence was nothing short of amazing. Studying abroad is something I would recommend to everyone. I have learned that you should not be afraid to try new things. I’ve also learned that I need to be more independent and sometimes it’s good to go off by myself and enjoy on my own.

When did you become a Florentine? The moment I became a Florentine was when I was sitting on the steps of Piazza Sant’Ambrogio, located at the end of my street. I passed that area every day and always see Florentines sitting on the steps, just enjoying the environment. My roommates and I finally decided this past weekend to sit

and enjoy the night on the steps which made me feel apart of the community.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? ​ y favorite class was M Everything Chocolate: From Pleasure to Therapy. Not only did I learn about the history of how chocolate is made, but in class we got to do tastings of different chocolate, bake chocolate desserts, and go on walks to different chocolate stores. We even got the opportunity to try the best hot chocolate in Florence! I also really enjoy my professor who teaches the class.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? ​h e B o b o l i g a r d e n s a n d T Piazzale Michelangelo are two of my favorite places in Florence. Both places have amazing views of the city and are a good spot to just sit, relax, and enjoy your day. I also like the area surrounding Piazza della Repubblica because of the fashion stores and designer shops. Being a fashion major, I’m happy to just walk past the stores and window shop.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? ​ne of my favorite Italian O phrases is oh Dio, which means oh God!

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Ana Karina Liberata Psychology and Africana and Latino studies Oneonta What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

The spot that is most significant to me are the Giardino di Boboli. It used to be owned by the Medici family and has a beautiful labyrinth of nature. Being a nature lover I really enjoyed this place. It is tranquil and full of statues and beautiful water fountains that exude true Florentine artistry. Here I realized that I want to live here and incorporate nature into my career.

When did you become a Florentine? I became a I started to shopping at Il It is full of

Florentine when do my grocery Mercato Centrale. authentic Italian

spices and fresh fruits and vegetables. When I started to speak Italian to the food stand owners to order my food, I felt like a true Florentine. When I got home and cooked pasta with all of the authentic spices, I definitely felt solidified in being a member of the Florentine community.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My favourite class at FUA was my Yoga and Meditation class. I’m glad that it benefited me not only physically but also mentally and spiritually. I also challenged myself with poses I once thought I would never be able to achieve.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

My favorite places in Florence are Il Mercato Centrale, Piazza della Repubblica, Ponte Vecchio, Ponte alla Carraia, and the Giardino di Boboli.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

My favourite Italian word is “Cinque”. It just means five in Italian and it may not mean much to other people but I love the way it is pronounced. .

Emanuel Lopez Biology Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

My greatest discovery in Florence was not in the main tourist attractions but in the outskirts in a supermarket where the customers were only Italian. Piazzale Michelangelo has a strong meaning to me because it made me reflect on what I have home versus what I currently have during this experience in Italy.

When did you become a Florentine?

When I started eating in restaurants outside the city center I felt more Florentine. People spoke little to no English and this forced me to speak Italian and solve my way around.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My favorite class was my piano class. Being that my instructor wasn’t fluent in English, my piano lesson became somewhat of an Italian language lesson as well.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

Piazzale Michelangelo, the Boboli Gardens, Santa Croce and definitely walking by the Arno River.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase?

Chi cerca, trova. Who searches, finds.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Gabriella Martone Sport Management Cortland What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery has been the Boboli Gardens. There, I have been able to reflect on my travels over this semester and truly enjoy the beautiful view of Florence. I think it’s been important that I’ve taken the time to reflect because time has been flying by and I’ve been able to appreciate every moment that I’ve been abroad.

When did you become a Florentine? Living on the south side of the Arno River has made me feel like a Florentine. Here, I am forced to speak Italian as much as possible. It has helped me feel

connected to my neighborhood and locals that live here.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class is my Italian class that I took with my favorite instructor, Marco Di Manno. He really helped me learn Italian as best I could and explained everything very well.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? My favorite places I’ve been in are the Duomo, Piazzale Michelangelo, Ponte Vecchio, the Boboli Gardens, café’s, Gusta Pizza, Pino’s, and Osteria Santo Spirito.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite phrase is buon appetito. It’s something my grandpa always used to say and it reminds me of him whenever I hear it.

Giselle Matos Psychology and English University at Albany What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence has been the Mercato Centrale. It is an indoor farmer’s market that is opened all weekdays. It is an inexpensive option to fresh food.

When did you become a Florentine? I felt at home in Florence when I entered Il Coccolo, a bakery with a home-kitchen feel and very friendly workers. I tried an Italian dessert, coccolo, for the first time. When I pass down

that street, I say “Ciao” to the workers.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? Marta Russo is my favorite instructor at FUA. After a long day of classes, her energy makes me excited for class. She knew everyone’s names by the second day and she is very uplifting.

by the Arno River. At FUA Corso Tintori, there’s a patio with a great view of the river.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite “allora.”


What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? My favorite place in Florence is

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy




Jessica Nelson Business Management Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? During my time abroad, I’ve learned to be more independent. I surprised myself with how I’ve been able to adapt to many factors that I wasn’t used to back home in New York− having five other roommates, managing my social life back home and abroad, and other factors that require immense time management. I feel like I’ve grown up and grown as a person through my trials and tribulations abroad. A spot in Florence that has helped me realize

this and self-reflect would be at Piazzale Michelangelo. I’m a huge sunset/sunrise person & reflecting during that time at the Piazzale has helped me realize my growth through my time here.

When did you become a Florentine? I felt as if I had become a Florentine when my sister and her husband visited. I became a “tour guide” for them, informing them of the vast history of Florence and bringing them to many beautiful, hidden spots around the city. This moment is when I truly felt at home in Florence and a part of the local community.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class/instructor at FUA is my Tuscan Cuisine cooking class with Vittoria Vismara. She’s extremely passionate about Italian food and the right way to cook it; with all natural ingredients. She refuses to waste any food and she believes that eating should be an activity of enjoyment (something that I believe in too). I’ve learned so much in her class, not only about food, but also about the Italian way of life.

Jesse Noppe-Brandon Comparative Thought New Paltz What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery since coming to Florence was that traveling to a completely new place, is not only something I can manage, but something I can thrive at. There was no specific moment that defined it, more just a reflection after weeks of living here. If I had to pick a spot it would be the duomo, because at first it felt crazy to see, but now it just feels like part of my life.

When did you become a Florentine?

I would say the first time I really felt at home in Florence, was during my second weekend. My roommates and I had spent the

weekend in Milan, and by the end of the weekend I wanted nothing other than to leave and come back. When we first got back to Florence, walking down the streets to our apartment, it felt like we were back home.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

I really like my entrepreneurial marketing experiential leaning class, because I find it very different than the business classes my friends talk about back home. The teacher is very hands on and engaged, and then working with an actual company is immediate application of that knowledge. It’s a very effective way to learn.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? I loved Fort Belvedere, because you get out of the center of the city, but you’re still close enough that you can perfectly see the view of the whole city.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Non lo so.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Jean Perry Psychology Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? I have found so much in Florence; including friendships, relaxing parks, panini/gelato shops, and architectural masterpieces like the Duomo. I have learned a lot within my classes but I have also learned a lot about myself and my own independence.

When did you become a Florentine? I believe the first time I felt like a true Florentine was the second time I went to the grocery store. By this point I could navigate the city better

without constantly having to use google maps and the nerves of being in a new country had subsided a bit and I was feeling more relaxed and at home.

courses are also very nice and I enjoy learning healthy Italian meals in the cooking labs.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

I love Piazzale Michelangelo and I am still mesmerized by how beautiful the Duomo is. Also, Cascine Park is one of my favorites because it is so quiet and peaceful and one of the few places you can be surrounded by trees and grass in the city. It also reminds me of home.

My two favorite classes are “Lifetime Nutrition, Wellness, and Physical Activity” and “Introduction to Nutrition”. This is because these are the two classes that made me pick FUA. I am a health and wellness minor so these topics are what I am really interested in and what I want to focus on in my career. The professors for these

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence?

Darrel Persaud Computer Art and Mass Communications Oneonta What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence has definitely been the culture, language and the art. I love the Italian language. To me it is one of the most beautiful languages in the world. Being here in Florence also allows me to fully immerse myself in the culture and art by going to museums and trying all of the different cuisines.

When did you become a Florentine? I feel I am still in the process of becoming a Florentine. A time in which I felt at home in Florence is definitely whenever I take an Italian cooking class and get to apply what I have learned when I cook at home. It feels good to learn about Italian food and then cook it with my own unique and tasty twist.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Every single gelato spot, of course! I also love Ponte Vecchio because it is where I can see my favorite view.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Ciao because it serves as hello and goodbye!

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class would have to be with Umberto Gori. He was my guide during travel week and with his knowledge, with and humor, he made the experience memorable and enjoyable.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Teodoro Salgado Applied Mathematics Statistics Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? The most important thing that I have learned about myself in Florence so far is that I am self sustaining and independent of my parents. This moment came during the first few days here when I was terribly hungry and could not rely on my mom’s cooking when I got home. I had to go grocery shopping on my own, which was a daunting experience due to my inexperience. Learning to cook was the final step to detaching from my parents and I have learned that I am finally ready.

When did you become a Florentine? I cannot say that there was a moment when I became a Florentine, I feel as though I have always been one. I have not gotten home sick at all nor do I feel out of place here. I have felt welcome and at home since day one. An activity that has made me feel more apart of the local community is going to aperitivos.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My favorite class has been Intro to Digital Photography, which also happened to be taught by

my favorite professor so far at FUA, David Weiss. The reason I liked the class was because we were forced to go outside and examine our surroundings more in depth as part of our assignments. This way, I went to different streets and explored the city in a different way that I otherwise would have. I liked David because he cared that everyone in the class would get something useful out of the lecture. He was funny and easygoing but would tie everything together very well.

Jacob Rosenberg Biology Major SUNY Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My favorite spot I have found in Florence is at the top of La Rinascente. There is a little restaurant and bar with the best views of Florence. You are so close to the Duomo, you could touch it! Up there it is quiet and away from the busy city center of Florence.

When did you become a Florentine? I think that the moment I became a Florentine was the day I could get around town without using Google maps. Early on I would get so lost, even when following my GPS. However, with practice and some wrong turns, I got my bearings down quickly and can get to most places from

memory. Just look for the Duomo and you’ll easily find your way around Florence.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class has definitely been Intro to Wine Culture. In class, we learn all about wine, its history and its importance to Italians in their daily life. The best part is the wine tasting in each class! Before coming here, I had no knowledge of wine, but now I have a lot of knowledge that I will take back to home.

because it’s away from traffic of the city center.


What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Allora! I love the way it rolls off the tongue and how you can use it in any situation.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? The Boboli Gardens have to be my favorite spot in Florence. They are on the other side of the river which makes it peaceful

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Brianna Toback Psychology SUNY Geneseo What was your greatest discovery in Florence? Without studying abroad in Florence, I would have not been able to learn its different culture and lifestyle. This experience has allowed me to open my mind to different opportunities and to take chances. I took a big risk coming to a foreign country and immersing myself in a totally new culture. I don’t regret it at all. This experience has made me feel more independent and have a greater appreciation for life.

When did you become a Florentine? In between class one day I went to a panini shop where the owners spoke little English and their meat and cheese were made locally. Their paninis were so good that I ended going there every Monday in between class. It was nice because I was able to walk in and be greeted by the same people and they knew who I was. It really helped me feel like a part of the local community.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class is Cultural Pe r s p e c t i ve s : Awa re n e ss , Exposure and Engagement with Marta Russo. Marta really does a good job at getting you to engage in the Italian culture. I have learned so much about Florence, such as the local Florentines, what to do while here, and seeing Florence during city walks. I have also learned some Italian words that have been useful when out in Florence to use in daily conversation.

Gregory Thomas Smith Bio Chemistry Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence?

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why?

My greatest discovery in Florence was reconciling the two career paths I was torn between pursing human rights law or medicine. Gaining a different perspective on healthcare along with witnessing different health conditions across Europe assisted in catalyzing certainty in medicine.

My favorite class was Intensive Italian. The instructors of this class displayed genuine compassion for the students. These instructors gave insight into Italian culture, the language, and about living in Florence in general. Moreover, they took learning outside of the classroom and allowed us to practice while exploring Florence.

When did you become a Florentine?

I truly felt like a part of the Florence community after experiencing the outskirts of Milan. After this long weekend, I only sought one thing in particular: to be back in my bed in Florence.

fort has a breathtaking view of the city and is now a cherished memory.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? My favorite Italian word has to be “allora,” while my favorite phrase is “In bocca al lupo,” otherwise known as good luck.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? One of my favorite places in Florence would be Fort Belvedere. This was the first “adventure” I went on while exploring the city. This archaic

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy


Katherine Wei Psychology Stony Brook University What was your greatest discovery in Florence? My greatest discovery in Florence was the people, and the library. I feel so at home connecting to the people’s emotions, which made me realize we are all the same. The culture is I think, better than that of the states, which is very systematic and lacking empathy and humanism. Florence, however, is filled with empathy and humanism. I think meeting my friend Simone really defined it for me. He is a local, and we met we easily talked about our different lives we lived. It felt very comfortable because

we connected on so many points, and I realized I can be understood in another country.

When did you become a Florentine? I became a Florentine when I went food shopping at Coop. There, I feel very at home and I even feel like I’m in the movie Ratatouille. The food is amazing, and I’m so embedded in the culture, as true freedom is the ability to choose and self sufficiency. I’m so glad I picked this program.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? My favorite class is my art class.

I think art is quite liberating, and I’m so sad the United States does not feel the same way. It definitely unlocked my creative side, and I feel like myself again.

What are some of your favorite places you’ve been to in Florence? Ponte Vecchio, at night, taking a midnight walk with a potential of falling in love.

What is your favorite Italian word or phrase? Allora. It is a word that just rolls off the tongue that has many different meanings.

Jolie Widawsky Dietetics, Pre-PA Oneonta What was your greatest discovery in Florence? ​y greatest discovery was M La Carraia gelato shoppe! My friends and I go there almost everyday to try new flavors and we eat our gelato on the beautiful Ponte Vecchio. I love coming here, seeing locals and tourists melt together in the center of this incredible city! Everyday before our night class, my roommate and I stare into the water and reflect on how lucky we are to be in this amazing city where we are living, studying, exploring, and experiencing all Italy has to offer.

When did you become a Florentine? I​ always feel at home in this city. When I travel on the weekend I always love coming home to my beautiful apartment in the city center. Life here is so booming and exciting! Though I am not a Florentine, I do adore living amongst the locals and getting familiar with the city. It’s nice that this place feels like home and I definitely would love to come back to live here when I am older, and become a real Florentine.

What was your favorite class or instructor at FUA and why? I​ genuinely cannot pick a favorite class because I love them all. Being in the health field at home is challenging and while I love taking classes that will help me get to the career I want, being at FUA and taking art classes has been an incredible opportunity. Some of the classes I am in here are a chocolate culture class, Mediterranean health and fitness class, and a class on the Italian food industry. The hands on experiences I have had here have been unlike anything my home school could offer.

Fall 2017 Florence, Italy

CREDITS Stony Brook University Resident Director Fall 2017: Alice Cini Production Coordinator: Margaret Hartofilis Stony Brook University Fall 2017 Class:

Lauren Abbondondolo Wascar Almonte Allison Altschiller Chloe Barteau Hayley Bobyak Bari Buchberg Hannah Buckstine Emily Corwin Matthew Crawford Colleen De Bernardis Victoria Dowers Deena Finegold Adele Haraughty Margaret Hartofilis Kaitlyn Herrmann Sabrina Hiller Kyra Illuzzi

Jennifer Kelly Lauren King Shannon Kostoff Ana Karina Liberata Emanuel Lopez Gabriella Martone Giselle Matos Jessica Nelson Jesse Noppe-Brandon Jean Perry Darrel Persaud Jacob Rosenberg Teodoro Salgado Gregory Thomas Smith Brianna Toback Katherine Wei Jolie Widawsky

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