Which Way?

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Which Way?



Gesua ldo

Che cosa è l’improvvisazione? Qual è l’essenza intima della musica? Perché il silenzio è alla base della musica? E ancora: l’arte è un’esperienza, un’espressione o una forma di comunicazione? Sono molte le domande che si possono fare attorno ad un atto come quello di ascoltare musica. Ed è proprio ascoltando musica, jazz in particolare, che nasce la mostra di Federico Di Gesualdo: è un’analisi in parallelo, un dialogo serrato fra lo “scienziato” appassionato di musica, ed il “musicista” che non può trattenersi dall’esprimersi attraverso i suoi disegni.

Ne deriva una prova energica, densa eppure alla portata di tutti. Questo è una mostra da visitare

d’un fiato o uno spunto di riflessione per chi ama semplicemente il jazz suonato e ascoltato, il cui percorso è destinato ad un percezione multilivello anche per non addetti ai lavori, anche solo per chi abbia la curiosità di avvicinarsi ad uno stile musicale poco studiato nel suo profondo, come quello della musica improvvisata.

Gianni Rossiello Faculty Coordinator What is improvisation? What is the intimate essence of music? Why is silence the basis of music? And again: is art an experience, or is it an expression? A form of communication? There are many questions that are generated by the act of listening to music. And it is precisely from listening to music, especially jazz, that Federico Di Gesualdo’s experience is born: it is a parallel analysis, a close dialogue between the “scientist” who loves music and the “musician” who cannot refrain from expressing himself through his drawings.The result is an energetic test, dense yet accessible by everyone. This is an exhibition to visit in one go or as a moment of reflection and food for thought for those who simply love jazz. It is a path intended as a multifaceted perception even for amateurs or those who are simply curious to approach a lesser-known and studied musical style such as improvisation.

Which Way?



Gesua ldo

June 10 \ July 7, 2015 Ganzo Via Dei Macci 85/r

Nuova Mostra a Ganzo Curata da Maya S eib er t “Which Way?” è uno stato mentale dell’artista, un movimento della sua anima, del suo intelletto e della sua complessa personalità ed esprime il concetto cardine dell’opera di Di Gesualdo: l’improvvisazione. Il suo lavoro ci avvicina sorprendentemente alla sue passioni e alla sua capacità di esprimersi attraverso il tocco della mano. Di Gesualdo ritiene che “l’improvvisazione sia la più alta forma di espressione artistica”, ma che per improvvisare, in qualunque disciplina, occorra avere una profonda conoscenza storica e tecnica della disciplina stessa. Le sue opere sono prevalentemente a inchiostro e tempera, tecniche “veloci” che consentono di rappresentare al meglio le possibilità di una “creazione pittorica istantanea” che lega, nella sua interpretazione, arte, jazz, storia afroamericana e letteratura. “Which Way?” è una mostra multimediale: le opere sono infatti accompagnate da video clip e musica per creare un’esperienza sensoriale totale che sintetizza la filosofia della “ trasversalità ” propugnata da Di Gesualdo. Ispirato da artisti e intellettuali come Miles Davis, John Coltrane, Jean-Michel Basquiat e Jack Kerouac, Di Gesualdo si addentra in un percorso di colori, note ed emozioni creando opere dense di movimento, musicali, in cui si avverte profonda la sinergia tra le discipline nel segno dell’improvvisazione.

New Exhibition at Ganzo Curated by Maya S eibert “Which Way?” is a multi-media exhibition, incorporating Di Gesualdo’s art with video clips and music to create an overwhelming sensory experience. “Which Way?” depicts both Di Gesualdo’s inspirations and his personality-innovative, wild, indecisive, and utterly and completely improvised. Di Gesualdo believes that “improvisation is the highest form of artistic expression,” and understands that in order to improvise one must have a deep knowledge of both the history and technique of that discipline. The artist draws inspiration from world famous jazz artists such as Miles Davis, John Coltrane, and Thelonious Monk. Like a jazz musician, he improvises based on his mood and emotions to create works of art that are lively and entirely original, just like the music that inspired them. His predominantly ink and watercolor works incorporate his fascination with the connection between art, jazz music, black history, and literature. The understanding of such disciplines not only demonstrates the connectivity between them all, but it also allows for his own interpretation or improvisation of such expressions that have become the baseline for all of his works. As the curator of his upcoming show ““Which Which Way?” Way? ” I was intrigued by his dynamic personality and with the breadth of information from which he draws inspiration. In his first ever art exhibition, Federico Di Gesualdo’s work proves to be just as erratic, passionate, and enigmatic as the artist himself. A Florence native, Di Gesualdo obtained a medical biotechnology degree as well as a PhD in experimental oncology from the University of Florence. However, Di Gesualdo has had a clear passion for art, music, and African American culture since he was a child. He grew up drawing, playing the violin, and developed a deep affection for jazz and boxing. Come visit “Which Way?” at Ganzo and experience the palpable energy and improvisation of Di Gesualdo’s work. work


W h i c h Wa y ? ( I )

50x70 cm, 2015

“Any time I start to paint, the only question that crosses my mind is: Which way?”

John Colt ra ne i n N e w Yo r k 33x48 cm , 2009. (Private Collection) “The music of John Coltrane is for me an immense source of inspiration. No one is like John Coltrane.”


Which Way?

Three Improvisations

42x70 cm , 2015

“… we gotta go and never stop going ‘till we get there.” “Where we going, man?” “I don’t know but we gotta go.” (Jack Kerouac, On the Road). Road ).



Gesua ldo


Wind Cries Mar y

50x50 cm, 2015. (Private Collection)

“You have to go on and be crazy. Craziness is like heaven.” (Jimi Hendrix)


Which Way?

T h e l o n i o u s M o n k à L a To u l o u s e

33x33 cm , 2015

“I woke up and said: what if Toulouse had sketched Monk?”



Gesua ldo


W hen t he Sa i nts Go to Hel l

28x62 cm , 2015

“What’s in store for me in the direction I don’t take?” (Jack Kerouac)

St ud io Pe r I mprov v i s a z ione N.1 (S . D.G) 24x68 cm “A tribute to the great master S.D.G. With love, F.”


Which Way?

Tw o Tr a n e 24x33 cm , 2015 “I’ve found you’ve got to look back at the old things and see them in a new light” (John Coltrane)



Gesua ldo


No s t a l g i a (A r t Tat u m)

33x48 cm, 2015

“Art Tatum is not the best piano player of all time. He’s the two best piano players of all time.”


Which Way?

Destruct and Destroy

35x50 cm , 2015

“Nothing can intimidate me. I just go out and destruct and destroy.� (Marvelous Marvin Hagler)



Gesua ldo


C h a me le on

33x48cm, 2015

“Change. Explore. Live.”


Which Way?

W h i c h Wa y ? ( I I )

33x48cm, 2015

“How inspiring is the music of Dollar Brand? What a great artist... what a poet...”



Gesua ldo


R a ge (C olt r a ne)

33x48cm, 2015

“Like for the FALSE dichotomy of science and art, there is no real opposition between rationality and emotion. They are both important in the creative process. It is like the Yin and the Yang. There is no black without white and viceversa.”

T h e B y r o n A l l e n Tr i o

33x48cm, 2015

“For me, Byron Allen plays red, yellow and black.”


Which Way?

A r t i s t ( J e a n - M i c h a e l B a s q u a i t)

33x48cm, 2015

“I am not a black artist. I am an artist.” (Jean Michel Basquiat)



Gesua ldo


Fou r for Tr a ne

50x70cm, 2015

“Coltrane, you can’t play everything at once!” (Miles Davis to John Coltrane)


Which Way? A rchie Shepp

33x48cm, 2015. (Private Collection).

“ Today, music is visual.” (Archie Shepp)



Gesua ldo



33x48cm, 2010

“I made the wrong mistakes.� (Thelonious Monk, after a disappointing improvisation)


Which Way?

Miles Ahead

33x48cm, 2015

“Do not fear mistakes. There are none.� (Miles Davis)



Gesua ldo


Nato a Firenze il 27 dicembre 1984, Federico Di Gesualdo si definisce un “ricercatore” dell’arte. Il padre era un musicista e compositore di fama internazionale appassionato di pittura e pittore egli stesso: non stupisce quindi che Di Gesualdo sviluppasse presto interesse verso l’arte e la musica, in particolare per il jazz. Dopo aver frequentato il liceo artistico e, parallellamente, il conservatorio “Luigi Cherubini” dove studia violino, decide di dedicarsi agli studi scientifici. Si laurea in biotecnologie mediche nel 2009 e consegue il dottorato presso l’Università di Firenze nel 2013: questa esperienza gli permette, tra le altre cose, di visitare come giovane ricercatore New Orleans e New York, due centri mondiali del jazz. Tuttavia, l’arte rimane sempre una priorità per Di Gesualdo, che si dedica costantemente alla sua ricerca creativa organizzando performances di pittura dal vivo. Il suo approccio riflette i suoi interessi multidisciplinari, combinando una ricerca cromatica e la passione per il jazz: in particolare, Di Gesualdo si focalizza sul concetto di improvvisazione come stato della mente in cui la razionalità e l’emozione si fondono – ovvero, se si vuole, in cui la scienza incontra l’arte. Questa dicotomia integrata che porta ad una creazione istantanea è il concetto chiave che si esprime nella prima mostra personale di Federico Di Gesualdo: “Which Way? Way?”

Born in Florence on December 27, 1984, Federico Di Gesualdo defines himself as a “researcher” in the field of art. His father was a brilliant musician and composer who was also interested in painting: thus it is not surprising that Di Gesualdo soon developed interest for art and music, particularly for jazz. He attended the high school of arts in his hometown and the “Luigi Cherubini” conservatory where he studied violin. He received his master degree in medical biotechnology in 2009 and a PhD in experimental oncology in 2013 at the University of Florence. A visiting , he had the opportunity tour. New Orleans and New York, two jazz capitals of the world. Art always remained a priority for Di Gesualdo as he dedicated himself to his creative research by organizing a session of live painting. His approach reflects his multidisciplinary interests, combining a chromatic research with his passion for jazz: in particular, Di Gesualdo focusses on the concept of improvisation as an unique state of the mind where the rational meets the emotional – science meets art if you will. This integrated dichotomy related to instant creation is the cornerstone concept of Federico Di Gesualdo’s first personal exhibition: “Which Way?”


Which Way? T h e J a z z Po s t c a r d S e r i e s

50x70cm, 2007

“If I have to say a prayer, I pray the Gods of Jazz.”



Gesua ldo


Which Way?

June 10 \ July 7, 2015 Ganzo Via Dei Macci 85/r

Gabriella Ganugi FUA President David Weiss DIVA Chair Maya Seibert Student Curator Gianni Rossiello Faculty Coordinator Giulio Vinci DIVA and IDEAS Academic Coordinator Susanna Bausi Press Office Alberto Simoncioni Graphic Design Special thanks to the staff at Ganzo. Dedicato a L.M. e S.D.G. - Dedicated to L.M. and S.D.G. Printed on June 2015 by FUA Florence University of the Arts





Gesua ldo



via de Macci, 85r




tel. 055 241076


www.g an zof l ore n ce. i t

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