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ART gallery


Via de’ Macci 85/R



| July 10th - July 30th, 2019

THE WEIGHT OF PAPER BENEDETTA FREZZOTTI July 10th - July 30th Opening: 6.00 PM | July 10th, 2019 GANZO introduces AperiArt with Benedetta Frezzotti Via dei Macci 85/r Firenze

Bridging the gap between illustrator and artist, the work of

Benedetta Frezzotti è illustratrice, ma soprattutto artista.

Benedetta Frezzotti combines classical notions of sculpture

Riesce a combinare la sua grande conoscenza dell’arte classica,

and portraiture with the modern influence of comic books and

specialmente la scultura ed il ritratto, con l’arte del fumetto

graphic novels. She works in a range of mediums, including

e della graphic novel. Le tecniche con le quali lavora sono

digital illustration, paper sculpture, and animation. In a recent

molteplici, dall’illustrazione digitale alla “scultura” fatta di

interview with students from the FUA gallery and exhibition

carta, fino all’animazione vera e propria. In questa mostra, The



Weight of Paper, la Frezzotti ha voluto proporre uno studio

inspiration, and work ethic. Her artwork will be on display at

completo sul racconto visivo, attraverso fumetti narrativi

the FUA campus GANZO gallery on July 10th, 2019. The exhibit,

e sculture di carta decisamente uniche. Solo con la carta

The Weight of Paper, is a study on visual story-telling, through

bianca, è possibile rappresentare anche le storie più intricate e

both narrative comic strips, and singular paper sculptures.

seducenti, sia visivamente che emotivamente, come il fumetto

With the simple medium of white paper, Frezzotti assembles

digitale Lost in Translation, basato su storie vere sui temi

intricate stories, alluring both visually and emotionally.

dell’insegnamento, in un contesto multiculturale. Il fumetto

On display will be Frezzotti’s current project: a digital comic

è stato pubblicato come app, ovvero come fumetto interattivo.

strip called Lost in Translation, based on true stories about the

Frezzotti infatti appartiene a una nuova generazione di artisti,

themes of teaching in a multicultural context. The comic has been

che creano mezzi completamente nuovi, unendo l’artigianato

published as an app, pioneering the possibilities of interactive

classico a uno story-telling stimolante. In tutto questo

and digital comics. The overlap here between design and fine art

l’obiettivo principale è solo uno: avere la propria arte non

is what makes Frezzotti a unique contemporary artist. Frezzotti

appesa nei musei, ma piuttosto nelle case della gente comune,

belongs to a new generation of artists: those creating completely

e chiunque che abbia accesso a Internet deve potersi godere

new mediums, combining classical craftsmanship with thought-

i suoi lavori. Le sculture di carta, che compongono anch’esse

provoking and honest storytelling. Frezzotti states that her

la rappresentazione, ricordano molto gli origami giapponesi,

professional goal is not to have her work hanging in museums

costituiti da delicate pieghe, piegature e più strati di carta,

but rather in the homes of ordinary people. We can see this desire

che creano una particolare profondità tridimensionale. Anche

for accessibility manifest in the digital publishing her work:

lo sguardo del visitatore cambia, a seconda del dettaglio che

anyone with access to the internet can enjoy her work. As for her

si va a guardare: in superficie, si possono notare le pieghe

more tangible art, Frezzotti’s paper sculptures are reminiscent

piccole di ogni creazione, facendo un passo indietro, ognuno

of Japanese origami, consisting of delicate folds, bends, and

di questi piccoli dettagli costruisce una struttura più grande,

layers. Frezzotti uses multiple layering of paper, which creates a

permettendo allo spettatore di entrare in un reale regno di

life-like depth in her work. The pureness of the white paper may

carta, ultraterreno.

remind the viewer of classical marble sculptures often displayed

La purezza del foglio bianco può ricordare al pubblico le

in museusm - like these sculptures, Frezzotti’s works are still yet

classiche sculture marmoree, ed i vari personaggi sembrano

full of movement. Set back in shadow boxes, the creations seem

vivere nei propri mondi, come i personaggi dei suoi fumetti.

to live in their own worlds, much like the characters from her

Essendo sia artista che insegnante, queste opere hanno in

comic books. Frezzotti is inspired by many illustrators such as

comune la stravaganza e la giocosità, perché destinate ad

Quentin Blake, Sergio Toppi, and Maurice Sendak. As both an

un pubblico giovanissimo, ma allo stesso tempo porta con sé

artist and teacher, Frezzotti’s work is whimsical and playful,

messaggi condivisibili a tutte le età.

course, Frezzotti




intended for a younger audience while also carrying messages that all ages can understand. On the surface, we can appreciate the impossibly small folds of each creation. Stepping back, we can see how each of these tiny details builds a larger structure, allowing the viewer a glimpse into this otherworldly paper realm.

Curation by Emma Shaw - Anna Wilkerson Gallery and Exhibition Curating Sarah Lovett - Rebecca Ryan Gallery and Exhibition Curating Experiential Learning Lindsey Price Special Project: Experimental Learning in Fine Arts - Gallery Assistant Andrea Mancini Instructor Gallery and Exhibition Curating / Experiential Learning Special Project: Experimental Learning in Fine Arts - Gallery Assistant

Alice in Wonderland, 2017, Quilling, 21x29,7x0,8 cm

The Raven, 2017, Quilling, 21x29,7x0,8 cm

The London Bridge, 2017, Quilling, 50x50 cm

Bamboo - Italian wall design (carta da parati), 2016, Digitaly colored paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 42, x 59,4 cm

Jellyfishes - Italian wall design (carta da parati), 2016, Digitaly colored paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 110 x 157 cm

Dragonfly - Italian wall design (carta da parati), 2016, Paper sculpture (Scultura di carta), 26,5x26,5x16,5 cm

20000 Leagues Under the Sea - Illustration for Italian wall design (light box), 2016, Digitaly colored paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 42, x 59,4 cm

20000 Leagues Under the Sea - Illustration for Italian wall design (light box), 2016, Digitaly colored paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 42, x 59,4 cm

20000 Leagues Under the Sea - Illustration for Italian wall design (light box), 2016, Digitaly colored paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 42, x 59,4 cm

Detail of the porthole for the illustrations for “20000 Leagues Under the Sea,� 2016 Paper sculpture (Scultura di carta), 25,5x25,5 cm

Jellyfish - Photo of a work in progress - Italian wall design (carta da parati), 2016, Paper sculpture (Scultura di carta), 42, x 59,4 cm

Kraken, 2016, Digitaly re-adjusted paper sculpture (Sculture di carta ritoccata in digitale), 35x25 cm

Gretel, 2017, Paper sculputure (Scultura di carta), 26,5x26,5x16,5 cm

Lost in Translation episode 0, 2015, Digitaly colowred paper sculpture (Sculture di carta colorate in digitale), 42, x 59,4 cm

Biography | Biografia

BENEDETTA FREZZOTTI After graduating in 2005 from the European Institute of Design, Benedetta Frezzotti has worked in many different fields as a stop-motion animator at Studio Misseri, a designer with Art Attack magazine, and as an illustrator for several advertising agencies. Frezzotti and colleagues founded Studio Platypus, which focuses on digital arts, illustration writing, and animation. Through the studio, she has produced and published the interactive comic app titled “Lost in translation: a tale of teaching in a multicultural context and other disasters,” one of the very few Italian comics made entirely of paper craft images. Her work centers largely on children and education, as seen in projects creaetd for the festival of children’s rights in Mantua and her collaboration with companies such as Disney and Ferrero. Frezzotti is currently a professor of illustration for mobile application at the European Institute of Design in Milan.

Diplomata nel 2005 presso l’Istituto Europeo di Design, Benedetta Frezzotti, ha lavorato in molti campi, tra cui l’animazione in stop-motion, nello Studio Misseri, come designer con Art Attack magazine e come illustratrice per agenzie pubblicitarie. Insieme ad alcuni colleghi, Frezzotti ha poi fondat. Lo Studio Platypus, specializzato nell’arte digitale. Da allora il lavoro di Bendetta si è concentrato su prodotti per bambini e per l’educazione; è suo il progetto per il Festival dei Diritti dei bambini a Mantova, e sull’insegnamento di corsi per adolescenti per l’Associazione degli Illustratori e aziende come Disney e Ferrero. Attualmente, Frezzotti è professore di illustrazione per app presso l’Istituto Europeo di Design di Milano. Negli ultimi anni si è concentrata sulla release di quattro mobile application, sempre nel settore educational per bambini.

GANZO art gallery Via dei Macci 85/r FIRENZE Italia

GANZO ART GALLERY is the interactive gallery of Ganzo School Restaurant. All GANZO exhibitions are planned, organized, and managed by gallery and curating course students under the supervision of the FUA faculty. Exhibitions feature the works of artists from the local community from both Italian and international backgrounds. Artists and Collectors, to propose exhibitions or to inquire about the pricing of displayed works, please see the contact info below.

Ganzo Art Gallery è lo spazio espositivo di Ganzo School Restaurant. Tutte le mostre in esposizione al suo interno sono progettate e organizzate dagli studenti dei corsi di gallery and curating presso la FUA Florence University of The Arts, sotto l’attenta supervisione dei docenti di FUA. Le mostre presentano opere di artisti della comunità locale, sia italiana che internazionale. Per artisti e collezionisti, per proporre mostre o per avere informazioni sui prezzi delle opere esposte, scrivici:

Acknowledgements | Ringraziamenti

July 10 | July 30, 2019 GANZO Via dei Macci 85/r Firenze

Curated by FUA students

Emma Shaw - Anna Wilkerson Gallery and Exhibition Curating Sarah Lovett - Rebecca Ryan Gallery and Exhibition Curating Experiential Learning Lindsey Price Special Project: Experimental Learning in Fine Arts - Gallery Assistant Andrea Mancini Instructor Gallery and Exhibition Curating / Experiential Learning Special Project: Experimental Learning in Fine Arts - Gallery Assistant

Graphics by Ashley Bigos & Nicholas Marino Printed July 2019 by Florence University of the Arts - The American University of Florence

Florence University of the Arts - The American University of Florence Palazzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi Corso Tintori 21, Firenze

Ganzo School Resturant and Creative Learning Lab via dei Macci 85r - Firenze - tel /fax: 055-241076


Fondazione di Partecipazione Palazzi - Florence Association for International Education

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