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Florence University of the Arts

DIVA School of Digital Imaging and Visual Arts


FEB 14 MAR 13 2019

CORRIDOIO FIORENTINO Corso de’ Tintori 21, Firenze Opening at 6:30 pm Thursday February 14th

FUA students, in collaboration with the Advanced Video Making course, are sharing an exclusive screening of the new and interesting short film "The Royal Treatment" at Corridoio Fiorentino. Set in the French court in the middle of the sixteenth century, the main themes are love and jealousy surrounding Caterina de' Medici and her husband's lover, Diana di Poitiers. The scenes that follow are strange and complicated as they touch on several aspects of a situation that crosses time and space, often dictated by blind jealousy and a thirst for revenge: from daily bickering around a table to Caterina banning Diana from seeing the sovereign on his death bed. Director Alexander Wyatt decided to work with three first time FUA actors as well as the FUA Fashion Department who helped in costume selection and styling. The film was made under the direction of professor Emiliano Zelada. Gli studenti FUA in collaborazione con il corso di Advanced Video Making, propongono, al Corridoio Fiorentino, una proiezione in esclusiva del nuovo interessantissimo cortometraggio “The Royal Treatment”, che ha come tema centrale un intrigo di amore e gelosia che ha fatto storia nella Corte di Francia a metà del XVI secolo: Caterina de’ Medici e l’amante del marito re di Francia: Diana di Piotiers Diverse e complicate sono le scene che si susseguono piacevolmente e che toccano i tanti aspetti di una situazione che attraversa il tempo e lo spazio, dettata spesso dalla cieca gelosia e sete di vendetta. Dai battibecchi durante le situazioni quotidiane, attorno ad un tavolo, al divieto, dato a Diana da Caterina, di vedere il sovrano sul letto di morte. Sotto la direzione di Emiliano Zelada, insegnane del corso, Alexander Wyatt diventa regista del corto, e coinvolge tre studenti FUA che si prestano ad una loro prima esperienza di recitazione, dando sicuramente freschezza e piacevolezza al risultato. Il progetto è stato realizzato in collaborazione con il dipartimento di moda FUA, che ha selezionato, riadattato e fornito gli abiti di scena che richiamano il periodo storico Un impegno a 360° di studenti che hanno appena iniziato il semestre e sono già entusiasti di rivivere, anche solo per pochi minuti, momenti intensi che hanno segnato una delle donne più incredibili della nostra storia, fiorentina ed europea.

Public Relations Strategies course


Alexander Wyatt Irmo, South Carolina, USA University of South Carolina

Royal Treatment Digital Media

Student exhibit spring 2019

This exhibition, developed by the Advanced Videomaking course at Florence University of the Arts, presents Royal Treatment, a short narrative focusing on the familial dynamics of Catherine de Medici and her royal family. A member of the famous and influential Medici family of Italy, at the age of fourteen Catherine was sent to France to marry Henri II. This film, set in the sixteenth century, explores themes of power, jealousy and revenge. The film was created by third year student Alexander Wyatt. Alexander comes from Irmo, South Carolina, a small town outside of the state capital of Columbia. He is studying Marketing and Visual Communications, but he has retained a lifelong love for film that he continues to chase. He, along with the help of professor and mentor Emiliano Zelada, looked into narrative writing during the course to pair this love of film with his background in video production and editing. In the film, we follow aspects of Catherine de Medici’s marriage to King Henri II. In an opening act, we are able to view the dynamics at play between the couple and Henri’s mistress, Diane de Poitiers. In reality, Henri was openly adulterous with Diane, a significantly older noblewoman. Through interactions between the three characters, we observe the tension built not only by the affair, but also by Catherine’s inability to conceive children. Unable to improve her situation, we are able to get a glimpse into the actual psyche of one of the most powerful women in history at one of the most powerless times in her life. In the second act, we revisit the marriage years later. This time, however, power has shifted back into the hands of Catherine, and she is able to decide for herself the outcome of her and her husband’s.

Alexander Wyatt

Acknowledgements Ringraziamenti


CORRIDOIO FIORENTINO Corso de’ Tintori 21, Firenze Opening at 6:30 pm Thursday February 14th

Video by

Alexander Wyatt Advanced Videomaking and Post-Production

Exhibit curating by

Chih Chin-Hu Jasmijn Sweere Alessandro Gueli Tejas B.M. Bronwyn Morgan Intermediate Digital Photography Experiential Learning

Graphic design by

Shelby Thingvold Digital Graphic Illustration

Emiliano Zelada Advanced Videomaking and Post-Production Professor

David Andre Weiss Intermediate Digital Photography Experiential Learning Professor

Andrea Mancini Digital Graphic Illustration Professor

Printed on Febraury 2019 by Florence University of the Arts

Florence University of the Arts Spring 2019


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