Energy and Emotion

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Cinzia Fiaschi’s works take our aesthetic emotions by

Abstract Impressionism of Emotion è la mostra

storm. A lawless fusion of colors, shapes, and textures

composta da 16 tele coloratissime di Cinzia Fiaschi.

characterizes and adapts to each person’s individual

L’inaugurazione si terrà il 27 febbraio alle 18.30 presso

experience and reaction. Fiaschi writes that the most

Ganzo, il laboratorio creativo gestito dagli studenti della

prominent themes in her life as well as her work

FUA Florence University of the Arts, in via de ‘Macci 85r.

are “collaboration and participation, freedom and

Cinzia Fiaschi è un’artista italiana, con un forte

discipline, harmony and contrast.”

background nel teatro e nelle belle arti.

Although the artist investigates her own sensations

Studiando a Roma ha scoperto la sua passione per

and spirits at the time of the live action painting session,

“l’arte viva”, che formava la perfetta fusione di teatralità,

we are guided through this melodic journey with her.

movimento e danza e pittura che possiamo definire

With the aid of orchestral music, we grow free to roam

“improvvisativa”, nel senso che l’artista ama eseguire

about our conscious and subconscious contemplations.

le sue opere di fronte ai suoi spettatori, dalle folle

We become naturally involved in the exultation. Her

pubbliche alle piccole gallerie.

improvisational motions will often lead her between the

Le esperienze della Fiaschi nei diversi campi dell’arte

audience members where she will physically interact

sono oltretutto accompagnate da una rigorosa

with them often times touching them while covered in

preparazione fisica, ed è così che le sue astrazioni

fresh paint. With Fiaschi’s background in theater and

gestuali si evidenziano con una spontaneità dinamica

rigorous physical preparation, her gestural abstractions

impulsiva e durevole.

are highlighted with dynamic impulsive spontaneity.

La tela, all’inizio vuota, si trova di fronte all’artista,

The empty canvas possesses no goal or plan until the

e si trasforma durante una vera e propria “danza di

master stands in front of it and finally erupts into a

impressionismo astratto”.

dance of abstract impressionism. While her thoughts

La Fiaschi afferma anche che la sua mente, durante

during a performance differ according to location

questi momenti creativi, ritorna sempre su alcuni

and whether or not there is an audience, Fiaschi says

temi ricorrenti: impressioni e reazioni della letteratura

her mind returns to certain recurring themes, such

classica, come l’Odissea, ad esempio. Conservando

as impressions and reactions of classical literature.

ricordi delle sue esperienze passate ed il suo forte

Maintaining reminiscent memories from her past

attaccamento alla cultura italiana, ama sostenere

experiences and her strong Italian heritage, she allows

quanto sia “condizionata dalla presenza di un grande

her body to freely express itself. “I am conditioned by


the presence of a great past,” she states.

Questa esposizione propone alcuni dei suoi lavori che

“Chaos,” says Cinzia, is not an element of her works.

vanno dal 2017 fino all’inizio del 2019. Sebbene ogni

Instead, she emphasizes the delicate balance between

singolo dipinto sia estremamente unico, la metodologia

reckless disorder and the purposeful placement

e lo stile restano invariati. Usando le fuoriuscite, le

of her brush. She retains an intuitive awareness of

sbavature e le macchie accidentali di vernice, porta

the space around her and preserves her somatic

a compimento un’armonia di colori, ed ogni pezzo

balance. Achieving this state will transport the artist

è intitolato secondo l’impressione che Fiaschi ha

away from reality and into a trance infused with

riconosciuto durante la sua creazione.

meticulously selected colors and motions. Witnessing

“Il tema principale del mio lavoro e della mia vita

the progression of each piece as its being realized can

è quello di fondere gli elementi di collaborazione

elucidate each strain of emotion the artist is being

e partecipazione, libertà e disciplina, armonia e

struck with. This improvisational method allows the


artist to explore primitive and even innate human

Questa mostra è organizzata e curata dagli studenti

emotions. Her success in the art world stems from this

che frequentano il corso di Gallery Curating & Exhibition

creative and blunt candor...

della Florence University of the Arts.


BERLINO 2018 100x100 Oil on Canvas Cinzia Fiaschi’s impression of Berlin seems in line with the energy it produces. Dynamic and spirited, the abstract expression fulfilled with vibrant colors, vigorous brushstrokes, and conveys the very life of the city. Purples, reds, and a range of yellow hues echo the elaborate, ostentatious and unusual characters of Berlin. Messy yet enjoyable, this piece is a realistic interpretation of the emotions felt when there.

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PAESAGGIO AUTUNNALE 2019 100x100 Oil on Canvas Paesaggio Autunnale was created in 2019 by Cinzia Fiaschi. Paesaggio Autunnale translates to “Autumn Landscape.” It is separated on two sides as though one was looking down at a line of trees on an autumn day. The colors of this painting focus on autumn. This painting was created with the sound of music in the background, using two hands simultaneously to paint each stroke. The sides of this painting have less movement and motion than the middle, just like the artist’s thoughts. The branches and leaves on the tree create movement. Once you are aware of the title, the painting comes together.


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PAESAGGI IMPROVVISATI 2019 100 x 100 Oil on Canvas The work expresses a feeling of immense grounding and vast motion. The spills of thick paint at the centre are seemingly trapped by the larger, variant blocks of color on three sides. This contradiction between the application of paint leaves the image with a pleasing balance. Juxtaposed within the weight of the deep purple beneath and the canvas above, the top has been left seemingly untouched and white, like a breath of fresh air for the mass of color and strokes below. Reminiscent of the chaos of Pollock’s dripped paint and the rich color strokes of Willem de Kooning, the “Improvised Landscape” becomes a crossroads in which Cinzia pulls together elements of abstract expressionism to create a scene in which color, mass, and movement become one.

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SAREBBE PARSO IMMOBILE 2019 80x80 CM Oil on Canvas “Seemingly Motionless� is a loose translation for the title of this piece. There is a certain irony in this due to the formal aspects it possesses. The rigorous motion shown in the brushstrokes are fused with contrasting colors creating a dynamic aesthetic reaction. The overlapping splatters are evidenced by agitated gestures. There is boundless kinetic freedom exhibited upon this once blank canvas. The irony of the title is manifested to a greater extent with the anthropomorphic figure running towards the viewer on the left side of the piece. Made up of a pantone dark green leg, a deep purple torso and a red head, this figure supplies depth, perspective, and energetic movement..


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2017 80X80 Oil on Canvas “Storm.� The violent strokes across the canvas create movement like those of a storm. Some of the most fierce storms are created by the mixing of cool and warm air. In this piece, cool colors from the left and warm colors from the right collide to create tension at the center. Though the marks are still, they generate motion like strong gusts of wind. The contrast of color and brush strokes create a sense of chaos at the center, just like the eye of the storm.

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VERDE INVERNO 2018 80x80 CM Oil on Canvas Dominated by cool toned greens and blues, “Green Winter” is reminiscent of a mild winter in anticipation of the upcoming spring. The vast contrast of saturation amongst the colors used, offers a dynamic and interesting composition. The layered brushes of paint offer a competition of cool versus warm tones, that has a different champion at every stroke. The physical demand required by Fiaschi to create this contrast can be imagined by the viewer through the bold strokes. Excited by the vibrant centre, one’s eye can relax on the calm edges to absorb the work as a whole. The work offers hope for prosperous times, abundant greens crowned by blooming buds; an inspiration for growth.


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PROFONDO 2018 80x80cm Oil on Canvas “Deep” is lighter and more radiant than some of her other works. In this piece, one could imagine a feeling reminiscent of springtime or recalling a happy memory. The pastel color palette juxtaposes the placement of the darker gold tones, and this combination creates a unique luminescence. Fiaschi bases her artwork on her feelings, improvising as she performs her painting. Profondo is soft yet strong, like Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. A strong feeling of positive emotion emanates from the artwork. It transfers the energy Fiaschi exerted to create the painting onto the viewer, who then experiences through their own interpretations. Even with minimal exposure, the canvas and oils reflect an abundance of light, which create a 3-dimensional space in which the artwork lives and breathes, subject to changes in the surrounding atmosphere. Profondo is dynamic and interactive, an exemplar of Fiaschi’s desire to create fluidity of form and informal essence. [1 0]


SOLO NEL SUO VERSO 2018 80x80 cm Oil on Canvas Here, the artist layers warm and cool tones with varying brush weight. The most hidden layer, a vibrant scarlet, often conceived as a color of anger, is covered by a multitude of brighter hues, perhaps reflecting Fiaschi’s layering of emotions. Her color choices, similar to those of Helen Frankenthaler, bring forth a sense of unity within the work by placing them all on the right hand side of the canvas. Fiaschi additionally creates texture by the variety of strokes and pigments, mirroring her variety of feelings expressed during her action painting process. The negative space in the lower left-hand corner evokes a feeling of emptiness in the viewer, but is quickly combatted by the entire right hand side’s explosion of energy.


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GIARDINO 2019 70 X 70cm Oil on Canvas The lush colors, predominated by several tones of green, are suggestive of springtime in a garden. All the hues complement each other except for the two vertical strokes of pink on the edge of the canvas and the few scattered blotches in the center. These are elicit flower blossoms in the midst of green shrubs and trees. The rest of the colors on the canvas are true to life bringing forth all sensory faculties. The scent of soil and fresh air fictionally penetrate the nose as one experiences this painting. The white sky overlaps the scenery giving truth to the intense light of a spring sky

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SUPERBO ROSA 2017 110 X 50cm Oil on Canvas This work translates as “Superb Pink.” It displays great contrast between the usage of blues and pinks, as well as the ark black and orange in the lower half of the canvas. Fiaschi is no stranger to using colors that clash with one another, but in this work, the emphasis appears to be on her usage of Pink. It’s assumed that she has rotated the canvas 90 degrees to the left because the blue paint leaves a trail that drips off the side of the canvas, into the only small amount of negative space in the painting. Judging by the harsh vertical brushstrokes of orange at the bottom of the canvas, Fiaschi must have used a lot of power and energy when creating this work. Not only are her final pieces emotional, but her performance when she’s painting is equally, if not more emotional. Her performances include music which highlight her movements as rhythmic and fluid.


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POESIA TRAVERSA 2017 70x100 Mixed Media Unlike other pieces in this collection there is a new technique being used here. The paint is less dense and in certain parts almost transparent. This creates a new effect in which the smears and the textures are visible while being able to see the foundation of the canvas. These smears are not created by a brush, but by a hand or a finger. A disarray of strange shapes and overlapping colors create an intense episode crowded with emotional expressivity and material flexibility.

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[SENZA TITOLO] 2017 90x60 Mixed Media The abstract painting is Untitled but has much to say. With its loud and bold colors and intensive strokes, it shows various types of emotions. The dark tones in the background make the contrasting colors complementary. The purples and pinks give a sense of happiness and love while the golds and yellows evoke various scenarios like wealth, warmth, and summer. Cinzia Fiaschi’s work is all about the energy she provides. Although some may hide their feelings, Fiaschi displays them all on the canvas. Her motions are visible through her paintings with the strokes going left to right, up and down, and splattered on the canvas. This painting is elusive and emotive and allows for a freedom of creative interpretation.


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STUDIO ROSSO 2019 60x80CM Oil on Canvas

One of the most eloquent and harmonious of Fiaschi’s works, this piece pleases the eye with its polyphonous and compatible reds. The composition is also more distinguishable, ordered in a T shape, with a purple stroke marking the center of this formation. Splatters of various red tints spill across the canvas in a uniform direction. In the midst of these similar colors stands a green accessory, there to serve as an interference, a contrast, a break. What unifies the entire party of colors is the underlying blackness shaded with other dark hues. One of the best examples of analogous color harmonies in the exhibition.

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STUDIO ORO 2019 50x70CM Oil on Canvas “Gold Study” is a work of art that uses various colors to express the abstraction of painting. Throughout the artwork, the viewer is engulfed in a series of layers which moves through calming blues, ambitious shades of purple, and a vibrant splash of gold. The brushwork is very sporadic whether there are light spatters of paint or bold and full lines. When looking through the layers of colors, the viewer can see the dark blues and purples being hidden behind the empowering gold, tan, and beige that stand proudly in the foreground. Ultimately, the layering shows an ominous depth to the work while having a jubilant foreground to cover up what is underneath.The dark blues and purples that are buried deep within the painting suggest an underlying sadness. Thus, each layer coming forward begins to grow brighter and brighter while giving a sense of self-confidence or empowerment to the artist herself and to the viewer. Most of the movement appears to come from the bottom of the artwork, which again emphasizes the artist’s struggle to happiness. In a way, it represents the effort to find happiness and becomes the conquering gold that catches the viewer’s eye in the middle. The title relates to the painting to display the symbolism of the color gold as it represents illumination, courage, and passion.


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[SENZA TITOLO] 2018 70 X 70 Oil on Canvas

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SOVRANA SILENTE E LA PAROLA 2017 70 X 80 Oil on Canvas The various brushstrokes that Cinzia Fiaschi uses in her painting “Sovereign Silence and the Word” reveals that there was a vast variety of emotions she was experiencing while simultaneously painting the piece. The many different layers and techniques of applying paint she used shows that her emotions were not static. However, they were dynamic, changing from darker emotions to more joyful ones. The artist’s emotions seem to lie somewhere on the spectrum of grimness to extreme excitement. The expression of each individual feeling can be distinguished through the ease in which she paints the more light-hearted emotions and the disorderly, confused and sad ones that are communicated through the darker, muddier colors, and overlapping brushstrokes.


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Biography | Biografia

Cinzia Fiaschi began her artistic career attending the

Cinzia Fiaschi ha iniziato il suo percorso artistico

Academy of Fine Arts in Florence under the guidance of

frequentando l’Accademia di Belle Arti a Firenze, sotto la

Gustavo Gilietti, thus acquiring a solid pictorial and

guida Gustavo Gilietti, acquisendo così una solida base

technical base.

tecnica pittorica.

After her training, Fiaschi matured and expanded her experience in action painting and as a performer of visual arts, combining painting, music, dance, and theater, achieving the true meaning of “live art.” She performs in alternative spaces, which she believes give the greatest opportunity to explore the freedom of artistic interpretation. She often incorporates the participation of the crowd in

Dopo il suo percorso formativo, la Fiaschi ha maturato ed ampliato la sua esperienza nella pittura d’azione e come performer di arti visive, unendo pittura, musica, danza e teatro, raggiungendo il vero significato di “live art”, e dimostrando questa realizzazione in spazi alternativi, che ritiene possano dare la massima opportunità di esplorare la libertà dell’interpretazione artistica. Ha così “interpretato” la sua arte, spesso incorporando la

squares, courtyards, bars, homes, and living spaces, as well

partecipazione della folla, in piazze, cortili, bar, abitazioni

as in historical buildings, art galleries, and theaters. Fiaschi

e spazi di vita, oltre che in palazzi storici, gallerie d’arte e

collaborates with theater, dance, improvisation, and creative

teatri.La Fiaschi collabora con laboratori di teatro, danza

workshops, and also performs live installations during

e di improvvisazione e con laboratori creativi. Realizza

festivals, dance shows, and commercials.

anche installazioni live durante festival e spettacoli di danza e spot video.

In 2011, she put on action painting performances, with video advertising for the company ENI SpA. The canvas is part of the Eni Historical Archive. The personal exhibition, “Elegy of Madonna Fiammetta,” brought to life in 2013 in Certaldo (FI) in the Palazzo Pretorio and in Boccaccio’s home, was a huge success. The work was created during the celebration of the VII centenary of

Nel 2011 realizza performance di action painting, con video pubblicitari per l’azienda ENI SpA. L’opera pittorica dipinta su tela fa parte dell’ Archivio Storico Eni. Dopo il successo con la mostra personale “Elegy of Madonna Fiammetta” realizzata nel 2013 a Certaldo (FI) nel Palazzo Pretorio e nella casa di Boccaccio, in occasione della celebrazione del VII centenario della

the birth of the writer and poet Giovanni Boccaccio, original

nascita dello scrittore e poeta Giovanni Boccaccio,

pictorial and performative project, freely inspired by his

Progetto pittorico originale e performativo, liberamente

homonymous literary work (1342/43).

ispirato all’omonima opera letteraria (1342/43), prosegue

Since then, she has continued her artistic and pictorial

la sua ricerca pittorica e intellettuale artistica legando e

research, linking and refining visual and performative

affinando il loro linguaggio visivo e performativo tra i vari

language between the various fields of literature (historical,

campi della Letteratura (storico mitologico psicologico

mythological, psychological, poetic etc.). She also explores

poetico ecc) ed esplorando l’alchimia affascinante nuove

the alchemy of figures such as Homer, Euripides, Sappho, Ovid, Dante Alighieri, Henry James, Aby Warburg, Theodore Fontane, and Silvia Plath. In 2014, during the centenary celebrations of the Careggi Hospital in Florence, the logo of the “compagnia fiorentina” was created (canvas, collection of the Careggi Foundation).

interpretazioni in cifre come Omero, Eurupide, Saffo, Ovidio, Dante Alighieri, Henry James, Aby Warburg, Theodore Fontane, Silvia Plat, ecc. Nel 2014 durante le celebrazioni per il centenario dell’Ospedale universitario di Careggi a Firenze, realizza il logo della “Compagnia fiorentina” (opera su tela, collezione Fondazione Careggi). Le sue opere

Her works belong to various foundations and private

appartengono a collezioni private e fondazioni, Boscolo

collections, such as Boscolo Hotels Banks Centri sanitari Eni

Hotels Banks Centri sanitari Eni Enel HCarteggi Ntt data

Enel HCarteggi Ntt data Telethon University QVC.

Telethon University QVC.

Acknowledgements | Ringraziamenti


FEB27 | APR4 2019 GANZO Via dei Macci 85/r Firenze Curated by FUA students


SOPHIE LASCARIS Gallery and Exhibition Curating / Experiential Learning


ANDREA MANCINI Gallery and Exhibition Curating Instructor SPEL Fine Arts - Gallery Instructor

Printed February 2019 by FUA Florence University of the Arts Graphics by Course of Digital Graphic Illustration

GANZO art gallery Via dei Macci 85/r FIRENZE _ Italia

GANZO ART GALLERY is the interactive gallery of Ganzo School Restaurant. All GANZO exhibitions are planned, organized, and managed by gallery and curating course students under the supervision of the FUA faculty. Exhibitions feature the works of artists from the local community from both Italian and international backgrounds. Artists and Collectors, to propose exhibitions or to inquire about the pricing of displayed works, please see the contact info below.

GANZO ART GALLERY è lo spazio espositivo di Ganzo School Restaurant. Tutte le mostre in esposizione al suo interno sono progettate e organizzate dagli studenti dei corsi di gallery and curating presso la FUA Florence University of The Arts, sotto l’attenta supervisione dei docenti di FUA. Le mostre presentano opere di artisti della comunità locale, sia italiana che internazionale. Per artisti e collezionisti, per proporre mostre o per avere informazioni sui prezzi delle opere esposte, scrivici:

Floren ce University of th e Ar ts Pal azzo Bombicci Guicciardini Strozzi Corso Tintori 21, Firenze

Palazzi - Floren ce Association for International Education via dei Ma cci 85r - Firenze - tel/fax: 055-241076


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