Frontside SF Magazine #2

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Frontside San Francisco Is: Ryan Abraham Editor in Chief Contributing Editors Evan Collisson Hank Hansen Daniel Beck Staff Photographer Shivizle Siwajek Emotional Support Featuring the Photography Of: Christian Ericksen Shawn Whisenant Derek Holguin Daniel Beck Wanna Submit To The Magazine? Want A Shirt or Stickers? Want To Advertise? Send Hate Mail? Comments? Questions? Lurk at, Our Facebook Page, or Contact Us Via

Issue #2 3. Selected Photographs 28. Interview With Charlie DiMascio Cover: Charlie DiMascio Blunt Airwalk to Fakie South San Francisco Photo: Daniel Beck Back Cover: Derek Holguin Inner Cover: Hank Hansen (Boardslide) Jeremy Decarvalho (Smith) Rainy Night in Mountain View Photo: Ryan Abraham

The Photography Of

Christian Ericksen


Jon Perez Kickflip Berkeley, CA

Kevin McGowan FS Boardslide Daly City, CA


Weston Sparks Gap to Crooks Alameda, CA

Steven Tran BS 180 Richmond, CA

Noah Scott Ollie over Rail Oakland, CA

Christian’s Photos Are amazing: Well-lit, Compositionally Unshakable, and always Featuring the Gnarliest of rippers. Keep An Eye Out For This East Bay Virtuoso.


The Photography Of

Shawn Whisenant


Tucker Cunningham Ollie San Francisco, CA

Tony Manfre Kickflip San Francisco, CA

Nick Klein NoseGrind San Francisco, CA

No Volume of Frontside would be complete without At Least One Potrero Photo. This Time Around We Were Lucky Enough to Get One OF the Blood Wizard Himself.

Jack Given BS Air San Francisco, CA


The Photography Of

Derek Holguin


Derek Holguin FS 5-0 Los Angeles, CA

Michael Garcia BS Lipslide Corona, CA


Michael Garcia BS Smith Corona, CA

Interview With

Charlie DiMascio Words, and interview By Ryan Abraham. Photos By Daniel Beck. Charlie is an ATV ripper, a practicing Artist, and just the nicest guy you’ll ever meet. Originally from Los Angeles County, Charlie has street skating in his blood; Since moving to SF in 2011 however, Charlie has embraced the Bay Area’s legendary tranny, downhill fury, and general crust wholeheartedly, as his photos unequivocally reflect. Preferring to pioneer his own spots, when reluctantly shooting at a famous spot, he agrees only to do the unexpected. Handsome but not a slut, talented but not boastful, And one of those dudes who spends Equal amounts of time in the air and on the ground at Potrero, One Tolerates his lack of punctuality knowing that hanging out and skating with him, whenever he decides to show up, is a 100% guaranteed amazing time. (Right) BS Wallride Treasure Island

R: So you just moved from the TL to the Mission. Do the burritos, sunshine, and abundance of skatespots make up for the hipster accusations? C: (laughs) For sure! I mean there’s hipsters in the TL too so I don’t see what the big deal is. R: So you’re currently working on an art show? What can we expect to see? C: You mean our art show? You’re still in this with me right? (Phone rings) Shit. Sorry. R: Take it. C: This sucks sorry… Hello? What? (Laughs and puts down the phone)… Julia found a cat, I think she wants to make a taxidermy out of it. R: What? That’s awesome. C: I can’t talk right now, I’m at Ryan’s house in Bernal Heights… OK, bye. R: I think snippets of that conversation will make the interview. So, your art show? C: Our art show! It’s gonna be focused on the way in which skaters see the city, or just about alternative ways to view urban, public spaces in general. R: Like trying to share with people the way in which skaters all know that there are histories written around bumps in the sidewalk and stuff? Bringing up questions of utilitarianism like who gets more enjoyment out of red curbs, the shop owners who have them in their parking lots or the skaters that scuff them up every day? C: Yeah Exactly. (Continued On Next Page).

(Left) We admit that this was not a make... You can blame the screaming old woman in the top left for that one. This constituted the 2nd bust from the agoraphobic old lady. We hate to harass the elderly but 3rd time’s a charm right? BS 50 San Francisco, CA

R: I hear rumors of you wanting to build a quarter pipe with perfect pool coping that you plan to knob, what kind of artistic gesture could legitimize such an atrocity? C: (Laughs). Well it’s kind of just funny; that it’s something that’s made exclusively for skateboarding but has its purpose totally defeated because of the knobs that come from The City Fighting over urban space. R: Yeah and it’s kinda the opposite of something that’s made for sitting or you know, useless concrete in a public setting that is transformed by skateboarders into an enjoyable skate object. So you kinda want to display that process in reverse? C: Exactly. R. I’ve heard you say a number of times that you’re getting too old and tired to skate street. The pictures in this interview and the video on the site scream otherwise. What makes a ripper like yourself feel so old? Do you plan to do more art-making and less skating as you progress through your twenties? (Continued on Next Page).

BS Blunt Brisbane, CA

C: I could see that happening, or just a better balance. Yeah up to this point I’ve just been all about skating; like that’s my main thing. But as you get older the injuries just keep piling up. I mean, in my mind, skateboarding makes me feel young, mentally, but physically, the wear and tear on my body makes me feel old. (Laughs) I’m limping around way more than a young person should. R: Who are some skaters you’re digging nowadays? C: I’m so bad with names. Like there’s so many good skaters and so many new guys that it’s hard to keep up with who’s who. Um, Raven; the way he skates is just… John Cardiel. I like how Mark Gonzales approaches street, how he makes it look so fun. New guys?... R: Raybourn? C: Oh of course Raybourn. Gravette. (Continued On Next Page).

(Left) Charlie, not wanting to run photos from the usual sf spots, Wasn’t sure about showing this pic; but it was just too serious to omit. FS Sweeper San Francisco, CA

R: How long have you been doing gay porn? C: (long laugh). Well it was never gay porn, there just happened to be a guy there once. R: I guess devil’s threesomes are a different genre. So is there Anything else you wanna mention? About your skating? Your artwork? Your life? Your Females? Your Potential cat? C: (laughs). I guess no matter how you good you are at skating, you’re gonna eat shit. A lot. (Laughs). So there’s no escaping that, I mean even in your everyday life. I mean, if you live a good life, and have a great living situation or whatever, adversity will creep up on you so there’s no escaping and it’s best to not worry about it and just live. R: (laughs). Nice pessimistic warning to end this thing with. C: (laughs)… Yea, that was stupid. R: Amazing photos, stoked to see the artwork, thanks for sitting’ down with us.

(Right) This ollie is comparable to leaping over a motorcycle lengthwise. Charlie Also Hucked an Indie over this thing but preferred to keep it classic with the ollie pic.


Ollie San Francisco, CA

Nosegrind San Francisco, CA

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Frontside San Francisco Issue #2 Spring 2013 Printed in Santa Cruz, CA Visit


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