Book by Charlotte Van Kerschaver

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Balancing Act

Charlotte Van Kerschaver

Balancing Act

Charlotte Van Kerschaver



I am grateful to Freestyle Academy for giving me the power to create this book. I’d like to thank Ms. Parkinson, Mr. Greco, and Mr. Florendo for teaching me all the things I needed to create this project.

Table of Contents Preface Introduction Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Conclusion Works Cited Authors Bio 21 35 13 33 11 31 9 25


Starting this project was one of the most difficult things I have had to think about. We were inspired by a multitude of different documentaries and examples. I wanted to research something that is important to me and also something I relate to. I ended up choosing to write about someone who has inspired me greatly when dealing with multiple things at once. She is an amazing Gymnast who maintains a good school and social life. Mental health and sports are in constant rivalry with each other throughout athletes’ lives. Dealing with everyday problems while also juggling hardships that may arise in your sport is one of the biggest challenges for people my age. However, at the same time, one’s sport could serve as an outlet and inspiration.



In the heat of college applications, an already taxing time for many teenagers, Misty leaves school to go to one gymnastics practice after another, not leaving the stress of her day behind. Most days of the week, Misty has high school gymnastics as well as club gymnastics, leaving little room in her schedule to take a break, let alone a moment to pause and work through the pressures that she had been faced with during her day. Gymnastics has been a part of Misty’s life for

Misty doing her Bar Routine at High School Practice

Chapter One

In the busy hallways of Mountain View High School, among the flurry of academic pursuits and athletic endeavors, resides a remarkable individual named Misty Mukherjee. At 17 years old, Misty stands as a beacon of determination and resilience, navigating being a student-athlete with grace and grit. In the next few pages, Misty explains how the demanding nature of this lifestyle can be both exhilarating and exhausting.

Misty’s days are filled with activity, her schedule packed to the brim with practices, classes, and competitions.

As a senior not only striving for academic excellence but also pursuing her passion for gymnastics, Misty undoubtedly has loads on her plate. During the spring and summer months, Misty’s commitment to her sport reaches its peak. Two practices scheduled each day of the week, followed by travel competitions nearly every Saturday or Sunday, along with the natural buildup of schoolwork and tests she has to complete is just a small portion of the stress Misty is forced to confront.

Misty’s benevolent character can be observed by simply spending some time with her. She not only perseveres through obstacles in her sport but also throughout her relationships. She is sure to always be supportive of her friends and family, reassuring them whenever they are going through something difficult and celebrating their successes. No


one ever feels excluded or unwanted when in Misty’s company. She confronts issues head-on, whether they be physical or mental challenges, even though they may not be her own. These admirable traits not only show Misty’s kindness but also her ability to persevere through anything to maintain healthy connections with herself and others.

Although her days are busy and stressful, Misty has very fond memories of her time spent traveling for gymnastics, specifically the moments she shares with her fellow teammates while away from home. Misty strives to maintain good relationships with the people she has met on both her club team and school team. Some of Misty’s favorite memories from competitions are staying up late with her teammates exploring the city, wandering around the hotel, and getting ready with her teammates. Misty also enjoys talking to her coaches, Ronnie and Larry, as they have known her since she first joined Gold Star. In the beginning, Misty’s relationship with her coaches was limited, but after

and it’s very important to me to have that in my community.”
- Misty Mukerjee
Misty Doing a Cartwheel on Beam at High School Practice
Bars at High School Practice 19
Misty on

Chapter Two

The balancing act of managing both academic responsibilities and athletic pursuits is a challenge for teenagers, and Misty Mukherjee’s journey is a testament to this reality. As she navigates the intricate maze of school and gym, Misty struggles with the multifaceted demands that encompass both her mental and physical well-being.

At the heart of Misty’s struggle lies the challenge of prioritization. With the relentless demands of schoolwork alongside the rigorous training required for gymnastics, Misty finds herself caught in a perpetual tug-of-war between two equally demanding worlds. Gymnastics not only requires physical endurance but also mental fortitude and determination. Despite her best intentions, Misty often finds herself burning the midnight oil, sacrificing hours of sleep in pursuit of academic excellence and athletic skill. Aware of the detrimental effects of sleep deprivation on her overall health and performance, Misty strives to prioritize rest and rejuvenation, recognizing the role that sleep plays in her growth and recovery.


Yet, the challenges extend far beyond the realm of physical exhaustion. The mental and emotional toll of juggling school and sports weighs heavily on Misty’s shoulders, threatening to overwhelm her at every turn. In her quest for balance, Misty seeks solace in the simple joys of life, Whether it’s immersing herself with the melodies of her favorite music, or cherishing the laughter and camaraderie of cherished friendships, Misty finds refuge in the moments of joy and connection that serve as a escape from the demands of her hectic schedule.

Through her own experiences, Misty has learned invaluable lessons about the importance of cultivating a healthy relationship with both schoolwork and sport. Understanding that the journey towards excellence is a marathon, not a sprint, Misty endeavors to pace herself accordingly, nurturing her mind, body, and soul along the way.


Chapter Three

Gymnastics in itself comes with various hardships, including that it may make athletes doubt their abilities, regardless of their skill level or talent. Misty can attest to this, as she has faced many challenges in her gymnastics career. Some obstacles that Misty has had to overcome include not feeling confident in her capabilities or feeling below some of the more skilled athletes. But the reality is, like Misty mentioned, “I just realized that like I was just built differently than them and my lack of flexibility can help me in other ways, and there’s like certain things that I do better than them as well.”

Different people have different skill sets and it’s important not to compare yourself to them because you are your own person. Her realization that being “built differently” can actually be an advantage speaks volumes about the importance of embracing the natural diversity in skills and body types within the sport. While some athletes may excel in certain areas like flexibility, others may shine in strength, technique, or creativity. Recognizing and harnessing these individual strengths will not only boost confidence but also foster a supportive and inclusive environment within the gymnastics community.

Misty’s journey also underscores the significance of perseverance and resilience in the face of adversity. In gymnastics, as in many competitive sports, setbacks and failures are inevitable. However, it’s how athletes respond to these challenges that ultimately defines their success.


Misty’s ability to confront her doubts and insecurities directly and channel them into motivation for selfimprovement is a testament to her resilience. Instead of allowing herself to be defined by her perceived limitations, she embraced them as opportunities for growth and adaptation. This mindset not only enabled her to overcome obstacles but also propelled her towards achieving her goals.

“Now I’ve learned not to compare myself to other people, and to realize that some of my flaws can also benefit me.”
-Misty Mukherjee


Misty’s journey navigating the demanding world of both club and school gymnastics shows us resilience, determination, and growth. Throughout the book, we see Misty’s maturation, not just as an athlete but as a person, thanks to the support of her family, coaches, and teammates.

As Misty faces the challenges of balancing her training schedule with her academic responsibilities, she demonstrates remarkable maturity in identifying problems and finding coping mechanisms. Her ability to confront obstacles head-on and adapt reflects her inner strength and determination.

Misty’s journey is not a solitary one; as she is surrounded by a supportive network of coaches and teammates who play active roles in her development. Their encouragement, guidance, and camaraderie provide her with the foundation she needs to thrive both on and off the mat.

Ultimately, Misty’s story is one of growth, resilience, and the power of community. Through her experiences, readers are reminded of the importance of perseverance, teamwork, and self-discovery in overcoming challenges and achieving success. Misty’s journey is an inspiration to me and all who have encountered her, reminding us that with dedication, support, and a positive mindset, anything is possible.


Works Cited

Pike, Kathleen. “Mental Gymnastics.” Columbia University Global Mental Health Programs, 9 Aug. 2021, www.cugmhp. org/five-on-Friday-posts/mental-gymnastics/. Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.

Gymnastics , British. “Three Ways Gymnastics Can Have an Impact on Mental Wellbeing.” British Gymnastics, 10 Oct. 2023,

Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.

Redmond, Isabel. “Impact of Gymnastics Culture on the Understanding of Gymnasts’ Mental Health.” Keep Homepage, 1 May 2023, Accessed 12 Mar. 2024.

Mukherjee, Misty. Personal Interview. 14 March 2024.

Minami, Fletcher. Personal Interview. 19 March 2024.


Authors Bio

Charlotte Van Kerschaver is a Junior at Freestyle Academy. She was born in Belgium and moved to California in 2012. When she’s not playing water polo, she spends her time with friends or at home with her cat. Charlotte hopes to move to Europe after high school and pursue something she loves.


Balancing Act

Balancing Act
Van Kerschaver Charlotte Van Kerschaver
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