Quiet zones

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Quiet zones

Question # 1

Why do we need quiet zones?

A lack of sound privacy is the biggest frustration for people who work in open office environments.


A quiet zone can help improve student engagement.


Taking time for silence has several advantages. It can help to  restore the nervous system,  sustain energy, and  condition our minds to be more adaptive and responsive.


Cultivating silence increase your chances of encountering

novel ideas and information and discerning weak signals.


Why do you need quiet zones?

Question # 2 What are ways to create quiet zones?

Four techniques to reduce the sound level: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Use soft materials such as carpets. Use soundproofing materials on walls. Use acoustical ceiling titles. Lower ceilings.


Similar to a quiet car on a train, businesses can use an empty

office or unused conference room and turn it into a “quiet room” that employees can go to when trying to focus on an important task or project.


Try to not track social media or events for x minutes / hours.


At university, students can work in their own rooms,

libraries, classrooms, and cafes. Offices need to accommodate the same by offering spaces for and allowing movement between.


Another way to create private space is to create a signal that let

others know you’re concentrating and don’t want to be disturbed. A signal can be something as simple as wearing a set of headphones.


A room divider is a possibility to create private space. Examples of room dividers:  A plant.  A freestanding wall.  A freestanding bookshelf.  A coat hanger.

https://hbr.org/2015/03/stop-noise-from-ruining-your-open-office http://www.quietrev.com/5-ways-to-love-your-office/

Take a silent afternoon in nature. Immersion in nature can be the clearest option for improving creative thinking capacities.


A view of nature makes workers less frustrated, more patient, more productive, and physically healthier.


When creating quiet spaces such as quiet rooms, phone booths etc. in an open office environment, make sure that it is fast and easy

for people to use them.


What are other ways to create quiet zones?

Sources http://www.constructiondive.com/news/the-future-of-work-how-office-design-is-changing/415840/ https://www.edutopia.org/blog/entering-quiet-zone-ryan-wheeler http://www.fastcompany.com/3025567/how-to-fix-open-offices https://hbr.org/2017/03/bursting-the-ceo-bubble https://hbr.org/2015/03/stop-noise-from-ruining-your-open-office https://hbr.org/2017/03/the-busier-you-are-the-more-you-need-quiet-time http://www.quietrev.com/5-ways-to-love-your-office/

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