FPC Bulletin - 10-30-22

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21ST SUNDAY after PENTECOST October 30, 2022 • 9:30 a.m.

Please join in reading and singing

parts of the service printed in bold.



Song of Assurance Arnold Sherman

Sanctus Ringers


this symbol precedes an ele ment of the service, please rise in body or spirit.




How lovely is the house of the Lord. How beautiful to be gathered in the presence of God.

How lovely is the dwelling place of the Lord. How beautiful is the image of God we behold in one another.

Let us join together in worship. Let us rejoice that we are one in Christ.

* HYMN 716 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending beach spring



We confess that

are often stuck in our ways, considering small possibilities when you call us to a mosaic of hope. We fear our limitations and dwell on what could go wrong before we consider what could go right. God of new beginnings, forgive us for what have done and what we have left undone. Call us to greater love, caring for one another with accountability and understanding. Bring us hope in transformation, courage to face our truth, and confidence to trust in you along the way. Hear our prayers and call us back to you…

Kyr ie - L ee Af dahl


& # # 4 4 2 œ. j œ œ œ œ œ Lord, have mer cy up ˙ ˙ on us & # # œ. j œ œ œ œ œ C hrist, have mer cy up ˙ ˙ on us. œ. j œ œ œ œ œ Lord, have mer cy up ˙ ˙ on us.


You are invited to share signs with one another of the peace we experience as God’s people. Greet one another saying, “The peace of Christ be with you,” and respond, “And also with you.”


Eternal are thy mercies, Lord; eternal truth attends thy word: Alleluia! Alleluia! Thy praise shall sound from shore to shore, till suns shall rise and set no more. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!

lasst uns erfreuen




This is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.



The grass withers, the flower fades; The word of the Lord endures forever.


Psalm 119:137-144

Luke 19:1-10


* HYMN 726 Will You Come and Follow Me kelvingrove


OFFERTORY Salvation Is Created Paul Tschesnokoff Chancel Choir

Salvation is created, O Lord, God almighty. We praise Thee above; O Lord, holy Lord God. Alleluia!

This week's Growing in God's Love Bible story, The Short Man, is found on page 242. Worship LAB is a place where children explore the flow of worship through multisensory experiences. Children age 5 through 5th grade are invited to join in Worship Lab each week. This week's LAB focuses on Communion bread baking.

The musical transition following the first scripture reading invites all ages to be active participants while signaling to children an important moment in worship focused towards them. Please join in singing Hymn 175, Seek Ye First, as the children come forward for A Conversation with Young Disciples.

Use these offertory moments to savor your gratitude for the abundance of God’s love — and to consider your own response in loving service.

Ways to give: Cash/Check Place in the offering plate or in the mail

Text-to-Give Text the amount you would like to give to 855-904-1523

Online https://bit.ly/FPCvanco Vanco Mobile App


Our commissioned stewardship hymn, When a Single Word Is Spoken, is by awardwinning hymn writer, Dr. Mary Louise (Mel) Bringle. She is Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies and Coordinator of Integrated Studies Major at Brevard College and was the Chair of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song (PCOCS) for our current PC(USA) hymnal: Glory to God. In 2020, she was honored by The Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (THS) for her work as a hymn writer, translator, educator, scholar, hymnal committee chair, and service to The Hymn Society. A professor, author, and theologian, Dr. Bringle’s original texts and translations appear in hymnals around the world.


Music copyrights:

All music is reprinted under OneLicense.net A-720542 and under CCLI license #20971309. All rights reserved.

Cover art: Mosaic of Hope by Esther Patrick

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow. Praise God, all creatures here below. Alleluia, alleluia! Praise God above ye heavenly host. Creator, Christ, and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, alleluia! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!



Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


* HYMN When A Single Word Is Spoken nettleton (see insert)


Please be seated for the Closing Voluntary.


Toccata from Suite Gothique Leon Boëllmann

EVERY GIFT MAKES A DIFFERENCE. 80% of FPC’s annual income comes from pledges 8.0% increase over 2022 pledges needed to maintain the current programming 10% of annual giving is considered tithing, the Biblical standard of giving. 100% Your giving matters! Every pledge helps us reach our goal. REACHING our GOAL WE HAVE REACHED $877,502 PERCENT OF OUR GOAL PLEDGE ONLINE firstpresbyterian.org 189 PLEDGES 55.7% *as of Wednesday, October 26



Please use the Friendship Pad located in the pew to let us know you joined us in worship or use this QR code to sign our online Friendship Pad.

We are glad you are here! First Presbyterian Church is an inclusive and diverse faith community, led by the Holy Spirit, who welcomes people of all ages and backgrounds to come together to explore, nurture, and deepen their faith. If you are a guest with us today, we encourage you to wear a rose window button that you can find just outside the Sanctuary in a basket. Wearing this button helps us know that you are new among us so that we can reach out to you with a fuller welcome. Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the service in the Social Hall.



David Prentice-Hyers Faith in Action Ankie Schuitema Liturgists Jay Sanderford David Prentice-Hyers

Lector Barbara Concannon Children’s Message Melissa Anne Rogers Preacher Hannah Lundberg Conductor Dave VanderMeer


David Hufford Chancel Choir Sanctus Ringers Greeters Penny Papadopoulos Carol Fletcher Welcome Center Sandy Hebertson


Paul Smith, Captain Keith Molin

Marolin Bellefleur Cyndy Colton Linda Lampman Hugh Daly Elsa and Dick Stuber


Chancel flowers are given in loving memory of Jim Rogers in remembrance of his birthday by his wife Melissa Anne Rogers, and his children Jeff, Kate, Charlie, and Luke.


Children ages 5 through 5th grade are invited to Worship LAB — a multi-sensory worship experience just for them. (Check the order of worship for dismissal instructions.) Childcare is available for ages 5 and younger on the First Level. Children are always welcome to stay with their families during worship. We encourage you to pick up a worship activity bag, try sitting near the front, and sing along with the music.


Prayer is a time to speak with God and share gratitude and concerns. The prayer ministry meets in Hillegonds Chapel after the 9:30 service each Sunday. Elders, Deacons, and Stephen Ministers are always there to assist those seeking prayer. Today’s prayer team members are Gail Grady and Susan Washabaugh. To sign up to serve as a member of the team, contact Rev. Rogers, mrogers@firstpresbyterian.org.



As winter approaches, we are spending more time indoors, which increases our risk of spreading germs and getting sick. With this in mind, here are some things you can do to stay well:

1) Get a Covid booster and a flu vaccine.

2) Wear a well fitted mask in indoor spaces, especially when there are many people.

3) Monitor for symptoms and stay home if you are sick.

4) Follow the CDC guidelines for specific instructions on Covid exposure and isolation.

Faith Formation


Children’s Choir

10:45 a.m. | Lemon Chapel (Level 3)

Children’s Classes

11:15 a.m. | Social Hall

Youth Classes

11:00 a.m. | LL4, LL1 (Lower Level)

Confirmation Class

11:00 a.m. | Youth Room (Lower Level)

8th graders (or older who haven’t taken confirmation) are invited to join this class as we ask questions of scripture, theology, history, and faith.


First Friends

11:00 a.m. | Lewis Room (Level 2) & Zoom

Discussion-based class. “Romans on God, Faith, and Israel”

The Bible at 11 o’clock

11:00 a.m. | French Room (Level 1)

A discussion-based class focused on biblical texts.

Exploring the Faith

11:00 a.m. | Monteith Hall (Level 1)

Topical-based class with guest speakers. “Prayer Beads as a Spiritual Practice” with Mary Jane Chase


Youth Group 5:00 p.m. | Off site

T2A2 Young Adult Group 7:00 p.m. | Off site Bible study on Luke 5

UKirk@UMich College Ministry 7:30 p.m. | The French Room



Children and Youth are invited to join in the Social Hall today to “trick or treat” throughout the space. There will be a variety of allergy-safe treats and goodies, along with a couple of craft activities. Costume or not, enjoy a fun event this morning!


On the first Sunday of every month, we gather in the Social Hall during the Faith Formation hour to put our faith into practice by extending our love into the community. Join us on November 6, as we decorate and pack Thanksgiving bags for Hope Clinic. Bring dona tions during October and come back on November 6 to pack them up! This event will be fun for all ages! (Please note that this is an additional hunger relief project and coincides with the October donation drive for the Presbytery of Detroit.)

Below is a list of items we’ll need donated per bag.

1 can of gravy (or packet dry mix)

1 box instant mashed potatoes

1 box stuffing mix

1 can cranberry sauce

2 cans green beans

1 can french-fried onions

1 can cream of mushroom soup

1 can pumpkin pie filling

1 crust/bake mix

2 cans vegetables (carrots, corn, yam, peas, etc).

All items must be shelf-stable (no refrigeration needed) and please avoid glass containers.

You can find more information on Hope Clinic and this wonderful mission project here: thehopeclinic.org/thanksgiving-2022



Taizé — We invite you to come experience a beautiful form of prayer, inspired by the ecu menical community in Taizé, France. This month’s Taizé service is centered around wholeness and healing and is comprised of silence and song, candlelight and stillness, prayer and contemplation. Join us on Tuesday, November 1, at 6 pm for a simple supper in the Social Hall followed by the Taizé service at 7 pm in Monteith Hall.


Requiem by Maurice Duruflé and Five Variants of “Dives and Lazarus” by Ralph Vaughan Williams will be presented by FPC’s Chancel Choir, Chamber Orchestra, and Organ on All Saints’ Sunday, November 6, at 3:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary. A Love Offering will be received in support of the Sacred Music and Fine Arts Fund.



Are you called to Stephen Ministry? A new class of Stephen Ministers will begin training in January. Is God calling you? Apply for the program, which includes 50 hours of training (on Zoom and in person) from January through May, and be commissioned to the most meaningful ministry of compassion you can imagine. For more info, see Rev. Rogers or any Stephen Minister.


Advent is coming! If are willing to write a brief devotional to help guide this holy season, please let Rev. Rogers know (mrogers@firstpresbyterian.org). Once you sign up, you’ll be given the theme and scriptures to reflect upon, and asked to write a short reflection. Scriptures and themes will be sent out in early November, and you’ll have a few weeks to submit your devotional, along with a brief bio and picture. First-time authors especially encouraged, and our pastoral staff is there to provide lots of help!


Presbyterian Women — Study, delve into history, and make the Bible personal! Come to the William Barclay Bible Study on Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Vance Room. Join us as we dig deeper into Corinthians. For more information, contact Meg at lmegbrown@ gmail.com

Jump start your creativity by trying Spiritual Writing on Thursday, November 3 at 10:30 a.m. in the Vance Room. Participants are given a one-word prompt, write for the next 45 minutes, then share and discuss their work. Group meets October - May. Questions? Contact Meg Brown at lmegbrown@gmail.com.


Opportunity for ministry: During the week of November 7-13, First Pres will be sup porting guests at Alpha House, a shelter for children and their parents experiencing homelessness. Sign-up is available online and on a white board at coffee hour. Gail Ein haus, gail.einhaus@gmail.com, Anne Gere, argere@umich.edu, or Ruth Jensen, ruthannjensen@gmail.com, can answer questions.

Our October food donations and special financial contributions support the hunger ministry of the Presbytery of Detroit. Non-perishable food may be placed in the baskets provided in the Welcome Center on Sundays, Mondays–Thursdays, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Fridays, 9 a.m. to noon. Financial gifts may be made by check or online. Donations will be coordinated and delivered by Presbyterian Women.


The Presbytery of Detroit and First Presbyterian Church of Ann Arbor cordially invite you to join us in presence and prayer to joyfully celebrate the

Service of Installation of Rev. Mark Mares

as Associate Pastor of First Presbyterian Church

Sunday, October 30, 2022, at 3:00 pm 1432 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104

A reception will follow in the Social Hall. Parking is limited. Additional free parking is available at the Forest Avenue parking structure.


Contact Us


Rev. Megan Berry

Resident Minister mberry@firstpresbyterian.org

Barbara DeLancey Parish Nurse bdelancey@firstpresbyterian.org

David Hufford Organist dhufford@firstpresbyterian.org

Rev. Hannah Lundberg Resident Minister hlundberg@firstpresbyterian.org

Rev. Mark Mares Associate Pastor mmares@firstpresbyterian.org

Stacey Pakela Parish Nurse spakela@firstpresbyterian.org

Shayla Powell Children’s Choir Director spowell@firstpresbyterian.org

Rev. David Prentice-Hyers Lead Pastor dprenticehyers@firstpresbyterian.org

Rev. Melissa Anne Rogers Associate Pastor mrogers@firstpresbyterian.org

Rev. Jay Sanderford Associate Pastor jsanderford@firstpresbyterian.org

Beca Torres-Davenport Coordinator of Children & Family Ministry btd@firstpresbyterian.org

David VanderMeer

Minister of Music & Fine Arts dvandermeer@firstpresbyterian.org


Pat Gilbreath

Welcome Center Coordinator pgilbreath@firstpresbyterian.org

Bill Hall

Videographer bhall@firstpresbyterian.org

Almer Harris

Maintenance Specialist aharris@firstpresbyterian.org

Brent Ivey

Technology Coordinator bivey@firstpresbyterian.org

Diane Knibbs

Administrative Assistant dknibbs@firstpresbyterian.org

Anna Miller Finance Manager amiller@firstpresbyterian.org

Merry Muilenberg Welcome Center Assistant mmuilenberg@firstpresbyterian.org

Randall Nicholls Memorial Service & Wedding Facilitator rnicholls@firstpresbyterian.org

Esther Patrick

Communications Manager epatrick@firstpresbyterian.org

Adrian Prundeanu

Facilities Manager aprundeanu@firstpresbyterian.org

Linda Robinson

Church Operations Manager lrobinson@firstpresbyterian.org

First Presbyterian Church

1432 Washtenaw Avenue Ann Arbor, MI 48104

734 • 662 • 4466 info@firstpresbyterian.org



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