None Dare Call It Conspiracy

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Henry Fowler Rockefellers Dean Rusk Elliot Richardson Adam Yarmolinsky Arthur Burns John K. Galbraith Henry Kissinger Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. Richard Nixon Hubert Humphrey John Lindsay Democrat Republican The following are so-called Democrats who have been or now are C.F.R. agents: Dean Acheson, Alger Hiss, Adlai Stevenson, John Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Edward Kennedy,* Averell Harriman, George Ball, Henry Fowler, Dean Rusk, Adam Yarmolinsky, Huber Humphrey and John Lindsay. (*Boston Committee) It is interesting to note that rewards of cushy jobs were given by the international bankers to many men high in the LBJ administration for their services. Undersecretary of State George Ball went with Lehman Brothers; Secretary of the Treasury Henry Fowler was taken in by Goldman, Sachs & Co.; Budget Director Peter Lewis, Undersecretary of the Treasury Frederick Deming and former Secretary of Commerce C. R. Smith all avoided the bread lines by being picked up by Lazard Freres (Rothschilds). Fowler and Deming were largely responsible for policies which led to European nations claiming half of our gold (and having potential claims on the rest) as well as denuding the U.S. Treasury of all of the silver reserves it had built up over a century of time. Did the international bankers take pity on these men for their incompetence or were they rewarded for a job well done? Controlling the Republican Party for the C.F.R. have been Dwight D. Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles, Thomas E. Dewey, Jacob Javits, Robert McNamara, Henry Cabot Lodge, Paul Hoffman, John Gardner, the Rockefeller clan, Elliott Richardson, Arthur Burns, Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon.* While it is true that every administration since FDR has been dominated by the C.F.R., the Nixon Administration has set the all-time record by appointing over 110 C.F.R. members to key positions. Henry Kissinger, the "Colonel" House of the Nixon Administration, came to his job directly from employment on the C.F.R. staff. Kissinger represents the very opposite of everything Nixon said he stood for in his campaign. Both Liberals and Conservatives admit Kissinger is by far the most important man in the Nixon Administration.

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