Nov 2016 ft Da Pretty Boyz

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Letter from the Editor, Can I just brag about my squad a little bit, just a tiny bit? I read somewhere a doctor from Harvard said: “99% of your success or failure is based on the people in your circle”. First of all, I’m paraphrasing. Furthermore, I’m not sure of the accuracy of the quote, nonetheless I like it. It is my belief, (although bias!!) You can’t get a better team than my circle. My accountability partners. There’s Niki who is the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. There are times I just sit in awe of her mind; heart; selflessness, integrity, hair. Overall, all of her. I love that woman. Then there’s Candace who is my sounding board, my wonder woman. The one who calls me every morning wishing me a day excellence and follows up at night to recap on how I achieved excellence. The one who refuses to let me wallow in self-pity or claim a bad moment as anything more than temporary. Then there’s Victoria. She transfers me to a higher level, by capturing the precise essence of the Queen within me through her custom designs. Remembering when I first met Vic, I was so impressed by her skills; It was an innate desire to give her the world. She is going to accomplish great things in life. I promise you this. I am so blessed to be surrounded by talented, creative, gifted women who make me want to try harder at life. How can you not be motivated when your friends are creating bath bombs and soaps, sewing together masterpieces, or transforming lives? These ladies amaze every day, and I just want to dedicate this issue to them. I love you guys; I want to be just like yall. Love you ladies to pieces. -Chelle

Candace Niki



Ford Johnson Publishing, LLC Writers

Rachelle Ford Desmen Johnson Michael Lamb Cornell Bunting Dj Samore Fancy JusBlack Davis Angel Soto Candace Michelle Special Guest Contributor

Briana Lachelle Contact Us 302-313-6734 Ford Johnson Publishing LLC Ford Entertainment Magazine © 2016 by Ford Entertainment Magazine. All Rights Reserved Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Ford Entertainment Magazine is a registered trademark of Ford Johnson Publishing, LLC. Printed and published in the United States of America. ISBN-13: 978-1517220457 ISBN– 10: 1517220459

In This Issue:

Cover Stories

Da Pretty Boyz Pg 12




Blog Spot


Music News


Top 5 Records of the Month of October 2016



Beauty of The Month

Beauty Beat

Hair: Retro Retwist Beauty: Nana’s Perfume Fashion: Honey Pot Boutique


Pg 27


25 SEX WARS:- Question of the Month 30 REAL ONE - Special Guest Article November 2016



Scales of Justice How your color weighs in

Written by: Andrew Kahn and Chris Kirk for Article titled: What It’s Like To Be Black In The Criminal Justice System In the year since Michael Brown was killed, Americans have focused their attention on the harsh treatment of black Americans at the hands of police. A shocking number have been killed in encounters with police, in the year since Ferguson and in the years before. Thousands more have suffered subtle forms of discrimination in the criminal justice system, where social science research shows striking racial disparities at nearly every level—from arrest rates, to bail amounts, to sentence lengths, to probation hearing outcomes. We combed a vast body of research to find the clearest indicators of racial disparities at different phases of the justice process. The eight charts below offer a grim portrait of what it’s like to be a black American in our nation’s justice system.

1. Black Americans are more likely to have their cars searched. Police are three times as likely to search the cars of stopped black drivers than stopped white drivers, as the chart below, based on data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, illustrates. Nationally, black drivers are also more likely to be pulled over and less likely to receive a reason for being stopped. In one Rhode Island study, black drivers were stopped more even though they were less likely to receive a citation. Source: The Washington Post 2. Black Americans are more likely to be arrested for drug use. Police arrest black Americans for drug crimes at twice the rate of whites, according to federal data, despite the fact that whites use drugs at comparable rates and sell drugs at comparable or even higher rates.

Source: Bureau of Justic Statistics 3. Black Americans are more likely to be jailed while awaiting trial. A 2014 study in New York City showed that blacks were more likely than whites or nonblack minorities to be in jail while they await trial, even after controlling for the seriousness of charges and prior record. Other research suggests that this disparity is often because black defendants cannot afford to pay bail. The temporary incarceration stigmatizes the defendant, disrupts family life and employment, and makes it harder for the defendant to prepare a defense. In the chart below, “jail” refers to defendants who were offered bail but could not post it; “remanded” refers to defendants who were not given the option of posting bail.

Source: Vera Institute of Justice

4. Black Americans are more likely to be offered a plea deal that includes prison time. The same study in New York found that black defendants are more likely to be offered plea deals that include prison time than whites or nonblack minorities. Even after controlling for many factors, including the seriousness of charges and prior record, blacks were 13 percent more likely than whites to be offered such deals. Source: Vera Institute of Justice 5. Black Americans may be excluded from juries because of their race. Researchers found that North Carolina prosecutors were excluding black people from juries in capital cases at twice the rate of other jurors, even when controlling for legitimate justifications for striking jurors, such as employment status or reservations about the death penalty. Other studies have shown that excluding black people from juries can influence deliberations and verdicts. For example, black defendants in capital cases with white Source: Barbara O’Brien and Catherine M. Grosso, victims are less likely to receive a death sentence if there is a “Report on Jury Selection Study” (2011) black juror. 6. Black Americans are more likely to serve longer sentences than white Americans for the same offense. A 2012 working paper found “robust evidence” that black male federal defendants were given longer sentences than comparable whites. Black men’s sentences were, on average, 10 percent longer than those of their white peers. This is partly explained by the fact that prosecutors are about twice as likely to file charges against blacks that carry mandatory minimum sentences than against whites. Source: M. Marit Rehavi & Sonja B. Starr, “Racial Disparity in Federal Criminal Charging and Its Sentencing Consequences” (2012) 7. Black Americans are more likely to be disenfranchised because of a felony conviction. Most U.S. states restrict the voting rights of citizens convicted of crimes. Since black Americans are overrepresented in the criminal justice system, voter disenfranchisement has a disproportionate effect on the black population. According to recent estimates from the Sentencing Project, 2.5 percent of all Americans are disenfranchised due to a current or past felony conviction. For blacks, the figure is 7.7 percent or about 1 in 13. Source: The Sentencing Project 8. Black Americans are more likely to have their probation revoked. Black convicts have their probation revoked more often than whites and other minorities, according to a recent study of probation outcomes in Iowa, New York, Oregon, and Texas. These racial disparities held even when the study controlled for other characteristics of the probationers, such as their age, crime severity, and criminal history. In the chart below, the “unexplained” portion of each bar is the level of racial disparity that could not be explained by nonracial characteristics. Source: The Urban Institute

Turks & Caicos

Travel With Cornell

Earlier this year I took a quick trip to the Turks and Caicos Islands, which is a British Overseas Territory consisting of the larger Caicos Islands and smaller Turks Islands, two groups of tropical islands in the Lucayan Archipelago of the Caribbean Sea and northern Caribbean region. This island is known primarily for tourism and as an offshore financial center. The resident population is a little over 30,000. Researcher shows the Turks and Caicos Islands lie southeast of Mayaguana in the Bahamas island chain and north of the island of Hispaniola and the other Antilles archipelago islands. Cockburn Town is the island capital and does get a lot of visitors from time to time like me. I was on the Atabeyra for a Snorkel Trip and believe me it was quit the

experience. The captain was a cool storytelling dude; we talk a little bit about my project and what it would look like coming out. We joked about some of my other project which got other guests’ in a relaxing mood. This dude was no joke, he told us about how he built the Atabeyra all by himself, as he told us. I think of the day when I would own a boat and where that would take me. I love that the crew members embody, which made the trip unique. The soft drinks, chips, and salsa, along with happy juice, that they said was a mix of orange juice and rum. A few of the folks on the trip went to the bottom of the sea for shells. The wildlife was more sea creatures, like sting rays, sea turtles, lobster and a few others, we enjoyed the sunset on that sailing boat,

pure pleasure if I must say. Another feature of the island was, the island music which gives you a relaxed feel on the atmosphere! In my opinion, the Atabeyra is the best choice for a sailing trip in the Caribbean and ultimately, in the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Bath Bombs and Soaps

In The News Mom Kills Toddler and Texts Video of the Dead Body to Dad

Christian Clark, 21, of McKeesport, was jailed without bond after being arraigned on charges of criminal homicide in the death of 17-month-old Andre Price III and attempted homicide of his 2-year-old sister, Angel. Clark doesn’t have an attorney listed in online court records. Allegheny County homicide detectives say Clark was arguing with the boy’s father, Andre Price Jr. when she started sending increasingly violent text messages beginning about 9 p.m. Tuesday. The complaint indicated Clark was upset at having to clean up toilet water the children spilled but mostly because Price had left for work earlier in the day, and Clark believed he planned to have sex with another woman. “Ya kids ain’t safe here I don’t want them here” and “Answer me or im going to jail for child endangerment” were two of the dozens of texts listed in the criminal complaint. Then came a message at 10:01 p.m. that said, “I’m killing them” — followed by a laughing emoji with tears coming from its eyes, police said. Price responded only six times in the texts printed in the complaint, at one point promising to take a bus home but at other times ignoring Clark’s threats to harm his children. Only after Clark sent a third video at 11:09 p.m., showing her picking up the boy’s limp body by the arm and tossing him on the bed, did Price ask Clark to try to revive him, the complaint said. “Try to wake him up I said hold him,” he texted at 11:10 p.m. “Its okay Im dialing 911,” Clark responded. “You need to if he dead,” Price said. Price was also arrested and charged in this case. Source: NBC Philadelphia

White man serves 17 days for raping 12 year old Prosecutors had recommended a mandatory 25-year sentence, 100 years with 75 suspended, which is what state law calls for. Instead, though, Judge McKeon handed down a far lighter sentence: a 30-year suspended prison sentence, which means the man will only serve it if he fails to meet the conditions of his probation. Among those conditions, which McKeon called “quite rigorous,” was the requirement for the man to register as a sex offender, the Glasgow Courier reported. He also cannot access pornography and has limited access to the Internet. Also, the man will serve 60 days in jail, but McKeon gave him credit for the 17 days he already served, meaning he’ll only spend another 43 days in jail. The Washington Post is not identifying the convicted man as it could expose the identity of his victim. In an email to the Associated Press, McKeon said he had several reasons for handing down the seemingly light sentence. The judge claimed that news coverage obscured state law by failing to mention an exception to the mandatory 25-year prison sentence. According to McKeon, the law allows those arrested for incest involving someone under 12 years old to avoid prison if a psychosexual evaluation finds that psychiatric treatment “affords a better opportunity for rehabilitation of the offender and the ultimate protection of the victim and society.” The judge wrote this is one of Montana’s attempts “to encourage and provide opportunities for an offender’s self-improvement, rehabilitation, and reintegration back into a community.” In the note to the AP, McKeon also referenced letters written to him by the victim’s mother and grandmother. Both letters requested the convicted man not be sentenced to prison. The victim’s mother, who walked in on the man sexually abusing her daughter, wrote that the man’s two sons love him and she wanted his “children have an opportunity to heal the relationship with their father,” according to McKeon. Source: Washington Post

Man who shot Zimmerman Convicted of Attempted Murder

A Florida man was found guilty on Friday of attempted murder for shooting at George Zimmerman during a roadside confrontation with the ex-neighborhood watch captain widely known for killing unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin, local media reported. Matthew Apperson, 37, who according to prosecutors has a history of mental illness, was convicted in a jury trial in the Orlando suburb of Sanford, Florida, according to accounts by the Orlando Sentinel newspaper and 24-hour Orlando television news channel News 13. Apperson, a paralegal, sought to convince jurors he acted in self-defense when he shot a single bullet from his .357 Magnum into Zimmerman’s car on May 11, 2015. Apperson testified that Zimmerman threatened to shoot him and flashed a gun first. The bullet missed Zimmerman’s face, lodging itself in the truck’s metal frame. Assistant State Attorney Stewart Stone told jurors that Apperson instigated the confrontation and chased Zimmerman in a car, which was caught on video surveillance from a nearby post office. In addition to second-degree attempted murder, Apperson was convicted on charges of shooting into an occupied vehicle and aggravated assault with a firearm stemming from his altercation with Zimmerman in Lake Mary, Florida, according to the Sentinel. Apperson was sentenced to 20 years. Source: Huffington Post

Agent: Yanira Castro

Multiple Locations Throughout SWFL

Music News

I greet you with a heavy heart, however even with that I hope your mind

Music Reviews by LadyChelle

Tru Wiz: Tru Fact Spoken

New Releases Upcoming Releases

is anyonerap want share if In free. an eraDoes of mumble andtomicrowave you have been doingisthe assignments, music, true lyricism a fresh welcome and what discovered about none have bringyou it better than Tru Wiz.yourWith dope self! difficult. lyrics,Self-reflections a smooth floware andvery exclusive beats, this Ifmixtape you areishonest with yourself, it feels to the a refreshing sound compared current we have on hand. Hip Hop is as if youselection are displaying yourself for the not dead, but it has evolved into minimal subworld to see. stance, catchphrases and bells andthis whistles. Truthfully I am struggling with It’s always a welcoming moment to give all today because of the three shootthat awhich breakhave and go back to the ings happened withfundamentals Law of Hip Hop when music told a story, made sense and made you vibe. Tru Fact Enforcement the last few days. I am Spoken takes you back to that era. trying to pump myself as a person would do a well to give you what you Dirty 1000: 1008 deserve in this article. As tears flow The first a Dirty 1000 track was down mytime face,I heard because I think of you, in 2009. Fast forward to 2016, listening to our sons and daughters, our families. this new mixtape; this project has truly emI will agree not all cops are bad, but bodied his progression as a man. Dirty althose who are should be punished to ways had skills and always been able to spit. the the law. will digress But letter he hasofgone fromI spazzing on bethe beat cause I feel myself going off on a tanto making polished, industry level music. gent. I will go intoon our assignment. No longer a boy the mic, He’s made his

mark as a serious musician. On this mixI tape, on both Part autobiography and Jeffrey song, 1Grand shares real, uncut, raw, life Man in Mirror Assignment experiences and a full glimpse into his world and complete understanding as Welp, to change up hard before to whoI want is Dirty 1000. It’s forI get me to hate niggas. I’d be rich if God made into the discussion questions. So Iitwill me how he made Niggas. I keep real with a fake nigga. Ion thinks he flaw I give you athat prompt for the man in -the just think we think different. @dirty1000 “Jeffrey’s song” On one of the mirror tracks he assignment. states that he I borrowed should change this his name from 1K to 100K, and I fully agree. He keeps it realer than most. In an industry where lies get told, and one! games are played artists effort to swaytolisteners one way or another into liking Perseverance is abysteady their music, not toofmention copying styles and flow to be relevant. 1Grand maintain a course action, purpose, offers true transparency presented in the form of a unique flow, deep lyrics, or belief, often in spite of difficulty. and relevant throughout Write a letterverses to yourself at theeach agetrack that will either motivate you to go harder or make you realize you ain’tof going hard enough. This is most definitely of eight, explaining the meaning one of those mixtapes with no skip tracks. One of the ones you put on and just perseverance as it applies to personal ride out. Don’t sleep on Dirty 1000; he’s got next. success. Do not Wow think of & today’s failures, but ofIgnorant Shit Bow Soulja Boy: This mixtape follows the exact recipe to be lit, and it works. the success that may come tomorrow. The beats are dope, the quality is superb, Remember no effort that we make to the lyrics are catchy and willsomething make greatbeautiful Instagramiscaptions. attain ever lost.The whole tape rides. Just like any other 2016 rapper out right now. But here’s the Sometime,somewhere, somehow we problem with all this. This is Bow Wow and Soulja Boy, vetershall seek. ans infind this that gamewhich at thiswe point, but sounding like the freshmen. Source: Helen Keller They’ve been in the game way too long to be riding the wave when they should be creating the new trends, creating the new flow. Aside from Partthat, II I will admit, the tape is pretty decent. At some point, you won’t even remember its Bow & Soulja on the mic.

Music Videos DPB: Sauced Up

Tru Wiz: Know Me

Music News

DJ Samore

Top 5

Top 5- November ‘16



Chance The Rapper No Problem

USHER No Limit




D.R.A.M ft Lil Yachty Broccolli

YFN LUCCI 5 Keys To The Streets

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Da Pretty Bo Sauced Up &Winning Introduce yall selves real quick

I’m Marcyy Marc. A rapper, a songwriter. Trying to get into producing. I just love to make music. For right now I’m just trying to focus on music. But I want to do other things such as acting and just songwriting for other artists and clothing. This is Pretty Eyez, aka Gucci P. I’m a rapper. I also produce and other things. I want to venture into acting and DJing as well. Well, that’s different, DJing, what about Djing you want to get into. It’s just a different way to do music. Exploring the different genres of music that way. Just being able to move the crowd.


Tell us about the progression your music has taken over the years. MM: Progressing its taken. Mostly just us getting better and perfecting our craft. But most importantly, our fans that are growing with us.` Because What’s the first song you guys dropped we’ve been doing this for years and that made you realize you were real years and our fans, have been keeping artists? up with us. MM: Probably one of the very first PE: Like my cousin just said, our fans songs we’ve ever dropped. With is have been with us. Since myspace. It’s Crank That Pretty Boy. During the just a journey. Crank that era with Soulja Boy. That’s when we started traveling and doing shows, just having fun, first getting

into the business. But about a year after we put out that crank that song, we put out a mixtape and fans were loving everything we put out. We started shooting videos and traveling. That’s when it hit me personally that I was an artist. PE: The first time we were on BET. I was just like “This is It, the world sees us. This is my lane; this is my job.” That experience for me was really cool.

oyz @TheRealPrettyEyez

and coming artist to get to that big of a platform that major artists are on. It was a wonderful experience. How is it doing music with a family member? It is better or is there friction? MM: It’s definitely better. We know each other. So there’s no stepping on toes. We know what lane we fit in, we know our group. It’s definitely better. We talked about the progression of the group and you guys are slowly progressing out of Da Pretty Boyz group name and more into the acronym DPB. Can you tell us about that? MM: I feel like, we’re still Da Pretty Boyz, but this is the another side of Da Pretty Boyz. We were doing more R&B type music. More commercial, radio type music. Now it’s just the time for an upgrade. We’re just trying to Level Up right now. Trying to do music that more people can relate to. And speaking of changes, the world has kind of noticed that you’re one member short?

perform. We were in the dance studio getting our choreography right. And once we got up there we had so much Tell us a little bit more about that BET fun it was just a great experience. experience. And afterward, we did the 10&Park tour. Our big bros Pretty Ricky was on MM: First we had to build our fanbase it, Mario was on it. It was just a wonand make people take us seriously. derful experience. Especially when Because we didn’t wanna just get on we got to come back for the chamtv and blow our shot. So we really pionship, when we performed with practiced our craft, we were in studio B.O.B., he’s a real cool dude. It’s just figuring out what song we were gonna a different world out there for an up

MM: My brother Mack Baker, he decided to do his own thing. We’ve been doing this group thing for a minute and you know it’s been quite rocky, some ups some downs. Sometimes felt like we weren’t going anywhere, but he felt like it was his time to go and do his own thing and just see how that works out. And we’re 100% supportive of his decision and his 100% supportive of our decision to keep going with the group. We feel like that’s the journey we all have to take right now. But we’re still 100% supportive of each other.

Wowed by

Ashonte Monet

Photographer: WilliamAustin.Co Hair: Bella Studio 7 MUA: GlammedbyRee Styled by: Ashonte Monet

Beauty Beat


Retro Retwist

The Best To Ever Do It

In our quest to report the best in the beauty industry each month, it was long overdue that we highlighted Retro Retwist for her amazing work with dreadlocks. Whether starter locks, attaching them, styling them, you can guaranteed to be wowed by her work. We have been following her journey for a few years now and her growth and progress is not only amazing to witness but motivating to us all chasing a dream.

Social Media: Retro Retwist

Beauty Beat

Nana’s Perfumes


Smell goods!! Yessss!! Nothing like hugging someone and taking a whiff of their scent. Tells you a lot about the person. Are they the sporty type? Is he GQ? Does she smell like Beyonce, RiRi or Nicki? Your choice of the aroma is an important one, and Nana’s Perfume has your hook up for whichever essence you may wanna rock with. Located in Naples, FL, inside of GLC’s Bling Fashion Boutique, it’s the perfect location to pick up your next fragrance.

Beauty Beat

Fall Into Season with


Honeypot Boutique we keep you in the know of each season. HoneyPot celebrates fall in mustard, marroon n olive colors. Fall into the season with Honey Pot boutique. Don’t go down without style.

They have a great a collection of items to meet everyone’s needs. Honey Pot Boutique is located at 2221 Fowler St in Fort Myers, FL

Tell us about your music and how long you’ve been in the game. You can say I’m in the street lane, being that’s where I come from. Before incarceration, I was in the music game for bout 2 or 3 years. I always saw myself on a big stage or being someone that can be big in the industry ‘cus I been stunting. I just started fucking with it when my homeboy came home from prison in 2010. That’s when I actually started investing my time and money into taking it more serious. Especially after I’ve seen everybody in my city (Fort Myers) was f*cking with it. I was like, this rap shit can proudly work. I was already popping on social media, so I figured I could use that platform to get my music out and build me a fan base. You’ve had to pause your life for the last 4 years due to incarcaration. Tell us how that has affected your music? I’d say there are an upside and a downside to getting locked up when I did. The downside is I ain’t been able to put any new music out, and 2 months before I got picked up, I just had dropped my first official mixtape which I thought had the potential to get me a buzz but I never even got to promote it, so it went down the drain. The upside is I got more to talk about and got my story to tell plus being in the feds I’ve met n*ggas from everywhere and built relationships with n*ggas in almost every state. I

feel I can take advantage of this situation and get my music out in a lot of different markets. This the worst thing they could have done, let somebody like me link up with all these n*ggas from everywhere, Alabama, Georgia, Carolina, Ohio, Tennessee, Louisiana, Cali. Yeah, Ima be everywhere!

You’re also getting ready to come home and gearing up to bring your music back. What should we expect? No doubt! I’m definitely on the way. Shout out to the Johnson case and shout out to my lawyer Robert Harris. It’s finna be big like Lebron going back to Cleveland when I touchdown back in my city. You definitely can exWhat has your life been like the last 4 pect somewhat of a sequel to my first years? mixtape which was basically about It’s been challenging. For the simple everything I was going through at the fact that I’ve been away from all of my time. Being jammed up and being out family and going from people depend- on bond and just being all the way in ing on me to me having to depend on the streets for real. I got a variety of other people. And on top of that, I’m music cooked up but my 1st project damn near a virgin again lol. But I’ve I’m blessing the streets with, will be been able to study and educate my- my priority coming out. I ain’t gon give self about all the business and things you no names or nothing, just know I wouldn’t have gave myself a chance I’m getting straight in the lab and getto read about and do because I was ting it out ASAP. It’s been long enough! busy running the streets. So I feel like I’m a lot sharper then I was. What artist you would like to work with coming home? If you 100, I’m definitely f*cking with ya. Kodak, Boosie, Gucci. My niggas doing they thing right now, T-Row, Yo Baby, they all went through the same shit I’m going through and what I’ma be going through when I do land. Go get that Fizzle “Under Investigation” from Datpiff.

Catching up With


Follow me on Facebook: Kevin KT Taylor. IG: 239KT

Keeping it 10 times


Dirty 1000

What I’ve noticed, I was listening to your new mixtape yesterday, and I noticed a real difference between your sound now and your sound then. And by then I mean 09 2010.

I feel like you’ve sat down and they That was the whole reason for 1008. are now actual songs that people can 1008 in street term is a whole brick of raw cocaine or a whole brick of anyvibe to. thing. And I consider myself like that. That was definitely on purpose. Like I A whole kilo of it. Being that I’m dropsaid, it’s just been a lot of growth. I’m ping my first solo project, I wanted not necessarily a kid anymore, a lot to re-introduce myself. I knew it was of life experiences have happened to gonna be that dope. I felt like it was me. And I was off and on with my mu- gonna be that dope. I put in a lot of sic. I just had so much buildup I just time and energy. I strategically picked had to get it off, and I now realize re- out the records I wanted to put on ally who I am and what I’m about and there. I put out 22 tracks, and that’s what I’m on. I’m so comfortable with what it was, it was a re-introduction of myself. That’s probably why my music me. I wanted to everyone listening to is a lot better. I’m a lot more in tune get real familiar with 1Grand. And we grow together from here. with who I am.

Yea, and I actually take pride in that. In my progression, and growing. I wanted to make my music so undeniable that regardless of what happens or how many resources I have when people hear it, they have to f*ck with it. I don’t wanna leave no room for any doubt. That’s what I pride myself in. I spent a lot of time and energy growing and found my own sound, playing with the words, different flows and all Another thing I’ve noticed about that. your music is that now you have a lot The main different that I noticed was of transparency in regards to your life that, back then, all your tracks be- and your experiences. fore, actually sounded like freestyles, just spazzing on the beat, and now

“It’s hard for me to hate n*ggas. I’d be rich if God made me how he made n*ggas.” -Dirty 1000, 1008, Jeffery

Being that is your first solo project, and it recently dropped in October. But every time I turn around, your name is ringing bells. What have you been doing that has your name ringing like that? The thing about it is, I’ve been blessed to be around other guys. Like Koly doing his thing now. You know we were in a group together. Kodak done went crazy and you know we got records together. We spent a lot of time with each other. And they just kinda opened up the doors and shed light on Broward. But at least around here, people always know, it’s just now I’m taking the initiative. I’m not waiting on anything to come to me. I’m just grinding and reaching out to people and grinding as much as I can. I feel like anything that might come to me now from music; I feel like I put in enough time. I feel like I deserve it. I can truly say that. And people who’ve been around me, they’re rooting for me also.

Street Gorilla

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If a female starts physically assaulting a male (punching, kicking, slapping) and he beats her up, is he wrong? I’m not going to hit a

Dead wrong...espe-

female I just think the

cially if he is beating

double standard is crazy.

her up really bad.

And yes. I get attacked

Maya Outten

by random trees. I’m not proud of it.

I appreciate those lessons. I’ve never been

Steven Crawford

struck by a man, and I believe it’s because I knew

A man can defend his self without hurting

when to leave well enough alone.

a woman.

Oh and I keep my hands to myself. Lol

Willie Earl Sparrow Jr.

Crystal Lyons- Johnson Nope. He ain’t wrong. Keep your hands to your-

Yea I think it wrong you should never put your hands on

self. Women kill men all the time. Y’all ever watched

a woman. Women are made from man’s ribs, and they


are physically weaker. Not saying their hits doesn’t hurt,

Tarhonda T-Lew Lewis

but it’s not like a man’s. So no, I don’t think its ok.

I don’t think he should beat her ass, but I think if

Jasper Johnson

he gets punched one too many times he deserves to knock her out. If he can restrain her, do that. Men are

Choke her ass out!!!!!


Everett Thomas

Melanie Christine

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Real One

My Choice (Really Forced) To Leave Home It was five years ago when I had the conversation with my mother about leaving town for schooling. It was almost one year ago when I made the decision to do it. I had initially decided to apply for a school in Georgia, in which to my excitement; I quickly was accepted. Exactly one week before I was supposed to leaveI changed my mind. I decided it was best for me to stay home. I was consumed with fear, in which deterred my decision and much to my mother’s disappointment I enrolled in the local community college. I attended FSW in Port Charlotte for about six months until I decided it was time for me to go. I felt like a broken jack and the box and needed to be freed. Making this decision was one of the hardest choices in the world, but it was time. I was lost because at this point I had changed my major twice. I went from being a Pre-Med major, to an English major. I knew neither one of these were my dreams, so I quickly became frustrated and questioned my judgment. One day I was talking to two of my best friends, and they told me to do what was in my heart. Since a little girl, I loved to write. I loved writing poems, free writes and anything I could use my imagination with. I knew writing was what I was meant to do,

and I officially declared my major. I became a journalism major- but not just any journalism major. I wanted to focus on the sports aspect of journalism. My heart became full of joy. I told everyone who wanted to hear it. I had enrolled in the best HBCU in the land- Florida A&M University (FAMU). FAMU is where I decided I was going to spread my wings and become the next sports reporter. At this point, I was scared yet was ready for this new journey. My mother and I took a road trip to Tallahassee and about three weeks later, I officially became an FAMU Rattler. I packed my bags, said my goodbyes and on January 2, 2016, I got in my car and drove six hours to my new home. Because I had transferred in with enough credits, I had the option to live off campus and moved into my very first apartment with three other people. It was a huge transition, and on day three, I called my parents and told them I was ready to come home.

They weren’t trying to hear it, however. Six hours away felt like a lifetime. I had gone almost a month without seeing my family, who I would usually see on the daily. I remember crying over the phone with my dad, telling him this was a mistake and I felt lost. He assured me everything would be fine, and just as he promised, it was. Here I am almost a year later, a Junior, making plans to graduate and travel the world. When I look back on the day I made the road trip to Tallahassee; I see so much growth in just nine months. I will be graduated in less than a year and a half and will soon be inducted into the Chapter of Alpha Kappa Mu (AKM) Honor Society. Leaving home was one of the greatest decisions in my life, and I encourage every who has thought of it, to spread their wings too. -Brianna Lachelle is a 19-year-old Junior at Florida A&M University. Majoring in Broadcast Journalism; with Sports as the emphasis. She enjoys cheering on the Miami Heat, Miami Dolphins & the Florida Gators. When not watching a sports related show, she is propped up watching Good times and Sanford and Son. Brianna loves laughing and having fun all around. Plans to travel the world & explore all of the Gods’ creations.

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Events Thank you for inviting Ford Ent Magazine to your events!! Check out pictures below of events attended in the month of October. NAACP Gala

SWFL Open Mic Night

Florida Entertainment Summit- Ft Myers

African Network of SWFL Gala

Haitian American Democratic Gala

90.5FM Feed The Streets

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