Love Winter

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Winter 2017

product reviews delicious winter recipes winter health tips things we love guest recipe creator


Your only limit IS YOU 2


Welcome back to our Love… ebook. I can’t believe it’s winter already! It’s been a big 3 months here at Food for Health HQ. My sales manager Melinda and I have just returned from a successful business trip to China. Having never been to China before, I was pleasantly surprised by the cleanliness and ease of getting around. I’m not quite sure what I was expecting going into the experience, however I will definitely return. In saying that, it looks like it will be a regular trip for me now! We have partnered with an amazing distributor in China. Yay! Food for Health is heading to China, very proud moment!! Some more exciting news. We partnered with Jetstar and Light ‘n’ Easy to create and launch healthy nutritious meals for all of Jetstars crew. I think Jetstar are leading the charge with regard to their team’s wellbeing. Our health starts with how we fuel our body, so we are excited to be a part of this initiative. We hope that all crew are enjoying our products, and are feeling more energized. I am also so excited to share with you that we have a new muesli product rolling out into Woolworths next month. Look out for some more news on this launch on our Instagram feed in the coming weeks! For now, I’ll keep you in suspense as to what the flavours might be, but I can guarantee it will be delicious. As you all know, I think the most important thing is to fuel our bodies with good food. In this ebook, I wanted to give you a bit of an insight into my life and what my family and I eat day to day… My famous lamb salad is something my family eat at least once a week. It’s full of healthy greens and protein so you stay full for longer… plus it’s absolutely delicious! The Apple & Cranberry Muesli cookies are something I always make lots of and have in my cupboard. It’s a good treat for the kids – my son Jack loves to have one in his lunchbox, and my little girl Millie (who is always on the move!) can eat one of these while she’s playing. I have also been known to make these with my Blueberries, Vanilla & Teff Gourmet Protein

Muesli. Similarly, I will sometimes use my Liver Cleansing Muesli instead of Simply Fibre Muesli in the Warm Coconut Porridge. Recipes aren’t set in stone, its great to change things up and play around in the kitchen. That’s how I come up with a lot of my recipes in the first place. I hope these recipes bring you some inspiration in the kitchen. If you’re making anything from my ebook, I would love to see!! Tag me @ lovefoodforhealth and hashtag #lovefoodforhealth so I can see all of your delicious creations! So much is happening for us at Food for Health HQ at the moment. Everyday brings new challenges and new opportunities and I love every bit of it! I am so lucky to get to go to work and I love being with my team and working towards to the same goals… #girlboss #girlsruntheworld #lovemygirlteam Until spring, keep warm and keep healthy.



RECIPES 09 | Apple & Cranberry Muesli Cookies

18 | Narelle’s Famous Warm Lamb Salad

10 | Warm Coconut Porridge

19 | Kale, Quinoa and Chorizo Zoodles

13 | Salmon Pot Pie

20 | Hot Cacao

14 | Garlic Prawn & Basil Pizza

22 | Hot Mocha Pudding with Coffee Sauce

16 | G uest recipe creator: Eva @eatliftglow Raw Blueberry & Coconut Cheesecake

REGULARS 03 | Welcome 05 | Insta-love 06 | Things we love! 07 | What's in season 08 | Product review 12 | Narelle Q&A 23 | Winter health tips – Cut the sugar! 24 | Thanks!



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tag us in your inspirational lifestyle and food pics with #lovefoodforhealth, and we’ll share our absolute favourites in each issue!




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When winter comes around it‚s time to rug up and keep warm. It‚s also important to keep our skin and lips hydrated so they don’t dry out in the cold winter breeze. Here’s what we are loving this winter:

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What’s fresh this season? As winter comes around, its important to fuel our bodies with lots of vitamins and nutrients from fresh fruit and vegetables…here is what’s in season this winter:

Did you know that artichokes are actually high in antioxidants? Higher than Cranberries and blueberries!

Try Narelle’s Famous Warm Lamb Salad on page 18

Broadbeans, like most beans are high in iron… one cup of broad beans has around 30% of the recommended daily iron intake. The perfect winter fruit? Oranges! Tastiest in winter and available the time you need it the most: during cold season… they are super high in vitamin C! Brussel sprouts are a source of Vitamin K, which can assist with bone and heart health. Parsnips are high in dietary fibre with ½ cup containing 3g. Dietary fibre is key in keeping your digestive system regular! Beetroots are a source of glutamine – an amino acid which aids with the health of the intestinal tract.

Parsnips feature in our Salmon Pot Pie recipe on page 13



apple & cranberry gluten free muesli

We have listened to your feedback and guess what, the new and improved Apple and Cranberry Gluten Free Muesli is here! The Food for Health Apple & Cranberry Gluten Free Muesli was originally made so Ceoliac and gluten intolerant people can eat breakfast with confidence. Packed full of yummy cranberries, apples and whole grains like amaranth, rice bran and buckwheat it’s the perfect way to start the day everyday. We have listened to feedback from our Food for Health family, and lots of you have said that you found the muesli too sweet‌ So we have taken out some of the honey to make the muesli less sweet. Plus, we have added more cranberries for a vitamin C hit, and added more pepitas and linseed. I like to have this muesli with the Jalna Vanilla yoghurt to start the day or as a healthy snack!


Apple & Cranberry Muesli Cookies 3 cups Food for Health Apple & Cranberry Gluten Free Muesli ½ cup gluten free plain flour 100g coconut oil, melted ⁄3 cup honey


1 egg, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 170°C. Line two baking trays with baking paper. Combine muesli and flour in a bowl. In a separate bowl, whisk together coconut oil, honey and egg. Add wet mixture to dry and set aside for 15mins. Roll spoonfuls of the mixture into balls and place on trays 3cm apart. Flatten. Bake for 10mins. Cool for 10mins before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

Gluten & DF raeire y

Serves 24


Warm Coconut Porridge ½ cup of Food for Health Simply Fibre Muesli 1 cup coconut milk 1 tsp coconut sugar 1 tbsp coconut oil ½ banana, sliced lengthways 1 tbsp toasted coconut 1 tbsp crushed macadamias Handful of grapes In a small pot, bring coconut milk to the boil. Add muesli and coconut sugar and cook on a low heat for about 5mins, or until the mixture has thickened. On a hot pan with coconut oil, place banana and cook for about a minute, until it slightly caramelises. Top your porridge with your banana, toasted coconut, grapes and macadamia nuts. Add extra coconut milk and coconut sugar as desired. Serves 1


High in Fibre




I have two favourite workouts! Firstly playing basketball… I love the competitive spirit and playing a team sport. My day to day workout is running 10km, this is how I start my day most mornings. It clears my head and puts me on the right path for the day.


Always a weak latte. I have one every day.


You will always find a few of my Fruit Free Bars in my handbag to eat on the go or give to my little girl Millie as a quick snack when she gets a bit hungry. I’m also a big advocate of eating fruit. I have an apple as a snack in the morning sometimes, and will have strawberries as an evening snack!

Hoss in Brighton is my go-to clothing shop, everything there suits my style!

Brunch spot:

Activities with children:


Skin care:

My favourite brunch spot would have to be the Colonel’s Son in Black Rock. It’s nice and close to my house and looks over the beach, such a lovely spot to sit, relax and have some time with friends and family. My personal favourite is the Detox Breakfast Salad!

My favourite local restaurant is Cerberus Beach House at Half Moon Bay… beautiful views and delicious food! I also love Ichi Ni in St Kilda… Sushi is one of my favourite foods, and Ichi Ni has the best! Plus the chocolate spring rolls are delicious – one of my favourite treats.

Holiday destination:

I love Noosa, and also Malolo Island in Fiji. Being by the beach is one of my favourite things, so getting away and spending time in these places where I can run around with my children on the beach, swim together and relax is my favourite. I have such beautiful memories in these places.


Clothing store:

My favourite thing to do is spend time with my children. Day to day this is usually jumping on the trampoline with my daughter Millie or kicking the soccerball around with my son Jack. My husband and I love spending time at the beach with our children and dog! They love being outside.

I mostly use Sukin for skin care… I absolutely love that their products are all natural and carbon neutral. Their products always keep my skin looking fresh, healthy and moisturised. I always have their Mist Toner in my handbag and use the Facial Recovery Serum every night… it's packed full of greens that make my skin glow.

Food for Health product:

This is always changing, especially when I’m working on developing new products… but my favourite right now are my Dark Choc Mini Bites. They don’t last long in the Food for Health office, my whole team loves them. Sometimes at 3pm I can get a little peckish and feel like a little chocolately treat to get me through the day. I’m so happy I created these because they are a my guilt-free chocolate hit. Seriously delicious, and seriously moreish.

Naturopath tip:

I like to drink clorophyll a few mornings a week, It keeps the body alkalised. It can also help with digestion and detoxing the body.

Low in Carbs

Salmon Pot Pie For the crust 1 small head of cauliflower ¼ cup parmesan cheese, grated 1 egg ⁄4 tsp garlic powder

Peel, core and cut parsnip into chucks, then steam until it is very soft. Place in food processor until smooth. In a frypan on medium heat, add 1tbps of oil, garlic and dill for about 30 seconds before adding the parsnip puree and stir to combine.


Salt & pepper

Turn the heat off and add the diced salmon. Transfer mixture to small oven-safe bowls.

For the filling

Preheat oven to 180°C.

300g fresh salmon, diced ½ bunch dill 200g parsnip 2 tsp garlic, minced Salt & pepper to taste

To make the crust, pulse florets in a food processor until they look like almond meal. Place in microwave safe bowl and microwave for 5 minutes. When fully cooked, set aside to cool for 10 minutes. After cauliflower is completely cooled, use a kitchen towel to wring out all of the moisture. Transfer dry cauliflower back to bowl. Add Parmesan, egg and spices and stir to combine. Cover the top of the mixture with the cauliflower crust. Bake for 1520mins, or until the top is crispy. Serves 4


Garlic Prawn & Basil Pizza For the base 200g almond meal 200g tapioca flour 5 egg whites ¼ cup olive oil 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bi-carb soda ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp onion powder ½ tsp salt

For the topping 3 cloves garlic, minced 500g peeled prawns ½ bunch basil 50g baby spinach 1 cup mozzarella cheese, grated 100g boccocini cheese ½ red capsicum, finely sliced ½ yellow capsicum, finely sliced

Pizza sauce ½ cup good quality whole egg mayo 1 tbsp tomato paste ¼ tsp salt ¼ tsp wasabi paste Pre-heat oven to 180°C. To make the base, combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until completely combined. The mixture should be a little wet, not like a traditional pizza base. On a large tray lined with paper, place the dough mixture and press out until it’s about 1cm thick. Wetting your hands will help the mixture not stick to you. Place the base in the oven for about 7 minutes, until slightly cooked. Remove from the oven. Top your pizza first with the minced garlic spread evenly. Sprinkle half of the mozzarella cheese, followed by the prawns, basil, capsicum, spinach & boccocini. Finally, sprinkle the remainder of the cheese on top & place back into the oven a further 10-15mins. Combine all ingredients for the pizza sauce and combine, then drizzle over baked pizza. Serves 6


Gluten F ree recipe


GUEST RECIPE CREATOR Q&A – @eatliftglow A self-confessed health nut, Eva loves improvising in the kitchen, eating, and being active (whether though some yoga, weights or running silly with her pup on the beach!) She is ‘that person’ constantly giving unsolicited health advice to family and friends! Eva runs the Instagram @eatliftglow sharing her delicious creations with her followers.

Q. How do you maintain a healthy lifestyle within the boundaries of a gluten free diet?

I’ve been gluten free for over 10 years now - and not by choice! I remember having to read product labels to ensure all the ingredients were safe for me to eat! Nowadays there are so many gluten free alternatives however not all of them are healthy. It’s all about balance - if I’m looking for a treat I have my go-to favs such as vegan chocolate and pancakes, or I’ll make just it myself!

Q. Tell us about your day on a plate:

I always start with Food For Health Apple and Cranberry Gluten Free Muesli with yoghurt or coconut water & frozen berries. I’m a big snacker so will have some more fruit in the morning before lunch. For lunch it’s usually meat, veg or salad with rice or GF pasta (probably left overs from the previous nights dinner!) Other snacks are nuts, cheese with crackers or juices. Dinner is most often meat, veg & some sort of carbs I’m loving home made pizzas at the moment too!

Q. What is your go-to workout?

At the moment I’m loving yoga. I was training with weights for years and still pop up to the gym to work my muscles differently however also trying to me more mindful and yoga really hits the spot!

Eva @eatliftglow

Q. What is your favourite Food for Health product?

Definitely the Apple and Cranberry Gluten Free Muesli!

Q. What is your number one piece of advice for someone wanting to get fit?

You are what you eat and balance is key! It’s cliche I know, but it’s true.

Raw Blueberry & Coconut Cheesecake For the base

Soak cashews in water overnight

1 ⁄4 cups Food For Health Chia and Cinnamon Fruit Free Clusters

Blend the base ingredients and press into cake tin.


10 dates 4 tbsp coconut oil

For the cake 200 grams raw cashews 200 grams coconut yoghurt 2 1⁄2 frozen bananas ⁄4 shredded coconut


⁄2 cup frozen blueberries


pinch of cinnamon Food For Health Dark chocolate and Yoghurt Mini Bites to serve


Sprinkle an additional 1⁄2 cup of Chia and Cinnamon Fruit Free Clusters over the top of the base as extra layer of texture. Blend the cashews, coconut yoghurt, honey and shredded coconut in blender, then split the mixture in half. Add frozen blueberries and 1 frozen banana to half of the mixture and blend until smooth. Pour this over the cake base & place in freezer to set for 1.5 hours. Add 11⁄2 frozen bananas and pinch of cinnamon to other half of mixture and blend until smooth, then pour over cake layer (after 1.5 hours) Top with Mini Bites and blueberries and allow to set in freezer for another hour. To serve, allow cake to thaw out for approximately 20 minutes. Serve with extra blueberries.



High in P rotein

Narelle’s Famous Warm Lamb Salad 500g lamb backstrap 200g baby spinach 200g rocket 100g broad beans

In a bowl, combine all salad ingredients and stir to combine.

1 tin chickpeas, rinsed

In a small bowl, combine all dressing ingredients and stir until fully incorporated.

½ red onion, sliced finely 1 punnet cherry tomatoes 1 punnet baby cucumbers, sliced Salt & pepper

Dressing ž cup coconut yogurt 1 tsp turmeric powder 1 tsp seeded mustard 1 tsp dijon mustard


Season the Lamb Backstrap with salt & pepper. In a hot pan on medium heat, place the backstrap and sear for about 3mins each side. Remove from heat and let rest.

To serve, slice the Lamb Backstrap finely and cover the salad in the coconut dressing. Serves 4

Kale, Quinoa and Chorizo Zoodles 3 large zucchinis finely sliced, using a spiralizer, mandolin or a sharp knife ½ cup quinoa cooked as per the instructions on the packet 1 large brown onion, finely sliced 200g chorizo, sliced 200g roasted capsicum, finely sliced 100g olives, pitted ¼ bunch basil, torn ¼ bunch oregano, torn ¼ bunch thyme, torn ½ cup tomato puree 2 tbsp maple ½ bunch kale Salt to taste

In a pan with some oil on a medium heat, place the onion and cook until browned. Add the chorizo, capsicum, olives, basil, oregano & thyme. Fry for about a minute until the herbs start to become aromatic. Add the spiralized zucchini & quinoa and cook for a further minute until zucchini is slightly softer. Add the tomato puree & slowly maple to taste. Let cook until warm. Finally, add the kale and stir through gently. Serves 4

Gluten F ree recipe


Vegan frien dly recipe

Hot Cacao 2½ cups of your favourite milk (we used coconut) 1 cup water 2 tbsp cacao powder 2 tbsp maple or your own choice of sweetener (to taste) 1 tsp vanilla bean paste Pinch ground cinnamon Combine milk, cacao, cinnamon and vanilla into a small pot and heat gently. When warm, whisk in your sweetener to taste. Enjoy! Serves 2



Hot Mocha Pudding with Coffee Sauce For the cake

For the Sauce

1 cup coconut sugar

1 cup coconut milk

½ cup coconut flour

1 tsp vanilla


3 tbsp brewed coffee

½ tsp salt

⁄3 cup cacao

Maple or coconut sugar for sweetness (not necessary, but optional)

1 tsp bi-carb ½ coconut oil, melted ½ cup brewed coffee 1 tbsp vanilla 3 eggs 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar Preheat oven to 160°C.

Place all dry ingredients for the pudding into a bowl and mix together until combined. Then add the coconut oil, coffee, vanilla and eggs. Stir until everything is combined. Once combined, add the Apple Cider Vinegar and stir until fully incorporated. Spray a cupcake try with coconut oil spray (silicon trays work best or line trays with cupcake cases). Spoon the mixture to make 8 even serves. Place in oven and cook for 25mins. Let them sit for about 5mins once you take them out of the oven. Remove from tray. To make the sauce, simply place all ingredients into a small saucepan on a medium heat. Stir continuously until fully combined and the coconut sugar has dissolved. To serve, place cake on a plate with your choice of ice cream (we used coconut ice cream) and drizzle sauce over the top. Serves 8

Gluten & DF raeire y



Cut the sugar! One of the biggest health trends at the moment is cutting out sugar, and with good reason. The recommended maximum amount of sugar to consume in a day is 6 teaspoons per day… however on average, Australians consume around 28 teaspoons per day!! Crazy, right?? In the last few years, a large movement has started to cut out refined sugars in your diet. By refined sugars I mean products that originate from pure sugar. Instead, people have started to include things like Rice Malt syrup, agave and stevia. There is so many ways in which excess sugar consumption can be bad for you. The most important one: sugar contains no essential nutrients. These are what we call empty calories, high in calories but contain no protein, vitamins or minerals. Excess sugar consumption can also increase the chance of getting type 2 diabetes… this is because our bodies become resistant to the effects of insulin, and the pancreas can no longer keep up with insulin production. Finally, sugar is highly addictive. When you consume sugar, dopamine is released into the brain giving you the happy feeling you experience from eating sugar. However, as we all know that is short lived. That is why we experience that 3pm slump. Sugar is often in sneaky places – think in sauces, marinades and dressings, fruit juices and even low-fat yoghurts.

Some of my go-to low sugar substitutes are: • Marinade your meat in a mix of low-sodium soy sauce and oyster sauce for an Asian style marinade, or delicious spices such as oregano, cumin and smokey paprika for a Mexican twist. I also love to do my lamb and beef in just salt and pepper! • Make your own dressings. My favourite is olive oil, white wine vinegar, mustard, garlic and a sprinkle of stevia. Mix together in a jar and shake. You can leave this in the fridge for a week or so. Another favourite in my family is my tumeric dressing – you can find the recipe for that in the recipe for my famous lamb salad. • Swap your fruit juice for a green juice in the morning… this decreases your sugar intake and a great way to get a hit of vitamins and minerals to start your day. It is so important to me to create products that people can eat and not have to stress about the sugar content, and can eat it safely. I use brown rice malt syrup in many of my products so they are refined sugar free. My coconut, cacao & chia bars only have 3.5 grams of sugar and came out as the winner in the Healthy Food Guide Magazines’s article about sugar content of snack bars. Plus, my liver cleansing muesli only has 0.6 grams of sugar per serve – the perfect way to start your morning. It’s so important to fuel our bodies with nutritious foods, so I hope some of the recipes I love to cook for my family that I have shared in my Love Winter ebook inspire you to cook a bit healthier. I try to minimise the amount of sugar I use in my cooking, and hopefully this inspires you to do the same. If any of my recipes or my muesli and snacks make an appearance on your dinner table I would love to see them!! Tag us on Instagram @lovefoodforhealth and #lovefoodforhealth #iheartmuesli Stay healthy…


We love that you’ve taken the time to read our fourth edition of Love… We hope you’ll join us again for our Spring edition in a few months. Thanks to out contributors and friends for their tireless work. Editorial: Narelle Plapp Recipe Creation: Narelle Plapp and Olivia Wilson Photography: Alice Stephens Assistant: Hannah Burgess

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