safeway insurance get a quote

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Why are 26 year old adults allowed on their parents' health insurance plans under the new health care law? I heard the president speak after the Supreme Court ruled on the health care law and one point he brought out was that parents could have their 26 year old child included on their health care plans. When I was 18 my father's insurance did not cover me any longer and by the time I was 26, I was paying for my own insurance. That seems awful old to still be under a parents' health insurance. A lot of 26 year old men and women are married and have children. Are they still to included on their parents' health plan because Obama did not make any stipulation to that aspect of the new law?" California auto car insurance question? I own three cars and I want to purchase auto insurance for all three of them. But my question is, if I plan on keeping two cars at my residence, and the third one garaged at another residence (at my father's address). Is that legal to do so or I must have all three cars parked at my residence? Will the third car be exempt from my insurance policy if I decide not to garage it at my address?" Would I still need to keep the insurance up on my truck if my license was suspended for DUI? I was wondering if I still need to keep my insurance during the suspension period or do I cancel it and then wait till the end of my suspension period. I got my DUI on May 6th. I guess for now I'm sticking to riding a bicycle anytime I want to go somewhere which it takes longer but at least it gets the most gas mileage of any vehicle which is infinity miles per gallon. Does the insurance cover my car after i just barely bought and crashed the next day? My Uncle bought a car one day and the next day he crashed. So I was wondering if his old car insurance which he is still paying for can cover the car. What's the cheapest insurance company for a 21-year old with a 2000 ford mustang? My driving record new and unblemished. Dog life and health Insurance? In June I got my first dog ever, he's part Yorkie and Chiuua. He's 4 months old and I'm wrecking my brain looking for resonable insurance for him, can someone please help me, I am on a budget, however, I have health and life insurance for myself and

granddaughter, my new baby should be covered as well. But I don't have a clue and I don't want to get ripped off either. Thanks" Do auto insurance brokers/agencys lie . they said ill pay 49 monthy and 134 down for insur. could this be lyin? ya basically this auto insurance agency asked sum ? in person and compared rates and the lowest price was some company was offering $49 monthly and $134 down .. i was trying to get 40 a month and shes like there is nothing i can do .. then i was asked how can i be sure that this will be the monthly fee and they wont charge more and she said there will be no hidden fees this is what they charge . we are ligitiment insurance agency ... but i dont know i feel like the down is probly profiting them big time and i feel like the monthly payments will some how be higher than 49 monthy and she is lying about hidden fees Whats the average price of car insurance for a teen with a 97 jet ta ? Whats the average price of car insurance for a teen with a 97 jet ta ? Is there an option to suspend auto insurance coverage when you are not in the United States? I am in the United States and have liability-only auto insurance coverage. I will be on vacation (out of United States) for about a month and my wife (also on my insurance policy) would be out of the United States for more than six (6) months. Based on preliminary findings, it seems that not having coverage (break in coverage) would impact future insurance premiums. What is the best way to save money as well as not impact coverage? Is there a concept like - suspend coverage for a while that when we are not in the country and not pay for that duration? Thanks in advance." Automobile insurance sites? Hey, I've been trying to find a website that gives out free automobile insurance quotes. I found a ton, but they all ask for personal information like telephone numbers and addresses. Are there any sites that will just give you what you're looking for: a fast insurance quote without having to give out all your personal info?" Can my daughter be put on my insurance? My daughter is 21 and she has no insurance. She is a full time college student and does not work. Can I put her on my insurance through my work? And what are the requirements? Can one ask a car insurance company to not file a claim? If one had an accident and it is their fault, can they ask their insurance company to not file a claim and you take care of the collision damage to the other car? If the other person calls their insurance company, who in turn contacts your, is your insurance company obligated to file the claim because they now know?"

What is a good insurance for wisdom teeth extraction? I am currently a college student, and I don't have any dental insurance coverage. I visited a general dentist today, he said that I have to get my four of my wisdom teeth remove more" Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can? Got a dui an i need some insurance whats the law can i drive some ones car if they have insurance or what can? "Please help, how much will I be paying for car insurance?" I am a 20 year old female. I didn't complete high school, but I will get my GED and go to school next fall. I'm getting a car this Feb when taxes come back and I'm buying no more then a good decent $3000 car. I have a child too so I heard that helps bring the insurance down a little. Because the car will be under my name, & I am the ONLY driver in this house hold so there will be only 1 person on the insurance, how much do u think I could be paying a month??? Any guess for wage? I want full coverage but if its more then 300 a month i will go half. I've had my permit to since I was 17, no accidents. Please help." How much to insure 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi? I am 18 years old and unable to get a quote for some reason. I was wondering on average how much woul it be to get insurance on a 2004 corsa 1.2 sxi, on my parents name?? Does anybody know if it would be more than 2000??" How do I get health insurance for my newborn? I am 6 months pregnant and 21 years old. I am still on my parents' health insurance, as I am an unemployed student. My boyfriend, who is an independent, is an unemployed student as well. He is currently uninsured and, as we have found, is uninsurable due to the fact that I am pregnant. My parents' health insurance WILL NOT cover grandchildren (dependents of dependents) and so my baby will not be covered on their plan. Individual health insurance plans will not cover my infant until up to 30 days AFTER he is born (and we can apply for medical insurance for him). How do I secure health care coverage for him BEFORE he comes so he can start going to the pediatrician immediately?" Car Insurance HELP? which would be cheaper? im not asking for a PRICE,but which out of these 3 cars do you THINK would be cheaper on insurance for me. I am a new driver,I have good grades ( good student discount ) and Im going under my moms insurance. -2004 pontiac grand prix -2006 chevrolet impala -2006 pontiac G6 I dont need any websites to find cheap car insurance i just need opinions on which you think will be cheaper and why thanks! = )" Insurance on 03 infiniti g35 for 17 year old?

How much is the insurance if they have 2 cars on the policy? "What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?" What's the cost of insurance on Porsche's, BMW's Ferrari's, etc?" "The police towed my car on my way to get my road tax, but had insurance?" got insurance on my car but no road tax, just bought the car and have to change it from disable to normal driver but the police have towed my car way, can i get my car back?" Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher? Which is more expensive to maintain. BMW or Acura? Is insurance price higher? Car Insurance increased? what to do next? My car insurance company had increase my insurance by 2 folds (103%) increase. I contacted the company, enquired about this increase. But they said they cant do anything about it, If I want I can raise this with the customer service chief and chief executive. I wrote them a letter stating it was ridiculous amount of money, they asking me to pay. Also clearly brought to their notice, that I have a clean history, no claim, paid insurance on time, no accidents, and I have no claim discount of 7 years in total. The companies chief executive has replied me in a letter stating, unfortunately, the post code where is stay is subjected to recent increase and personal injury claims from post code area has gone up. So nothing he could do. But I replied him saying, I lived in the same place for more than 5 years. But still no good. Regards to this, I email Watch Dog, explaining the same a month ago. Still no reply or correspondence from them. Now I am stuck, I do not what to do. Honestly, I only brought this care for 500 in very good condition and it is still the same. But my insurance is more twice the value of my car. Please somebody tell , what can I do next. This is really ridiculous amount and unacceptable whatsoever. Thanks in advance." Wich is is best life insurance ? wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32 Does anyone know a reliable life insurance company that is also inexpensive? Permanent Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, others, ect...For male, 56 years old" safeway insurance get a quote safeway insurance get a quote Is a moped or motorcycle better for a college student? I am currently a junior in college and contemplating whether to get a moped or motorcycle. I know a few pros to both. They both have high fuel economy and don't emit dangerous gases like cars do. They don't cost most insurance wise. The cons is

that a moped can't go on interstates and a motorcycle is pricier and mechanics for motorcycles are pricey as well. Luckily, I can get to school and work with and without the interstate if I wanted to. Thing is that I don't want to spend over a thousand dollars on a motorcycle and deal with the maintenance. So which is better price wise? Is a moped or motorcycle more beneficial?" Who knows a cheap health insurances? Please does anyone know of a better and affordable health insurances, I am expecting so I really need to have insurance otherwise I can't afford the bills." Car insurance help? Ok so im about to turn 16 (5 more months). my parents said they would get me a car, but only if i paid my own insurance. can u please tell me how much it would be a month. and what company would be the lowest price. . can u please give me an average amount a month so i know what my goal to save up is. white 16 yr old male audi a4 2.0T V6 (used) Car will be mostly used for school and my job. My GPA is 3.83 i dont know what else" Will my parents insurance go up if I received a speeding ticket and I am not on their insurance? I'm 17 and I recently got pulled over by a Louisiana State Trooper for going 84mph in a 60mph speed zone. I was driving my mother's car and she is insured with State Farm but I am not on the policy. I know I can plea guilty and take a class to get it off of my record but I hope it doesn't affect their car insurance rates...... "Car accident, insurance and no insurance, what happens?" So I got into a car accident, both cars totalled. I have insurance for the car and the other person does not have insurance, what happens? thanks" Cheap car to insure for young driver? So I've been looking around the internet for a cheap car to insure for my first car. The only ones I seem to find are newer cars which are around the 3000 mark to buy. I'm looking to spend something between 500 and 1000 on the car but everything I've looked at, the insurance has been about 3500 for TPFT. Anyone got any ideas for a nice cheap little car that's going to be cheap to insure, and if so, where to look for insurance? I'm 20 and only just got my license, so no no claims bonus or anything, just want a decent deal that isn't extortionate! Thanks." How much is insurance for a 17 year old ? im looking forward to buying a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 but before anything i would like to know how much is the insurance , because im paying everything myself ,so it would be under my own name ."

So many health insurence companys .I need to find a good health insurence I would like your help for a good co health insurence and dental,with eye glass too .I want my own instade of through a company as a employee" Would my insurance rate go up on a car with more features? I'm buying a car today and I already have the insuance and can leave with the car today once I give a down payment. However, the car dealer and I were speaking on the phone and he told me he can give me the same car and year but with more features like a Nav Panel on the dashboard and bluetooth and a couple of other smaller details like USB ports. Now my question would be, with these new features that don't exactly change much from the car I was originally getting, would this make my insurance go up?" Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1? Around how much would insurance be in georgia for a 16 year old with a 2008 yamaha r1? What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner? .... Can I drive this car without insurance? So i just bought a new 350z model 06 from someone and i was wondering if i can drive it for couple of days. I live in California, near oakland and san jose. I heard people telling me that when u buy a new/used car u can drive it for 15-30 days without insurance. If someone knows a link to some stuff about this please tell me :D Thanks." Cheapest Sport Motorcycle to insure? What is the cheapest sportbike to insure??? I have a Suzuki GS500E right now but want to upgrade and don't want to pay GSXR type insurance. "Trying to save on car insurance, who should I go with?" Currently I pay $122.00 for car insurance with State Farm. This is going to go up I am sure since I moved back to a larger city and when I lived here before I was paying a lot more. That is two cars, a 2008 Dodge 4 Door and a 2002 Focus all full coverage 100,000/300,000 Limits with a $500 deductibles you get the idea. Oh and I also have renters for about 10 bucks a month.... okay so I just was quoted by Gieco with lower deductibles, from the more expensive city and I was quoted at about $68 (without the renters) Thoughts on the matter, is this possible should I make the switch? Is $68 too low for two cars and are they baiting me and will they get me later with the higher rates?"

How much is car insurance for a new driver in London? I'm 27yrs and I'm looking at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO 1.0 E 3dr Hatchback. I want to get my full driving licence before I buy the car which means I would be a new driver when I want to get the insurance. I just want to have a rough idea of how much I will be paying annually. I know i cant get the right figure, just need a rough idea of the minimum/maximum i would have to pay. Any contribution will be highly appreciated." Affordable dental care? where can i find affordable dental insurance in illinois? "I am interested in purchasing life insurance, but lack general knowledge of the industry?" What kind of life insurance would be best suited for a 26 year old in good health who is the sole income in the family? Keep in mind that I support a stay at home husband, and have 3 children. No assests and no debt. Thanks." What to do when the other person doesnt have car insurance? Back in December a friend of mine backed into my car while drinking. he did not have insurance and still does not. i told him i wouldnt do anything as long as he fixed the dent. he has still yet to fix and is trying to get away with not fixing it. what should i do? small claims court? Do you know of any extremely low cost car insurance for cars? Please dont say companies like Geico, progressive, etc. i am looking for something that I have not looked at already- that maybe someone on here has experience with. i live in NJ, but that really doesnt matter when shopping for auto insurance." Grad. Student needs health insurance? I will be quitting my full-time job to attend Grad school full-time in May. Unfortunately I will lose my health insurance covered by my employer. I really cannot go with out health insurance. I need affordable coverage. Any suggestions? Claiming Back car insurance? Is it possible, i have been paying car insurance on my car for three months, while it has been out of use at the garage i purchased it from, due to the engine blowing! The garage have taken over 3 months to sort it under warranty, and the car is covered under there insurance, i didnt cancel the insurance due to thinking it wouldnt take this long! as i pay 140 a month it tolals up to alot and i was wondering if can claim any of the insurance premium back?? They still have the car useless Evans Halshaw be warned, only had the car 8 weeks.." Going to buy a new car tomorrow. Insurance Question.?

I will be getting a new car tomorrow. (It is actually a used one from a dearership, but new to me). Anyways, I was wondering about insurance. I live in Minnesota where it's state law to have insurance and also I need insurance because I took out a loan. My plan was to get the insurance the next day. Would this be a problem? I would be driving my car around without insurance for a whole day. I still have my current car which is covered and I will be getting rid of quite soon but I wont be driving that tomorrow after the purchase is made. My questions are, would I get in trouble if I were pulled over and don't have insurance, and what happens if I get in an accident on my way home from the dealership?" Im going to buy a car and insure it under my parents a camaro a cheap car to insure? what are some cars that are cheap on insurance Will they provide motorcycles at a motorcycle safety course? I want to buy a Kawasaki ninja , but i dont know how to drive on its easy to learn i driven motor bikes over seas but its not the same. Well the motorcycle satey course will the provide a motorcycle a sports bike not a cruiser? and what do i need to bring exactly? Do you guys know on average how much motorcycle insurance cost for a 19 year old?? I know its different from different parts but from where your from. Detailed answers are much appreciated thanks guys!" What motorcycle is best for a newbie? i have never ridden a bike before besides training classes i haven't started yet. i'm only 16... yeah i know i'm young but i'm very determined to get one so i want to get as much information as i can now, allthough it is still pretty early. i'm 5' 3 and 115 pounds. i prefer a sport looking motorcycle but i want the safest motorcycle that would be best for a newbie, like me, to drive. links & any kind of information will be greatly appreciated = ) oh and i'm planning on buying a used one i have saved about $1000 so the price i would LIKE to pay is $4000. but i'm not sure if this is a good or bad price." safeway insurance get a quote safeway insurance get a quote What is the cheapest car insurance? I had State Farm but they terminated my insurace because of to many tickets, i herd Progressive was cheap, what do you think? I am 19 by the way" Can health insurance companies request medical records from other health insurance companies? When I was in college I was in a relationship that made me really depressed, and the psychologist on campus referred me to an outside therapist with a diagnosis of major depression --the outside therapist corrected it and said she believed i had circumstantially-related depression, but she told me she coded the claim with the referring guy's major depression label so the insurance company wouldn't hassle me about the paying the claim. I worked with her for a 6 months --no medication, just got

out the relationship--and am happy and healthy :) Now I'm reading all kinds of scary stuff about MIB, retroactive declining of coverage, etc and I currently have new individual (underwritten) coverage--I can ask her to correct the claim with my old company, but it seems like any action might rock the boat and I'm scared--if they didn't notice it, should i leave it be? or is there a chance that if i (god forbid) get something serious down the road that my current insurer will dig up my records from my old insurer to look for a reason to not pay? she was trying to do something to make my life easier but this whole thing has turned into such a mess!" Auto Insurance Company? How long dose it take for your insurance company to paid lost wages. Do they paid lost wages once a month or every two weeks,also in the state of michigan how much can you receive for lost wages." 21st Auto Insurance Company? Any complaints regarding the 21st Auto Insurance Company? I am thinking about switching to them. Canceling car insurance? im 19 and have had car insurance for 4 months or so. i had a bunch of money from working with my parents.( own their business). well there business is bad due to the economy. plus a month ago i injured my ankle bad and it still gets a little swollen if im on it for long periods of time. so i cant get a job unless its one where im sitting and there isn't much with just sitting. so i have been thinking of canceling my insurance till my ankle is better and get a job then. my question is how much will my insurance go up when i get it again? my parents are saying its bad too do but i don't see any other option. if i don't cancel it the insurance and gas will drain my bank account in a couple months and i wont have a choice but to cancel it... Approximately how much does auto insurance cost for an 18 yr old new driver? Full coverage and/or liability. I just need a ballpark figure to see if I can afford to pay for my son's auto ins. Will my car insurance go up drastically when I buy a new car? I am looking to buy a new Honda, Accord in a few months and I was wondering how much my insurance will go up seeing how I am 18. Someone said it would be $3000 more a year so please help!!!!" "Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?" Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?" Car insurance cancelled on financed car..?

So I've been looking for a way out of my car loan lately because the payments are really too much for me right now...I know I shouldn't have got into it but I was young and VERY gullible. I just got a letter in the mail from my insurance company asking for me to verify the address I have on file with them ( where I park my car at night) or else they will cancel my coverage. So if they cancel my coverage, will I still be held accountable for the car loan? Or will I have to pay the balance off? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :-)" "If the other guy's insurance pays for damages, does that show up as points that cost me with my insurance?" My son was rear-ended today. Damage appears minimal, but there is damage. If he has the damages paid for by the insurance company of the man who ran into his car will that cause my son's insurance rates to increase? I seem to recall that insurance companies share information, but am not sure about this issue. Thanks in advance!" Minor car accident with no car insurance? I was in a minor car accident last month and i was the one at fault. I was backing out of a parking space and a lady with her son who was driving pulled up behind and was going pretty fast. I left a minor dent in the front part of her car and a few scratches. She has been harrassing me since the day it happened and finally she contacted me and i agreeded to pay the cost of the damage because i didnt have insurance at the time. But then she sent me a sheet with the costs of the damages, 1,000 dollars!! I think it's way over priced and a lawyer doesnt want to do anything about it. She keeps calling and harrassing me and threatening me with the law. what can the law do? what can the judge do to me in court? will i go to jail?" Can anyone help me find cheap car insurance? I'm 17 and live in the UK and I'm currently learning to drive. I really want a Fiat 500 when I pass my test, but the insurance is really expensive. My parents say they won't pay for it if it is more than 1000 a year, as I attend a prestigious driving school and they already pay my fees. However, my mum wants a new car and was considering a Fiat 500, so I could always be insured as a secondary driver. What's the cheapest way of doing it and can anyone find me a good insurance quote? I have no idea where to start and my parents won't help until I figure it out myself." Will a police officer get lower insurance rates? Im in training to be a cop, and i want to finance a 2010 Chevy Camaro, will being a cop help with car insurance rates?" Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio? Does anyone know of any affordable health insurance companies for individuals living in Ohio? Will i be double paying for house insurance?

I have had a 3 year personal loan on my house with a balloon payment on the end, and i am Re-financing the house to include my taxes/insurance with a conventional 30 year note. I have already paid my 2010 property Tax, and my 2011 house insurance is due March 21st. I am going to the bank today, will i actually have to pay my insurance come March 21st or is that something the bank does?" Would owning a Honda Civic coupe increase my car insurance rates? I'm 18 & planning to switch to a Honda Civic soon. I'm meaning to get a coupe, but I heard that my insurance rate would go sky-high just because it's a coupe. Is this true? & if so, by how much? Thanks." State Farm car insurance refund? I had State Farm insurance. They raised my rate...I cancelled. After I cancelled they drafted my account for the amount due the following month. So I paid the new insurance and State Farm. I requested a refund for the amount drafted. They sent me a check for a little less than half of what they charged me. Wen I asked why, I was told that they had to charge me for insurance I had on my cars from the first to the sixteenth of October. The draft occurred on October 20th. I am confused. When I began my payment plan I paid a month in advance. How did my payments become a partial month in arrears? Does anyone know how these payment plans work and how to get my money back? Thanks." Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car? I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do Who in california needs auto insurance? Does an 18 year old driving a car under his parents name need auto insurance? Or is it only have your own registered car? Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense? Does anyone know approximately how much sr22 bond insurance costs for a dui offense? Can my husband's employer to force him to pay for and enroll in company's insurance plan? My husband received a letter from their corporate office stating that in 2014 all employees will have to enroll and pay premiums for health insurance on their plan and that if they more Can I get fire/theft only car insurance in UK?

I currently pay around 1200 per year insurance on my new car. Recent job change though mean I only use it maybe 3 or 4 times a month, and with one day comprehensive insurance available from just 11, thought it might save me some money just to insure the car the days I use it... IF theft insurance is cheap enough. When not in use the car is in my garage so not going to cause any third party damage to anyone.." Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance? Where can I get Affordable Life Insurance? What's the point of car insurance? I pay insurance for my car. Shouldn't car insurance cover anything needing fixed on your car? What is the point of paying for insurance, when the insurance doesn't even cover repairs? I pay for supposed FULL COVERAGE , shouldn't this cover everything, ITS A BIG F-ING SCAM!!!" "Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?" Where can I find affordable health insurance in the Neosho, MO. area?" safeway insurance get a quote safeway insurance get a quote What's an average for tax and insurance cost for commercial property of very low rent? I need to know what I'm at least getting into before I jump in headfirst. before starting all you need to know is that this is the space I'm looking at http://commercial.exitreale And probably be using it as a non-alcohol club/ rental and recording space for musicians. Dose a sports car make your insurance go up iam 15 and i want a mustang and my mother said that a sports car make your insurance go up is that true How much is motorcycle insurance? Everyone always says it depends on where you're located, and blah blah blah. But seriously, can i please have a straight answer? How much would insurance cost (on average) for a 16-17 year old male driving a small sport bike or cruiser, or any bike at all for that matter...." What's the average price of homeowner's insurance in Las Vegas? I know this is a vague question but what are some estimate homeowners insurance prices in Las Vegas? The house is worth 180k, its brand new (built 2008). No pets or

children, three bedrooms, 1700 sq ft. My fiance and I are first time homebuyers and we have excellent credit. I just wanted to know if anybody had any ballpark numbers (I plan on contacting my current auto insurance provider soon, but I want to hear what other locals are paying so I know if I'm getting a good rate)... Thanks!" Car insurance for an 18 year old?!? Hi all, my cousin's 18th birthday is coming up and i've been charged with finding out what car insurance is like for 18 year olds. would it be cheaper to put her on her mother's car insurance (white BMW, automatic, about 2 and a bit years old, not sure of exact model) or to get her a second hand smaller car with a smaller engine? I have no idea! Her parents aren't willing really to pay ridiculous amounts which insurance for 18 year olds can get to! please help! thanks" How much does health insurance cost? I just got a new job and I am about to enroll in medical coverage. I'm a healthy 29 year old male and I'm going to include my wife as a dependent. I know there are a few different plans, depending on deductible, etc, but I just want to get a ballpark figure on how much will be deducted from my checks. My wife suggests it will be about $150 a month, or about $75 per check.. Does this sound right??" Report old ticket to insurance company? I am looking to get new car insurance, and I had a failure to control ticket over 2 years ago, which means that it is no longer on my driving record in my state. When filling out insurance information, it asks me to report any violations in the last 5 years. If my ticket is not on my record, should I still report it to the insurance company?" What manufacturer is the cheapest scooter/moped/50cc to insure? I am 16 and loking for a cheap insurance site for a scooter/moped/50cc Enduro bike, Does anybody know the cheapest manufacturer and insurance site? Thanks Anton" Scooter Insurance Certificate ? How long would it take to receive a Insurance Certificate through the post ? And can it be done through Email ? I need to know because im dong my CBT soon but my bike has no TAX at the moment. And can anyone recommend a good CHEAP insurance company ? Thank You Very Much James What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability? What is the cheapest auto insurance in california and can you please tell me the monthly rate for liability? What is the cheapest car insurance for a 20 yr old new driver? In Texas?

I am getting a car and my license soon and I need to figure out what would be the absolute most affordable insurance I can get is. I live in TX "First time owning a car Acura RSX R first time owner, how much would the insurance be around at?" I'm a woman, 22 years old and i live in canada" "Car accident, Insurance, How does it work?" I was in a car accident yesterday and it was deemed not my fault. They guy rammed me with a truck, while i was driving a car. My whole back end was destroyed and the estimate at a local dealership came out to about 6000 dollars. The dealership said that their might be some internal damage to the frame that they can't see but if it is the frame, can i ask the other guys insurance, the one paying for rental, coverage, etc, to give me market value of my car, if it is the frame, My cars value is $18,125. Also i have a slight neck pain from the whiplash, Do I tell his insurance about this?" Insurance/credit question? Okay, being 16 I have to have car insurance under my parents policy,. So my name being on it also, if they loose their insurance over and over does it affect my credit as well as theirs?" "Live in NJ, bringing car to school in FL, question about car insurance?" I am looking to bring my car from NJ (where i'm a resident) to school with me in Florida, and I need some help: My father is freaking out because he thinks the car insurance will go WAY UP. Does anyone know how this works? Am i allowed to ship my car down there and not tell me insurance at all? Just like bringing it on a mini vacation lol. Remember, I'm not a resident of Florida. Any answers?!" What's the cheapest bike to insure for a 16 year old that still meets my requirements? I'm 16. I've had my motorcycle license since December 2009, so that would be a year and about 4 months. (This is Oklahoma, you can get a motorcycle license at 14, but I had a late start.) My 17th birthday is in 2 months. I've been driving a car lately, but now I'm wanting to find another bike. However, it has to meet some requirements- it has to be good on the highway, since I live several miles from town and go on the highway almost every day, it has to be smaller than 500cc (not because of ability, just preference, I don't like big engines), and it has to be good on gas- at least 50 mpg. I don't car about the age, I know most people my age want the newest, coolest thing; personally, I don't care. I'd drive some 1963 rust-bucket so long as it ran. I'm just looking for the cheapest bike to insure for my age that still meets those requirements." Motorbike insurance confusion? I'm looking to get a new motorbike in January and am looking at quotes online. Where it says where is the bike kept overnight I have put: on a public road. Then where it says Address where bike is kept overnight I have put my home address. However I want to take it too uni and that's obviously a different address, but it won't let you have

two. I have put on the form that my current address is my home rather than uni. Do I need to tell them that it's going to be at uni with or not because it'll be at both places for extended periods of time? It's also 400 more expensive to put address as uni though cost isn't the problem just confused. thanks. Sorry if it was confusing, if you can't understand then I'll try and make it clearer." Car accident/insurance question!? Is there some sort of law that claims if your car is in an accident the dealership will pay for the rest of the remaining balance on your car? That way the insurance company gives you the money to buy a new one. My friend was telling me something about this but I don't really remember what it was called, or even if that was what she was trying to explain. Thank you!" Car Insurance? Okay so I'm sixteen and I got my license about two months ago. But I haven't been allowed to drive yet because I don't have car insurance. Is it really illegal to drive without car insurance? Insurance on a 01/02 Ford Mustang for a 17 y/o? Around how much would insurance cost for either a 2001 or a 2002 ford mustang (v6 engine) for a 17 y/o male in New York? Ive been through drivers education also so thats 10% off. Id REALLY like one of these cars, granted im expecting insurance to be very high and idk if id be able to afford it. Thx :) p.s. Also how much more would it be if it was a convertable? Having one would be awesome (i can dream cant i? :) (This is a serious question though)" "How much is PPD rating schedule for %13 lumbar spine discs and knees, If my insurance company was putting me? on Permanent Disability and my company Laid me out because of my limitation of to work? How much the insurance company has to pay me for my injury and disability? Top 5 or 10 florida health insurance providers? top 5 or 10 best florida health insurance providers What health insurance can i apply for? i'm a stay at home mom and my husband is self employed. so we can't get insurance through work. blue cross keeps denying me. what other affordable health insurance can i apply for? How much do you pay for car insurance per year? I'm just curious. Thank you in advance.

How much would insurance be on a mistibishi lancer GT on my moms insurance? (16 yrs. old)? We are thinking about purchasing a mistibishi but we fear the insurance would skyrocket as me being a new driver. Any help? safeway insurance get a quote safeway insurance get a quote

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