Flush Magazine Issue #16

Page 22

Hello, are you Santa Claus? By Ian Hughes / epredator

Ok, so I know not every culture has the notion of a jolly red suited reverse burglar, breaking into your home and leaving you gifts and it’s not always connected with quantum physics, but Christmas is a significant world event that has attributes and insights into human nature and science that are definitely worth exploring. Read on... It starts around October with the Christmas songs on the radio, building to the fever pitch panic buying on Christmas Eve. However, as we get older many people realise it’s better to give than to receive, and our focus is directed towards family, charity and general goodwill. If you’re aged seven and writing a Christmas list to Santa, those thoughts are usually not at the forefront of your mind. Coming downstairs on Christmas morning and ripping open all those gifts and maybe, just maybe, getting the absolute best present that you have yearned for drives your every waking moment. Everyone has experienced that feeling of surprise and elation of unwrapping just the right thing, not too mention the deflated feeling when the completely over the top

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