Wellington The Magazine October 2016

Page 24

The Perfect Dress For Your Perfect Day!

Many women dream of their wedding from a young age, and it usually begins the first time they swing a white sheet over their shoulders and pretend it is their wedding dress. From that moment forward, the fun and excitement about their wedding gown takes shape. Choosing a wedding gown is one of the most important decisions any bride can make — after choosing the perfect partner, of course. No matter how extravagant or streamlined the rest of the wedding day is, it really is all about the dress. We recommend that brides begin their journey of finding the perfect dress as soon as they set a date, since it will likely take some time to find the perfect one, order it and often wait for delivery. Some brides may try on more than a hundred dresses, while for a lucky few, they know the moment they slip the first one on that it is the perfect dress. Before you go out and visit bridal shops, you should browse online, thumb through magazines, get to know what styles are out there and consider what style suits you best. Are you more traditional, perhaps modern or maybe a rebel? Do you prefer something other than white or ivory, opting for a pop of color? Doing some research will help you when you walk into to your first appointment. It will set the tone and help the shop or designer know what type of dresses to show you. Whether it is your first wedding, second wedding or renewing your vows — there is a perfect dress out there for your perfect day! 24

october 2016 | wellington the magazine

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