When season-shopping-2013 Buy Now

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When season-shopping-2013 Buy Now Listen, not everyone is going to like this book. It may make some people uncomfortable either with themselves or their environment. Some people may claim that this book is all about making women feel they haven't pushed far enough into board rooms or into C-Suites. I have read this book, and as a highly successful solo-business owner that ditched corporate to rise higher, it **really** hit home. Not every woman WANTS to run a company (big or small) or even work outside her home, but every woman needs to have the right to be a leader in every capacity she wants. The book's message above all else is that no matter your background, education, upbringing or position of power in the workplace or your family is that as women we NEED to know that any choice we make will be met with the same enthusiasm and respect that our men counterparts enjoy. There was a perfect mix of research data, personal / professional stories from Ms. Sandberg, and other professional women's stories at all levels of leadership. While the author is in a much different professional position than I am, I still found the content very relatable as I too identify as a 'geek' that has ignored (or been naive to) the obstacles in my way - either externally or by my own doing. I also appreciate her request that men also read the book to understand the struggles that modern women face everyday that, even with the best of intentions, men often don't recognize. Men and women are not the same, she as well as I admit this, but in the workplace and the world the idea that each person be allowed to work and lead to their best capacity and contribute EQUALLY to our environment. I bought this on Kindle so I could start reading it immediately, but I will go back and purchase the hardcover because I see myself making a lot of dog-eared pages and notes in the margins - and then passing it along to other women in my network to act as a catalyst and inspiration to all who read it. season shopping, season shopping 2013, spring shopping 2013

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