The Watchtower & The Masons

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hitchhiker to drive. However, the hitchhiker began driving in a direction that the man had not planned, so he took back the steering wheel again. About this time, the man heard on his radio the news about Mt. St. Helens eruption. Now the hitchhiker was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit comes like a mysterious stranger, and he comes to call the lost driver. Woe to those who are confident in their own driving abilities, for they shall be lost. Blessed are those who are filled with the Holy Spirit, for trully I tell you, being filled with the Holy Spirit means to to let the Spirit of God control your life. The car in the parable is a man's earthly journey. Listen, a car serves not two, but only one steering wheel. Do not think you and the Holy Spirit can both drive your car together. A car goes but one direction at a time. Many will say they have prophesied in my name, but the Holy Spirit never controlled their lives, and I knew them not. For some others will say, we have no need of this Holy Spirit, our lives are fine, let us be. Go make disciples of the weak, blind, sick, and heavy laden, but let us be. It is written, pride goes before the fall. Are you trully that sure of yourself? Have you not yourself noticed how wise and intelligent the universe's creator must be. For you study the fine-tunes heavens, and you study the details of the many complex designs in nature, and you marvel. You say God is wise, and that this all-wise God knows what is best in our lives. And have you also not noticed the almighty power of the universe's creator, does he not have the power to accomplish what is best for you. And again I ask, do you not feel his strong love, how he gave you life and salvation, a love for you surpassing anyone else's. Then do not marvel, if I tell you that the logical thing for man is to surrender his life to the Spirit. Whoever does the will of the Spirit of God is my brother and sister, and yours too. Have you understood all these things? then go and do likewise. Now there was a certain fundamentalist minister, who didn't believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are given today.

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