The Watchtower & The Masons

Page 203

13 A CHRISTIAN ANALYSIS This chapter will deal with two issues, first, what should the Christian response be to Freemasonry, and second, what should the Christian response be toward this book's information? CHRISTIAN RESPONSE TO FREEMASONRY There is a feeling by some (even by some who proclaim to be Christians) that Freemasonry should not be condemned by Christians because of its benevolent activities. Many so-called Christians participate in Freemasonry. They must answer for themselves to the Lord. Meanwhile, rather than wait to see how the Good Lord settles the issue at the Judgement, scripture can be used to indicate how the good Lord thinks. Just what is the Christian faith? It is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength: this is the first and greatest commandment. The second is similiar, it's for me to love my neighbor as myself. (cf. Mt. 22:37-39 & Mk. 12:30,31) Naturally, the Christian faith believes that man is incapable of reaching the God he loves on his own. This is what separates Christianity from other religions. Christianity holds that sin is so terrible that God must remove the consequences of sin for man in order for man to get to know Him. Christianity believes that God Himself saved mankind. Accepting God's love, means accepting His means of redemption. To God be the glory for every person who finds Him, for it is not we who find Him, but He who draws us to Him, and gives us the capability to know our Creator. What an awesome privilege. If the Christian is sincere in all this then he will give his

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