The Watchtower & The Masons

Page 191



History records that the Masonic Templars were led by men interested in occult practices, and who hoped to acquire personal material wealth.9 Templar leaders like Johnson, Rosa have been called "self-seeking charlatans."10 The mason Gugamos ripped off a group of German nobles in a costly scam.11 The men who created these Orders saw money in fees charged for admission to various degrees, promotions, and knighthood.12 At this point, the reader may see some parallels between Rutherford and Masonic Templar Leaders. So it is no surprise the rumor mill has claimed Rutherford was a Freemason. The author believes Rutherford was not a Mason, but his writings, and knowledge indicate he had investigated the occult. Whenever he needed a new arrow to shoot at Christendom, such as Christmas having originated from a sun-god festival for Mithra, he had no problem finding something. Church steeples were denounced as phallic worship. Note, that the Masons are the people who kept an interest in sun-worship and phallic worship. The Masons actually tie phallic and sun worship together. Both are regenerative forces. The Masons however discuss these things in a positive manner. Rutherford hooked onto mystical Christianity (such as the Rosicrucians and Masons have) and using their claims that Christianity came from the occult, used it against the Christians. The Radioclast "Oija board" gadget that Rutherford promoted for thirty years is remarkably akin to the Rosicrucian ideas about the healing power of vibrations and the force of altruism.13 Because of Rutherford's greed, his interest in the occult, NOTES 9 The Knights Templar & Their Myth, p. 116 10

Ibid. Ibid., p. 123 12 Ibid.,p.118 13 Heindel.Max. The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, pp.91455. p.368-369 11

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