Canna Business Now Summer 2021

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WOMEN IN CANNA BUSINESS HIGH HEALS BUSINESS OWNER, MICHELLE MANGIONE, TALKS PAIN RELIEF, PETS & PATENTS BY L.A.NELSON Michelle Mangione is the owner and operator of HIGH HEALS, INC.; a catchy name and logo that bring to mind a broad scope of business genres, the least likely is that of a successful producer of medicinal marijuana edibles. But that’s exactly what it is. Across California, cannabis businesses are literally sprouting up everywhere, with seasoned pros and newbies alike scrambling to stake their claim in a “green rush” of our modern times. So what sets Michelle Mangione and High Heals, Inc. apart? Like many who comes from different backgrounds yet find themselves in the cannabiz industry, Michelle’s story is a very personal one that started over ten years ago. Her company, High Heals, Inc., is on the verge of its re-launch which will introduce new edible products for both humans and pets

in a media campaign set to launch this summer. And then there’s Dosey Dough; Michelle’s Patent Pending dosing and tracking system which, at the very least, will help businesses comply with freshly-inked regulations and standards. At the most, she and it may just go down in history. None of this has come by luck. Hard work, trials and errors and a dedication to healing herself and others in pain have been her catalysts. The culmination of these challenges seem to have fueled her vision for the future. And it’s a bright one. As she states, she’s exactly where she’s supposed to be. So, as the rest of us sit back and watch the cannabis industry evolve, we can garner some business savvy from a woman who led by her instincts and found her niche. You could say her feet are firmly planted, and patented, in this promising industry.

CBN: You really know your way around a cannabis kitchen. But what did you do before High Heals? MM: I was a real estate broker in my prior career. I had a property management company that took care of the houses that went into foreclosure during the downturn of the real estate market. Then I got sick and was told I had stage 4 liver cancer with three months to live. I had to have two surgeries to remove tumors. As a result, I had to quit my career because I lost a lot of my cognitive abilities. My beautiful vocabulary was gone and today I’m pretty unfiltered (laughs). But Im healthy and I’m alive. When they gave me three months to live, I knew it wasn’t a true diagnosis. Somehow it had to be wrong and I’m here now to prove them wrong.




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