November 2010 The Face of Chelmsford magazine

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November 2010


Your local magazine with an international flavour!

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WELCOME November

The Face of Chelmsford

From the Editor

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Time to wrap up warm

Editor Jane Holloway

The year is drawing to an end and people are going Christmas shopping and buying advent calendars. In this issue we show you how to get creative and make your own one. In ‘Behind the Scenes’ read about my trip to Marsh Farm where I learn how to milk a cow and watch the video on the website under FaceTV.

Sub Editor Minna Edel Published by FIG Publications Owned by Face International Group

If you haven’t watched any of our videos log onto the web and take a look at anything from pulling a pint to shucking an oyster. There are also 4 videos on exercising with John at Unique results with James showing exercises to do at home or at the gym. 01245 290205 7 BROOMFIELD ROAD | CHELMSFORD ESSEX | CM1 1SY

Every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained within this issue is correct and appropriate. FIG Publications cannot accept any responsibility for inaccuracies, omissions or mistakes. Products and/or treatments have not been endorsed by any of the celebrities’ pictures, unless stated. Any images that are displayed within this publication are for presentational purposes. Articles may not be reproduced without written permission from ‘The Face of CHELMSFORD’.

As a valued reader you can now benefit from a special WEEKLY OFFER sent by text FREE OF CHARGE to your mobile phone from The Face of Chelmsford magazine. To find out what local business are doing what offers TEXT ‘FACE’ to 88882 and join our list. For the latest and every previous issue, visit our website and you can refer back to some of the great articles that you may have missed or simply want to re-read. The next edition is also available online 7 days before the printed magazine comes out and, as always, it’s great to be green! To join the subscribers list, email Remember to mention The Face of Chelmsford magazine when responding to features, articles and adverts! Jane Holloway Editor

All prices are correct at the time of this issue going to print. All rights reserved.

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This Month’s Features



The B’s - Niacin


Robin Hood - eat your heart out


Mascara Magic

32 The Lunch Date 38 Singing in the rain - well not quite Regular Features



Editors Letter


About rosacea


Natural Skincare


Best of British


Restaurant Review - Wildwood


Snack Attack


Artist Focus


The Story




The Competition with Axis

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The B’s – Niacin by Jane Holloway

Niacin is just one of the many vitamins a person needs every day to stay healthy, strong and safe from injury. It is one of the B vitamins - B3 - and is water-soluble, which means it isn’t stored in the body like fat-soluble vitamins. Since the body cannot store niacin, it is crucial to consume foods that supply enough niacin. Chronic niacin deficiency leads to a condition called pellagra, the symptoms of which include flushed skin, rashes, digestive disorders and mental impairment. (Overdoses of niacin are unhealthy as well, however, and can lead to pepticulcers and serious skin problems. It is therefore recommended to combat niacin deficiency only under qualified medical supervision.) Niacin is critical to growth, reproduction and immunity, and helps convert food to energy by supporting the functions of the stomach, intestines and other parts of the digestive system. It is also important for the building and regeneration of nerves and skin. If niacin levels are not adequate, these areas of health will be severely impaired. To make sure you‘re getting enough niacin, aim to consume foods rich in this vitamin every day. Check nutrition labels for ‘niacin‘, ‘niacin acid‘ or ‘vitamin B3‘. Some good sources are poultry, fish, lean beef, nuts, eggs, legumes (like beans) and enriched breads and cereals, in addition to milk, cheese and other dairy products. The recommended daily amount of niacin is 14 to 16 milligrams. This recommendation increases if you are pregnant or breastfeeding and decreases when you are younger or have certain special dietary needs. Again, the best way to get your niacin is through food, but vitamin supplements can help ensure adequate intake. If you are concerned about your vitamin and mineral intake, consult a nutritionist or doctor for ideas on how to achieve a balanced diet. They will be able to recommend a good multivitamin and help identify any other supplements you might need.


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Exploring the Land of Mirth and Funny


By Steven M. Sultanoff, Ph.D. It has been said that humor consists of wit (a thought-oriented experience), mirth (an emotionally-oriented experience), and laughter (a physiologically-oriented experience). And while each can be experienced independently of the others, when experienced together they synergistically create the witty/mirthful/“laughful” experience we refer to simply as humor. Wit as a Thought-Oriented Experience Wit changes how we cognitively process, appreciate, or “think” about life’s events and situations. Jokes are a classic example of how wit changes thinking. In a joke we are guided down one path only to be tracked over onto an alternative path. It is the discrepancy and even trickery of the alternative path—the punch line—that we experience as humorous. Such discrepancy and trickery teaches us to seek alternative explanations for events, which is one process of healthy thinking and creative problem solving. Norman Cousins once called this process “trainwrecks of the mind,” meaning that wit causes us to track over to other thinking patterns and perspectives. Alternative thinking processes (stimulated by wit) provide perspective and can reduce negative thinking common during depression, anxiety, and anger. Mirth as an Emotional Experience Humor changes how we feel emotionally by helping us to experience mirth. While labeling it humor, Mark Twain once described the mirthful experience in the following way:

Humor [mirth] is the great thing, the saving thing, after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations and resentments slip away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. Mirth can be a powerful experience for eliminating unhealthy feelings. We have all felt the joy (mirth) of a humorous experience and know the pleasure associated with that feeling. As we experience the emotional sensation of mirth, other feelings such as depression, anxiety, and anger are, at least temporarily, dissolved. We cannot experience mirth and at the same time experience such powerful emotions as irritation, resentment, or distress. In fact, the experience of mirth not only replaces these emotions, but as Twain so astutely expressed, mirth transforms these emotions into a “sunny spirit” such as the lighter experience of joy, pleasure, happiness, etc. Laughter changes how we feel physically, and it affects our biochemistry. We are all familiar with the feeling of “lightness” that follows deep belly laughter. Norman Cousins reported that 10 to 20 minutes of deep belly laughter gave him hours free from the pain of his debilitating disease. Laughter has been described as a “jogging of the internal organs.” The physiological benefits of laughter—such as an increase in certain antibodies, decrease in levels of stress hormones, and a decrease

About Steven. Steven is a psychologist, university professor, speaker, past President of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humour, and one of the nation’s leading experts on therapeutic humour. With 25 years in the therapeutic humour field, he is the author of many innovative articles and has appeared on The Morning Show, Lifetime, and PBS and is frequently interviewed by the media and quoted in national publications such as USA Today, Men’s Health, Parents Magazine, etc. In addition to his live training programs, he offers online humor courses available in multi-media formats. His highly ranked web site provides a wealth of information on therapeutic humour as well as a wide range of topical humour.


in heart rate of “heavy laughers”—have been presented in numerous research studies. Laughter is also believed to stimulate the muscular and skeletal systems. Laughter serves as the physiological/biochemical element of humor. The “humor experience” is a synergistic interrelationship of the effects of humor as it changes cognition, emotion, and physiology. People experience humor in different ways. For example, some people are more likely to appreciate wit (cognitive) without experiencing mirth or laughter. These people are likely to say they understand and like the joke but do not laugh or experience the mirth. Others are more likely to experience mirth (emotional) without a cognitive or physiological reaction. Children, while engaging in what adults view as “silly behavior,” may be experiencing mirth but not appreciating wit, and they may not even be laughing (although they frequently are). We also know that we can experience laughter that is independent of wit or mirth. Spontaneous laughter or laughter contagion are examples. Even laughter that is triggered during anxiety may be an example of laughter stimulated without wit or mirth. The fullest and most powerful humor experience, however, is one when all three components are activated simultaneously. While each of us probably has a primary humor receptor (cognitive, emotional, or physiological) — or primary way of processing humor (e.g., cognitively, emotionally, physiologically) — we are likely to use all three avenues in varying amounts at varying times. The more that we can train ourselves to appreciate (cognitive), feel (mirth) and physically experience (laugh), the more potent and healthful the humorous experience will become for us.

Robin Hood, Eat Your Heart Out!


by Zara Ali

When someone says ‘archery’ the first thought that comes to my mind is Robin Hood, and that archery seems like one of those rather unavailable sports that people only do when they go to places like Center Parcs. So when I told my family, friends and colleagues that I was going to review an archery club for The Face of Chelmsford, it came as a bit of a shock. ‘Where do you find one of those?’ they asked me, to which I replied ‘in Chelmsford, of course!’ Hark oh ye people of Chelmsford, there be a club within the Chelmsford borders that does archery! And wasn’t I excited when I found out? YES! Chelmsford Tudor Rose Archery Club holds regular shooting sessions throughout the year. The location varies according to the season, and now that it’s autumn going into winter the club practices indoors, in the sports hall of Sandon School. I attended last Friday and was surprised to find that men, women and children of all ages, and of all different skill levels, practice archery (and that not one of them was wearing tights!). Kids who looked as young as eight – accompanied by their observing parents – were there taking lessons, and people in their 60’s and 70’s were taking part as well. Everyone was very friendly too, and extremely willing to help. I joined the first lesson of a beginner’s course, which started with a presentation of rules that covered handling of the equipment and how to behave on the shooting range. Safety is an important part of archery obviously because no one would want to practice with you if you poked their eye out by holding an arrow the wrong way. An explanation and demonstration followed on how to shoot an arrow from the bow, and then it was our turn... …and wasn’t it fun! It’s harder than it looks though, I can assure you. I will confess that I am no Legolas (aka Orlando Bloom with long blond hair) from The Lord of the Rings. The first couple of tries I didn’t even hit the target (yes you may laugh) but as I concentrated more and got to grips with the aim, I improved! The scoring of archery is quite simple. On the target there are circles. The innermost circle is a score of ten; the next circle around it has a score of nine and so forth. And sadly, if you miss the target completely you don’t score anything! But I suppose that’s only fair.... Archery is addictive because you are competing with yourself as much as with others. I found myself itching to shoot again to try and beat my last score, and at the very end I did! For more information on the Chelmsford Tudor Rose Archery Club please contact: Anne Rose, Secretary Telephone: (01245) 352346 E-mail:



About Rosacea


by Jane Holloway

Rosacea is a fairly common chronic skin condition, yet it is not particularly well-understood. Rosacea affects the face, creating a ‘butterfly’ effect on mainly the cheeks and nose. It starts with flushing of the skin, followed by obvious redness and uneven skin texture. In the past rosacea was referred to as ‘acne rosacea’, but it has since been confirmed that rosacea is not related to acne at all. Rosacea sufferers often experience bumps, spots and persistent redness. Broken blood vessels become visible and the affected areas can look quite ‘angry’. The skin can also thicken and feel inflamed, irritated and very sensitive, and the pores can become enlarged, especially around the nose. Currently there is no cure for rosacea; the skin can be calmed and cleared-up, but the condition will generally always return. Most people suffering with rosacea have times when their skin is completely clear, then other times when it will just flare up again, for no apparent reason. Thankfully, however, some treatments and products can help to calm and soothe the skin, decrease redness, and even up the skin’s condition, tone and texture. We’ll discuss these below. About Jane. Jane is widely regarded as a leading authority within the professional skincare industry, sought internationally by the world’s leading spas and centres for her valuable knowledge and expertise. Jane is a social entrepreneur, a respected author and a soughtafter business mentor in addition to her responsibilities as Editor for ‘The Face of the World’ group of magazines. Her passion for positive results in her various professional activities, has led to the development of several businesses that are committed to delivering great products and services as well as contributing to people leading healthier, happier and more prosperous lives.


Is rosacea very common? It is estimated that around 1 in 10 people has rosacea, and it is more likely to occur in those with fair skin. Rosacea generally affects people between the ages of 30 and 50 and women are much more likely to have the condition than men, though rosacea symptoms are often more serious in men. What triggers rosacea? Experts do not know exactly what causes rosacea, though several triggers have been identified that can irritate the skin and cause flareups. These include: • • • • • • • • • • •

sun exposure environmental factors cold weather going from hot to cold places stress and anxiety artificial fragrance harsh exfoliation products alcohol hot drinks spicy foods some medications

Understanding what affects and triggers rosacea can help to keep your skin calm and symptom-free. Sun Exposure Sun exposure is one of the most common triggers of rosacea; it is therefore really important to protect the skin and use sunscreen 365 days a year, sun, rain or snow. Opt for an SPF 30 and consider

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using a physical sunblock (such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide) rather than a chemical sunscreen, since chemical sunscreens cause more sensitivity. Also, when the sun is at its strongest try to avoid exposure altogether, particularly between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Wearing a hat can also help limit sun exposure. Stress Stress is a major trigger of rosacea, so managing stress levels can make a big difference in preventing outbreaks and controlling symptoms. You can reduce stress by doing regular exercise, getting good-quality sleep and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Also try relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation and breathing exercises. Diet Hot drinks, alcohol and spicy foods are also common triggers. Reducing these in your diet, or even cutting them out altogether, can make a significant difference. Keeping a foodand-drink diary can help you identify which substances have more of an impact. You may find, for example, that drinking red wine is a problem, but white wine is fine. What can be done to improve rosacea? There are several things that can be done to improve the symptoms of rosacea. You can follow the suggestions given below to prevent symptoms from flaring up. Redness and Flushing Making small changes in terms of sun exposure, stress and diet can help a lot. Using products that calm and soothe the skin will also make a big difference. Always opt for products that are free from known irritants like alcohol, artificial colour and fragrance, and lanolin. Ingredients like chamomile and clinical powder oatmeal can really help. Lavender, arnica and honey are also good for calming, soothing and conditioning the skin. Broken Capillaries Broken capillaries, which are often associated with rosacea, can be professionally treated by IPL (intense pulsed light). Positive results can be seen after only one or two sessions, though a few sessions will probably be needed to resolve the problem completely. A patch test and full evaluation are always recommended for this type of treatment. Other Advice • Avoid using harsh exfoliants or rubbing vigorously at the skin. • If a product really stings, stop using it immediately. • Using a moisturiser will soothe the skin; opt for a calming one. • Always go for ‘sensitive skin’ or non-comedogenic (that do not block pores) products. • Don’t use overly hot or cold water on the skin as both can cause sensitivity. To achieve the best results, visit a professional skin care centre for advice and treatments. For more information please contact Face skin care via email at or phone at 01245 496578, and visit


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Big Question?

ARTICLE Wellbeing

By James St Pierre

Why do we change jobs, change relationships, book holidays, buy cars, move house, have children, exercise regularly or sit on the sofa eating pizza? In our previous article ‘Inspiration Vs Motivation’ we discussed the idea that true sustainable motivation comes from within and inspiration usually comes from an outside source. But what motivates or drives our decisions? As human beings we have two main drivers that will dictate our decisions in any circumstance. Our DESIRE to experience PLEASURE and our NEED to avoid PAIN. I should clarify that a particular decision may not actually bring us either pleasure or pain but it is our IMAGINATION and PERCEPTION that is of up-most importance. If we awake in the night having heard noises downstairs and get up to investigate, whether there IS a burglar downstairs OR we BELIEVE there is a burglar we will act the same. It is a fact that the vast majority of people will do far more to AVOID PAIN than they ever will to EXPERIENCE PLEASURE. If, for example, someone was severely overweight and had great difficulty in moving around, was always out of breath, had a variety or medical conditions and felt isolated due to their conditions they may be experiencing PHYSICAL and EMOTIONAL PAIN.

About James. James has been a part of the ever evolving health and fitness industry for over 15 years. James has worked extensively as a Fitness Consultant, Senior Exercise Instructor and has a wealth of experience, qualifications and most importantly ‘real world’ knowledge. He is supportive & caring yet focussed & disciplined, with drive & passion for continual improvement. He is outgoing, energetic & has an infectious enthusiasm for health, fitness, exercise & personal development.

The idea of that same person losing weight, becoming slimmer, more mobile, having more energy, improving their health and being more connected to those around them might promote the EXPECTATIONS of PLEASURE. For this person, unfortunately, the idea of becoming more physically active, being more aware of their consumption and possibly even stepping through the doors of a gym or some kind of health/fitness club may fill them with MASSIVE FEARS of possible PAIN. Remember, it is IMAGINED PAIN that will cause them to make a decision. This could represent itself as fear of embarrassment, shame, being self conscious, standing out, feeling inferior, unable to participate and ultimately failure (all of this may go on in the head without ever stepping out of the door or picking up a phone to make an enquiry!) If the PERCEIVED PAIN of taking action is GREATER than the ACTUAL PAIN of the current situation then nothing will change. If the ACTUAL PAIN of the current situation is GREATER than the PERCEIVED PAIN of taking action then this person will make a change and take actions towards improved health. If you are procrastinating over certain decisions or actions, ask yourself WHY? Ultimately the root of your indecision will boil down to the PLEASURE/ PAIN trade off. Sit down and find the PERCEIVED PLEASURE/PAIN associated with your decisions and TAKE SOME INSPIRED AND POSITIVE ACTION TODAY!



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Natural Skin & Haircare by Sarah Perry

ARTICLE Wellbeing


The Persea Americana, or avocado, as it is commonly known, provides a huge array of benefits to skin and hair and is found in cosmetic and hair care products all over the world. Some of the beneficial components of avocado are: Vitamin A – smoothes and regenerates tired skin Vitamins B1 and B2 – ensure health of mucous membranes Vitamin D – contributes to skin cell metabolism, relieving itchy and flaky skin Vitamin E – antioxidant, helps fight free radical damage to prevent premature ageing. Due to these qualities, avocado is excellent for treating psoriasis and eczema and perfect for softening dry, brittle hair. It also provides essential fatty acids, which are necessary for healthy skin. Two of my favourite avocado-fortified products are Dermalogica’s Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque and the ‘Allsoft’ range by Redken. Fun fact: though many people think of the avocado as a vegetable, botanically-speaking it’s a fruit!

AMAZING AVOCADO GIVEAWAY! Courtesy of REDKEN, face and Axis Studios, The Face of Chelmsford magazine has 20 Avocado Dream Kits to give away absolutely FREE! The kits include:

One full-size bottle of REDKEN’s All Soft Shampoo One full-size bottle of REDKEN’s All Soft Conditioner Two samples of Dermalogica’s MultiVitamin Power Recovery Masque An Axis Studios gift voucher for an All Soft deep conditioning treatment with blow dry (some restrictions apply)

With just 20 kits ups for grabs it’s first come, first serve! All you have to do for a chance to get your hands on an Avocado Dream Kit is email your name and address to, along with the phrase ‘I Love Avocado!’

About Sarah Sarah began her career in the professional health and beauty industry and has progressed from a therapist into an internationally recognised expert in ingredient and product technology. Whether using natural or synthetic ingredients, Sarah shares which ingredients to use and those that should be avoided.

It’s as simple as that, and if you’re one of the first 20 to respond you’ll be notified via email. Winners of the Amazing Avocado Giveaway can collect their Avocado Dream Kits from face at 7 - 9 Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1SY.




Make Up Tips Mascara Magic by Sarah Perry

Select the Mascara Type That Best Suits You The two types of mascara to choose from are water-soluble (regular), which is easily removed with normal eye make up remover, and waterproof, which is oil-based and must be taken off with a remover specifically for waterproof products. This mascara holds better for those exposed to extreme conditions and is recommended for athletes, swimmers and, of course, brides, since no one wants panda-eyes at their wedding!

Colour Choice Mascaras are produced in many colours, including fashion shades like purple and blue. So what’s the right colour for you? Black is generally used by those with dark hair or for a very glamorous finish. Charcoal and slate greys are still very dark but just a few tones lighter than black, giving a softer effect. Black/brown can be used by just about anyone, so if in doubt get the black/brown out! And finally good old brown, which is great for creating a natural look and is the perfect choice for redheads.

Brush Choice Is it me or is there a new super-duper-amazing-better-than-ever-before brush launching almost daily? Here are a few tips to help you decide which basic brush type is right for you. A thick-bristle brush adds volume and thickness; a narrow brush ensures that all lashes are evenly-covered and adds length; and a comb brush is good for lash separation and distribution of product.

Application Always finish your eye make-up completely before applying mascara, otherwise your eye shadow will dust onto the lashes and stick to them. The top side of the lashes will then remain the colour of your eye shadow, which will be visible every time you look down. Start by applying mascara to the topside of the lashes, as this helps to create thickness and adds depth of colour to fair lashes. Then follow by applying normally through the underside. To ensure product is distributed evenly and to reduce clumping, zigzag your mascara wand side-to-side while stroking upwards. Repeat until the optimum amount of mascara has been applied.

Fashion Tips To create a two-tone lash effect, apply your mascara as normal, then take a coloured mascara (I like to use bright blue) and, using the tip of the applicator, carefully colour in the very ends of the lashes. The effect is subtle and may not be seen in all lights, but looks beautiful in natural light and with flash photography.

Expired Mascara? Take a moment to consider just how long you’ve had your current mascara. While some of you may change it regularly because it runs out through everyday use, others reading this (you know who you are!) have had the same mascara for months, dare I say even years! A mascara will always come with an expiry date on it or on the packaging; this date is valid for the unopened product. Once opened, a mascara must be disposed of every three months. Holding on to old mascaras will cause bacteria and contaminants to breed inside the tube, which can lead to a very non-sexy eye infection!


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the face haircare range targets every hair condition and is designed to nourish and protect the hair with every use. clean | balance | hydrate | restore | repair 7-9 Broomfield Road | Chelmsford | Essex | United Kingdom | CM1 1SY | 01245 496578


Blink by Jane Holloway

Blink Opticians opened in September 2010 and is owned and managed by Martyn Reed. The shop is spacious and elegant with a really impressive range of different frames including designs by Polo Ralf Lauren, Gucci, Police, Ray Ban and Hugo Boss, to name just a few. The frames are set on open shelves, not behind closed doors, so you can easily try on a few styles – or if you’re like me, a whole collection of frames – without having to keep asking an assistant to get them for you. Whilst there Martyn booked me in for an eye exam, which was carried out in a private room. The test was very thorough and performed by fully qualified optometrist Rosaria Chan. (Eye exams are available by appointment and cost £20.00 or free when your purchase glasses.) After the exam I tried on different styles of frames to find out what suited me. I was impressed to find out that many of the frames I looked at were available through special order in several different colours, and that some brands offer different sizes. The team at Blink are very friendly and helpful, and were conscious of my needs. Frames range in price from £45.00 to £195.00, with several lens options including very thin and lightweight. They also have a selection of Carrera racing sunglasses, which have recently been in the spotlight thanks to Lady Gaga. While not the only opticians in Chelmsford, Blink stands out with its stylish and extensive range of eyewear. Email Phone 01245 347666 Blink Opticians 22 New London Road, Chelmsford, CM2 0SW


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7 types of people who wear... wellington boots! By Lauren Hutchinson


Welly season has hit us with a wet slap in the face. The weather Is getting colder, the ground wetter, and our clothing is becoming more and more grey. But there are certain people amongst us who will not be so defeatist with their attitude to British weather! For they embrace the cold, the wet and the windy! They are welly wearers! So in celebration of those amongst us who are brave enough to face any elements we present to you our complete guide to the wellington boot wearer: from fashionista to farmer right through to super hero!

1. Style Star Boot style: super fashionable but plain Hunter wellies in a multitude of muted colours Clothing: Tight jeans, MASSIVE pseudo fur coat The style star knows exactly what is hot and what is most certainly not. This year what is not hot is a wet and dowdy look - so how do they fight the elements? Looking to the stars for inspiration sees our style star considering the options of the boot - a classically autumn/winter look. Perfect! With the welly she can refrain from the exposed elements and concentrate on the important things. Looking awesome.

2. Music Lover - festival reminiscing Boot style: it doesn’t matter – the more waterproof the better Clothing: jeans, light clothing, t-shirt of favourite band, painted nails With the festivals being very much a distant memory the music lover looks to the up coming gigs in intimate surroundings. But what is this? A last minute festival is happening this month?! Well then... better pack the wellies..!

3. Lord of the manor – A tweed spectacle fantastic! Boot style: majestic and enduring – perfect for landrovers Clothing: well… khaki trousers/chinos… Tweed blazer?! You’ve just been invited to the very latest river boat race and you haven’t the faintest idea what to wear to the occasion. Of course it will be frequented by the very highest echelons of society and your biggest buddies. But then again the river is obviously a treacherous terrain filled with muddy banks and potentially lots of alcohol to get sloshed. Yes, yes there is a marquee but let’s face it - the rain makes a nice mixed... So you need rain proof gear you say? The classic hunter wellies I fear will be the only boots worthy of today’s merriment. Let’s get drunk.

4. Farmer Boot style: Overtly practical – have lasted at least 40 years Clothing: worn jeans, corduroy laced with mud, plaid shirts Wellington boots – made for enduring the very toughest weather conditions thanks to their rubber construction that allows flexibility and waterproof properties. It’s almost like they were made with farmers in mind. Of course the farmer loves his wellies – they are almost as important as their accompanying sheep dog – trustworthy and reliable – ready for work. It doesn’t matter that the rain is torrential, never ending and already causing mini floods - These boots will be so caked in mud that the layers could be used to carbon date the official birth of “Trixie” the prize sow.



5. The Celebrity Boot style: custom designed one off designer wellie – potentially diamond encrusted with additional gold decals Clothing: either complete mismatch (leggings for the pub, tracksuit bottoms for the corner shop) or overtly designer – £200 t-shirt draping over £1000 denim mini skirt… The celebrity is the epitome of trend – they foresee and dictate to the masses and are an inspiration to all who bestow their eyes upon the celebrities greatness. It is highly pressured to ensure you can be this good looking all the time. But ensuring you have style is a difficult job that only the celebrity can do – matching the very latest fashion with the most avant garde of footwear. To be fair on the celebrities it would be difficult to pigeon hole a style – from Gwyneth’s pub wellies down to Dame Shirley Bassey’s fantastic diamante-encrusted wellies. Of course the common trend is how high end the wellies tend to be – from the £250 spent on the designer Jimmy Cho to the £35k spent on Shirley’s boots. Can you buy style… yes… it seems you can… Don’t worry… they can afford it ;-) 6. The Superhero Boot style: red knee high boots Clothing: blue and red mostly… lycra Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s a pair of bright red wellington boots flying through the air! Where would the man of steel be without the famous red boots? The big blue would be completely without his famous red blur flying through the sky which would undoubtedly prevent the whole “is it a bird” thing going on – no one would even see him! And how do we know they are wellies..?? They have to be near indestructible, water proof (he flies through frickin’ rain clouds and oceans), and … knee high? They also have to sheen quite a lot and be comfortable for A LOT of manual work. And he is a former farmer… hello!? He’s probably had these boots since he was twelve. 7. Magic Wellingtons – the power wellies Wellies Type: mythical magical wellingtons that are fireman red Clothing: big green woollen jumper, blue trousers If you had a genie what would you wish for? Chance are after the infinite amount of ice cream and lemonade you will probably find yourself asking for more wishes after which the genie will look at you turn into a big shoe and stomp on you for asking for such a silly wish. Well if your name is William and you have a big pair of red wellies then you likely do not have that problem. Your attire is always green, hair always spiky and you have bright blue trousers. Chances are that you want nothing more apart than pure adventure! But then you do have a pair of magical red wellington boots that grant you all the wishes in the world. Well done William. Do you fit in any of these wellington boot wearer categories? Written by Laura Hutchinson on behalf of Simply Wellies brings you the best priced wellies from all around the web!”


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Hooded Scarf A sensible combination. This Hooded Scarf by Accessorize should be a key item in any wardrobe this season, so wrap up warm. Hooded Scarf @ £24.00 Available at: Accessorize 51/52 High Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1DH 01245 493348

Fragrance Lamp Find your inner genie with this selection of beautiful, elegant fragrance lamps by Ashleigh & Burwood. The lamp contains a unique catalystic stone that causes air to flow over its contours when heated, resulting in the destruction of pollutants and bacteria. The lamp also releases a beautiful fragrance. Lamp @ £34.99 Fragrance of your choice (we like orange & cinnamon) 250 ml @ £5.99 500 ml @ £9.99 Available at: Naked Flame Candles The Meadows Shopping Centre, Chelmsford, Essex 01245 355959 Pop in now to view the new Christmas selection!

Canvas Print A lovely gift idea: your favourite photo printed on canvas. Cow Canvas takes images in most formats and prints your creation in just one hour. We love the 10 x 12 size @ only £20.00. Available at: Cow Canvas Ltd. The Meadows Shopping Centre, Chelmsford, Essex 01245 351177 |


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Cup & Saucer Thanks to Lady Gaga for walking around with her cup and saucer instead of a Chihuahua like most other celebrities. If you fancy your very own beautiful cup and saucer, we love this stunning floral design by Green Gate. Green Gate Cup and Saucer @ ÂŁ14.99 Available at: Tickety Boo The Meadows Shopping Centre, Chelmsford, Essex 01245 252459

Comfort Bath Bags Bring your body into a state of content with the comfort range containing rose to alleviate tension and soothe the body with comfort bath bags from The face range. Price: ÂŁ7.95 - 8 bath bags Avaliable at: 7-9 Broomfield Road, Chelmsford 01245 496578

Christmas Special Christmas Trees available from 1st Dec

Christmas craft fair sat/sun 11th/12th dec

An event not to be missed - over 20 different stalls selling handmade, mostly local products e.g. cards, toys, linen, jewellery and many more

Visit the Farm Shop for seasonal produce and great gift ideas! New this year - unusual and distinctive christmas decorations for your tree and home

Come and see the live reindeer on Sunday 5th December Olivers Nurseries is located on Maldon Road , Witham CM8 3HY

easy access and free parking Tel: 01376 513239


The Best of British



by Jane Holloway For this issue I was off to try something that I have never had before, grouse (though I had a fair idea about what a grouse was from ‘The Famous Grouse’ whiskey bottle). The dish carefully prepared by Mustard’s head chef was whole roast grouse, served on bread sauce with roast potatoes and gravy. Grouse are game birds and are in season from around the middle of August to the beginning of December. They are smaller than pheasants but larger than partridges, and have rounded bodies, short, broad wings and small heads with stout, arched bills. They feed on shoots, buds and seeds of small shrubs, and herbs. Grouse are mainly ground-dwelling birds though they can fly when startled, and some individuals migrate hundreds of kilometres. They live alone or in small or large coveys, depending on the season.

Grouse are normally served whole as they are fairly small; they also tend to be a little more expensive than other similar meats. This grouse was from Exmoor and was seared in a hot pan then roasted for about fifteen minutes. Once cooked the bird needs to rest for about ten minutes, for the meat to ‘relax’ and become as tender and succulent as it can be.

The taste of the meat was similar to a partridge, a bit more gamey but with a tender texture. The grouse was well complemented by the bread sauce, which dates back to medieval times and is one of the oldest British sauces. It is a perfect accompaniment to roast poultry dishes and is an important part of a traditional British Christmas lunch.

Next time you see grouse on the menu definitely give it a try!

For more information please contact Richard directly on 01245 266612 or email

The Face of Chelmsford has teamed up with Richard Adams, owner of Mustard Bar and Bistro (winner of the Essex Chronicle’s 2009 Best Restaurant Newcomer Award) to provide features that showcase some of the very best British food, drink and ingredients available throughout the year! From witnessing first-hand the start of the lambing season through to helping out with the autumn harvest, we will highlight just how abundant local food suppliers are, and how they support our community.

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Restaurant Review of WILDWOOD

Based on the recommendation of a Face of Chelmsford reader, I was off to Wildwood restaurant in Chelmsford for our latest review. The restaurant opened just a couple of months ago, in September, and is one of a small number of Wildwood locations, all passionate about serving freshly-prepared food. Wildwood’s vast menu includes pizza, pasta, salads and dishes from the grill, and offers plenty of choices for vegetarians. Their aim is to serve great food delivered by friendly staff in a relaxed, homely environment, and I definitely feel that they are succeeding! The restaurant opened in the space previously occupied by La Tasca, and has transformed it to create a bright, vibrant and relaxed atmosphere. The food is likewise very good and distinctly fresh; I especially recommend the Mediterranean Platter and the Mixed Grill, both very nice. Wildwood also offers a pleasing selection of wine, beer, cocktails and soft drinks, including champagne cocktails and raspberry lemonade. A Little History Wildwood is a small chain of restaurants that started in 2008. They now have seven locations, in Billericay, Chelmsford, Gerrards Cross, Gloucester Road, Hornchurch, Loughton and Maidstone. All locations offer an extensive Italian menu with pizza, pastas and grilled dishes, and all food is freshly cooked to order.



Take-Away Pizza Wildwood pizzas with up to four toppings are available to take away for just £4.95, during opening hours.


Outdoor Seating Wildwood in Chelmsford has a riverside terrace, so when the weather is nice head out and enjoy!


Cocktails With a range of intriguing cocktails, something will definitely tickle your fancy.


Change Your Dish! Since everything is freshly prepared, Wildwood is happy make changes. Whether you’d like it more spicy, less spicy, no mushrooms, different potatoes, etc., you will get your food exactly how you want it.


Conservatory The front of the restaurant is like a conservatory, which really maximises the light.


Kids Menu Wildwood is family-friendly and offers a separate kids’ menu.


Christmas Menu for Groups During December Wildwood is offering set Christmas menus for groups of eight or more. Visit the website or stop into a Wildwood location for more information.


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DETAILS General Manager: Andrew Nulty Head Chef: Marcel Gjini Cuisine: pizza, pasta, grill Our Ratings: - Outstanding | Excellent | Good | Average | Poor Food Excellent – There is plenty of choice and something for everyone, with good portion sizes. Décor Good – The restaurant is clean and bright, with a fresh and comfortable feel. Service Excellent – The service was efficient and the staff happy and polite. Value Excellent – Prices start from around £8.00 and wine from £3.65, there’s plenty of choice and it suits all budgets. Opening Hours Monday - Saturday Sunday

12:00 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. 12:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

Reservations Please call 01245 690586 to book. Parking Parking is available in the Meadows shopping centre. Meals served Lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks Dress code None Website Telephone Number 01245 690586 Email Address 13-15 Backnang Square, Chelmsford, CM2 6FD. Date Opened September 2010 Good for All occasions, all ages, from business lunches to romantic meals to large groups, all sorts! Special Features There’s a wood-burning oven which is great for pizzas! Atmosphere Vibrant yet quaint.


Snack Attack


Croustillant de sesame

The Ingredients For the tubes croustillants: 115 g of sugar 60 ml of orange juice 60 g of butter 20 g of flour 125 g of sesame seeds Cubed fruits and/or berries for serving

by Joris Larigaldie For the mascarpone cream: 250 g of mascarpone cheese, at room temperature

125 g of sugar 40 g of water 3 egg yolks 250 g whipping cream 1 vanilla pod (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract)

Tubes Croustillants de Sésame à la Crème de Mascarpone et aux Fruits (Crisp Sesame Tubes with Mascarpone Cream and Fruits) Preparation For the tubes croustillants: 1. Preheat oven to 180°. 2. In a saucepan, heat the sugar and butter with the orange juice until the sugar is dissolved; do not allow mixture to boil. Remove from heat. 3. Sift the flour into a large bowl and stir in the sesame seeds. Add the warm juice and stir well. 4. Cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for at least four hours. 5. You should now have a thick paste. Spread it as thinly as you can onto a sheet of baking paper atop a baking sheet, and bake until golden (5 to 10 minutes) at 180°. 6. Immediately after removing the dough from the oven, use a pastry wheel or metal spatula to cut it into squares of 10 cm. 7. Allow the squares to cool just a little then roll each square into a tube shape. Place tubes into an airtight box or wrap in cling film, and store in the refrigerator while preparing the mascarpone cream. Note: if the squares tear, or do not hold the tube shape, they are still too warm; let them cool just a bit more and try again. If on the other hand the squares break, or do not bend easily, they are too cool; pop them back into the oven for 10 seconds or so to soften, then try again. For the mascarpone cream: 1. In a saucepan, stir together the water, the seeds from the vanilla pod and the sugar while bringing to the boil to create a syrup. Remove from heat once the sugar is dissolved. 2. Place the 3 egg yolks into a small bowl then pour them onto the hot vanilla syrup, beating constantly to obtain a thick custard. 3. Whip the cream in a large bowl until it forms peaks. 4. Blend the mascarpone cheese into the custard. 5. Gently fold the whipped cream by thirds into the mascarpone mixture then store the finished mascarpone cream in the refrigerator. To serve, lay a bed of cubed fruit and/or berries onto a dessert plate in roughly the size and shape of one tube croustillant (I like to use melon and kiwi for the contrast of texture and colour and because I love those fruits). Spoon the mascarpone cream into a pastry bag and fill the tubes with the cream, then lay the filled tube onto the bed of fruit; repeat for each tube croustillant. Serve very soon after filling so that the pastry won’t soften through contact with the cream – and bon appetit! Tips: I like to serve the tubes croustillants as in the picture, with a bit of melted chocolate and raspberry coulis. You can also try adding some fruit purée when mixing the cream.


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Undercover Wine by John Holloway


Rosé – It’s Not Just for the Summer Rosé has a reputation as a summer wine, but it can be quite nice throughout the rest of the year as well – and since Christmas is right around the corner, there are many reasons to start ‘stocking’ up! The Life of the Party Because rosé is naturally low in tannins and acidity, it is an ideal wine for welcoming guests to a party or dinner. Full-bodied red wines and more complex whites can be too challenging to the palate when served without food. A rosé, however, avoids these extremes and is an interesting alternative to the crisp whites and lighter, fruitier reds one often finds at social gatherings. The Perfect Match for Food Rosé is an all-rounder when it comes to food. Whether it’s canapés, a cold buffet, a veggie meal or a full roast dinner, a bottle of rosé almost always works. A Christmas Rosé A ‘mix-and-match’ case of thoughtfully selected wines makes an especially impressive Christmas gift, and including a few rosés along with the more typical reds and whites is pleasingly unique. Sparkling Rosé for Parties With all the celebrations that take place during the festive season, a few bottles of bubbly are bound to pop. Why not go Hotel California-style with some ‘pink champagne on ice....’? Make it a Kir! Add a dash of cassis liqueur to still rosé (for kir) or sparkling (for kir royale) and present your friends with a rosy twist on a classic favourite. Or go wild and try flavouring your rosé with raspberry, passion fruit, or any other liqueur that, according to your taste, complements that evening’s selection. Brunch Anyone? Classic champagne-and-juice cocktails, bless them, allow for socially acceptable drinking before noon – and just think of all that vitamin C! So try a new fizz for brunch – or anytime at all – by adding orange juice or peach nectar to a glass of sparkling rosé. Better yet, wake your significant other next Sunday morning with rosé cocktails for two.... A Range of Styles Rosés vary from light and crisp, as is typical of a fun white, to dark and fruity, like some merlots or Pinot noirs. And with temperatures cooling down now is the time to sample heavier rosés, which can be better suited to the warmth of a flickering hearth than the heat of a summer’s day. So yes, rosé makes a lovely summer libation, but it can also be enjoyed year-round, by both men and women, plain or in cocktails. It’s always nice to try something different, and possibly even discover a new favourite – or three!


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The Lunch Date – TC’s Tucked away toward the back of the train station is a lovely sandwich shop/cafe called TC’s. On what felt like the rainiest day of the year we popped in to see just how good they were. We were welcomed into the warmth of the shop where we were presented with the task of choosing what to eat. Now while some people may find these kinds of decisions easy, I can tell you now that, when presented with the selection of delicious home-style food available at TC’s, it becomes very tricky indeed.

So what was on offer? Deep breath in... and.... Sandwiches on perfectly-baked white or granary bread, rolls, baguettes, paninis, wraps, jacket potatoes, and sausages and bacon. They also have a daily hot food special which is just £3.75. Fillings are all freshly prepared on-site, no bulk-bought fillings! And the selection changes regularly; on this particular day we had the choice of things like cheese and spring onion, tuna sweetcorn, duck in hoi sin sauce, roasted vegetables with houmous, and many more. A couple of times a week they also offer a warm meat sandwich option, and we were lucky enough to come on roast pork day. So that was one choice sorted. Roast pork sandwich with apple sauce on thick white bread – delicious! @ £2.80 Our other choice was the special of the day, homemade lasagne with salad, perfect for a rainy, wintery day. @ £3.75 Meal deals are also available which include a sandwich, bottle of drink and pack of crisps. @ £3.95 To accompany our meals we chose a hot chocolate @ £1.30 which was nicely dusted with cocoa powder and a refreshing green tea with lemon @ £1.00. To finish our meal it was time to try the desserts, which looked amazing! The two homemade delights available that day were their extremely popular carrot cake @ £1.50 and an intriguing Guinness and chocolate cake (pictured) @ £1.50. The Guinness cake had a pudding-like consistency yet was not at all heavy; it also had a light topping to give the Guinness-head appearance which was great! So if you fancy a proper home-cooked lunch, pop into TC’s. Average total spend, approx. £4-£5 per person Opening hours Monday-Friday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Eat-in and take-away Phone 01245 251600 TC’s Sandwich Bar & Cafe, Chelmsford Railway Station (next to taxi rank)



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10:10 Ten Things


1 Fly less, holiday more Swap plane for train, holiday nearer to home and take fewer but longer trips - same tanning time, dramatically less climate change emissions. Never fly or only one return flight a year? Tick the box right now. 2 Save 10% on heating Turn down your thermostat, turn off radiators in hallways and more jumpers all round. Then apply for a grant to insulate your loft & walls. Use your bill to see whether you cut 10% in 2010 and tick if you succeeded. Don’t use gas or oil? Tick the box. 3 Save 10% on electricity Save big cash by changing lightbulbs, replacing old fridges & freezers and always turning stuff off. Use your bill to compare 2009 usage to 2010. Produce your own electricity from solar or wind? Tick box. 4 Drive less Leave your car at home one day a week. Walk, cycle or take public transport. Join a car-club rather than owning your own and share your ride to work with a colleague or two. No car? Tick the box. 5 Eat better Local, in-season fruit & veg produce the least emissions – and the less processed the better. Have one meat-free day per week – but don’t replace with just-as-bad cheese. Don’t eat meat or dairy? Tick away. 6 Buy good stuff Less stuff made = less emissions = less climate damage. So buy high-quality things that last, repair broken stuff rather than chucking, buy & sell second-hand and borrow your neighbour’s mower. Never buy new? Really? 7 Dump less Avoid excess packaging and buying pointless stuff that goes straight in the bin, recycle everything possible and compost your food waste. No garden or scared of worms? Let you off the composting.

About 10:10 10:10 is an ambitious project to unite every sector of society behind one simple idea: cutting our emissions by 10% in 2010. The campaign was founded by Fanny Armstrong, director of the climate change blockbuster The Age of Stupid. The Climate Safety report had identified a 10% cut in the developed world’s emissions by the end of 2010 as the kind of target we should be aiming for to maximise our chances of avoiding a climate catastrophe.

8 Don’t waste food… The average British family throws away £50 worth of food every month. So don’t buy or cook more than you need and eat up those tasty leftovers. With a smile on your face. Never ever waste a drop or morsel? Tick away. 9 … or water Your tap water uses lots of energy – and then heating it in your home uses loads more – so take showers rather than baths, be careful when watering plants and only run full dishwashers & washing machines. Don’t use water? What, you’re an alien? 10 Feel happier It’s Dec 2010... you’re healthier for walking & cycling, you’ve made new friends from swapping stuff & car-pooling, you’ve saved a big chunk of cash... and you know that you’re part of the global effort to prevent castastrophic climate change... Tick the box?



Hugo Garcia Urrutia

Greek-American photographer MK Semos is a highly committed professional whose deep appreciation of beauty and culture can be found in each of her photographs. She specializes in travel, portrait, and interior photography, but is most well known for her 10+ years of work with the Holga camera.


Born in Dallas, Texas, she earned Bachelor Degrees in photojournalism and photo-illustration from the University of Texas at Austin in 1995. Semos’ love and devotion to travel translates directly into the kinetic energy one feels while viewing her work. She has freelanced for New York Magazine, Business Traveler and Timeout NY, and recently her artwork has been highlighted and reviewed in publications as The Dallas Morning News and Daily Candy. She has relocated from New York City to Dallas, Texas, where she, with her partner, Hugo Garcia Urrutia, own and operate the DecorazonGallery.

‘Sin Limite’

Working primarily in recycled substrates and materials, Hugo Garcia Urrutia and MK Semos unify image and form along with a strong message in their current body of work, Sin Limite – The Mexican Tsunami. The photography work created by MK Semos and Hugo Garcia Urrutia in this collaborative exhibition is also an ongoing body of work and visual interpretation of an urban landscape, from Mexico and other cities around the globe, as places of inner experience. The imagery is initially created by Semos, who utilizes a manual, very basic Holga film camera, allowing her to create and manufacture intuitive collages of composition inside the camera by overlapping frames and double exposing the film. Later, after processing the film, “story boards” are chosen from her lengthy narrative of images, signs, pop-color, and surprise code. The work is taken to another level with the collaborative effort of Garcia Urrutia, as he experiments with different un-orthodox substrates and photographic finishes. The imagery is integrated with recycled hardwood floors in this case, allowing the viewer to experience the grains and truest colors of the wood; the quality of the wood becoming part of the image composition. The recycled hardwood is also reminiscent of the high foot-traffic imagery that the viewer can see in the artwork itself.


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‘Grand Central, Please’

Architectural training is always very prominent in the work of Hugo Garcia Urrutia, originally from Juarez, Mexico. Graduated from Texas Tech University in 2000, with a Bachelor of Architecture and Design, Hugo worked in the field professionally for several years before founding the Decorazon Gallery in Dallas’ Bishop Arts District in 2004. He has participated in national and international art-architecture competitions and public projects. After developing a strong concept for a body of work, Garcia Urrutia enjoys experimenting with un-orthodox materials, many recycled with rich textures, until it evolves to a unique and original end result. He currently lives in Dallas, where, together with his partner MK Semos, owns and operates the Decorazon Gallery.

-Family Fun-


Make Your Own Advent Calendar A lovely tradition to start the Christmas festivities! We found great silicone moulds for making your own holiday-themed chocolate shapes at homeware store Lakeland in the town centre. Their ‘festive’ mould makes twelve chocolates: three snowmen, three Christmas trees, three stars and three gingerbread men. Begin by melting your favourite chocolate bar. Break up the chocolate and place the pieces into the top of a bain-marie (that is, double-boiler). If you don’t own a bain-marie that’s okay; simply place the chocolate pieces into a heatproof bowl and then gently lower the bowl into a pot or skillet of boiling water, being careful not to burn your fingers. Note that you don’t want to let the water come in contact with the chocolate, and do stir the chocolate to ensure that it melts evenly and doesn’t burn. Once your chocolate is melted, carefully pour it into the moulds and allow to cool. When the shapes have thoroughly set simply pop them out of the silicone moulds and wrap in foil. Now you’re ready to put your chocolates into the calendar. We are using Lakeland’s wooden truck Advent calendar, which is a lovely red truck that Santa is driving (he is kindly giving his reindeer the night off). The truck has 24 little wooden drawers to house your homemade chocolates and help count down the days ‘til Christmas. We love this idea. It’s a great way to bring the family together, especially since young children find this project very appealing and will need a grown-up’s help! Lakeland festive silicone mould @ £4.99 Lakeland wooden Advent truck @ £24.99 To watch our video of how we made our own advent calander visit our website and click on ‘faceTV’ at where you can also check out our other videos.



BOOKISH BREAKS... by Sarah Tucker

I DON’T READ much on holiday. Actually I usually don’t read much at all. I think it’s a mixture of not making the time and when having the time feeling I could and should be doing something more active and productive. I think it was because I was forced to read so much at school and chose a career which meant speed reading just about every thing that was put in front of me, that the joy of reading a book, article, anything really, has become a little jaded. But as literary festivals have become more accessible and sexier, and book shops at airports doing better business than ever (up 40% on last year), it seems no matter how active we like our holidays, if it’s the only time we read a book a year, it will probably be on holiday. And as for ebooks taking over paper, the idea of sand getting into something electrical has never appealed. It’s not something you can brush off that easily. And there’s something reassuring about returning with a book that smells of the place you’ve been to, the heat, and ok the food and suntan oil, but it’s all part of the souvenir of the place. Book Club Tours ( offers tailor made tours to book clubs, Jane Austen breaks to Bath, Agatha Christie to Devon and to Yorkshire, the home of the Brontes and Ian Rankin in Edinburgh. It’s an interesting twist on taking the book with you. Elizabeth Sharland Jones became so interested in some of the authors she read, she wrote a book herself based on their homes. Elizabeth Sharland’s book Passionate Pilgrimages: From Chopin to Coward is a compendium of her tours of the houses of artists that have meant the most to her. There is time spent in Jamaica, at Noel Coward’s house, but I was particularly interested in her visit to what used to be the London apartment of Ivor Novello, the star of Hitchcock’s The Lodger, and one of the great matinee idols of the English stage, who is too little remembered these days. His apartment was above the Strand theatre and is now the office of the English theatrical producer Duncan Weldon. Sarah Tucker is an award winning travel journalist, novelist, producer and broadcaster. She has edited, produced and presented her own radio and TV series as well as presenting reports for BBC Holiday Programme and anchored I Want That House on ITV. She devised and presented the award winning Jazz FM Travel Guide for over two years and was a travel correspondent for Classic FM. She is the author of bestselling novels The Playground Mafia, The Last Year of Being Single, and the Control Freak Chronicles.


As for the books to read on holiday this year, I always like to read biographies. That are probably fiction or fictional but that makes them all the more interesting if you try to read between the lines, and if you are visiting the place where they were brought up or indeed live, it makes it all the more relevant. It’s also good to visit the places that have inspired writers in much the same way that painters have been inspired. You get a sense of what they experienced and can compare for yourself. It makes the whole process of exploring that more interesting than just having a simple cold call guide book. Of course you could always choose one of my books. The Last Year of Being Single (Mira) The Last Year of Being Married (Mira) The Younger Man (Mira) The Playground Mafia, Battle for Big School (Arrow) And The Control Freak Chronicles (Arrow) . For questions and queries contact or email to

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Arthur and the Witch


Young King Arthur was ambushed and imprisoned by the monarch of a neighbouring kingdom. The monarch could have killed him but was moved by Arthur’s youth and ideals. So, the monarch offered him his freedom, as long as he could answer a very difficult question. Arthur would have a year to figure out the answer and, if after a year, he still had no answer, he would be put to death. The question...? What do women really want? Such a question would perplex even the most knowledgeable man, and to young Arthur, it seemed an impossible query. But, since it was better than death, he accepted the monarch’s proposition to have an answer by year’s end. He returned to his kingdom and began to poll everyone: the princess, the priests, the wise men and even the court jester. He spoke with everyone, but no one could give him a satisfactory answer. Many people advised him to consult the old witch, for only she would have the answer. But the price would be high; as the witch was famous throughout the kingdom for the exorbitant prices she charged. The last day of the year arrived and Arthur had no choice but to talk to the witch. She agreed to answer the question, but he would have to agree to her price first. The old witch wanted to marry Sir Lancelot, the most noble of the Knights of the Round Table and Arthur’s closest friend! Young Arthur was horrified. She was hunchbacked and hideous, had only one tooth, smelled like sewage, made obscene noises, etc. He had never encountered such a repugnant creature in all his life. He refused to force his friend to marry her and endure such a terrible burden; but Lancelot, learning of the proposal, spoke with Arthur. He said nothing was too big of a sacrifice compared to Arthur’s life and the preservation of the Round Table. Hence, a wedding was proclaimed and the witch answered Arthur’s question thus: What a woman really wants, she to be in charge of her own life. Everyone in the kingdom instantly knew that the witch had uttered a great truth and that Arthur’s life would be spared. And so it was, the neighbouring monarch granted Arthur his freedom and Lancelot and the witch had a wonderful wedding. The honeymoon hour approached and Lancelot, steeling himself for a horrific experience, entered the bedroom. But, what a sight awaited him. The most beautiful woman he had ever seen lay before him on the bed. The astounded Lancelot asked what had happened. The beauty replied that since he had been so kind to her when she appeared as a witch, she would henceforth, be her horrible deformed self only half the time and the beautiful maiden the other half. Which would he prefer? Beautiful during the day....or night? Lancelot pondered the predicament. During the day, a beautiful woman to show off to his friends, but at night, in the privacy of his castle, an old witch? Or, would he prefer having a hideous witch during the day, but by night, a beautiful woman for him to enjoy wondrous intimate moments? What would YOU do? What Lancelot chose is below. BUT....make YOUR choice before you read the rest. OKAY? Noble Lancelot said that he would allow HER to make the choice herself. Upon hearing this, she announced that she would be beautiful all the time because he had respected her enough to let her be in charge of her own life.



Singing in the Rain! ...Well, Not Quite.... by Sarah Perry

The Face of Chelmsford writers and staff were invited to be among the very first customers to experience Chelmsford’s newest nightspot, Diva Karaoke. Since Diva is just down the road from The Face of Chelmsford’s offices, we decided to walk there. The weatherman, however, didn’t predict the monsoon that would overtake us that evening. We made a run for it, though, and several splashes later we arrived! Very windswept and bedraggled, but thankfully they still let us in. We were met by Claire Saul, who gave us the grand tour and explained the concept. Diva is no typical karaoke bar. Normal karaoke venues are quite daunting to most people. Aside from the most outrageous person in your group of friends (and you know who you are), the thought of singing in front of a whole load of strangers is too nerve-wracking. However at Diva Karaoke the experience is much more relaxed. The venue features a centrally-located bar surrounded by four separate rooms that vary in theme and size. The idea is, instead of having to stand up in front of a mob of strangers, you just go along with a group of your bessie mates and sing your hearts out. Throw in a few cocktails and even the most nervous will get singing! Each room has its own design; there’s Boutique, UV, Cool Suede and New York Skyline, and the rooms are suitable for parties of 4 to 20 people. The rooms are soundproofed too, so you don’t have to worry about outsiders hearing your performances. Each room is air conditioned (for when you’re boiling from dancing around) and has its own karaoke equipment, which includes a touch-screen controller and plasma display on the wall to show the lyrics of your chosen song. One of the funniest things I’ve found about karaoke is reading the lyrics to your favourite song, just to realise that you’ve been singing the wrong words for years! The karaoke system contains over 6500 songs, and found every title we searched for (including some embarrassing one hit wonders). Diva even has some noisemakers available, like maracas and tambourines, to let your friends join in while they wait for their turn. You also have the option to purchase a dressing-up box for added glamour/silliness, which includes a selection of fun items like props, wigs, glasses and more. You get to keep all the items too so feel free to wander into town after! And what’s more it doesn’t cost the earth! When a group goes to Diva Karaoke you pay just £5.00 per head per hour for your own private room (and obviously you can book multiple hours).


The staff were all so friendly and welcoming that even the sing-shy members of our group ended up crooning like there was no tomorrow. We all loved the experience so much that we’re going back again as soon as we can! Maybe dry this time....

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Beautiful Bouqets


by Jade Storey

The trick is to find a florist who will make your dreams come true without blowing your budget. Your family and friends will be happy to give their opinions, but also ask for recommendations from your photographer and the staff at your venues. When you meet with a florist ask to see photographs of their recent work to make sure their style suits your taste. You will probably rely a lot on your florist’s advice, as there are a huge variety of flowers to choose from. Remember to focus on the overall style, that is to say, think of how the flowers you’re considering will look with your dress, venue, etc. It is important to choose your dress before your flowers and then, if possible, show the florist pictures of both your and the bridesmaids’ dresses, along with fabric swatches. The bride’s bouquet is traditionally different from the bridesmaids’, and they should complement each other and the dresses, not clash. The shape of your dress is also important. A slim-line dress works well with structured or narrow, trailing flowers, while A-line or full-skirted gowns are flattered by hand-tied bouquets. If you have opted for a simple, elegant dress, you could either set it off with an informally arranged bouquet or make a statement with a single bloom. You should also think about the theme, colours, mood and season of your wedding. Dark, romantic blooms such as deep red roses and luscious berries are great for winter weddings while in the summer months more delicate, pretty flowers in paler shades work well. Also ask your florist about the scents of the flowers you choose. You don’t want anything overpowering as you might be holding them for quite a while! If you are on a tight budget then be honest with your florist about what you want to spend; they should be able to keep the costs down without cutting down on quality. Stick to seasonal flowers, since out-ofseason ones will have to be imported or grown in greenhouses so are generally more expensive. If there is a certain flower that you love but it’s proving to be particularly expensive, use it sparingly; perhaps only in the bridal bouquet. Another idea to save money is to use the ceremony flowers at the reception by placing your bouquets on the top table as decorations. In addition, it has become quite popular for bridesmaids to carry a single bloom rather than an expensive posy. Next Issue:

Get me to the church on time



Travel Journal – Pangkor Laut, Malaysia by John Holloway

Currency: Ringgit (MYR) Airport: Kuala Lumpur Destination: Pangkor Laut Language(s): Chinese and Malay One of my favourite countries in the world is Malaysia; I love the warmth and spirit of the local people and the incredible natural beauty of the landscape. I have been there several times and just keep going back. Pangkor Laut is a small, privately-owned continental island of approximately 300 acres, the entirety of which is occupied by a resort. It is located 1.5 kilometres to the south-east of larger Pangkor Island, off the west coast of peninsular Malaysia. The climate and physical features of Pangkor Laut are typical of a gorgeous tropical island. Picture white-sand beaches and unique rock formations fringed by a rain forest, the luxuriance of which is sustained by copious seasonal rainfall and lots of sunshine. In March 1994, Pangkor Laut Resort was officially launched by the former Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad. To mark the occasion, celebrated opera singer Luciano Pavarotti was invited to perform amidst the island’s idyllic surroundings. Then eight years later, in 2002, Maestro Pavarotti was invited back again to celebrate the opening of the resort’s newly-constructed spa, the Spa Village at Pangkor Laut. Travel to Pangkor Laut involves a flight to Kuala Lumpur, an air hop or car trip to Pangkor Island, and then a private ferry to the resort. It’s a journey, but so worth it! As you approach Pangkor Laut your first sight is the elegant Sea Villas rising from the island’s sparkling emerald waters, and upon landing you are welcomed with a cup of roselle – a type of hibiscus tea – along with a refreshingly cool face towel. The island abounds with natural beauty, and the lush tropical gardens offer a foretaste of the resort’s luxurious accommodations. Pangkor Laut is definitely a total escape, and many visitors never leave the resort other than to enjoy the occasional ocean cruise tour. The resort also features numerous quiet areas, including four small pavilions furnished with silk cushions and bolsters; these are cosy retreats for a lazy afternoon spent reading, daydreaming or enjoying conversation. The Spa Village at Pangkor Laut is an amazing travel destination. It is a sanctuary of total wellness, an island retreat that embraces the healing traditions of the region and provides a respite from the world. Malaysia is a nation of immense natural beauty with a diverse history of people and cultures, and the Spa Village’s blend of traditional Malay, Chinese, Indian and Thai healing practices makes it an ideal setting for complete rejuvenation. The Spa Village is situated to the north of the main resort and could definitely be described as a paradise. It combines both indoor and open-air spaces which are spread over four acres and situated on a quiet bay between the sea and the rainforest. Designed to soothe and refresh the senses, all structures face the sea and are interspersed with open courtyards, lotus ponds, an herb garden and a reflexology path.


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At the beginning of the spa experience you are provided with one of the spa’s signature Batik sarongs – yours to keep as a memento of the experience – then led to the unique Bath House Ritual, which includes various bathing traditions from throughout Asia. Keep in mind as you read the following that all this is just a lead-in to your scheduled spa treatments! The Bath House Ritual begins with a footbath followed by an invigorating Chinese Foot Pounding, which was previously only enjoyed by the concubines of feudal China. From there you proceed to the spa’s bath houses to enjoy a traditional Malay ‘circulating’ bath, inspired by the village tradition of bathing in streams and rivers. Next comes a Japanese-style cleansing with a ‘goshi-goshi’ cloth, followed by a dip in the heated rotenburo pool. And finally, your spa therapist refreshes your senses with a signature Shanghai Scrub, gently exfoliating and cleansing the body in a private scrub house. (Note that in Shanghai this treatment is traditionally offered only to males!) After the scrub, you are welcome to enjoy a cup of calming tea in the spa’s tranquil surroundings, after which will begin your actual spa treatments. Amazing! The Spa Village is a true tropical spa, and devotes as much attention to soothing and nourishing the spirit as it does to relaxing and invigorating the body. Its combination of stunning natural beauty, traditional massage in ocean-view pavilions, lapping waves and cooling sea breezes creates an incredible ambience that saturates the senses and sends you straight to heaven.

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The treatment rooms are actually separate pavilions set up for two people at a time. They are designed to provide ideal aesthetics, temperature, light, sound and aroma, and to establish a unique environment for all treatments. Each pavilion has a private entrance foyer, large treatment room, oversized sunken tub and outdoor showers, as well as a private deck.

With own pool in lovely grounds available to rent near the stunning villages and towns of Najac, Cordes and Albi. Fully equipped with satellite TV DVD and CD player, dishwasher, micowave all linen and toiletries provided. Forty minutes from Rodez airport (direct 1 1/2 flight from Stansted).

And as if that weren’t enough relaxation, the spa offers a separate and even more private section with its own outdoor whirlpool, yoga pavilion, nap gazebo, steam room and treatment area.

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Behind the Scenes Behind the Scenes with Jane Holloway


‘Milking a Cow’ Written by Sarah Perry

Based once again on our readers’ fine suggestions, we sent our editor, Jane Holloway, to Marsh Farm – in South Woodham Ferrers, just 12 miles south of central Chelmsford – to learn how to milk a cow. We were greeted by Farm Ranger Fiona Cooke, who introduced us to the lovely Emerald (shown right). Emerald is a Friesian cow, a large yet fairly lean cow with black-and-white markings. She has a four-monthold calf named Patch who will be fed with the milk that Jane will collect from Emerald. Fiona starts by demonstrating the milking technique. She holds the top of the teat with the thumb and index finger and lightly squeezes to stop the milk from flowing back up into the udder. She then presses the next three fingers down onto the teat to extract the milk. Simple enough. So Jane gets straight to the task at hand and tries it for herself. She showed a natural talent for milking, and was given an eight-out-of-ten from Fiona! Jane wanted to improve on her speed, though, so Fiona showed her how to milk two teats at the same time, which sped things along nicely. Even then milking by hand is a very time-consuming process, so Jane and Fiona decided to try out a mechanical milking device. The milk extractor has four vacuum suction pipes which are placed onto the teats, and the machine gently pulsates to mimic the manual milking method. Only a few seconds after starting the machine, the level of milk collected has already overtaken poor Jane’s measly few hundred millilitres, and in just a few minutes the bucket is nearly full. Jane then takes the milk to the very excited calf Patch and his friend Harry, who is the same age. Fiona explains that Emerald currently produces around ten litres of milk a day, although some cows can produce up to an incredible sixty litres per day! Cow milking demonstrations are held twice daily at Marsh Farm, and if you fancy having a go for yourself you can have a try on Daisy, the resident cow-milking simulator. Many thanks to Fiona and Emerald! For more information about Marsh Farm visit their website at and to see our video of Jane’s cow-milking experience visit our website and click on ‘faceTV’ at where you can also check out our other videos. We welcome any suggestions for Jane’s future ‘Behind the Scenes’ activities. Since she’s been doing very well so far, let’s find some tasks that are even more challenging! Please email your ideas to Sarah at or call us with your ideas at 01245 290205.






Kids Jokes Doctor, Doctor My little boy has just swallowed a roll of film! Hmmmm. Let’s hope nothing develops. Knock Knock Who’s there? Abbott! Abbott who? Abbott time you answered the door! What do elves do after school? Gnomework!

Kids Sudoku SPOT the Difference! There are two pictures below of a beautiful night sky filled with colourful firweorks. The picture on the right has five differences to the picture on the left. Can you find them all?


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Unstoppable Vision Key #3: Become a MASTER ASKER!


by Brian Biro Great coaches, teachers, parents, and leaders are master askers! This may seem to go against the grain of our typical view of leaders as strong-minded dictators with all the answers. But here is a truly liberating truth: The quality of our teams will be determined by the quality of the questions we ask one another. Leaders and coaches who ask more than tell create leaders rather than followers. When we ask questions, we spark thought and stimulate discovery. We help others think for themselves. Over time, those we coach develop far greater insight and understanding that allows their vision to expand. By asking more than telling, we also breathe faith into others’ hearts, which helps them take responsibility for their decisions and actions. This doesn’t mean there aren’t times to give answers. It simply means that as a coach you want to help others become self-starters who think for themselves. A simple strategy for getting started on the path toward becoming a master asker is to discipline yourself to respond first with a question when people come to you for advice and answers. Instead of stepping forward right away to tackle their problems for them, first ask, “What do you think would be the best way to handle this?” Instantly you’ve let them know you truly value their ideas, and you’ve given them the chance to help themselves. Though initially they may feel somewhat uncomfortable or even disappointed that you didn’t give them an answer, over time, the growing sense of personal responsibility you will foster with this strategy will help them strengthen their spirits, solution-orientation, and confidence. About Brian. Brian Biro is known as The Breakthrough Coach! He is one of the world’s foremost speakers and teachers of Leadership, Possibility Thinking, Thriving on Change, and Team-Building. He is described as having the energy of a ten-yearold, the enthusiasm of a twenty-year-old, and the wisdom of a seventy-five-year-old. Brian was rated #1 from over 40 Speakers at 4 consecutive INC. Magazine International Conferences.

When you ask for a response from someone, it is critical that you really listen. The secret is to listen for their answers, not yours. How many times do we ask questions trying to squeeze out the answer we want? By opening yourself to really listen, you have a much greater chance to learn. When you ask others for their ideas, be eager to hear approaches and viewpoints that had never occurred to you before. And welcome those fresh perspectives with genuine enthusiasm, because they have the greatest potential to create positive change in your life. I received a real wake-up call about the power of asking more than telling when I took an honest look at my effectiveness as a coach of coaches. Following my graduation from Stanford University, I had become a United States Swimming coach and built a small novice team into one of the largest privately owned swimming programs in the United States. Our swimmers had achieved all kinds of outstanding results, finishing in the top three at the Junior Nationals, top ten at the Senior Nationals, with several of our kids qualifying for the Olympic trials. Probably most exciting, over forty of the young people I’d had the honor to coach earned college scholarships. When I left coaching to pursue my master’s degree, I felt great satisfaction about the accomplishments we had earned during the eight years of my tenure. But then I asked myself a question that really shook me up: If I had been such a good coach, what happened to my assistant coaches when I left? Ouch! Sometimes the truth can leave some major toothmarks on your ego! You see, more than a year after I left coaching, most of my assistant coaches were floundering. All of them were talented, bright, and caring


people. Yet when I had moved on, they’d become stuck. They hadn’t quite known what to do. That is, except for one of my assistants who had continued to grow and improve and was flourishing in his chosen field of education. And, incidentally, when he’d first come to work for me, he’d been the least likely candidate to be a good swimming coach! He’d known virtually nothing about competitive swimming. He had been a baseball player who had never been on a swim team in his life. Why did this one individual excel while all the others struggled? The more I thought about this question, the clearer the answer became. Jay was the one coach I had asked more than told! With the other assistants, I had called all the shots. I’d told them exactly what to do and in what order. I’d treated them more like coaching robots than thinking, developing human beings. I hadn’t even allowed them to make mistakes because I’d cover for them. I’d never asked them about strategies or their ideas on how to deal with challenges. As a result, I’d never given them the chance to think creatively or to grow into their potential. But with Jay I had been a different kind of coach. Though he’d known little about swimming technique originally, his special gift for making the sport fun for children had been apparent from the beginning. The kids always loved him and couldn’t wait to come to swim practice. This had filled me with great faith in Jay, and I’d found it increasingly natural to ask instead of tell. If he came to me with a question about how to handle a particular situation, I wouldn’t answer. Instead I’d ask, “What do you think would work best?” I’d held strategy sessions with him where I’d ask for his ideas about how best to develop the team. I’d also asked Jay in more subtle yet equally empowering ways by not showing up at the meets and practices at which he was coaching. By giving him the ball without looking over his shoulder, I’d let him know that my belief in him was strong. When I left, he didn’t miss a beat. Jay would have been the first to tell you that when he started coaching, he was a Kellogg’s corn flake! But the power of asking more than telling is transformative. Today he is one of the most outstanding professionals in his field. He is a mentor teacher who coaches other teachers in working with disabled children. What’s more, by asking more than telling, I had gained every bit as much as Jay. I learned ideas, perspectives, and skills from him I use every single day as a father and a speaker that make immeasurable differences for those I love. When you build a team filled with champions like Jay you will soar to remarkable heights. Asking is a win-win game!

Art for All

Thanks to Will for his pop art picture of our September front cover - we love it! and to little Ellie 2 yrs for her lovely artwork ‘Jelly fish’ and ‘Fish’ and to all the other artists who sent in pictures of their creative work this month. send a photo of your artwork, or other art projects including interesting photos to


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The Competition This month’s competition is sponsored by Axis Hair Studio. The winner of the competition will receive a fantastic hair makeover experience that includes the following Professional hair consultation, shampoo with Shiatsu head massage, hair conditioning treatment, hair colour service, cut and finish. WOW! (up to the value of £115.00) How to win? Simply find the words listed below in the word search and return your answers to The Face of Chelmsford and the winner will be chosen at random, on 28th of the Month 2010.

The Face of CHELMSFORD 7 Broomfield Road, Chelmsford, Essex. CM11SY

NAME: ______________________________ EMAIL: ______________________________ TELEPHONE NUMBER:

Wells Street, Chelmsford, Essex, CM1 1HZ 01245 284 444


Words to Find Axis | company name GHD | superior quality straightening Irons Pureology | natural based product range Redken | proffessional product range HairRepair | Full hair repair treatment service HighLights | colour service




Tips for Credit Card Debt Elimination

People today thrive on plastic. Nowadays, even the smallest of stores accept credit cards as a method of payment. This culture of debt and liability is considered by many as a normal part of life. Many people are surprised when faced with the fact that there are people today who are able to live complete lives without resorting to debt. Some of these people just manage their finances better. Other people may have had debts but were able to make use of credit card debt elimination to free them from their liabilities. If you want to be free of the hassles and complications caused by debt, then you need credit card debt elimination. Here are some tips for you: 1) Be patient - When you are trying a credit card debt elimination plan, you need to wait a while to see results. Although some people may be able to eliminate their debts in a single payment, others may have to wait a while. In credit card debt elimination, you need to understand that completely paying off your debts may take time. If you try to pay off all of your debts at once, what are you going to spend for the future? What most people do today is use all of their money to pay off their past debts and then rely on their credit cards to meet their present needs. This just continues the cycle of debt and cannot truly be called “credit card debt elimination�. What you need to do is to stop borrowing. You need to set aside a part of your money regularly to pay off your debts. Though this type of debt elimination may take long, it will be the easiest on your lifestyle. 2) Get help - Credit card debt elimination may not be easy for you to do alone. Thankfully enough, there are a lot of places that can help you with this. If you try to accomplish the task of credit card debt elimination alone, you might end up being buried in the complexities and intricacies of the task. What you need to do is go to different people for help. There are a lot of people whom you can approach for help in credit card debt elimination. There are financial advisory services that can help you with the discipline and the mindset you need to eliminate your debts. Some people will give you advice on how to survive while trying to pay off the credit card companies. Some will give you the knowledge and expertise you need to understand the complexities of credit card debt elimination. When you get help in credit card debt elimination, you will accomplish your goal faster and easier. 3) Have a plan - All people want to eliminate their debts. However, one thing that prevents them from doing so is a lack of plan. When people truly want to accomplish a goal like total credit card debt elimination, a plan will go a long way in helping them do it. A plan will help people gain a better understanding regarding the goal. It will help motivate people by showing them just how close they are to total credit card debt elimination. A plan will also show you the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your task. This way, you will be able to focus your effort to accomplish that goal. Through a good, solid plan, you will be able to accomplish total credit card debt elimination easier.


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Make this Christmas a colourful one Give a gift token of a colour consultation with one of the UK’s leading image coaches! Discover Your Unique Individual Colour Palette For more details contact Carol Collins at CC image on: 07788447433

Did you know? History of Crayons

More than 100 billion crayons have been produced so far. The first crayons consisted of a mixture of charcoal and oil. In the early 1900s, cousins Edwin Binney and Harold Smith developed a nontoxic wax crayon. Binney’s wife, Alice, attached the French word for chalk, craie, with “ola,” from oily, to form the Crayola brand name. Their first box of Crayola crayons were sold for a nickel in 1903. The first Crayola crayons came in a box of eight colors: black, blue, brown, green, orange, purple, red and yellow. By 1957, 40 new colors were introduced. Today there are more than 120 crayon colours, including Atomic Tangerine, Blizzard Blue, Mango Tango, Outrageous Orange, Laser Lemon, Screamin’ Green and Shocking Pink. Over 5 billion crayons are produced each year. In association with


Whats’s on British Pie Nights 17th November Vegetarian Nights 24th November Beaujolais Nouveau Day 18th November Tel: 01245 266612


Sunday 28th November 2010 Why not come join us and the Mayor of Chelmsford at the annual Christmas Lights switch on in Chelmsford High Street. Don’t forget to visit the Rotary Club stand for a glass of Mulled Wine!!

An Evening With Ray Parlour Where: The Clubhouse in Salerno Way When: Friday, 12/11/2010 Cost: £32 for dinner or £25 for drinks only.

Chicagos See Chicago’s Voice national final live with guest judge Jamie Archer performing too! Thursday, 18th November 2010

Helen Rollason Cancer Charity Pamper / Christmas Shopping Evening Where: Perryfields Infant School Lawn Lane Springfield Chelmsford When: Friday, 26/11/2010 Time: 7pm to 10pm Cost: £2.00

Loch Fyne World Tour November 10th – Morroco and Middle East Telephone 01245 293620.

CAODS 90th Anniversary Concert Where: Civic Theatre, Chelmsford When: Sunday, 07/11/2010 Time: 3 pm & 7.30 pm Cost: £11 (Matinee) & £13.00 (Evening)

Every Tuesday - Moules & Frites (from 7pm) All for just £10.00! Telephone 01245 293620.

Chelmsford Round Table Firework Display, Admirals Park Saturday 6 November - Gates open at 6pm and the display starts at 7.30pm As well as the fireworks, other attractions include radio roadshow (Heart FM), funfair and food stalls

Danbury Fireworks November 6th funfair happy hour start 5.30, Live stage entertainment, Bonfire, fireworks at 8pm. Held at the Danbury Outdoors site, off the A414 in Danbury. Formerly known as Danbury Youth Camp. uk Postcode for SatNav equipment - CM3 4DT


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The next issue is now online and available from over 60 outlets including:

ACANTEEN | axis | BANG & OLUFSEN | bar humbug | BAROOSH | blu | CHECKERS | chelmer springs | | CHELMSFORD THEATRE | complete chiropractor | CRAIG HUBURT | crondon park golf club | CURVES | d&a hairdressing | DAVID JOHN | divine gowns | EMPIRE | excel gym | EXQUISITE | face | GIN DENTAL CLINIC | glenn’s room | HOUSE OF DELIGHT | hussey & greaves | INTERIOR ANGLE | johnsons the cleaners | JON RICHARD HAIR DRESSING | lantern house | LINDA PERKINS NUTRITION & MASSAGE THERAPIST | loch fyne | KAVALA | man about town | MOSHI SUSHI | munch box | MUSTARD | olivers nurseries | PETS ETCETERA | ph2o | PINCHOS| rainsford news | RECESS | renaissance | RENAISSANCE HAIR & BEAUTY | riverside | SILHOUETTE DU BARRY | snappy snaps | STEWARTS SANDWICH SHOP | tc sandwich bar & café | TENNYSON HOUSE SURGERY | the daffodil door | THE FROTH ON TOP| the london nail company | TRULY MADLY VINTAGE | unique results | WHITLEY HOUSE SURGERY | zeera | ZEN HAIR Also now available at BLINK and NANDOS

HAVE YOUR SAY If you got something to say... ...then say it! We want your comments on our reviews, our recommendations, our columns, our site, other peoples feedback—anything you like. If you know of a new restaurant, venue or business or have had a good experience in Chelmsford that you want to share, let us know. If you know of any upcoming events, or if you have something that you think our readers should know then let us know! Please email us at


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