Fifa1904 issue#09

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LGBT people as well as heterosexuals, and they also provide opportunities for about him, they were talking about him

discussions about the organisation’s

right across the region.

daily work to combat all forms of discrimination. The organisation also uses

The club Audax Cervinara were quickest

football to promote dialogue about

off the mark. They signed the midfielder

sporting and social experiences, respect

and last season were promoted into Italy’s

and understanding. The IGLFA’s objective

fifth division. “We knew that Sanna was

is to foster the self-respect of male and

a great player,” explains club president

female players and help to ensure

Joe Ricci. “We also knew that he was the

that they are not confronted by daily

right man to help us achieve our goal of

abuse for being homosexual, bisexual or

getting into the Lega Eccellenza. We took


him into our hearts.” This is just a brief overview of the three The rest of Italy has since done the same,

shortlisted nominees for the award.

as the young man from Gambia has

After assessing the projects, jury

become a TV celebrity thanks to his

member Jaiyah Saelua, who is herself a

moving personal story. And the mayor of

Fa’afafine – a third-gender person in

Cervinara is positively effusive when

American Samoan culture – could not

singing Conteh’s praises: “He shows that

help but be impressed. Saelua, who

it is worth following your dream,” says

was also the first openly transgender

Filuccio Tangredi. “Conteh suffered a lot

person to take part in a FIFA World Cup™

and now he is reaping his rewards. We all

qualifying match, said: “Knowing that

love him and we wish him all the best for

each nominee may be highly deserving

the great career that lies ahead of him.”

of the award will make our jobs difficult, but I am sure that this award will inspire


more and more people from around

It looks like Conteh might soon be saying

the world to make positive changes for

goodbye to Cervinara. The young hopeful

their communities, organisations, and

has already had a trial at US Avellino,

most especially for the sport”.

“This award will inspire more and more people from around the world to make positive changes for their communities.” Jury member Jaiyah Saelua

a club in Italy’s second highest league, Serie B. The next step in his career will

That quote ties in perfectly with the

probably be settled in the next few weeks.

original ideas that led to the introduction of this new award. After all, while there

Cervinara captain Simone Cioffi recently

can only be one – richly deserving –

said that Conteh would go far – and

winner when their work to promote

couldn’t hide his emotions when talking

diversity and anti-discrimination is

about him. Whenever Conteh himself

honoured in Manchester on 26 Septem-

appears on TV, he always laughs. It’s his

ber 2016, as they step up to accept the

trademark. And he really only wants to

distinction, they will also do so on behalf

do one thing: play football. A lot. If he is

of the many, many organisations, projects

successful at it and able to earn money

and initiatives that are, in their own ways,

for himself and the family back home in

working wonders day in, day out to

Gambia, so much the better.

promote social inclusion in football.

Collaboration: Giovanni Marti

FIFA 1904 /


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