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I remember when…

For my grandparents

by Kristina Cossa

As I stand here today, I remember many things, and the impact you had on my life, despite not knowing what happened in the beginning. I remember being little and you spoiling gifts with me whenever you would visit.

I remember when you took me out for ice cream and didn’t tell my parents. I remember being excited to come see you at the lake and how sad I always was to leave.

I remember when you would make me smile when I felt sad.

I remember when you got excited that I got into music and how you always begged me to play.

I remember going to sleep and hearing “see you in the morning when the sun is shining."

And I remember waking up to smell your famous cinnamon rolls.

I remember always begging you to tell a story with me, even though we told so many that I can’t remember them all.

I remember sitting on your lap and calling you when I finally got a cellphone. I remember when I would ask you questions about strange things and you would always know what to say.

I remember how you would always say don’t forget whenever we talked on the phone.

I remember when you would tell me to have ‘sisu’ whenever I got discouraged. I remember asking for advice during my teen years about friends and how you disliked some of my teachers.

I remember how you supported me whenever I was performing or telling you about my dreams.

I remember how you would play jokes on me from a young age and I would always laugh.

I remember getting your letters and stories and wishing I could write like that. I remember becoming an adult and you saying how proud you are of me. I remember how you seemed ageless no matter how much time passed.

I remember how April 6th and January 6th suddenly became days where I was told you were gone.

I remember our goodbye and how you comforted me when I realized you were going to leave.

But most importantly I remember the most important thing. I remember that you loved me so much. I remember that you touched so many people with just the simplest of words, and I strive from this day forward to keep your memory alive by living my dream.

Walk Across the Bridge

by Kristina Cossa

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