FDU Magazine - Summer/Fall 2012

Page 40

The two agree that the depends as a small college; and that developing a rapport with faculty, staff We live in Chatham, and we plan to continue to attend events on the FDU campus. After 38 years here, the College at Florham will still have an important place in our lives. What are your thoughts on being a campus leader through both good times and bad? KG: Most of the time things go well, the problems are small, and you can talk with the deans and directors about ways to improve the educational experience.That’s when being provost is very rewarding, having an impact on our students’ lives. Occasionally, the problems are serious, and you need to go into crisis mode. We’ve had power outages, water main breaks, hurricanes, snowstorms, bomb threats and a norovirus outbreak.When faced with these problems, I call together the emergency management team, and we call in experts if needed. For example, when the norovirus outbreak hit campus, we contacted public-health officials. We asked what we needed to do, and they told us. We did everything they asked and more. As a result we were able to contain the outbreak, and we received very positive media coverage of our handling of the situation.

What I have learned from these difficult situations is that you need to keep the campus community informed. The more they know, the more they understand what needs to be done and the more they can help.




Of what accomplishment during your FDU tenure are you most proud? KG: What I am proud of is the progress we have made in the last 10 years.We have a more active intellectual community with increased student involvement in campus life; both of which are hallmarks of an outstanding small college.We have extensive activities and programs that take learning beyond the classroom.We also have significantly improved the campus facilities. F D U MAG AZINE:

What will set you and Peter Woolley apart as provosts? KG: I think that every provost has his or her own style. And Peter’s will emerge. A provost’s style will be a combination of circumstances, what you want to accomplish as provost and your personality. F D U MAG AZINE:

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