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PAGE 30 | FEBRUARY 13 – 19, 2014


Critter Corner


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20 s Yearo Ag

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20 & 10 Years Ago in the News-Press Falls Church News-Press Vol III, No. 48 • February 17, 1994

Council OKs Grad Center Deal

Falls Church News-Press Vol XIII, No. 49 • February 12, 2004

10 Year s Ago

Sponsored by Pet Supplies Plus Thr ow it up. Pour it up It now is the time for all go od cows to go the to aid

Parson Decides Not to Run, CBC Convention Saturday Incumbent Falls Church City Councilman Ron Parson reversed an earlier decision last week, announcing he will not10032_0 seek election to a second term this May. Parson’s decision threw open a seat that leaders of the Falls Church Citizens for a Better City, a non-partisan civic organization, moved swiftly to fill prior to its formal nominating convention this Saturday. David Chavern has emerged to seek this open slot. DENNIS MANARCHY Š 2006 UNCF ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Completing a year-long courtship of the University of Virginia and Virginia Tech, the City Council voted 6-1 Monday night to accept the universities’ bid to bring the Northern Virginia Graduate Center to a site adjacent George Mason High School. The agreement is contingent on approval of funding for the project by the state legislature and transferal of the 9.6-acre Whittier site from Fairfax to Falls Church. The bid calls for the universities to pay $500,000 down on five acres of City-owned property. Eventual purchase price will be $3.5 million.

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GUS is looking for love this Valentine’s Day. Just check out this personal ad he sent Critter Corner: “My name is Gus and I am short, dark, and handsome. ISO a fetching mini miss to be my Valentine.� Gus lives with his owner Janet Jacewicz at the Gates at West Falls condominium in Falls Church. Just because you’re not famous doesn’t mean your pet can’t be! Send in your Critter Corner submissions to crittercorner@fcnp.com. UNCF helps thousands of deserving students. But we have to turn away thousands more. So please give to the United Negro College Fund. Your donation will make a difference. Visit uncf.org or call 1-800-332-8623.



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NOTE TO PUB: DO NOT PRINT INFO BELOW, FOR I.D. ONLY. NO ALTERING OF AD COUNCIL PSAS. United Negro College Fund - Newspaper 2 1/16 x 5 1/4 B&W UNC205-N-02021-V “Butterfly� 85 line screen 0D\ EH UHGHHPHG DW SDUWLFLSDWLQJ 3HW 6XSSOLHV 3OXV ORFDWLRQV Digital Files @ Schawk 212-689-8585 Reference # 10032 HPEHU 2QH FRXSRQ SHU KRXVH 0XVW EH D 3UHIHUUHG 3HW &OXE P

Volunteer Agency: Y&R KROG SOHDVH 1R FDVK YDOXH 0D\ QRW EH FRPELQHG ZLWK DQ\ 2IIHU 9DOLG )HEUXDU\ WK WK Public Service Director - Please Note: This PSA ad expires: 7/31/08 RWKHU RIIHU Running this PSA after the expiration date may result in claims by licensor, photographer or Talent.

classads@fcnp.com • 703-532-3267

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