Anterograde Transport ATypI Conference Book

Page 42

New age of orality ...





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Tech nologies of Language:

In the realm of poverty of imagination where people die of spiritual famine w i t h o u t fe e l i n g spiritual hunger, where pens are dipped in blood and swords in ink, that which is not thought must be done, but that which is only thought is unutterable.

WRITING, Reading, and the Text: If there is so much regularity and uniformity of media, why is there no c o h e r e n t s o c i a l fo r m e d w i t h a n d w i t h i n i t ? T h e d r e a m o f a n informed democratic polity seems as distant today as it ever did. In a slightly different form the same question was asked by John Dewey in 1927 in his response to Walter Lippmann’s Public Opinion. Dewey sought the reason why the ‘great community’ had not come into being despite movies, radio, trains, and the other early mass technologies. As these technologies certainly organized people socially, and as they facilitated the transmission of both ideas and people, one might well assume they would help to create a well-organized and informed people.  >>>  We have everywhere, we are told, the tools and technologies to create a world in which the electronic town meeting, to use Ross Perot’s malapropism, is both desirable and possible. Yet the great mass constellations of belief and social action have taken place not in the organization of an informed and active political public but in the creation of armies, as seen in two world wars, and great masses of generally uniformed P42

S E R I A L   PAG E   I D E N T I F I C AT I O N N o. :


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