Connections 2013fall

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At the beginning of June, I was reassigned to Zambia to continue to do university ministry. That move brought so many mixed emotions--sadness to leave behind the ministry and relationships that had become so dear in Botswana, disappointment at being unable to enter Zimbabwe, and eagerness to see what the Lord had in store in Zambia. A friend expressed it well by saying, “I am excited even when things don’t end up the way I expect because it means that God is intervening.” So many things have shown me that it was His plan for me to come to Zambia. Here I have a ministry partner who is a dear friend from my training in Richmond. She also spent time in Botswana a year ago, and we learned about university ministry from the same supervisor! Having her with me has been such an encouragement and a confirmation of God’s plan. Looking back on my journey over the past year, there have been many unexpected twists and turns. Some days I wonder if I had known all of them ahead of time, would I have chosen to follow? God,

in his infinite wisdom, has led me one step at a time, never giving me more than I could handle. I have experienced the truth of Isaiah 30:21, which says, “Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’“ My prayer is that you will experience His faithfulness as well, wherever He takes you in life.

Fall 2013 Connections  11

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