First Baptist Owensboro / October 2015

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Impact Stewardship First on Mission

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer


Connect with Paul


Impact Stewardship


Connect with...


Missions/Recreation Senior Adults/ Administration




Discipleship SS Schedule 8


Future Generations Building Campaign

Connect By Ross Leazenby & Connie Lou Barnett


Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry



Children Students 13

FOM (Paramount Church)


Purpose of Phase II Construction


Calendar of Events


Connect with One Another

You can find out more information for the Future Generations Building Campaign throughout this issue of Connect. Related pages are bolded

“Connect: For Future Generations” is the name we’ve chosen for our stewardship campaign. We believe that, with God’s guidance, this ministry will fulfill the financial needs of our church. The name of the company we chose is “Impact Stewardship” and they are based in Brentwood, Tennessee. I want to remind all of us that this is a spiritual campaign that just happens to have financial results! Jesus said; “But seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33, NIV) We are in the beginning stages of the campaign and are excited to see what God will do through you during this season of First Baptist Church. Many of you have asked the question “Why do we need to pay someone to help us raise money?” That is a legitimate question. Let me share some thoughts on the Capital campaign. · Impact Stewardship is a church capital campaignconsulting firm. · Impact Stewardship’s goal is help us reach our goal of raising funds for our building project.

· Impact Stewardship has been helping churches raise money since 1999. · Impact Stewardship has a wonderful track record of helping churches reach their goals. They have conducted over 400 church capital campaigns in 29 states and have raised 950 million dollars for ministry. · Impact Stewardship knows churches, especially Southern Baptist Churches. · We all desire to be good stewards, and we believe partnering with a company who understands churches, and knows how to raise money is wise stewardship. · We have little or no experience raising this amount of money in our church. My prayer is that you will walk along with us on this journey and believe God for greater things. We have been blessed and I am so thankful for the privilege to serve as your pastor. I want to see God not only help us raise money for our building renovation project, but ultimately build men and women who would become disciples for Jesus Christ to advance His Kingdom. As we continue down this road, would you be willing to pray this prayer? “Lord, what do You want to do through me to fulfill Your will for Your church?”

Honored to walk alongside you on this journey!

Impact Stewardship Resources, Inc.

ior Partner of Impact Stewardship Resources. Gary has

Capital Stewardship

brings with him almost 30 years of pastoral and ministry

Campaign Company

been with Impact Stewardship for the past 10 years and experience. Prior to joining the Impact team, he served as a Southern Baptist Pastor in a downtown church in the state of Alabama.

Who is Impact Stewardship Resources, Inc.? Impact Stewardship Resources Inc. is a consulting firm

Dr. Enfinger had experience in leading his church

devoted to serving churches in the area of stewardship

through three capital stewardship campaigns that pro-

and assisting churches in building new facilities for future

vided funds for building renovations and new construc-

needs as well as renovating to meet current facility re-

tion. His philosophy of a Capital Stewardship Campaign

quirements. Impact has developed a comprehensive

is: “that God has already provided the resources for His

program that combines innovative techniques with Bibli-

people to accomplish His kingdom’s purposes in every

cally-rooted stewardship principles.


Who will be our consultant?

Gary has an earned Doctorate with an emphasis in the

Dr. Gary Enfinger is the Executive Vice President and Sen-

theological framework and Biblical basis for financial


He has led over 100 stewardship cam-

designed by Impact encourages obedience to the Fa-

paigns in the last 10 years and comes to us with high

ther as shown in Scripture, an attitude we have seen Him


bless time and time again.

What is Impact Stewardship Resources philosophy in

Will Impact Stewardship provide Stewardship Education

conducting a Capital Campaign Company?

Resources? Impact recently released new curriculum to facilitate

Inform Leadership will be given the opportunity to articulate the vision with a call to action.

dences our commitment to developing the resources needed to bless and assist your church in its unique stewardship journey. A 4-week discipleship emphasis is

Involve Church members will be given opportunity to take ownership through involvement opportunities.

part of every capital campaign. The foundation of Impact’s capital stewardship campaign models rest on proven Scriptural principles that

Pray It is difficult at best to ask your people to give to a vague, unclear purpose.

lifestyle stewardship for all age groups. This effort evi-

Through good information,

communication, involvement and understanding, our people will be able to pray for God’s wisdom and how He is calling us to be a part of this project.

are clearly articulated. Every church capital campaign they conduct is designed around prayer, faith, trust, wisdom, and stewardship. Prayerful involvement by our staff, lay leaders, and congregation form the basis for seeing these principles bear good fruit in our church community.

Act Sacrifice, church-wide giving and participation will only come after everyone is challenged to pray.

We are very excited to have Impact Stewardship Resources, Inc. conducting this very important phase of our renovation project. We ask that you begin praying for

Will Impact Stewardship base their capital stewardship campaign on the foundation of prayer?

this campaign and that God will be glorified and honored.

Church capital campaigns must function quite differently than secular fundraising. Most secular programs rely on pressure and outside support. By contrast, churchoriented support campaigns must center on prayer and communication within the church family.

This philoso-

phy forms the cornerstone of every Impact Stewardship campaign. Will Impact Stewardship Campaign be Biblically-based? Impact's capital stewardship campaign model is rooted in Biblical principles that are clearly articulated and consistently taught to the church body.

Every campaign support campaigns must center on prayer and communication within the church family.

Boys High School Basketball Team Local Church League Practices on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm Games begin on October 24 Contact Nathan if you would like to participate,

SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3 How do I love my neighbor? Let me count the ways. Connecting to the CLC The upcoming building project will connect the part of the church that was built in the 1920’s with the Christian Life Center (CLC) that was opened in 1985. This connection will enable you to travel between these buildings without going outside. Multi-purpose rooms in the CLC will be more accessible for our church community following this project, and spaces will be utilized for education, music, and recreation ministries. Some of you may not be familiar with our Christian Life Center. We would love for you to visit us sometime soon. We are blessed to have a full size basketball court and a modern fitness room facility with new treadmills. Contact Nathan if you would like a tour of the CLC, 270-685-3505 or

Lately we have been talking about loving our neighbors, we have been reading about it, and here is a practical way we can do it…FBC Serve Your Neighbor Day! Of course you can serve your neighbor on any day. This date and these ways are just suggestions to begin: 

Bake cookies or bread and deliver to your neighbors

Rake their leaves

Clean out their gutters

Host a front yard cookout for your neighborhood

Host a free apple cider stand

Cleanup a local park

Ask a local business if you can clean their front windows

Take a meal or snacks to the local fire or police department

For more ideas visit Wear your green Serve Owensboro t-shirts on Saturday, October 3. If you do not have one, you may pick one up on Sunday, September 20 or 27 in the front mezzanine.

KICKBALL Come support our Kickball Team. All games are played at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. October 1 October 6 October 20

6:00pm 7:00pm 6:00pm

Yellow Creek Pleasant Grove #2 Pleasant Grove #3

TOURNAMENT: October 22, 27, & 29

This is our theme for our upcoming Capital Campaign for the Phase II project. It reflects a church that is committed to providing ministry and facilities for future generations. First Baptist Church of Owensboro committed several years ago to remain downtown and continue to do ministry as she has done for the past 180 years. We have been immeasurably blessed in so many ways as God has provided his church with incredible leadership, both staff and lay people, and provided adequate facilities to worship and study God’s Word. Now is the time for our church to “step up” and continue to make sure we can provide adequate facilities for future generations just as those in the past have done for us. First Baptist Church of Owensboro is a multi-generational church that ministers to all generations. We have been blessed to have our older generation pave the way in leadership and vision for our church. However, as we continue to seek to reach the Gen X and Millennial generations, we must adapt to make sure our church is a place where these generations can experience authentic worship, study God’s Word, fellowship, and feel safe all at the same time. Following the lead of the “greatest generation” and baby boomers, deeply loyal to the church, we must continue to make sure we are providing ministry and facilities where the younger generations will feel they are provided for in the future. The Capital Campaign is just one way we can provide for future generations. God has entrusted us, as a church, to provide for the future, just as those before us have so adequately provided for us. It will take all of us committing to prayer, worship, service, and giving so

that generations that come behind us will be able to continue reaching people for Christ. Our church has been blessed with great leadership. Our lead team for the Capital Campaign is a reflection of the spiritual leadership we have in the life of our church. The lead team is as follows: Co-chairs Ross Leazenby and Connie Lou Barnett Media and Promotion Team Leader Rhonda Cavender Events and Education Team Leader Ray Gillaspie Gift Development Team Leader Steve Swift Program Manager Sherry Kasinger Each person on the Lead Team has been recruiting leadership to help with the tasks that are required for the Capital Campaign. We believe God has prepared the Lead Team and leadership to do a God-sized task as we prepare for our future in downtown Owensboro. We are confident that God will bless us in numerous ways as we seek to follow His will and continue to pray for what God has in store for us as a church. Will you begin praying for what God has been laying on your heart to give to this campaign as we continue to seek God’s will for His church? Blessings, Bob

What is more central to the teaching of the Bible and the life of the Christian than prayer? I offer in my column this month an essay on this important topic. (I’d be glad to give the author credit if I knew who it was.) This is a reminder that prayer is more than the repetition of words. I cannot pray Our if my faith has no room for others and their needs. I cannot pray Father if I do not demonstrate this relationship to God in my daily living. I cannot pray who is in heaven if all my interests and pursuits are in earthly things. I cannot pray Hallowed be Your name if I am not striving with God’s help to be holy. I cannot pray Your kingdom come if I am unwilling to accept God’s rule in my life. I cannot pray Your will be done if I am unwilling or resentful of having it in my life. I cannot pray on earth as it is in heaven unless I am truly ready to give myself to God’s service here and now. I cannot pray Give us this day our daily bread without expending honest effort for it; or if I would withhold from my neighbor the bread I receive. I cannot pray Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us if I continue to harbor a grudge against anyone. I cannot pray Lead us not into temptation if I deliberately choose to remain in a situation where I am likely to be tempted. I cannot pray deliver us from evil if I am not prepared to fight evil with my life and my prayers. I cannot pray For Yours is the kingdom if I am unwilling to obey the King. I cannot pray Yours is the power and the glory if I am seeking power for myself and my own glory first. I cannot pray Amen unless I honestly say, “Not my will but Your will be done, so let it be.”

Merry Christmas! Receiving Christmas greetings in the month of October may seem a little odd to you…unless you are part of one of the groups in the Music Ministry. Even though the summer heat and humidity are hanging on, this is the month we begin preparing music for the Christmas season. The main Christmas Celebration traditionally at our church has been First Christmas, which this year is on Sunday, December 13. This is my personal invitation for you to join the fun! The Sanctuary Choir meets each Wednesday from 7:00pm-8:30pm. If you play an instrument, join the Sanctuary Orchestra, which rehearses at 6:00pm. Get involved! You will be glad you did!

October 18 All adult and youth Sunday School classes will meet in the sanctuary following the first service.

October 25 Week 1 Lesson on Stewardship (in regular classes)

Building or remodeling requires a solid foundation. A capital campaign for a church is no different. As we think about moving together as a church toward a project, it is important for us to work

November 1 Week 2 Lesson on Stewardship (in regular classes)

on our foundation! This requires large group discussions and teaching. This requires smaller group discussions and teaching.

November 8 During the months of October and November, FBC will take the time to do just this.

During Sunday School over the next few

Week 3 Lesson on Stewardship (in regular classes)

months, we will take a few weeks to focus on discussions and lessons regarding the campaign.

November 15 Please take note of this schedule and how our Sunday School times over the next few months will be impacted. Teachers will be

Week 4 Lesson on Stewardship (in regular classes)

aware of these changes and will be able to guide you in regards to how this will adjust your current series of lessons.

November 22 We will observe the following schedule: 9:00am 9:45am 11:00am

Breakfast for everyone in the CLC Regularly-scheduled Sunday School Combined worship service in sanctuary

A few words from our campaign Co-chairs

Great News For God's People

The capital campaign is building with tremendous force. It is very rewarding to be involved with so many dynamic

Much work has already been done and over time every

Christian people working together for a common

member of His local church will have the opportunity to

cause, the cause which is currently known by most as

participate in a number of ways.

"Phase II" of our building project. I see it as a vital part of the preservation and growth of God's church for His

Let's all GET EXCITED and be prepared to participate in

people for generations to come.

this great work as there will be MUCH for each of us to do to prepare God's House for Generations To Come.

It is exciting to see God at work as so many of His people put together the network to engage the entire church body for His cause.

Connie Lou Barnett, Co-Chair



worked weekly to bring to you the exciting news of our


upcoming capital campaign. It’s amazing to work on a

Vision Gathering Meeting Dates

team of solid Christian folks to begin the building of

Same material...three opportunities

Phase II at First Baptist Church. Over the years this team

Since mid-August, 27 volunteers have met and/or

Joint Sunday School Classes

has shared individual skills and testimonies through the

(Town Hall Meeting), Sanctuary

ministries of this church, often on a one-on-one basis. When we get together as a team these skills and abilities bring God’s work to a much higher level.

Sunday, October 18

Wednesday, October 21 Town Hall Make Up

Sunday, October 25 Town Hall Make Up Lunch Meeting

We were asked last week during Sunday School if we ever wondered what God looked like. A couple of days

Children’s Stewardship Exhibit Date

later in a meeting with campaign leaders we looked

Sunday, November 8 Children’s Creative Memory Exhibit

around the room at the volunteers and began to see many parts of the puzzle. The ideas passed around the room most definitely had to have come through prayer

Early Commitment Dates

and the Holy Spirit.

Monday, November 9 Early Commitment Banquet

Keep a listening ear and a watchful eye and you too

Tuesday, November 10 Leaving a Legacy Luncheon

will see God’s people “Connecting for Generations to Come.”

Commitment Day 

Ross Leazenby, Co-Chair

Sunday, November 22 Combined Worship & Children’s Event

Celebration Sunday/First Fruits Offering Capital Campaign Lead Team Co-chairs: Ross Leazenby and Connie Lou Barnett Media and Promotion Team Leader: Rhonda Cavender Events and Education Team Leader: Ray Gillaspie Gift Development Team Leader: Steve Swift Program Manager: Sherry Kasinger

Sunday, December 6 Celebration Sunday

For more information visit us online at


I am beyond excited to be part of this unique event for women! Your mission statement really spoke to my heart: "We all fall. We all have stories, and we all have one God who loves us regardless of any of this.� Yes, yes, and YES! God's Word assures us of His love again and again. He loves us because He created us. He loves us because we belong to Him. Most of all, He loves us because of Jesus, who promises, "the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God" (John 16:27). So looking forward to learning more about loving the One who loves us!

FOR TICKETS: Cheryl Goss at (270) 683-3505

- Liz Curtis Higgs, best-selling author of Bad Girls of the Bible and It's Good to Be Queen

h 5t rs K- de a gr

Saturday, October 24 7:45 am-1:00 pm Build-A-Bear | Evansville This Christmas our children will have the opportunity to serve the children who have a parent in the Daviess County Detention Center. On Saturday, October 24, we will go to Evansville’s Build-a-Bear Workshop to build a bear, which will be given as a present at Christmas. This project is in cooperation with the Daviess McLean Baptist Association. Our goal is to make 60 bears so parents are encouraged to come and help. What an awesome way for our children to SERVE OWENSBORO by giving, and a great way for them to share Christ’s love with others.



We are encouraging our families to take part in delivering some of the bears and other gifts that are collected by the community for this special Christmas Event. You may pick up a route beginning at 1PM on Monday, December 14 at the Baptist Building located on Scherm Rd. They hope to have all routes given out by close of the office day on Wednesday, December 16. The target day to deliver is Saturday, December 19. Your family will not only receive a blessing by making the bears, but also by taking the bears to their new home.

October 4 MS GIRLS Host: Emma Schertzinger HS GIRLS Host: Allison Boarman MS & HS BOYS Host: Will Smith

October 11 Fall Break

October 18 MS GIRLS Host: Alli Burgan HS GIRLS Host: Natalie Hoover MS & HS BOYS Host: Will Smith

October 25 MS GIRLS Host: Sloan Anderson HS GIRLS Host: Ansley McLellan MS & HS BOYS Host: Will Smith

November 1 MS GIRLS Host: Hallie Mayfield HS GIRLS Host: Anna Kate Schertzinger MS & HS BOYS Host: Will Smith

November 8 MS GIRLS Host: Suzie Horner HS GIRLS Host: Wilson Farm MS & HS BOYS Host: Will Smith

Girls Study:

Lady in Waiting Boys Study:

Man Up

Wednesday Nights I will be tackling some challenging cultural issues. These issues are taken from David Platt’s book, Counter Culture. My intention is to teach the Biblical perspective on these issues in an effort to help students create a Biblical worldview. I have listed the topics below so that you can be informed of what is to come and I wanted you to make the decision as to whether or not you want your student to participate in that night’s teaching. Parents are more than welcome to attend all or some of the classes and I would recommend picking up a copy of Counter Culture by David Platt at LifeWay. I am praying that this study will help steer our students toward a Biblical worldview. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time.

October 7: Human Life (Part 2) | October 21: Sexuality | October 28: Sexuality (Part 2) Fall Get A Way October 15-16 Location: Louisville & Cincinnati Cost $55 plus food Zip lining in Louisville Creation Museum in Cincinnati Sign up online

Guys Camp Out November 13 & 14 Location: TBD Cost $10

Youth Christmas Party December 16 Location: CLC

Extreme Conference December 31-January 2 Location: Gatlinburg Cost $90 plus food

“Stop the car-- I've got to get a selfie with David Platt!" exclaimed one of our Generation Link Residents, Drew Askew, as we spotted Platt walking up to the convention center. In June, many gathered for the SBC Conference for encouragement in the work of churches around the U.S. The week prior, a group of seminary students came to be extra hands and feet to prepare for Paramount's annual block party that ended up serving more than 500 residents surrounding the Bexley community! The students helped us reach more than 7,500 homes and had more than 300 conversations with people about the Gospel! We were very grateful to have them and have been following up with those people the students visited and those who came to our block party, continuing to love, serve, and invite them to be a part of our church or sharing the Gospel with those who are lost and wandering. In celebration of the 4th of July, we made many people grateful by passing out cold water bottles with our church cards attached in the Bexley parade. Despite some push back, we have been eager to serve our community and build relationships leading to the Gospel. We continued our water bottle strategy to start Gospel conversations at various parks in the community during the summer when a youth group came into town to serve our church and community. It was a huge blessing to have their help strengthening our church's relationships with organizations in Columbus. We got to know many of the students as we served alongside of them. Their eagerness was evident as we

Gospel | Change | Community | Mission

explored the 4 core Truths that make up the "DNA" of our church. In August, our members who attended the Drew Askew with David Platt SEND North America Conference in Nashville, TN explored the key question of, "How do we connect what God is doing locally in the church, globally in the Kingdom?" Not only were global missions addressed, but also the local church's role in taking part of living on mission in their city, including supporting and sending their members to be part of other churches in areas where the access to the Gospel is more scarce. Many of the church leaders who spoke focused on the early church of believers in the book of Acts as a model that our churches should follow today, as well as practical strategies for involving our church in engaging the city in order to make disciples and plant more churches to reach the nations. Our other Generation Link Resident, Amy Hartmann, has been heading up the college ministry as a recent graduate from Capital University, a school that resides in our church’s neighborhood. We took part in the involvement fair at Capital and met many students looking for a healthy church community; we are excited to watch our college ministry grow this fall as we disciple young hearts! In the same way, we will also get connected with other local universities such as Ohio Dominican and Ohio State.

Paramount Church | Columbus, Ohio

Purpose of Phase II Construction The purpose of the Phase II renovation and alley addition is to preserve and revitalize the 1920s buildings, enhance safety and accessibility, modernize ministry opportunities, and resolve long-term maintenance issues while improving energy savings potential. The 1920s building is the oldest vintage building at First Baptist Owensboro. This building has served FBC well for almost 100 years. While our architectural and engineering professionals report that this building is in structurally sound condition, the facilities need attention to preserve the future for not only the current generation, but also more importantly, for generations to follow. Certainly the project is purposed to improve safety and accessibility within the building. This is reinforced by the fire suppression system (sprinkler system) in the 1920s building that is of wood construction. Also, included with the addition is a safe and secure Monday-Friday designated business entrance to the church. Finally, accessibility will be greatly improved on the first and second floors by connecting the CLC to the main building as well as providing an additional rear drop-off/pickup for all church services. We also strive to revitalize the student ministry, music ministry, pastoral ministry, and Sunday school ministries. The 1920s renovation work, as well as the alley addition, will result in enhanced ministry space for all the aforementioned areas of the church. Each respective ministry is vital to First Baptist Owensboro's future and represents great opportunities to grow these existing ministries to reach more people for Christ. Furthermore, the addition of a church gathering space will encourage and enhance the fellowship of all members. This project’s purpose includes replacement of HVAC components and electrical wiring that in some cases are original to the 1920s building. We have an HVAC system that is difficult to maintain, costly to operate, and unable to produce desirable comfort levels. Modern equipment will produce energy savings and efficiencies along with an improved ability to heat/cool areas to desirable levels. Lastly, the east side of our church has extensive drainage issues as evidenced by water damage on all three floors of the 1920s building. Phase II construction plans to remedy these issues and prevent water from penetrating the building. These long-term maintenance issues must be addressed without further delay.


1835 First Baptist Owensboro Founded SECOND FLOOR

1922 Education Building Completed 1924 Sanctuary Built


1960 New Education Building Completed 1974 Sanctuary Renovated

The Renovation will Include: New large gathering area   

Coffee bar Information center for church activities and mission opportunities Guest greeting space

New fire suppression system 

Sprinklers throughout the 1920s building and Sanctuary

Remodeled youth space   

Allows all youth to be in one location Large, open space with flex walls that can create up to eight classrooms Stage and updated sound and lights for youth worship and events

Remodeled office suite for administration  

Handbells, orchestra, and choir will have their own designated space Improved storage for equipment and sheet music

New lobby entrance   

2002 1960s Education Building Renovated 2016 1920s Building to begin Renovation

Secure entrance to the office suite Energy efficiency from heating and cooling only one office space

New music ministry area  

1985 Christian Life Center Completed

Connects the Christian Life Center and the main church building Weekday business entrance Designated benevolence area


CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service

October 3 October 4

Serve Your Neighbor pg. 4 See Sunday Schedule Discover FBC See Wednesday Schedule See Sunday Schedule Fall Break Youth Guys Campout No Wednesday Activities Youth Fall Get-A-Way See Sunday Schedule Lord’s Supper ALL Adult and Youth SS classes will meet in the Sanctuary pg. 9 Storying Deacons Meeting MyMission See Wednesday Schedule Town Hall Make Up pg. 9 Build-A-Bear pg. 11 See Sunday Schedule Children’s Picture Day Town Hall Make Up pg. 9 Quarterly Business Mtg. Dale Hollow Trip See Wednesday Schedule

3:00 pm October 7 October 11 October 12-16 October 13 October 14 October 15-17 October 18

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall

4:45 pm

Family Supper

6:00 pm



W4L, Awana,

Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Bible Studies

9:30 am

Youth, and Adult 7:00 pm

6:00 pm 7:00 pm 6:00 pm

October 19 October 21

Choir Rehearsal

October 24 October 25

NO Wednesday Activities

7:45 am 9:30 am 12:00 pm 6:00 pm

on October 14 October 27-29 October 28

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.

Minister on Call 270.683.3505 Press 9 See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.

This class is for NEW MEMBERS, NEW BELIEVERS, GUESTS and anyone who wants to learn more about FBC. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sunday, October 4, 2015 3-7 pm in Room 202 Meal & Child-care provided Register by Wednesday, September 30 * 270.683.3505 * Discipleship





Senior Adults

Church wide

New Church Members

If one member suffers, all suffer together; If one member if one suffers, all suffermember together; if one is ishonored, member honored, all rejoice together .

all rejoice

1 Corinthians 12:26


Ethan Dent Profession of Faith/ Baptism: August 23

Terry & Mary Beth Durham Transfer of Letter: September 20

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to: 

Fred and Lynn Spraggs in the death of his sister, Donna Beck on August 20.

David and Elaine Lilly in the death of his uncle, Jewell Coursey on August 27.

John D. Reynolds in the death of his wife, Virginia Reynolds on August 27.

Amanda and Jonas Billingsley in the death of her brother, Austin Lee on September 5.

1 Corinthians 12:26

Kevin and Judi West in the death of his uncle, Bill Fitzgerald on September 18

Congratulations 

Casey and Megan Fisher in the birth of their daughter, Charlee Anabel Grace on August 20. Grandparents are Debbie and Bruce Hudson.

Josh and Lindsey (Young) Orem in the birth of their daughter, Anna Jewel on September 10. Grandparents are Michele Burton and Mike Young.

Reports on this page are August 17-September 20

BUSINESS MEETING Sunday, October 25 at 6:00 pm Discussion of the 2016 budget

BUDGET APPROVAL Sunday, November 1 The proposed 2016 budget vote without discussion will be on Sunday, November 1 during both morning worship services.

Children’s Picture Day Sunday, October 25 9:30 am on the front steps In this day and age of digital photos, what memories are we leaving behind? On Sunday, October 25 please have your child (grade k-5) meet on the front steps of the church at 9:30 am to create this lasting memory for generations to come. In case of inclement weather...make up day is November 1.

Pictured: First Baptist Owensboro circa 1923

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