First Baptist Church Owensboro/May 2015

Page 1

INSIDE: Phase ii Meetings And Information First on Mission National Day of Prayer

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn


Connect with Paul


PERA Committee


Connect with... Missions/Recreation


Senior Adults/Administration


Worship Discipleship 8

Building Toward The Future by Matt Robbins


Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry


Children Students




FOM (Judy M.)


National Day of Prayer


DMBA Week of Prayer


Calendar of Events


Connect with One Another

You can find out more information for the Phase II building project throughout this issue of Connect. Related pages highlighted in red.


As most of you know we have had the PERA committee working on plans to renovate the building we call the 1920’s building. It has been determined the building is structurally sound and the committee has been working on plans to move forward with renovation. You will be hearing and seeing the recommended plans in the days ahead. As we move forward keep in mind what the “Guiding Principles” have been for the committee. They are, in my opinion, going about this process the right way. Here are those principles! ⇒ Honor God while seeking HIS direction for HIS House of Worship (Household of Faith-Galatians 6:10) ⇒ Dream/Be Creative while maintaining a sense of Reality ⇒ Steward our Church’s greatest physical asset toward the Future (preservation and enhancing ministries) ⇒ Goal: To make all areas of our Church seamless in the eyes of the Church Member/Guest (i.e. remove physical aesthetic deficiencies observable while walking through various buildings) ⇒ Think like a “Visitor” attending our church for the first time (accessibility, transitions, ministries, etc.) ⇒ Focus on Functionality – Avoiding extravagance I want us to pray for the committee as they continue to seek to honor the Lord! Pray that in all we do God will receive glory! Pray also for the Lord’s guidance as to what He would have each of us do in response to the future of this project. For your information, PERA stands for property, evaluation, renovation, and acquisition! As you pray, please pray for the PERA members as they continue in this process. Their names are listed on page three.


Steve Clark

Myrna Ruth M

Bob Farmer

Scott Plain, S

Don Harris

Mary Alice R

Morgan Kirkland

Matt Robbins

On Sunday, May 3 ALL YOUTH and ADULTS will meet in the sanctuary during the Sunday School hour to discuss future renovation plans for our building. The PERA Committee will present the plans and provide more information at this time.

Please make every effort to be a part of this very important meeting.

All children will meet in their


Kenny Stodghill

Sr. *

Paul Strahan


Laurie Thacker


* co-chair

regular Sunday School class.

Those working with children during this time will have access to a recording of the presentation.

Free Event July 7-9 6:30-8:00pm

FAMILY PAVILION @ the BBQ Festival Saturday, May 9 11am-5pm Volunteers can call the church or sign-up online for a shift.

June 16-19

For boys and girls completed K-5th grade Register online at or call Susan Dant at (270) 683-3505 Register by June 23 to guarantee a free camp shirt.

Summer Mission Trips You can still sign up for some of our summer mission trips. Contact Nathan if you are interested by Sunday, May 17. Crossover Columbus LA 55 Team: June 10-14 Student Team: June 11-14 Weekend Team: June 12-14 Go Seattle Individuals and Families: July 18-25 Serve Medford (Boston) LA 55 Team and Student Team: July 25-August 1

Over 250 middle school and high school students will be coming from over 10 states to do volunteer construction projects in Owensboro. Students stay at Apollo High School.

SEND North America Conference

We will be hosting two student work crews and be providing them with lunches, snacks, and water.

August 3-4 Nashville, TN

Sunday School classes and individuals should contact Nathan if you would like to help or donate items.

Contact Nathan for more information 270.683.3505

CONSTRUCTION PLANS & FEEDBACK Sunday, May 3 will be an important day in the life of First

Through the faithfulness of his peo-

Baptist Church of Owensboro. The PERA Committee will

ple and through constant prayer, God has

be presenting the building plans for Phase II to the con-

blessed us in numerable ways. I am confident God will

gregation on the recommendation from the PERA Com-

be faithful to us during this time and He will lead us in a

mittee, Finance Committee, Trustees, and Deacons. An

way that would honor Him and glorify His name.

accompanying article written by Matt Robbins, CoChair of the PERA Committee, gives you the “why” we ation.

Schedule for Phase II Presentation

The presentation on Sunday, May 3 will be during the

Sunday, May 3

Sunday School hour in the sanctuary. While this will be a

Presentation of Building plans for Phase II

are presenting this plan to the church for your consider-

presentation only, there will be ample opportunity to

9:45 a.m. (SS hour) Sanctuary

allow you to give feedback and ask questions in the

May 10 – 29

weeks after the presentation. As we have stated be-

Input sessions – Congregation

fore, we want you to feel that you are as much a part of

Sunday, May 31

this process as the committees that are bringing this joint

Called Business Meeting

recommendation to the church. The process will be in

Vote on joint recommendation from the PERA Commit-

stages and we will give you an opportunity to vote on

tee, Finance Committee, Trustees, and Deacons

each process as we move forward.

Sunday, May 31 – Schedule 8:30 a.m. – Fellowship time in the CLC gym

As a staff member that has been here for the past 30

9:00 a.m. – Bible Study (Sunday School)

years, I have witnessed the blessings of God on this con-

10:15 a.m. – One Worship Service

gregation. We have taken on God-sized tasks before.

11:30 a.m. – Called Business Meeting

Derby Dinner Playhouse/Peter Pan

Reds vs. Cards in Cincinnati

Derby Dinner Playhouse/Church Basement Ladies: The Last (Potluck) Supper

Thursday, August 6, 2015 12:35 Eastern Limited Tickets: $25 each, reservation with payment

Tuesday, September 15 Tickets: $45 each

Tuesday, August 4, 2015 Tickets: $45 each

2015 Pacific NW Trip Sponsored by the Senior Adult Ministry August 13-19 | Cost: $1950

Contact Susan in the CLC for more information or for your reservation.

Habits…we all have them, good and bad. It can be difficult in establishing the good ones. It is definitely a challenge to break the bad ones. Do a search on the Internet and you’ll find a wealth of information. There are tips on how to break nervous habits and a list of the habits of millionaires. You can find habit quotes, for those occasions in which you need one. You can also find information on healthy habits and deadly habits, something called “Micro Habits” and an article on the habits that your boss will love. I found an article on how my personal habits affect the cost of my health insurance, and also “The Ten Habits of Naturally Slim People”. The list goes on and on. Have you ever wondered if Jesus had habits? Scripture tells us that during His time on earth, Jesus Christ was fully God and fully human. This means He had habits. What would God consider important enough to do on a regular basis? I’ve discovered at least three, and each is often preceded or followed with the phrase, “As was His custom.” They are: He read Scripture. “So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His custom was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read.” Luke 14:16 He prayed. “Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be healed of their sicknesses. But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” Luke 5:15-16 He taught people the Scriptures. “Jesus then left that place and went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan. Again crowds of people came to him, and as was his custom, he taught them.” Mark 10:1 These three habits – reading and meditating in the Scriptures, exposing ourselves to God in prayer, and passing on to others what we have found – are as basic in the spiritual life as blue and yellow make green in art. If Jesus couldn’t get along without them, how can we?

Phase II Input Sessions Following the May 3rd presentation of Phase II, the PERA Committee is aware that be many of you will have questions and feedback. As members of the Church, this is exactly what the committee desires! We want to hear from the people of FBC, so Project Input Meetings will be held in the weeks following the presentation. In order to have the greatest input and involvement, our desire is to use the time of the week when we have the most people present, which is the Sunday School hour. Below is a schedule including the date, time, and location of the designated input session for your class with representatives from the PERA Committee. These are not mandatory times, they are just times when your class is given the option to attend. We have set the times in such a way to manage numbers in these meetings. You will be hearing more details from your Sunday School leaders in the days ahead. Please note that Adult 7 will meet on a Wednesday. In addition, there are Open Session Meetings on Wednesday nights and a Sunday night, May 17th. These are for those that work in ministry areas that are unable to attend on Sunday mornings. If you have any questions regarding the Project Input Meetings, please contact the Church office.




Sunday, May 10




Maverick Ordinary Men


Koinonia Wednesday, May 13


Adult 7


Wednesday, May 13

5:15 - 6:30PM



Sunday, May 17


Young Adult Adult 2


Intermediate Adult 11:00AM

Adult 4 Inspiration

Sunday, May 17




ROOM 315

Trusting Hearts

Wednesday, May 20

5:15 - 6:30PM


Sunday, May 24


Open Door Path Finders


5:15 - 6:30PM


Explorers Beyond Belief

Wednesday May 27





In August 2012, First Baptist Church recommissioned the PERA Committee (Property Evaluation, Renovations & Acquisitions) to begin work toward Phase II renovations. I was asked to co-chair the committee’s work along with Scott Plain. Others serving on the PERA Committee are Kenny Stodghill, Mary Alice Riherd, Laurie Thacker, Steve Clark, Morgan Kirkland, Myrna Ruth Melhiser, Don Harris and Rev. Farmer/Pastor Paul. I would be remiss if I did not publicly thank each person for their valuable contributions and their consistent attendance every time we meet together as a group. Our focus has been, and remains, on Honoring God, by Seeking HIS Direction for HIS House of Worship. I believe I speak for each committee member when I say that serving God through our service was our singular focal point through this process. HE has richly blessed us through our time and effort together! As with any project of this magnitude, things simply do not move at a pace you would like to see them move! Often times the work was painstaking, but with a steady hand and God’s patience instilled in us, we have made great progress toward the mark set before us. We gained extensive knowledge and wisdom about our buildings by conducting an independent and thorough review of FBC facilities by RBS Design and various engineers who conducted a facilities assessment.

Yes, we

do occupy and utilize two 1920’s buildings that are old (93 years old) and in absolute need of renovation, but most importantly, we learned that the structure is sound and worthy of future investment. We emerged with over-

By: Matt Robbins, Co-Chair FBC PERA Committee

arching goals with a Phase II renovation project that are best represented by these three questions:

“How can we best preserve our

1920’s buildings?”, “How can we enhance current and future ministry needs?”, “What

can we do to create opportunities for growth into the

people fellowship between Sunday School and Worship

future, while improving the accessibility for all?”.

and a defined space for meeting visitors/guests of FBC. This will be a prominent place to display information and

So how does this project connect bricks & mortar with

announcements within the church. The Centralized Of-

ministry you might ask? We must make first things our first

fice Space is designed to provide a safe and secure M-F

priority. To that end, a good portion of the project is de-

daily entrance to the church offices. The space would

voted towards preservation, protection and safety. The

be more energy efficient than our current practice and

1920’s building systems (HVAC, electrical, plumbing, insu-

would result in a net decrease in total square footage

lation, windows, and sprinkler system) are not the kind of


“bells and whistles” that tend to make a person say

current physical challenges our ministerial staff has to

“wow”. However, let one of them fail and we all will be

overcome while operating together as one, single unit.

affected in a dramatic way. To explain, our 1920’s build-

Adult SS classes will have revitalized space located both

ings are wood construction and we currently have no

on the 3rd Floor of the 1922 Education Building and the

fire suppression (sprinkler system) in place. Due to the

newly connected CLC.

Also, the centralized space eliminates the

age of our electrical system, a “spark” could easily initiate a fire resulting in catastrophic damage to the 1920’s

Last, but certainly not least, Phase II involves constructing

buildings (similar to an actual, recent experience in our

a new addition in the alley that connects the CLC with

community). The Phase II project also would result in a revitalization of building spaces for ministry. The Stu-

the entire physical plant as one ...a church building project cannot be successful unless you positively impact ministries, which directly impacts people.

dent (Youth) Ministry would

unified building. While the CLC is certainly a quality building, the



have proven to be a negative for SS use in the past. The addi-

have a large space for Wednesday night worship and

tion provides both a first and second floor smooth con-

Sunday School Department opening. That same space

nection to the CLC, should growth create a need to use

can be used to host youth retreats and events that, pres-

the CLC for SS classes into the future. A new entrance

ently, space does not permit in an atmosphere that is

with the addition will also add a second drop-off and

conducive and attractive for young people. That same

canopy like the current one located on 3rd Street. This

area allows for multiple configurations of SS rooms and

provides an additional access point for attendees during

consolidates the middle/high school departments into a

all church services (including weddings and funerals),

singular, large accommodative space.

improving the overall accessibility for all people attending FBC.

The Music Ministry, a staple ministry of FBC, would receive separate and identifiable space for a choir suite, includ-

A wise person once advised that a church building pro-

ing separate men’s/women’s robing rooms and re-

ject cannot be successful unless you positively impact

strooms. Further space is provided for the orchestra and

ministries, which directly impacts people. This one quality

hand-bells ministries with related storage spaces.


alone separates our church from the many worthy and

investment in the music ministry directly affects over 100

notable building projects that are in the various stages of

people serving in those ministries and impacts worship

completion in Owensboro-Daviess County. As wonderful

services for all attendees at FBC.

as the many campaigns and related causes may be throughout our community, FBC sits unique as a place

Other components of the Phase II project involve a

where lives can be changed…eternally changed. Like

Church Gathering Area, Centralized Office Space, and

you, that’s what makes me passionate about FBC and

Revitalized Adult Sunday School Spaces. The Gathering

particularly, by working together, we can enhance our

Area is designed to be a multi-purpose use area where

impact for the cause of Christ!

Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6 Noelle Albers

Tate Quinton

Josh & Katie Albers

Brock & Kendal Quinton

Maddox Baldwin

Clark Scott

Bruce & Heather Baldwin

Nathan & Alexis Scott

Lillie Anne Dunn

Alex Shiflet

Wesley & Julie Dunn

Jeremy & Kristin Shiflet

Lillie Ann Hall

Judah Smith

Chad & Jessica Hall

Will & Beverly Smith

Adelyse King Michael & Christina King

Maggie Bacon My favorite part of VBS is the music. To me, the best year was “Saddle Ridge Ranch”.

John Ross McCain I love the themed movie clips each morning! They have fun characters and keep us wanting to come back each day to see what happens next!

Dianne Colvin I remember one of the boys in my group running past me as we entered the Sanctuary. Just as he attempted to zoom past me, I stuck out my right arm to stop him, then said, "We shouldn't run in God's house. Let's walk." He looked at me then asked, "This is God's house?" Then, I heard him relaying that fact to all those other children around him as we entered the pews.

Dot Kanipe What makes VBS a wonderful experience for me is the great number of volunteers and their commitment. It’s exciting to see all of the volunteers in their teal t-shirts each morning.

Kate McCain I love the crafts at VBS! They are fun to do and they remind me of Jesus!

Hadley Bacon Last year’s theme “Agency D3” has been my favorite yet. I love the crafts!

Terry Disney Of course working with children is always a delight, but I truly loved working with church members and getting to know many of them whom I’d only seen from afar!

It’s the time of year when we start planning to reach out to the community with Vacation Bible School. This year will be another exciting, great year, but we will not be able to do it without you! Begin praying about your role in this year’s VBS.

Dylan Ayer Daviess County HS

Madelin Bishop Daviess County HS

Sarah Browning Daviess County HS

Austin Brooks Murray State University Bachelor of Science

Dustin Brown

Will Foreman Daviess County HS

Josh Gargus Daviess County HS

Blake Moss Daviess County HS

Mason Ross Daviess County HS

Western KY University Bachelors in Social and Behavioral Science

2015 High School Graduate not pictured: Bailee Daugherty Daviess County HS

Rebekah Schertzinger Owensboro HS

Kate Sook Owensboro HS

Anna Strahan Owensboro HS

Blake Taylor Daviess County HS

I write you today from my very comfortable apartment here in Owensboro. I have been ‘home’ for a little over a month now. I normally serve in Sub Saharan Africa with the International Mission Board. In 2003, after serving my first term with the IMB, it was time for my furlough (now known as stateside assignment). I was in Africa trying to decide where I would live while in the U.S. The national Women’s Missionary Union (WMU) publishes a housing list, by state, of churches that provide housing for missionaries while they are on furlough. In the Kentucky section there was a small blurb that said, “If you are interested in furloughing in Owensboro, email this address.” I did. A couple of weeks later, I emailed again to see if my email was received. Pastor Gary responded saying, “Wow, we have never had anyone respond to this, you’re the first one!” Pastor Gary, Bette Youngman and Martha Wilson got the ball rolling of hosting a missionary whom they’d never met with much enthusiasm and love. I was given an honorary title of missionary in residence. Since then, FBC Owensboro has blessed many other weary and worn missionaries by giving them complimentary housing, many good meals, and loving encouragement as well as space to rest. I’m now on my fourth stateside assignment, welcomed and hosted again by the loving ladies of FBC Women’s Ministry. Bette and Martha

would be proud! This past term in Africa was 4.5 bumpy years. This reprieve from the heat and cross-cultural challenges is much appreciated. Mid-way through this term, my job changed. After a hostile coup d’etat and impending war in Mali, team members I was supervising chose to return to the US permanently. I was so blessed to be able to work with refugees during this time. I then accepted the role of Scripture Specialist for Sub Saharan Africa region. The focus of my new role is to help colleagues reach their goals in the domain of strategic Scripture planting. God’s Word is the offensive tool in our spiritual armor. As we go and make disciples, one of our first priorities is to get as much of God’s Word into that person’s heart and life. The challenge we face is that 90% of the unreached, unengaged people groups that we are now currently focusing on are not literate. We can’t just hand a new or prebelievers a Bible in a language they understand and expect them to read it with comprehension. In fact, for the few that can read, it is still not their learning preference. They much prefer to learn through an art form like story, dance or music. Part of my assignment is to help our team leaders and their national believers to accurately and culturally put God’s Word in an oral form for

these oral preference learners. That is the work that we are doing in South Sudan that FBC Owensboro has prayerfully supported this past September. I’ll be heading back to South Sudan in May for phase 2 of the training process. While the rains won’t be an issue, there will still be many items to lift up before our Father. • Please ask the Father to again facilitate smooth travel for the trainers, a spirit of cooperation, and unity amongst the trainers. • Pray for our translator Charles to understand the material and put it in the correct terminology for the Toposa. • Pray for many stories to be crafted, learned, and loved by the Toposa and Turkana participants. • Pray also that I handle the heat with tenacity and grace as this past month in the US I have lost my tolerance for the African heat. I’ll be speaking to the church June 14 during the morning services and look forward to sharing about God’s faithfulness this term. It’s been a great joy for me to have the opportunity to speak to various groups from the church already. I look forward to catching up with you soon! Thank you again for your support of First On Mission. The apartment, furnishings, and gift cards are very generous and much appreciated, but the welcome, treasured.

Our theme for 2015 is Lord, Hear Our Cry, emphasizing the need for individuals, corporately and individually, to place their faith in the unfailing character of their Creator, who is sovereign over all governments, authorities, and men. To further highlight our theme, we’ve chosen I Kings 8:28 as our Scripture for this year: “Hear the cry and the prayer that your servant is praying in your presence this day.” NDP PRAYER STATION 5:30am-10:00pm YMCA (A private room at the YMCA is open to all who would like to stop in and pray; a PRAYER GUIDE for our nation is provided) YMCA PRAYER BREAKFAST 7:00am-8:00am YMCA gym Start your day with corporate praise, prayer, and testimonies to the power of prayer. Contact Carol Adkins 270-315-8974

THE CIRCLE OF GOOD NEWS 11:30am-11:50am Join hundreds of other locals who make reading the entire Bible in 20 minutes a possibility! Come to the Courthouse flagpole at 11:00am to receive your assigned reading, then stake out any spot on the sidewalk that surrounds the Courthouse and begin reading aloud at 11:30. We need 365 people to achieve this joyous goal each year .

YOUTH RALLY Wednesday, May 6 6:30pm-8:00pm BridgePointe Join over 600 other students from local churches for a time of worship and prayer

Contact Connie Goodman 270-314-2210 If it rains, bring an umbrella. COURTHOUSE PRAYER & WORSHIP SERVICE 11:50am-12:50pm No better way to spend your lunch hour than with hundreds of others, interceding on behalf of our nation through prayer and worship. If rain, this event will take place inside the Courthouse. Contact Jo Barron 270-993-8176

Contact Danny May 270-925-1729

Daviess McLean Baptist Association

Prayer Guide Our Association has been blessed this year with contributions through your church, as well as designated gifts that we have received. Therefore, this year instead of having a special offering emphasis, we ask that you pray for our ministries and workers. As always, if you would like to give to one of our ministries you may do so by sending a designated check to the Baptist Building.

Associational Emphasis

Week of Prayer May 17–23, 2015

Below are bulleted items that we ask you to pray for:

Sunday, May 17 •

Pray for all of our churches as they follow up and disciple people who made decisions during the recent Ohio Valley Will Graham Celebration.

Monday, May 18 •

Pray for our upcoming World Changers mission week, June 15 – 20. We are expecting 250 students/leaders to come to Owensboro to repair homes while sharing Jesus with our community.

Tuesday, May 19 •

Camp Schafer will soon begin their 2015 summer camp sessions. Please pray for those who will be attending the camp, as well as those ministering to and working with the campers. Pray that many will come to know Jesus while there.

Wednesday, May 20 •

Pray for the people seeking dental care through our Christian Dental Mission. Also, pray for the dentists and their staff who volunteer their time to meet the needs of our community – one mouth at a time. Pray for those serving as chaplains at the clinic as they share Jesus with those being helped, as well as the others who volunteer their time at the clinic.

Thursday, May 21 •

Pray for those working at the Baptist Center as they minister through tutoring, special programs, and the Quarter Store to our community.

Friday, May 22 •

Our Baptist Campus Ministries (CROSS) experienced changes this year. Thank you to everyone that stepped up and assisted with the program. Pray for this ministry as we seek ways to keep it moving forward.

Saturday, May 23 •

Pray for all of our ministry leaders and associational staff. We serve God, you, and our community. Pray that we continue to be blessed as we carry out God’s work in Daviess & McLean counties.

Know that the Lord has set apart His faithful servant for Himself; the Lord hears when I call to Him. Psalms 4:3

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm Holiday Schedule: • May 25 CLC Closed for Memorial Day


Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service

• • • • •

Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm Holiday Schedule: • May 25 Office Closed for Memorial Day

Family Dedication on May 3 Mother’s Day May 10 No Evening Service Senior Recognition May 17 No Evening Service on May 24 May 31: SEE REVISED SUNDAY SCHEDULE LISTED ON THE CALENDAR VBS Meeting @4:30

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

BROADCAST INFO Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Family Supper

5:45 pm


6:00 pm

7:00 pm •

May 6 May 7 May 9 May 10

May 13 6:00 pm May 17 7:00 pm May 20 May 24

May 27 May 31


8:30 am

T4T, Bellevue Church See Sunday Schedule Family Dedication See Wednesday Schedule National Day of Prayer Family Pavilion pg. 4 See Sunday Schedule Happy Mother’s Day No Evening Worship See Wednesday Schedule Awana Oscars See Sunday Schedule Senior Recognition Sunday Deacons Meeting See Wednesday Schedule See Sunday Schedule No Children’s Church through July No Evening Service Memorial Day Office & CLC Closed See Wednesday Schedule Fellowship time in the CLC gym

9:00 am

Bible Study (Sunday School)

Go & Tell, Awana Youth and Adult Bible Studies Choir Rehearsal

10:15 am

One Worship Service

11:30 am

Called Business Meeting See Pg. 5

4:30 pm

VBS Meeting

If more information is available about an event,

Awana Oscars May 13 at 6

See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.

11:00 am

May 25

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall

4:45 pm

Minister on Call 270.683.3505 Press 9


May 1&2 May 3

you will see a page number following the title.

Men's Softball Schedule

Women’s Softball Schedule

All games at Yellow Creek M May 4 7:45pm & 9:00pm M May 11 7:45pm M May 18 9:00pm Th May 28 7:45pm

All games at Yellow Creek M May 4 6:30pm M May 11 6:30pm M May 18 7:45pm T May 26 6:30pm





Church wide


New Church Members

James & Beverly Sharp Robert Leucht Transfer of Letter Transfer of Letter April 5 April 5

Bobby & Ester Smith Transfer of Letter April 19

Christian love and sympathy to: • The family of Mary Ellen Clark who died March 24. • Ruth Ann Howard Hughes and family in the death of her husband, William Geoffry “Skip” Hughes on March 24. • Dale Beavin and family in the death of his grandfather, Ivory Joseph Beavin on March 30. • Carla Spencer, Barry Spencer Jr., Amanda Damme and family in the death of Barry Spencer Sr. on April 5. • Karla King and family in the death of her son Christopher “Luke” McAteer on April 5. • Linda Byrd and family in the death of her husband, Dr. Robert “Morris” Byrd on April 7. • Lindsey Roberts and family in the death of her grandmother, Kathleen Baker on April 9. • Renee and Richard Thomas in the death of her father, Charles Edward Kuntz on April 16.

Congratulations • Justin Thompson Profession of Faith/ Baptism April 19

Casey & Megan Fisher Aiden Transfer of Letter April 19

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26 Reports on this page are March 18-April 19

Josh and Katie Albers on the birth of their daughter, Noelle Amelie on April 11.

Wednesday May 13, 2015 6:00 pm FBC, Sanctuary

Awana Oscars Wednesday, May 13 6:00 pm

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