First Baptist Church Owensboro

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INSIDE: ONE...United in Christ Redemption Hill Church First on Mission

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer


Connect with Paul


God @ Work


Connect with... Missions/Recreation


Senior Adults/Administration Worship


Discipleship 8 10

One: United in Christ by Mary Martha Reynolds Connect with...


Preschool/Women’s Ministry

MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley





FOM (Redemption Hill Church)


Prayer Guide for Seattle & Boston


Calendar of Events


Connect with One Another

This month’s issue of Connect focuses on “unity” among the generations. First Baptist Church Owensboro has been around since 1835. Over the years, we have become a multi-generational church. This simply means the make up of our church has families of multiple generations. First Baptist Church is made up of senior adults, median adults, young adults, youth, children, and preschool. But not only do we have all generations represented, many began their spiritual pilgrimage as children and youth here at First Baptist Church and remain in the church. Another unique distinctive about our church is that many people are connected by family relationships. I have been privileged to be pastor for almost ten years and still discover people who are related. Many times people will say in jest, “Be careful what you say about someone because they may be related!” The fact is the Bible teaches all followers of Jesus Christ are related. Often believers are referred to as “family” and that is what we are. It also says we are “adopted”. Families today have many challenges and are being attacked viciously by the culture. The devil will do absolutely anything he can to disrupt and destroy the family unit. I must admit that he is doing a whole lot of damage in our country and around the world. Statistics tell the sad state of families today. One of the greatest deterrents to the breakdown of the family is “unity”! As a matter of fact, unity is a great equalizer to the strength and success of families as well as companies, churches, teams, communities, and any other group of people. Jesus knew the importance of unity. In John 17 Jesus prays for all of us who would be-

come His children. Here is a portion of the prayer He prays for you and me. Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, that they may be one even as We are. “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. Jesus stated He and God the Father were one, unified, and that is His prayer for followers and churches that we are together. Did you notice the reason unity is so important? Jesus prayed, “ that the world may believe that You sent Me.” When Christian families, churches, and believers are united, the world will begin to realize that Jesus Christ is God’s Son sent to die for the sins of the world. There is strength and power when Christians unite in the love of Jesus Christ. I am thankful for our church and the long history of generations who have made FBC Owensboro their home. May God continue to unite us under the Great Shepherd so that the world may know and believe in Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! There is an old acrostic using the word team, which emphasizes unity!

Together Everyone Accomplishes More I am convinced the Lord desires greatly to use FBC Owensboro to impact and reach our community and the world with the Gospel. I am further convinced He desires for us to do it together as one in Christ!

In the spring of 2011, D.T. and I decided that it was time for our family to begin looking for a new church home. We also received the news that my dad’s cancer had returned. He had been in remission for thirteen months and it came back as stage four in his liver and lungs. I visited FBC one weekend alone and was amazed at the friendliness of the people there. There was one lady in particular who came up to me that morning and poured out amazing kindness! She introduced herself by saying, “Terry Disney, like Disney Land.” D.T. and I went out of town the next weekend, but returned the following Sunday to FBC. Several people greeted me with a smile, a few people with a “welcome back”, but Terry

How has God used someone (or a group of people) at FBC, from a different generation than your own, to impact your spiritual life?

greeted me with a hug and a genuine excitement over my




thereafter, Terry was there to greet me with her hug. She continued to seek me out, inviting me to lunch, where

she would listen to me talk about my dad. When Terry said she would pray, I knew she meant it. She invited me to a couple of women’s ministry events where she introduced me to other women and simply took me under her wing. D.T. and I committed our family to FBC and became members in the fall of 2011. We are convinced that it was God that led us here, but it was the Disney’s that held on and would not let us go. My dad went home to be with our Lord in July of 2012. Terry was a warm heart during a cold time in my life and became a caring friend when I felt lost and alone. D.T. and I

truly thank God for Terry and Phil. Four years later, Terry

group of young adults, fully engaged in Kingdom work.

Disney still greets me, every Sunday, with her hug!

They asked great questions, gave great suggestions,

Candice Dent (A)

and even asked, “How can we give to this project right now?”

Impressed is not the word, amazed, maybe. The young-

Steve Clark (SA)

er generation that I am familiar with and have surrounded myself with are the young staff members, their fami-

Growing up at FBC, I understood and appreciated the

lies, and the secretaries of First Baptist Church. Seeing

importance of intergenerational influence on spiritual

and hearing them perform their duties as I sat at the re-

accountability. Christians need support and comfort in

ception desk made me more aware of how much the

order to grow and mature in their relationship with

Lord has blessed our church with each of these devot-

Christ. Looking to the older generation, I was able to

ed, hard working employees. One of the staff members

find people to whom I could relate, who understood the

makes a point each Sunday to talk to my 94-year-old

challenges and struggles of maintaining Christian resili-

husband. I am sure he does not realize how much my

ency, and who showed me abundant grace. We need

husband enjoys this prime time. Thanks to all the younger

to embrace all generations within our church body. Be-

generation in our church.

ing part of an intergenerational congregation allows us Millie Miller (SA)

The older generation has definitely had an impact on

to adapt to the needs and demands of both young and old members, while also perpetuating the core tenets of our faith.

my life and walk with Christ. There are always adults in-

Andrea Borregard (A)

volved with the youth and they make it known that they’re there for the younger students whenever they

God has used Suzie Horner to impact my spiritual life in

need help or advice. I am never at a loss of having

many different ways. She taught me music in VBS, cares

someone to talk to because I know that there are willing

for me at church camp, and helped me learn what it

adults in our church, who love Christ, and are willing to

means to be a Christian. For example, Mrs. Suzie has giv-

take time out of their schedule to sit down and talk. I

en me many great leadership opportunities. She gives

see these adults and strive to be as kind and Christ-

me big tasks which helps me grow in confidence. Spe-

loving when I grow older.

cifically, she lets me help in children’s church by teachWhit Wiman (Y)

ing the music to the younger kids. I see Mrs. Suzie teaching kids in children’s church and in Awana and that

I have three distinct memories of being taught by older

teaches me that I am able to teach kids just the same

and younger generations at FBC. First, as an eight-year-

as her. Thanks Mrs. Suzie. I couldn’t have done it without

old boy, I remember the ground-breaking ceremony in


1960 for our educational building. The older generation

Maggie Bacon (Y)

taught me to build and care for the next generation of workers for God’s Kingdom.

Secondly, as a younger

adult and director of the high school SS department, I heard teenagers give personal testimonies in Jesus Christ. Wow! I was inspired to just “Share Jesus Without Fear”.

Lastly, in a recent input session for our 1920’s

building renovation, I was inspired again, this time by a






Senior Adult

FAMILY NIGHT Evansville Otters Saturday, August 8 Game Time: 6:35 PM CST Bus will leave FBC at 4:50 PM Tickets: Adults & Children 9+: $10 Children 6-8: $7 Children 5 & under: Free Price includes: Ticket, transport, & meal Meal includes: Hamburger, hot dog, two sides, & unlimited soft drinks

Men’s Fall Softball August - October Yellow Creek Park For more details and to signup:

Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief Training Saturday, September 19, 2015 9 am to 4 pm Bowling Green, KY

Bus will depart FBC at 7:30 am For more details and to signup:

Storying Training Sundays August 16, 23, 30 6:00 pm in Room 207

June 16-19

Learn how to communicate stories from the Bible in one-on-one and group situations. Don’t miss out on this training! A great tool for any follower of Christ. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Peter Pan Cost per ticket: $45 Show Date: August 4

Deadline to sign up: Monday, July 14

Church Basement Ladies One of my greatest joys serving as the Recreation Minister at First Baptist Church of Owensboro was the

Cost per ticket: $45 Show Date: September 15 Deadline to sign up: Monday, August 25

opportunity to work with all generations. The Recreation Ministry allowed me to work with adults through the sports ministry, craft ministry, dinner theatres, trips, etc. We also provided camps during the summer for children, which included Day Camp, Adventure Camp, Sports Camp, and Crosspoint Camp.

All of

the events allowed me to form relationships with families which I have been deeply grateful for through these 30+ years of ministry together. Kathryn and I are honored to be a part of a wonderful church family. Eight years ago, I was given the opportunity to transition into a new position as the Church Administrator/ Senior Adult Minister.

It has been an extremely re-

warding transition, but it has limited my ability to build relationships with the new young families joining the church. Our staff is talking about how we can provide opportunities where all generations can serve, worship, and study God’s Word together. There is a sense of excitement and enthusiasm in our church as we continue to see a multitude of generations continuing to join our church. Will Smith and I have been talking about how our two ministries can work together to build relationships be-

We are scheduling photo sessions for our newest members and those who missed out last year on our FBC Directory. This will be an insert for the FBC Directory and is not a retake of any current photo. Please call Judi at the church office [270-683-3505] at your earliest convenience for the session that works best for you and your family.

tween the students and senior adults. Beginning this

Session 1

fall, we will “renew” a ministry where we will match an

Wednesday, August 19

older adult with a high school senior. Our vision is for the older adult to be an encourager, mentor, and support for the student. I also believe the student can

Session 2 Sunday, August 23

be of service and support to the older adult. It will be

Session 3

a great multi-generational ministry serving together.

Wednesday, August 26

If you would like to be part of this ministry, please let me know.

5:00 | 5:15 | 5:30

9:30 | 9:45 |10:00 |10:15

5:00 | 5:15 | 5:30

Session 4 Sunday, August 30

9:30 | 9:45 |10:00 |10:15

“I want to listen to my music!”

Worship Music in a Multigenerational Church Jana, the boys, and I will have an opportunity to attend two family reunions in as many weeks this summer. There are multiple generations at a reunion. Lots of different tastes are represented. If you were a fly on a wall at any given reunion, chances are the older generation might be listening to Tommy Dorsey on their turntables or AM radios, their adult children probably listened to James Taylor on their car stereos on the way over, and the grandchildren have iPod buds in their ears listening to Ed Sheeran or Maroon 5. But is anyone wishing they weren’t at this family reunion? No, because they all love each other. The older generations enjoy playing with the children because it brings a smile to their faces and makes them feel younger. The children love their time with grandparents because of the love, attention and wisdom they receive. By the same token, First Baptist Owensboro has multiple generations worshiping under the same roof. Many different ages… many different musical tastes…but we’re all worshiping only one true God.

The “worship war” going on in America is not truly a war. It is simply a perception on our part, and a result of our own inflexibilities. When reading Scripture, have you ever noticed that God never enters the argument over which style is more legit or valid? Colossians 3:16 and Ephesians 5:19-20—which are almost identical—state how God feels about music.

“Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

“Instead, be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

To God, music style does not matter. As long as our music is genuinely from the heart, God loves it all. Does God address the motivation of our hearts concerning worship? Absolutely. The people of Israel—God’s chosen people—had gotten a bit off kilter, and God provided this stern warning in Amos 5:21-23. “I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps.” Each Sunday, we meet to worship the Living God. My prayer for the FBO family is that we approach worship with hearts that are in tune with Him, no matter the style of music.

Every Sunday morning when announcements are made in the worship services, our staff asks those that are guests to fill out a Connection Card. Every Sunday morning during Sunday School, our class record-keepers ask guests in their class to fill out a guest card. Ever wonder what happens to those names and their contact information? First Baptist Church has a Guest Follow-Up Team that immediately springs into action. Each Sunday, one or more of the team members gather the cards from worship and Sunday School and begin processing their information. Next, they fill a bag full of information about our church for each guest or family, including a letter from the pastor, the latest Connect Magazine, and any pertinent advertisements or promotional material from specific ministries. The team member also couples this with a loaf of fresh bread. The packet of information and the loaf of bread are paired together in preparation for a delivery of those things to the house of the guests that day. The deacons rotate handling the delivery of these guest packages. Sometimes the deacons will go in pairs and other times, the deacon and their family will make the delivery.

Guest Follow-up Volunteers Bettye Cain Darry Cain Dianne Colvin Dianne Farmer Martha Pricket Debbie Settle Sarah Todd Sharon Weber Nancy Wilson Bettie Richards,

Team Coordinator Within a few hours of visiting FBC and filling out an information card, guests receive some very detailed information about our church and a tasty loaf of bread. In addition to that, they receive a warm “thank you” from our deacons (and their family) for being a guest of FBC that day. This is such a vital ministry in our church! I want to personally say “THANKS!” to the team of people that serve in this area and to the deacons that help deliver the prepared packages. Bettie Richards does a phenomenal job of recruiting and coordinating members of the team. Bettie was the original recruiter and team-leader when this ministry began in 2012. Her desire and passion to see guests receive a warm welcome and be informed about our church has really shown in her leadership! The work that they do really paves the way for follow-up contact from the staff at the beginning of the week. I can’t begin to tell you how many times I have made phone calls on Monday to a guest from the previous Sunday and they mention the package of information and the loaf of bread (which they have usually already finished). This ministry really sets the tone for our initial relationship with those that are guests to FBC. The names of the team members are listed above. Take the opportunity to thank them for the work that they are doing in this area of ministry. It is definitely behind the scenes, but it is fruitful labor in the ministry of FBC! If you are interested in being part of the team that helps make this happen, please contact myself or Michele Burton in the church office and we will get you in touch with Bettie Richards.

The Importance of Unity Amongst the Generations Why is it important for the different generations at FBC to know one another and be unified? Because of my family history at FBC, I have been privi-

taught by many wonderful saints in Sunday School, Bible

leged to know and have relationships with people of my

studies, and prayer groups.

parents’ generation and my children’s generation.


know many of their faces and names. I know their chil-

So being involved with multiple generations at the

dren. Many times I grew up with their children at FBC. In

church became a very natural thing for me. As our family

addition, we have had many new members join and as

grew, I became involved in my children’s activities at

a result of being friends with their peers, I also get to

church. Some of our closest friends came from attend-

know them. As a young married couple, returning back

ing church camps, overnight trips, and activities involving

to Owensboro from Lexington, we were blessed to be

the youth. Clarence Nemitz was instrumental in getting

me involved with Vacation Bible School. He convinced

meet in a coffeehouse environment called Legacy

me that he didn’t have time to devote to recruiting vol-

Night. This is where women from two different genera-

unteers, so Claire Roberts and I recruited and directed

tions share their story with the intention of bonding the

VBS for many of the years that our children attended.

different generations. Each age group has so much to

That opened up many doors for me to make new rela-

offer to each other. I have heard many of their stories

tionships with members of all ages. That was a very busy,

and how God has brought them to where they are to-

but rewarding time in my life. Dan and I were able to be

day. I get to know many of their struggles and how God

a part of the ministry of Barbara Reynolds as she opened

has used those times to encourage and grow their faith.

up her home for food and games to the college kids.

This is just one example of how telling your story will allow

There have been so many people who have poured the

God to continue using us to glorify Him.

love of Christ into us. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them My church family is very important to me.

These are

all together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:14 (NIV)

friends, young and old, that I know will encourage and pray for me. I have been on the receiving end of many

One of God’s commands to us is to love one another as

meals, cards of encouragement, and sympathy. I have

Christ loved the church. This can be a challenge on cer-

been blessed beyond measure. My church family is my

tain days. But living this way brings joy to us and to others

extended family.

like nothing else. On my worst days, if I can get the focus off myself and onto God and others, things tend to un-

But as my husband and I journey into the older genera-

tangle and smooth out. It’s the way God designed our

tion, we have been drawn to many younger families.

life to be lived best. It just works. Give it a shot and see if

We have played softball and kickball with them. We

God doesn’t’ change the way your days unfold.

have eaten meals with them and been invited into their homes. We have always felt accepted by these younger

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,

couples and their families, and it has kept us up to date

if you love one another.” John 13:35 (NIV)

on all the new things going on in their lives. Dan and I feel like it has kept us feeling younger, as we know many

I would encourage you to focus on someone of a differ-

of them, their children, and their parents. That in turn al-

ent generation, someone that you don’t usually pay

lows us the opportunity to pray for them and to see how

much attention to.

they are bonding with each other and making First Bap-

questions about their life and listen attentively. Listen for

tist their own extended family.

opportunities to connect and serve. Each generation has

Spend time with them, ask a few

so much to offer to one another. As a body of believers Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic,

that worship together, being unified in beliefs and love

love one another, be compassionate and humble.

will bond us together as Christ intends us to be.

1 Peter 3:8 (NIV) How good and pleasant it is when God’s people One of the most rewarding activities that I have attend-

live together in unity! Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

ed is a newer event that Cheryl Goss started several

by Mary Martha Reynolds

years ago. Four times a year the ladies are invited to

On Sunday, August 2, preschoolers moving to the children’s department will be presented with a bible from the Preschool Ministry and will tour their new area. Please make every effort for your child to attend.

Children and students will promote to their new classes on August 9. Please note, our Promotion Policy mirrors the Public School System. In order for a child to promote to kindergarten, the child will need to have turned five on or before October 1st. If you have any questions, please contact Cheryl Goss, Suzie Horner, or Will Smith.


Friday, July 10 9:00 am – 1:00 pm Christian Life Center Cost: $20 per child

“Journey Off the Map” We had a wonderful time exploring uncharted territory at this year’s Vacation Bible School with 240 attendees and 80 volunteers. The children were taught

Camp Doodlebug is a one day camp for children who have completed grades K-2nd. The cost is $20 per child. Each child will complete a paint project and receive a camp T-Shirt.

that Jesus needs to be their ultimate guide through life and whenever they are faced with the unexpected, they know to listen to and

Our paint instructor will be Amy Burgan.

Please bring a sack lunch

trust God’s direction. I want to say THANK YOU to ALL the volunteers, and the FBC staff, who helped make this years VBS wonderful for our children and the children of the community. We may not see or know the ultimate impact that was made but we must remember

Participants MUST register at

what we sang in VBS, “unknown to us, but known to Him!”

Prayer Guide for Seattle and Boston Seattle Mission Trip: July 18-25 Mission Partners: Greg and Shelly (Spears) Fuller

Trip Report on August 2 6:00pm in Sanctuary

Team Members: David Bivins, Bonnie Bivins, Howard Burton, Kent Fruge’, Kathryn Fruge’, Griffin Fruge’, David Moore, Nathan Scott, Bennett Wilson, and Susan Wilson. Saturday, July 18 - Pray for flights, baggage, and arrival into Seattle Sunday, July 19 - LifePoint Church and their leadership team Monday, July 20 - Soccer Camp and all the families that are participating. Great weather for the camp Tuesday, July 21 - Mission Team as they do construction projects at the church Wednesday, July 22 - Pastor Dale Braswell and his family as they follow God’s direction Thursday, July 23 - Conclusion of the soccer camp and the block party Friday, July 24 - The Fuller’s as they lead the youth Bible study in their home Saturday, July 25 - Follow-up from the week and travels back to Owensboro

Boston Mission Trip: July 25-August 1 Mission Partners: Tanner and Marsha Turley

Trip Report on August 9 6:00pm in Sanctuary

Team Members: Dustin Brown, Bob Farmer, Annie Johnson, Lisa Johnson, Sam Johnson, Dot Kanipe, Judy Marshall, Steve Marshall, Jacob O’Bryan, Bettie Richards, Debbie Settle, Will Smith, Robert L. Wilson, Sarah Wilson Saturday, July 25 - Pray for flights, baggage, and arrival into Boston Sunday, July 26 - Redemption Hill Church and their leadership team Monday, July 27 - All the partner churches participating in the Serve Medford projects. Great weather for the camp Tuesday, July 28 - LA 55 team and our Student ministry team as they participate in community outreach Wednesday, July 29 - Pastor Tanner Turley and his family as they follow God’s direction Thursday, July 30 - Pastor Jon Chasteen and his family as they coordinate Serve Medford Friday, July 31 - Beautiful weather for the block party and the presentation of the Gospel Saturday, August 1 - Follow-up from the week and travels back to Owensboro

Sunday, September 13 4:00-8:00 pm Ben Hawes Park DINNER WILL BE SERVED AT 5:30 P.M. The meat, drinks, and eating utensils will be provided by the church.

Family Activities include: ultimate frisbee, corn-hole, horse shoes, and volleyball If your last name begins with: A-I please bring a dessert J-R please bring a vegetable (9 x 13 dish) S-Z please bring a salad

The PAR 3 golf tournament begins at 3:30. Register with Susan in the CLC (683-3505) office by Thursday, September 10

$10 per person

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-1:00 pm Closed on July 3

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm Closing at 2:30 on July 2 Closed on July 3

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service

  

No Children’s Church the month of July No Evening Service July 5 Youth Cookout on July 12 at the Overall’s beginning at 3:00 p.m.

July 1

See Wednesday Schedule

July 2

Office Closing at 2:30

July 3


July 4

Happy 4th

July 5

See Sunday Schedule No evening service

July 6

6:30 pm

iPlay volunteer training

July 7-9

6:30 pm

iPlay pg. 4

July 8 July 10

Wednesday Schedule

BROADCAST INFO Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

Camp Doodlebug pg. 11 See Sunday Schedule

July 14

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall BRING A SACK LUNCH

3:00 pm

Youth Cookout

9:30 am

Jo Nelson Bible Study

July 15

See Wednesday Schedule

July 18-22

Seattle Mission Trip

July 19-22

Children’s Camp

July 19

See Sunday Schedule 7:00 pm


Deacon Meeting

July 22

See Wednesday Schedule

July 25-Aug. 1

Boston Mission Trip

July 26

See Sunday Schedule

July 29

See Wednesday Schedule

July 31

10:00 am

Friday Fun

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title.


Minister on Call 270.683.3505 Press 9 Please join us the second Tuesday of each month for the

Jo Nelson Bible Study 9:30 am Social Time & Refreshments 10:00 am Bible Study in the CLC Missions/Rec

9:00 am

July 12

12:00 pm

See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.

See Wednesday Schedule



No Meals Served in July For the Wednesday lunch prayer meeting, please bring a sack lunch or eat before you come. Preschool


Senior Adults

Church wide

New Church Members Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to: 

Emily Clark and family in the death of her grandfather, Charles Eldred Black on May 18.

Beverly Northern and family in the death of her brother, Ted Peveler Jr. on May 18

 Wanda Robertson Transfer of Letter May 24

Mike, Cindy & Blake Moss Transfer of Letter, Profession of Faith/Baptism June 7

Paula and Tom Bazemore and family in the death of her great niece, Ryker Lee McDaniel on May 20.

The family of Mary Jean Grise on May 23.

The family of Beatrice Bevil on May 29.

Ashley Turner Hughes, Amber Turner and Thomas Turner, IV and families in the death of their mother, Diane Turner on June 1.

The family of Jane Palmer on June 9.

Kaye Clark and family in the death of her sister, Shirley Cole on June 11.

 Don & Linda Young and Ruth Lentz Transfer of Letter June 7

Vic and Ruth Harrison and family in the death of his father, George Harrison on June 12.

Art Truman and family in the death of his wife, Judy Truman on June 14.

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26

Wanda and Andy Anderson family in the death of her brother, Patrick Clough Matthews on June 14

Congratulations 

Sarah and Joshua Fuqua in the birth of their son, Leland Ray Fuqua on May 20.

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