First Baptist Church, Owensboro/December 2014

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App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer MINISTER OF DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn MINISTER TO CHILDREN Suzie Horner MINISTER TO STUDENTS Will Smith MINISTER OF RECREATION/MISSIONS Nathan Scott MINISTER OF MUSIC Derry Billingsley PRESCHOOL/WOMEN’S MINISTRY COORDINATOR Cheryl Goss OFFICE MANAGER Judi West ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton Susan Dant Maeghan Adams FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright

1 Connect with Paul 2 God @ Work an interview with Bob & Kathryn Farmer

4 Connect with... Missions/Recreation Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 8 The Meaning of Waiting by Derry Billingsley

10 Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry Children Students 13 FOM (First on Missions) Lottie Moon

14 Build-A-Bed 15 Connect with One Another 16 Calendar and Events

You are familiar with these lyrics from a popular Christmas song and I would tend to agree with them. What a great time of the year as we celebrate Thanksgiving at the end of November and then of course the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! This time of the year is always busy for everyone but it is also a fun time for families. I pray God’s richest blessings on you and your family this CHRISTmas! Merry CHRISTmas from our family to yours!

TWO IMPORTANT REMINDERS! CHRISTMAS EVE LORD’S SUPPER December 24th is our Annual Christmas Eve Lord’s Supper Service! Once again we will have two opportunities for you to worship. The times will be at 4:00pm and 5:30pm. This is our most attended service of the year and one I always look forward to. If you are in town, make every effort to come worship with us and bring someone with you. The service consists of great music, the observance of the Lord’s Supper, a brief devotion and excellent fellowship. Come expecting the Lord to do something in and through us! One more reminder about this service is that we will be taking an offering. Every penny of this offering will be used in our Benevolence ministry. Each year we serve many in our community who have needs ranging from a lack of food to rent. We have been blessed to have funds to help those around us in need throughout the year. I can honestly say, if we had not been receiving a Christmas offering we would have to turn people away! This year I am asking that you come prepared to give an offering to our Benevolence ministry during the Christmas Eve service! In Matthew’s gospel account we hear King Jesus saying ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ 2015 BUDGET! The first Sunday in November we voted and approved our 2015 Budget! Thanks to each of you for affirming the work and the ministry that is being done here at FBC. I really appreciate the Finance Committee, Personnel Committee, and our staff for all they’ve done to put together a reachable budget for the coming year. Many others were involved in the process and I appreciate all of them! Honored to be your pastor! Paul

Give a brief description of your history and relationship with First Baptist Church. B: First Baptist Church called me to be their Minister of Activities in August 1984. The church had just begun the construction of the Christian Life Center and I was able to be a part of birthing the recreation ministry at that time. It was an exciting time for the church as there was an enthusiasm about the beginning of a new ministry. The first year of my ministry was developing relationships and setting a vision for the recreation ministry. I also had the unique opportunity to serve with a “seasoned� ministerial staff that included Dr. David Nelson, Clarence Nemitz, Grover Waller, and Joe Bob Pierce. I am forever indebted to their spiritual guidance, unwavering support, and friendship. Dr. Nelson became a spiritual mentor and helped me through the rigors of being on a church staff. After serving for 23 years as the Minister of Activities, God opened a door for me to transition into the Senior Adult Ministry and to become the Church Business Administrator. It has been and continues to be a time of recommitment to

the ministry God has provided for me here at First Baptist Church. I have been blessed to be a part of such a great church for these past 30 years. K: During our time here I have assisted with children's choirs, co-led women's Bible studies, served as director of the Single Adult Dept., and have been actively involved in music and worship ministry. I have also been blessed with the privilege of serving beside Bob when he needed my help...and sometimes even when he didn't! You have been serving at FBC for 30 years. Over that time, in what ways have you seen God work in the lives and hearts of people? B: Kathryn and I have seen God at work in so many ways these past 30 years. We have had the honor to be a part of many of your family’s lives by celebrating weddings, grieving with you during the death of a loved one, worshipping together, and having fellowship with you in your homes. However, our greatest joy is to see people come to have a personal relationship with Christ.

One other way that we have seen God at work is the opportunity to mentor young people especially while I was serving as the Minister of Activities. The Christian Life Center provided an opportunity to hire young people to work in a great environment and to see their lives changed as a result of relationships we forged together. I have been truly blessed by those relationships even today. I have witnessed young people surrender their lives to full-time ministry as well as others being active in the churches they attend. K: That's a hard, yet simple, question. What haven't we seen! We've seen lives turned around and harden hearts softened. We've witnessed crisis and pain in members' lives (and our own) that God has used to not only grow His fellowship in their own faith but also to use His fellowship in ways that bring hope and faith to the lives of others in similar situations. Over that span of service, how has the Lord been at work in your own heart? How has He been at work to grow you in the faith? B: God has done a remarkable work in my life through these past 30 years of service. I have grown and matured in my faith due to the experiences of life.

Full video of the interview is available on our website


Kathryn has stated, I came to the realization that I could not go through life, especially as a minister, on my own. Once I allowed God to lead me and follow His will, I too have seen His abundant blessings. It is difficult to admit that I was immature in my faith early on in my ministry but I can honestly state that God has been so good to me and has allowed me to continue to serve here at First Baptist Church. K: I was 25 when God called us to FBC. I was an adult in terms of my age, but I had a lot of growing to I still do today. I needed to mature not only in life-experience and wisdom, but also in my faith and worship. How has God grown me? His path for me has led me down many roads of realization that I simply cannot do it (life) in my own power. And I'm so incredibly grateful and thankful that He has been patient, compassionate, merciful and forgiving. And He used each celebration and tear to draw me yet one step closer. I still have a great deal of growing ahead of me. I have grown exponentially in my faith over our years at FBC. God has put the right people in the right place at the right time for the right reasons. With the passage of time I can look back and see the abundant blessings He's provided through countless prayer warriors, incredible Christian teachers and

mentors, a boundless number of lifetime friends and a loving, encouraging and compassionate fellowship that is our family. How has God used the people of FBC over the years to serve and minister to you? B: I had mentioned earlier the relationship with the ministerial staff when I first begun in 1984. We had such a cohesive staff and I was blessed to have served with such great people. I remember Kathryn and me thinking we would only be here for a short period of time. However, the relationships we built in such a short period of time were and still are a true blessing. Our lives have been lived in a “fish bowl� these past 30 years. The church has witnessed our struggle with infertility, our struggles with transitions, and our struggles in our marriage. However, First Baptist Church continually reached out to us in love and care, for which we were and still are deeply grateful. The real strength of First Baptist Church is the depth of love and care this church has for others, including its staff. We have been truly blessed to serve along with you these past 30 years. K: Over the years Bob and I have experienced heartaches...the pain of being unable to have children, the loss of family members, the stress of caring for aging mothers, and the struggles of marriage. And we have also experienced celebrations...weddings, great nieces and nephews, godchildren, "adopted children," and a renewed marriage. In all of our personal struggles and blessings, our FBC family never ceases to awe

and amaze us. They have stood beside us, walked with us and even carried us at times. It is evident God has used and continues to use them in ways that only He can direct - so abundant they are impossible to list. How is God @ Work in your life and ministry today? B: God continues to allow me to minister and serve with the older adult group in our church. They are such a blessing to me and I count it an honor to be able to serve with them. We serve, travel, and do mission work together. God continues to challenge me in the work that I have been called to do and to give Him my best. K: In this season of my life, I feel that God is focusing my ministry service on caring for my mom, and being His hands and hugs to my five year old kindergarten students. Both are far more a blessing to me than I could ever be to them. He also continues to provide opportunities to serve in music and worship; a deep passion of mine only He can create. I am so incredibly grateful. Continued on page 17...

“Forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead.” ~Philippians 3:13b I would like to thank the church for the opportunity to attend ministry trainings. On October 21-23, I joined 200 other sports ministry colleagues in Rock Hill, SC, to discuss and learn about how God is using sports for making disciples. We had participants from 21 states and six countries. Recreation and sports are avenues for building relationships (Building Bridges). As we intentionally build relationships we are to be sowing Gospel seeds (Connecting to Christ). Below are a few takeaways and some current issues in this field. Competitive sports on Sunday was one area that brought a good amount of discussion. Is it healthy for the Christian to play organized sports on Sunday? Is it ok to play on travel teams that play on the Lord’s Day? What about the believers who play in the NFL and race for Nascar? When are these individuals and their families able to participate in congregational worship with their local church? One side voices the view that sports can be a big witness on Sunday as it can be a missional way to reach the lost who are engaged in these activities on this day. The other side can point out that the world needs to see there is a cost to follow Christ, so enjoy sports six days a week, and then hold off from competing on Sundays. We walked away with more questions than answers. We are going to continue to dialogue on this topic through online discussion groups as we think about the theology of the Sabbath, the Lord’s Day, the church, and evangelism.

Church youth sports have been moving through cycles. Prior to the 1990’s the majority of offerings were unbridled competition, just like secular options. This was followed by a movement to no competition (no score keeping, no season standings, everyone receives a trophy). Now we are at a crossroads of whether to adjust, reverse, or attempt both methods by offering recreational and competitive opportunities. Gender definition will become even more of a central aspect of the church. The church will have to be prepared to deal with Biblical responses to a changing society. How do we have grace in these situations? Most public schools, the media, and the government already think of us as extremists, but people will know us by our love. As you can see, we had some deep thoughts on some tough topics. Just because it is uncomfortable, does not mean it should not be discussed. As Christ followers, we must be examining difficult issues because we live in a challenging time and must strive to be lights. Let us agree with Psalm 136, “Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever.” A thought for us to be thinking about: how can we use sports outside the church walls to be an example of Christ in our community?

FBC Men’s Basketball Team

Local Church League mid-January - March All games are played in the Christian Life Center ONE game a week

First Baptist won the local Church League Kickball Championship. The last game was titled "Mudball."

Contact Nathan if you would like to join the team.

Blue Licks State Park Trip…

LA 55 New Events… We are planning a day event in January and February to help us get through the winter season. On January 22, 2015 we are planning a game day in the CLC. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will include a sack lunch. Hope you will mark this date on your calendar. We also hope to have a mission project on February 19 for those of you who might not want to participate in the games. Details will be provided at a later date.

Usher Class…

We had 32 people join us for our annual State Park trip this year. Our destination was the Blue Licks State Park in Carlisle, Kentucky which is about 17 miles from Maysville, Kentucky. The fall colors were at their peak as we traveled through central Kentucky to reach our destination. Activities were planned for our group during our 3 night-2 day trip. We enjoyed going to the Gateway museum in Maysville and enjoyed visiting the Rosemary Clooney home in Augusta, Kentucky. In the evening we enjoyed playing games together. It was a great time to enjoy Christian fellowship!

I want to say thanks to the Usher Class for their service in delivering the canned goods to the Help Office in November. The class is led by Larry Bruce and they have taken on this mission project for several years. The class also picks up all dated Sunday school material and delivers the material to a central location where it is then sent to mission areas. We are grateful that we are able to recycle old Sunday school material and give to people in these areas.

Food Service Staff… I want to give thanks to those who serve in our Food Service area at First Baptist Church. Each week they provide over 200 meals on Wednesday afternoon and evening. We are so blessed to have a wonderful and committed staff who works hard to provide such an important ministry in our church. In November, the Food Service staff not only provided meals for Wednesday’s but they prepared a delicious Thanksgiving dinner on the Sunday before Thanksgiving. As a part of our Thanksgiving dinner and worship service, the Food Service staff prepares “to go” meals for our Deacon’s to deliver to our homebound members. Our Homebound members are deeply appreciative of the thoughtfulness of someone not only delivering a meal but enjoy the visit from one of our deacons. Food Service Director – Barbara Reynolds Food Service Staff – Connie Fleischman, Beth Reynolds, and Laurie Edge Please express your appreciation to this great staff!

December Quarterly Business Meeting… Please mark your calendar for this important business meeting. Due to the December church calendar, our Quarterly Church Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 17, at 5:45 p.m. We will hear reports from the Nominating Committee, Constitution Bylaws Committee, and the Deacon Selection Meeting.

End of Year Contributions… The State Park trip is one of our highlight trips of the year and we enjoy the wonderful State Parks of Kentucky each October. Make plans to join us in October of 2015 for our next State Park trip.

The church will accept all 2014 contributions through Wednesday, December 31. Due to IRS regulations all contributions for 2014 must be postmarked or delivered to the Finance office on December 31, 2014. The Finance office will close at 2:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

2014 Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion Service

A Celtic Christmas Celebration

Wednesday, December 24 4:00 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.

Worship Service Information Sunday, December 28 No Evening Service

December 14th at 6:00 pm Featuring our Sanctuary Choir, Orchestra, and Guest Celtic Instrumentalists

Sunday Nights Nine sessions We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) is that plan! It teaches God's ways of handling money. Through video teaching, class discussions and interactive small group activities, FPU presents biblical, practical steps to get from where you are to where you've dreamed you could be. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! FPU classes meet for around an hour and a half each week for nine weeks.

Childcare Provided

FBC Owensboro greatly desires to help people become excellent, God-honoring stewards of the resources that He has provided. Please join in on this opportunity as we journey together toward handling finances in a way that glorifies the Lord!

Beginning January 11

5:30-7:00PM at FBC Bo & Summer Alexander, Teachers $100 per individual or $100 per couple Childcare Provided Preferred Registration by January 5. If not signed up by this date, material won't be available for first week, but you can still come to the first session! Register online at or by contacting the FBC office at 270.683.3505.

Waiting...Do you know anyone who enjoys it? Neither do I. In an age of instant gratification, waiting for someone or something isn’t tolerated very well. Enter the Christmas season, which brings ample opportunity for waiting. Take shopping for example: The lines at the check-out


get much longer at Christmas. I confess I’m a terrible



your breath.

I’m the type that shops only when I need

something. If I can’t get it online, I’ll reluctantly venture

that under Simply

stated: We don’t like to wait.

out, entering a store for only an item or two. I’ll get into the “Express” line (which is long), only to discover the

We live in a culture that says waiting is mean-

other lines are moving faster. I’ll move to another line

ingless. Why cook something on the stove if you can

that seems to be moving…and then that line bogs

run through a drive-through or use a microwave? Why

down. Some say the other lines aren’t actually moving

wait for next week’s paycheck when you can get it on

faster, it just seems like they are; I know otherwise.

credit today?

And then there’s traffic at this time of year.


The holiday season of Advent goes against this way of

about being in a hurry. When holiday shoppers can’t

thinking. Consumerism takes every opportunity to capi-

get to where they need to go on time, tempers

talize on holidays, sometimes even creating a holiday to

flare. It’s enough to make you whisper a

manufacture sales. Why not the Advent season? I do

“bah humbug” (or something

not remember ever seeing an Advent commercial on television, or billboards with pictures of Advent wreaths. Perhaps it makes sense, for a holiday season in which waiting is a primary component would not see many sales.

First Baptist Owensboro has observed Advent for several years. Most of us are familiar with the evergreen wreath with purple, pink, and white candles. But really, why do we celebrate Advent? Is it just a warm-up to the main event of Christmas, kind of like an appetizer before the main course of a meal? Advent is much more.

“Advent helps us celebrate the season with greater meaning and depth.

Most folks would say that the Christmas season begins after Thanksgiving Day (retailers would have us believe it begins much earlier). On the Christian calendar, the Christmas season doesn’t begin until

The anticipation is time well spent.”

Christmas Day itself, December 25, and lasts for twelve days (which is where we get the song “The 12 Days of Christmas”). Advent, which means “coming” or “visit”, is the approximately four weeks prior to Christmas. In short, it is a time of preparing for the coming of Christ. We, as Christians, prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus by remembering the longing of the Jews for a Messiah in the past. But it doesn’t end there. As we remember, we are reminded of how much we need a Savior right now. We also keep in mind that there is another advent yet to happen, when He returns. The Jews waited for the Messiah; we wait for His return. How we wait makes all the difference. I was blessed to grow up in a house in which presents were plentiful on Christmas Day. The knowledge that I was going to receive several gifts on that morning made waiting almost unbearable. “Dad, I wish Christmas would get here already!” I told my father. He would tell me what his Mom told him, and that was to “not wish your life away —

Include these Scriptures in your quiet time during this Season of Advent:

make the most of today.” Words of wisdom. In a way, that is what Advent is about…making the most of the time while we wait. Above all, realizing that God’s presence in the waiting is sufficient. Whereas some would say that waiting is meaningless, the Advent season reminds us that there is meaning in the waiting. Give a little thought to how you will go through this Advent season.

Psalm 27:14 Psalm 62:5-7 Psalm 130:5-6

The Scripture references at the end of this article, all of which dwell on God’s sufficiency in waiting, may be used in your private or family

Psalm 130:7-8

devotional time (you may want to paraphrase for young children). When you find yourself forced to wait in line at the department store, let it be a time to reflect on the fact that Christ’s being is enough for what is happening in your life at the moment. When caught in slow moving traffic, reflect on God’s promises, both fulfilled and yet to be seen. Instead of letting your mind move toward impatience in these moments, move your thoughts toward God and His character, and your need for Him in your life. That is the essence of Advent. Christmas Day is so much sweeter for a child whose excitement has grown daily in anticipation. In a similar way, observing Advent helps us celebrate the season with greater meaning and depth. The anticipation is time well spent.

Isaiah 40:31 Romans 8:18-25 1 Peter 1:13 Revelation 22:20

This past month I attempted to visit with a young woman I had once counseled. Through bad decisions and an arrest, she was residing at the Owensboro Jail. I have never been to a jail, so I was a bit anxious about going. As I drove there, I prayed that God would take away all my anxiety about being out of my comfort zone and to use me to speak biblical truth. As I waited, I noticed families that were passing through to see someone who was there. I heard conversations with children and families, and I was heartbroken at the pain that was in this one building. I found myself wondering if they knew God. In Genesis it says we are all made in the image of God. So what makes me any different from the people in there? Had they never had that one person to share the word of God with them? My eyes were focused on a young mother and her one-year-old daughter. They waited to see daddy come to the glass and pick up the phone. When he finally arrived, I watched the little girl touch her dad through the glass. I watched him kiss the glass as if he were kissing her sweet lips. I watched them play peek-a-boo and blow kisses to each other. Their hands touched the glass and he reacted with a smile as if he could actually touch her tiny little fingers. Through all of this the mother stayed strong for both her daughter and husband. She watched and giggled with their daughter and did all this with a smile on her face. I didn’t have a clue why he was in there, but I wondered how long until they were together again as a family? Wondering what kind of life she lives? Wondering if there was anyone in her life that was praying for her? I sat, watching and praying…Praying that God would give me the courage to speak with this family. Praying that He would make an opportuni-

ty for us to meet. Praying that a seed would be planted and that God would put people in her path that could help that seed grow. They stood up and said their good-byes. As she turned around, we made eye contact and tears started falling down her cheeks. She walked closer and I met her at the door and asked if there was anything I could do. Her head fell and as she wiped the tears from her face she said, “We are going to be ok.” We walked out to the car and I prayed for her family….”Father, be with this family and give her peace that they are going to be ok. She will be ok because you are a loving God. You are a forgiving God. You are a God of mercy and a sovereign God. You will not leave us in times of trials. You will guide us and give us the strength we need to move forward. In His name, Amen.” I went back into the jail to see the young woman I had come to visit, only to find out that she was in court. I left the jail praising God for answering my initial prayer of taking away my anxiety, for stepping out of my comfort zone. I praised Him for putting me in the situation to speak biblical truth into someone’s life. I praised Him for opening my eyes to other circumstances and seeing it through His eyes. As we come into the last month of 2014, this is my prayer for you: “Father, I pray our eyes are opened to people, situations and circumstances. I pray that we see them through your eyes (Philippians 2: 3-5). I pray we take these opportunities to share your Word. I pray that you give us courage to act when we feel the Holy Spirit and that you give us the words to speak to them. I pray we stay focused on you and make you the priority of our homes, families and our daily lives. In His name, Amen.”

Mark Your Calendar December

Awana Canned Goods Collection

December 6

Build-A-Bear giveaway $15 or $25 for two 8:00 am-2:00pm

December 7

Happy Hearts & Hands Singing Both morning Services

February 27

Cinderella Ball $30 a couple or $40 for three 6:00 pm

March 20

Dudes Big Gaming Night $15 6:00 pm

March TBA

Pizza Swim Night

May 13

Awana Oscars

June 3

Camp K12 $20

June 22-26

Vacation Bible School

July 19-22

Camp for grades 2-6 $253 Payment Due Dates: February 2nd $100 April 1st $100 June 1st $53

We give God all the Glory for 2014 and the opportunities we have had to minister peace and goodwill. May your Christmas be filled with joy and the new year bring you and your family many blessings. Love and Thanks from the entire Staff of First Baptist Church

10 31

Christmas Party Wednesday, December 10th 6:00 pm in the Youth Room

New Year's Eve Party Wednesday, December 31st 8:00 pm-12:30 am in the CLC


WEEK OF PRAYER November 30 – December 7, 2014 Thank you, Southern Baptists, for giving an unprecedented $154 million to the 2013 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering! When you give, you become part of one sacred effort – God’s magnificent story of redemption for mankind and for all to know Him. Through giving, your church is sending and supporting your missionaries, advancing the Gospel to the nations – and finding a place in God’s story! Why should we give to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering? Southern Baptists send missionaries from their churches, through IMB, to go into the world making disciples in the name of Jesus. In that partnership, Southern Baptists provide the funding to send and support these missionaries and their ministries. The more resources they provide, the more missionaries can be sent. “As the body of Christ, we’re like an orchestra … each member is so vital, is so important for making beautiful music. So just like your giving is so important in us coming to Sweden, we can work together … through sharing his love with others,” church planter/musician Anissa Haney says. Your giving has a place in God’s story! (75% of FOM offering goes to Lottie Moon)


WHO WAS LOTTIE MOON? Lottie Moon - the namesake of the international missions offering - has become something of a legend to us. But in her time Lottie was anything but an untouchable hero. In fact, she was like today's missionaries. She was a hard-working, deeploving Southern Baptist who labored tirelessly so her people group could know Jesus. WHY WAS THE OFFERING NAMED FOR THIS EARLY MISSIONARY? Throughout her career, Lottie Moon wrote numerous letters home, urging Southern Baptists to greater missions involvement and support. One of those letters triggered Southern Baptists' first Christmas offering for international missions - enough to send three new missionaries to China.


Saturday, December 20 1:00pm - 2:00pm in the CLC Assembly and Delivery of eight Beds Signup at

39 Beds and Bedtime Baskets - Assembled and Delivered on November 1

400 Volunteer Workshop Hours - Preparing the Lumber

400+ Volunteer Hours Organizing, Assembling, and Delivering the Beds

200+ Volunteers Throughout the Project

Thank you to the many volunteers who helped make build-a-bed a special event to 39 children in our community. The beds and many donated items were distributed on November 1. Over 800 hours were invested in this project with over 200 volunteers. What a wonderful way to “Serve Owensboro”.

New Church Members

If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. 1 Corinthians 12:26

JoNell Bellew Transfer of Letter October 12, 2014

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to            

Reports on this page are from October 7 through November 16.

Trav & Victoria Ausland Ryan, Emma & Sean Jacob Transfer of Letter November 16, 2014

Shannon Erickson and family in the death of her husband, Randy Erickson on October 11 Denny and Lee Waldroup family in the death of Lee’s sister-in-law, Georgina Parks on October 16 Juanita Hayes and family in the death of her husband, Adrian Hayes on October 21 Kate Pappas and family in the death of her father, George Pappas on October 22 Chris McCool and family in the death of his wife, Elizabeth McCool on October 27 Kenny Stodghill and family in the death of his brother, Greg Stodghill on October 30 Susan Dant and family in the death of her uncle, Jim Moriarty on November 2 Bill Spurrier and family in the death of his sister, Sonny Spurrier and family in the death of his aunt, Peggy Dowell on November 3 Rex Robinson and family in the death of his nephew, Ryan Hood on November 5 TA and Cathy Smith family in the death of her uncle, Eddie Shroat on November 5 Pat and Charlotte Conder family in the death of her brother, Bill Allen on November 10 Judy Lambert (Jim) & Bill Jones (Gerry) in the death of their sister-in-law, Diane Mayton Jones on November 14

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm HOLIDAY HOURS December 24th, December 25th & January 1 CLC Closed

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service

Happy Hearts & Hands (k-5th graders) singing in both am services on December 7th No Evening Service on December 28th

December 23rd & 31st CLC closing at 6:00 pm

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

HOLIDAY HOURS December 24th, 25th and January 1st Office Closed Finance Office closing at 2:00 pm on December 31st


6:00 pm

Go & Tell, Awana Youth and Adult Bible Studies

Sr. Adult Trip to NYC

December 3

See Wednesday Schedule

December 4

2:00 pm

FOM Ladies Tea pg. 17

December 6

8:00 am


December 7

See Sunday Schedule

December 10

See Wednesday Schedule

December 14

See Sunday Schedule 6:00 pm

First Christmas pg. 6

6:00 pm

Deacons Meeting See Wednesday Schedule

6:00 pm

Prayer Meeting Fellowship Hall

5:45 pm

December 1-5

December 17

Family Supper

Week of Prayer pg. 13

December 15

4:45 pm

7:00 pm

Nov. 30-December 6

December 21

See Sunday Schedule

December 23

CLC closing at 6:00 pm

December 24

Choir Rehearsal

December 17th: Supper, Quarterly Business Meeting and Choir Rehearsal ONLY NO Wednesday Activities on December 24th No Wednesday Activities on December 31st

Quarterly Business Mtg.

4:00 pm

Christmas Eve Service

5:30 pm

Christmas Eve Service

December 24

Office & CLC Closed

December 25

Office & CLC Closed

December 26

Office & CLC Open

December 28

See Sunday Schedule No Evening Service

December 31

No Wednesday Activities CLC closing at 6:00 pm

January 1

Office & CLC Closed

January 2

Office Open

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title. Missions/Rec





Sr. Adults

Church wide

God @ Work continued from page 3 What excites you about God’s present and future work in the life of FBC? B: I believe God is truly at work in the lives of people at First Baptist Church. It is exciting to see people growing in their faith and being discipled. I also believe some of the greatest days are ahead for First Baptist Church. Our church has so much to be grateful for in that God has blessed us in our past and how He is blessing us today. Our work is not complete and we continue to seek the will of God as He leads us. I pray that we will continue to be a church that is relevant in our mission and purpose and that we continue to reach out to all generations. K: My heart leaps when I think about this question. While I cherish and appreciate the foundational fellowship that God's hand has provided and His leading of FBC to where we are today, I am excited to witness God's

continued hand at work. There are many new young couples and families that I have yet to get to know. I see, and feel, the excitement and commitment they bring to our fellowship. They are the future of where we are going. In what ways do you pray for the church? B: I pray that our church will continue to seek the will of God as we continue to “Build Bridges…Connect to Christ”. “I thank God in every remembrance of you”. K: Our staff, church leaders, and members to seek God's will, to be obedient, to be bold and always seek to put Him first in whatever we do. In what ways can the church pray for you? B: Kathryn and I are so blessed to be part of such a great body of believers. We are blessed to have a church that is full of prayer warriors.

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4TH COME ANYTIME BETWEEN 2:00 AND 5:00 PM THE HOME OF SANDY JONES Come join us as we gather our offerings to promote the work of spreading the Gospel.

Thank you for praying for us continually in our ministry and personal lives. Many of you are aware of our challenges with aging parents. We know we have some decisions to make soon and we ask that you pray God gives us the wisdom to do what is right. K: Pray that we will always seek His will first, not only in our ministry, but also in our personal lives. Pray for His perfect strength to daily lead and guide us, and for our courage to be bold and that we are willing to be obedient. B: One other important note. I am so blessed and honored to serve on staff with such Godly people. Our current staff is deeply gifted and committed to serving God here at First Baptist Church. We have a great team and I ask that you will continue to pray for us as we lead this church in the years ahead.

Quarterly Business Meeting Wednesday, December 17 at 5:45 pm

High School Boys Basketball December 6 - 11:30am December 12 - 6:00pm December 20 - 10:30am January 3 - 10:30am All games played at Owensboro Christian

FBC / Macedonia men's fall softball team wins tournament championship.

November 6 & 7, 2015

Liz Curtis Higgs

Angie Smith

Featuring Liz Curtis Higgs, Angie Smith & Merge Worship

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