First Baptist Church Owensboro/December 2015

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The Messiah Has Come...Is Coming!

Inside: God @ Work First on Mission

App: First Baptist Owensboro Facebook: FBC Owensboro Instagram: fbcowb Twitter: @fbcowb 270.683.3505 | PASTOR, Paul Strahan ADMINISTRATION and MINISTER TO SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer


Connect with Paul


God @ Work (Connecting Women’s Conference)



Connect with... Missions/Recreation


Senior Adults/Administration Worship Discipleship 8

by Wesley Dunn



The Messiah Has Come...Is Coming Connect with... Preschool/Women’s Ministry Children Students


FOM (Lottie Moon)


Christmas Schedule



Mark Your Calendar


Calendar of Events

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton Susan Dant Maeghan Adams


Connect with One Another


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

CONNECT: FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS! We have collected our pledges for the “Connect for Future Generations Stewardship Campaign.” Let me say THANK YOU for your response and the hard work that has gone into this phase of our building project. There is much work to be done and I am excited about the future of First Baptist Church.

CHRISTMAS 2015! Many say Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. It would be hard to disagree. However, there are many people who dread the holidays for a number of reasons. As followers of Christ, we have the responsibility to share with those around us the peace, hope, joy, and love of Christ. Our world is desperately looking for good news and something to believe in. We have the answer and his name is Jesus Christ! “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” (Matthew 5:14-15) NASB I want to share an article about Christmas from my good friend Dr. Waylon Bailey! Sometimes we think of Christmas as a nice story or a wonderful idea. Who wouldn’t want to have a time when families gather and children are blessed? Actually, the Christmas message is a story of sacrifice and commitment.

Think of those who sacrificed for us. First, Mary gave up her reputation to be obedient to God. Those in Mary’s hometown probably never accepted Mary as a virgin or Jesus as legitimate. Jesus’ opponents threw insults at Him because of His birth. Even now Mary is reviled as people speak of the impossibility of a “Virgin Birth.” While we honor Mary, that honor only came after the true identity of her Son became known. In her lifetime, Mary knew only sacrifice. Second, Joseph took on the powers of this world to protect the Son of God. He chose to fight against some of the most brutal and inhumane people of his day. Joseph sacrificed peace and calm and anonymity for the struggles of fleeing Herod the Great and responding to the leadership of God. Finally, there is Jesus Himself who left His home above to become human flesh. His mission involved the ultimate sacrifice. He allowed Himself to be placed in the hands of sinful humanity. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21). His was the greatest of sacrifices. He took on the form of a servant, being submissive unto death–even death on a cross. Christmas in its ultimate conclusion is a message of God’s power. Christmas is a “good” event in much the same way the Friday of the crucifixion is “Good.” But at its heart, Christmas is a story of sacrifice, the willingness of Jesus to surrender His life for ours. Let us praise and glorify the One who gave Himself for us. Let us make Christmas an understanding of God’s sacrifice for us. Leigh Ann, Anna Leigh, Katherine, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Romans 15:13 We love you!

How did you see God @ Work in your life or the lives of others at the Connecting Women’s Conference? I thought it would be a great idea to have a hand written scripture card for every lady that attended the conference. I had several ladies in, and out, of our church membership writing and praying over these cards. I had cards handed to me in passing. Left for me in preschool. Left in my mailbox. Written and brought to school. However, the last few days before conference I decided that my “great idea” maybe wasn’t so great. That I had dreamed really big and was maybe a bit off on this one. Friday afternoon (the conference was starting in 3 1/2 hours), I had approximately 550 cards prepared. I learned then that we had over 600 tickets sold. When told this, I replied, “I’ve done all I can do. This is going to have to be good enough.” Good enough it

was. At the end of the conference on Saturday, I saw three cards laying on the table. And into the right hands they were. My prayer as I wrote, glued, and stamped the cards was that the scripture God wanted each specific woman to have would be put in her hands. I have received word, directly and indirectly, that these cards were received by the women for whom they were specifically written. Women saying that "this scripture was exactly what I needed.” It wasn’t an easy task that I took on; however, I had my eyes and heart focused on Him. And (wo)man, it was a beautiful sight and experience!

Julie Starnes

I was excited to attend the Connecting Women’s Conference. I was expecting to laugh and maybe even cry a little. I wasn’t expecting for the testimonies to resonate in my life so much. I definitely wasn’t expecting God to actually use me. Liz Curtis Higgs spoke about people in Kentucky being huggers. She talked about the difference between being truly embraced and giving a quick hug. At times I have longed to be embraced. You have to understand I am not a hugger. It freaks me out to hear the preacher say stand up and hug the people around you even though I know all those people. Angie Smith asked all the ladies that had lost a child to stand and be recognized. A lot of ladies stood including me and the lady beside me. She was crying uncontrollably so I gave her a hug. In my heart I knew her pain was recent and I know that God put me beside her to comfort her in a way that her friends couldn’t. God was definitely present. He knew what we both needed and he provided it.

Barbara Wright, FBC Financial Supervisor It might be overwhelming or uncomfortable for someone that has been never been connected with church or disconnected from church for many years to attend that first service or Sunday school class. The Connecting Women conference provided a fun, relaxed environment that sparked a desire in many women to grow closer to God. I invited family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers to attend and I saw God at Work there. I knew some of

the struggles in the lives and hearts of women there. One of the friends I invited without a church home attended, brought another friend, and they both came forward for prayer during the invitation at the conference. It’s overwhelming to witness God in action. My friend has since returned to church and is passionate about coming back. Planning and attending this conference also did some things for me that I’m grateful for. It has strengthened my love for FBC and our faithful women. I’m proud to serve God with our women. These experiences give me more confidence to share the Word in effort to grow His kingdom. I’m hearing requests for another conference already. I’m all in.

Charla Littlepage

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us… ~Hebrews 12:1

Oneida Baptist Thank you! Institute

On a personal note, I want to express deep thanks

Fun and Easy Ways to Show Your Support

on behalf of my family. FBC Owensboro, you have loved us well! We have many treasured relationships and look forward to continuing to partner with you all in the future. Thank you for sending us and going with us, as we

“Declare His glory

Tyson’s Project A+ Clip the entire Project A+ label from specially marked Tyson chicken products. Our school can redeem them for $0.24 per label!

among the nations, His wonderful works among all peoples.” (Psalm 96:3)

General Mills Box Tops for Education Specially marked GM box tops are worth $0.10 each!

Campbell’s Labels for Education Save the UPC codes from Campbell’s soups and other food products with the Labels for Education symbol.

Office Depot Back to Schools OBI can earn 5% back on purchases when the customer presents our school name and/or ID# 70040770. Present our information every time you check out.

Empty Print Cartridges We can recycle your print cartridges and receive up to $2 credit.

All collected items can be dropped off in the OBI bin located in the missions room off the sanctuary.

Love, The Scott family

Thank You A few months ago I received this letter at the church that I would like to share with you. To the Congregation of First Baptist Church, This is a thank you letter 26 years too late. A dear member of your congregation, Mrs. Myrtle Tinius, came to you with a plea to help me. My life was a mess. I was living in a hotel room, had no job, no money, no pride and I thought no way out. Mrs. Tinius would bring food and money collected from the church and sit and visit. I don’t know what we talked about, but I remember being appreciative and ashamed at the same time. All she would ask of me was to write a thank you note. Buying a bottle of rum was more important to me. I don’t remember how often or how long she tried to help me or if I even pretended to try to change my ways, but I remember all she asked of me was to write a thank you note. Bless her heart she eventually brought me the pad, pen, stamped and addressed envelope. All I had to do was say thanks. Drinking a bottle of rum was my priority. She finally quit coming, because I guess she gave up on me. I missed the money and food but thought, well now I don’t have to write a thank you note. My conscience has bothered me for many years, more so after I sobered up, and for the past few months relentlessly. Now if you don’t mind, I would like to say Thank You. Thank you Mrs. Tinius and to the entire congregation at First Baptist Church. I can’t say my life was drastically changed overnight, but over time I became who I always wanted to be. I quit drinking 25 years ago and married a most wonderful man. I have a good job and am able to give to various organizations and help others who are where I was. Your kindness, although not acknowledged, was a witness of Christianity and, if you want, a miracle in progress. I feel urgent that this long-past Thank you reaches you soon. God bless you for all you do.

Signed, Anita

Our witness to the people we come in contact with on a daily basis is so important. Thank you Myrtle Tinius and the congregation of First Baptist for your ability to give hope to those who are struggling in life. What a tremendous testimony of this lady and our congregation. Each week we pray with people just like Anita who are looking for hope. Our Benevolence Ministry averages between 10-12 people a week and many times we wonder if we have made an impact on their life. Let this letter be a reminder that we are here to give hope to a world that is in need of a Savior. At the Christmas Eve Service, we will have the opportunity to give to our benevolence fund. Our hope and desire is to share God’s love and to give hope to those who feel hopeless. LA 55 Game Day in CLC We are planning a day event in January and February to help us get through the winter season. On January 21, 2016 we are planning a game day in the CLC. The event will begin at 10:00 a.m. and will include a sack lunch. Hope you will mark this date on your calendar. We also hope to have a mission project for those of you who might not want to participate in the games. Washington DC Trip September 19-23, 2016 More details coming in January 2016 Spectacular Switzerland Trip June 23-July 2, 2016 See Susan Dant for brochure and more information.

December Quarterly Business Meeting Please mark your calendar for this important business meeting. Due to the December church calendar, our Quarterly Church Business Meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 16, at 5:45 p.m. We will hear reports from the Nominating Committee and the Deacon Selection Meeting. End of Year Contributions The church will accept all 2015 contributions through Thursday, December 31. Due to IRS regulations, all contributions for 2015 must be postmarked or delivered to the Finance office by December 31, 2015. The Finance office will close at 4:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

Sunday, December 13 | 6pm

The spiritual disciplines of Bible reading and prayer are

sometime in mid-December. We will also continue to up-

vital to the life of a follower of Christ. Even knowing that,

date you on the plan in the future Connect Magazines.

the reality is that many don't participate in them on a

As part of this process, we are also providing helps in

regular basis. The fight against the fleshly temptation to

what your daily Bible reading and prayer time could look

place other things in higher priority over them is a reali-

like. Part of the intimidation for many is the unknown. We

ty. This is why we want to help you with a plan for culti-

want to diminish that by giving guidance on how to go

vating these disciplines in your life. Beginning a plan for

about the daily discipline.

Bible reading can be intimidating, and continuing one can be even more difficult. Therefore, we have put to-

May God be glorified as we dive into His Word together

gether a plan for the first quarter of 2016 where we will

as a body of believers!

read through the gospel accounts of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, as well as Acts. This will give a managea-

Discipline yourself

ble amount of reading everyday for both newcomers

for the purpose of godliness. -1 Timothy 4:7

and veterans to planned Bible reading. It will also provide a plan that has a "finish line" in sight, which is valuable for those beginning the discipline of consistent Bible

Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes

reading and prayer.

from the mouth of God. We will make the plan available in both hard copy and

-Matthew 4:4

digital form. These will be promoted and distributed

(cited from Deuteronomy 8:3)

Please note that this plan will also be accessible at

For many of us, Christmas represents a time of nostalgia. We gather around with friends and family and share meals and gifts, but one of the most valuable things we do with those people is that we share memories. We remember and tell stories from years ago and tell the younger ones how much they missed by not knowing the previous generations of family members.

We will recount our most

memorable gifts that we received as children. We will also recount with those close to us the stories of prior gatherings and the dishes that certain family



pared and how you can almost




taste them.

The Messiah Has Come...Is Coming!

It is good to recount and remember. At Christmas, as believers, we also do our share of remembering. We gather with our brothers and sisters in Christ and recount an ancient story‌a story about “the

power of death undone� (to quote Andrew Peterson). First Baptist, along with congregations around the world, remembers and proclaims the coming of Jesus as a baby so that He might rescue sinners from the bondage of sin and death. This story is a powerful one! This story is one that we must recount and tell to the coming generation! The message that we share is this: The King that was long foretold to Israel, the One that would come and redeem and bring salvation, has arrived! He has come on the scene and changed the

world. He did not usher in an earthly kingdom, but in-

don’t really care. So what do we do in order to carry

stead a spiritual kingdom, one that lasts for all eternity!

out the Great Commission? How do we remain faithful

He was born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, died on a

in making disciples? We gather with people and tell

cross for the sins of the world, and rose again on the

the old story. We tell them that the Messiah, Jesus, has

third day.

come, but we don’t leave it there. In their minds, they might question the relevancy of such an old story. Well,

What a glorious message! Each time we hear it, thank-

the fact is that the story is old, but it is also fresh and

fulness should overwhelm us for His grace and mercy in

new in that it continues. What must be shared is a re-

doing this. In the wonder of all this, here is a sincere

membrance of the old story of Jesus coming as a baby

question for believers today, approximately 2,000 years

and the life He lived and gave. What must also be

after the life of Jesus:

shared is that the Messiah is coming again! The mes-

Do people today really care about this nostalgic story

sage is the same as it was before, but it brings a sober-

that Christians recount and celebrate at Christmas?

ing reality to the “perceived” old message of Christmas. The Messiah has come AND the Messiah is coming! Je-

I won’t answer that question in my own opinion, I will let

sus is coming again and will righteously judge the world.

Scripture speak for itself in answering:

This is the continuing story, and one that demands a

…the god of this world has blinded the minds

response…prayerfully a response of repentance and faith in Him.

of the unbelievers,

Isn’t this the format that we live out when we partake of

to keep them from seeing

the Lord’s Supper? We remember his life and death, yet we also proclaim His coming again! The prophets

the light of the gospel

told of His coming because the Word of God had

of the glory of Christ,

come to them and they gave it to people. We have

who is the image of God. 2 Corinthians 4:4

the Word of God, and we are to give it to people. This Christmas, let’s remember, let’s tell the old story, but let’s not leave it in a nostalgic state. May we also, like the prophets, give the Word of God…

Those who aren’t followers of Christ don’t see this light

The Messiah has come

of Christ and don’t believe Him.

AND the Messiah is coming!

Furthermore, they

On November 6th and 7th we held the first ever Connecting Women Conference. We gathered 650 women together to hear God’s Word and let go of anything that is holding us back from our relationship with the our one true Savior. During this conference I saw God move in many ways, but most especially I saw Him move in the hearts of First Baptist women. It was a blessing for me to hear your stories and hear how He spoke to you over the conference weekend. It was a blessing for me to see your faces at the conference and see the joy of God pouring out of each of you; to see you all embrace the purpose of the conference, knowing that through this one weekend the Kingdom of God would be impacted. We have a mission as believers and as a church: share God’s Word and His goodness with everyone. God is at work and we have to be willing to step out in faith to see what He is putting in front of us. Don’t ignore His nudges, the doors He opens, or the race that is presenting itself. Fully trust that He gave you a story so that you can share it. Fully trust that through Him you can and will overcome whatever obstacle is put in front of you. Fully trust that He has placed you with a crowd of believers at First Baptist Church willing to walk alongside of you and encourage you through life’s trials. Fully trust that He has a plan, let go of all that is holding you back, and run for Him.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. ~Hebrews 12:1

The Power of a Praying Parent Seven Week Study Beginning on January 10 Hosted by: Suzie Horner

Sundays at 5:30 pm Room 217 Learn how to turn to the Lord and place every detail of your child’s life in His hands by praying for things such as your child or grandchild’s safety, character development, peer pressure, friends, family relationships, and much more. Discover the joy of being a part of God’s work in a child’s life. You don’t have to be a perfect parent or grandparent, you just need to be a praying one. Sunday, January 10 at 5:30 we will begin a new study using the book, “The Power of a Praying Parent.” This study is designed for both parents to attend or a couple planning on starting a family someday. It is never too early to begin praying. If you do not have children, then why not become the praying adult for a child? Got teenagers? They need lots of prayer and so do you, so this class is for you.

The Power of Praying for your Adult Children Six Week Study Beginning on February 1 Hosted by: Suzie Horner

Mondays at 6:00 pm Room 217 Those of us who have adult children know that they will always be our child and our concerns for our children do not stop once they step out in the world and leave home. If anything, it increases. There is much more to be concerned about, but as parents we have less influence over their lives than ever. Even so, there is a way to make a big difference in their lives every day, and that is through prayer. Beginning Monday February 1 at 6:00 we will begin a study to help us as we pray for our adult children. Whether they are 18 or 70, they need our prayers. We will be using the book, “The Power of Praying for Your Adult Children.” Let’s learn to pray powerfully for our adult children and find peace in the process.

As we wrap up 2015, I cannot help but think about what has taken place over the last year. Lots of trips, lots of Bible studies, and most of the time, lots of crazy! Any time there is a trip or an event, we often only see the results of hard work and not the work itself. It takes small armies to accomplish what goes on in this church. Whether it is a youth event or a Thanksgiving dinner, there are always people behind the scenes who are willing to serve. The craziest of dreams (that your staff can come up with) would not be possible without your willingness to jump in and get your feet dirty. This has never been more true for youth ministry than this past year, specifically, our Sunday Night Bible studies. I want to personally, and publicly, thank Danya Moore, Bev Smith, Katie Albers, Abigail Cameron, Deana Anderson, Samantha Bacon, and Leah Hoover for sacrificing your time to help disciple our Middle School and High School girls. I would also like to thank Randy Mayfield and Ryan Goss for helping me disciple our Middle School and High School guys. I want to also thank those who opened up their homes to host the Bible Studies. Thanks to Dudley Mitchell, Kent and Lisa Filbeck, and Robert L. Wilson for opening their homes up to the guys. Big thanks to Suzie Horner, Sarah Wilson, the Bacons, the Brownings, the Schertzingers, the Boarmans, the Burgans, the Andersons, the McLellans, and the Mayfields. Thank you so much for being willing to open your home to these girls. This is just one example of what God has done. Looking back at 2015 gives us all the more reason to look forward to 2016 in anticipation of what He is going to do!

Thanks to the men who braved the 25 degree weather to make this a memorable weekend for our guys.

Gatlinburg, TN | $90 (plus food) ARTISTS: Casting Crowns Jeremy Camp For King and Country Francesca Battistelli Newsong, Red & Trip Lee

Register at

Spring Bible Studies Beginning January 31 our Middle School and High School students will begin a new study. Contact Will If you are interested in serving as a leader or host home.

Global mission is not a compartmentalized program of the church for a select few people; it is the very purpose for which we all exist. David Platt President of the International Mission Board

4:00 pm and 5:30 pm (Childcare not provided) Our special Christmas Offering will be collected for the 2016 Benevolence fund. Office & CLC Closed December 24 December 25 January 1

No Wednesday Activities on December 23 December 30 Quarterly Business Mtg. December 16 @ 6pm

Sunday Evening December 13 First Christmas @ 6:00 December 20 Scott family reception @ 3:30 December 20 & 27 NO PM Service

INFORMATIONAL PARENT MEETING SUNDAY, JANUARY 10 4:30 pm in Room 300 We are excited about taking our current 2nd-6th graders to Jonathan Creek July 10-13. This will be the second time for some to attend this camp. We encourage all parents to come to this meeting for more information. Please mark this meeting and camp dates on your calendar NOW.

Scott Family Reception Sunday, December 20 3:30-5:30 pm | Fellowship Hall NO Evening Service

Beaver Dam |


End of Year Contributions The church will accept all 2015 contributions through Thursday, December 31. Due to IRS regulations all contributions for 2015 must be postmarked or delivered to the Finance office by December 31, 2015. The Finance office will close at 4:00 p.m. on New Year’s Eve.

, December 13 Jeff Gray speaking 8:30 am & 11:00 am First Christmas 6:00 pm

CLC Hours Monday & Tuesday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Wednesday 6:30 am-4:30 pm Thursday 6:30 am-9:00 pm Friday 6:30 am-1:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am-3:00 pm CLC CLOSED on December 24 & 25

OFFICE HOURS Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm Friday 8:00 am-1:00 pm OFFICE CLOSED on December 24 & 25

Sunday Schedule 8:30 am

Classic Service

9:45 am

Sunday School

11:00 am

Elevate Service

6:00 pm

Evening Service December 2

See Wednesday Schedule

December 6

See Sunday Schedule Celebration Sunday

Wednesday Schedule 12:00 pm

Prayer Meeting

First Fruits Offering Week of Prayer pg. 13 11:00 am 2:00 pm

Preschool Meeting Rm 217

Fellowship Hall

December 8

4:45 pm

Family Supper

December 9

See Wednesday Schedule

6:00 pm


December 13

See Sunday Schedule

W4L, Awana,

Jeff Gray in a.m. services

Youth, and Adult Bible Studies 7:00 pm

Choir Rehearsal

Mission Tea pg. 18

December 14

6:00 pm

First Christmas pg. 6

6:00 pm

Deacon Meeting

December 16

See Wednesday Schedule

The Sunday and Wednesday


6:00 pm

Quarterly Business Mtg.

schedule is the same weekly

6:00 pm

Youth Christmas Party

Morning Service Broadcast on WKWC (90.3 FM) at 10:00 am and on Channel 72 Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. and Wednesday at 9:00 a.m.

calendar of events.

unless otherwise noted in the

(CLC) December 20

See Sunday Schedule 3:30 pm

Scott Reception NO Evening Service


Minister on Call 270.683.3505 Press 9


See website, recent news, for a minister on call list.

The January 2016 edition of the Connect Magazine will be an abbreviated version due to the holidays.

December 23

No Wednesday Activities

December 24

Office & CLC Closed 4:00 pm

Christmas Eve Service

5:30 pm

Christmas Eve Service

December 25

Christmas Day Office & CLC Closed

December 27

See Sunday Schedule NO Evening Service

December 29-31

Extreme Conf. pg.12

December 30

No Wednesday Activities

If more information is available about an event, you will see a page number following the title. Missions






Church wide

New Church Member If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Barbara Hartman Profession of Faith/ Baptism: November 1

~1 Corinthians 12:26

Sympathy Christian love and sympathy to: 

Faye Poppins and family in the death of her husband, Dr. Cliff Poppins on October 9.

Cindy Howson and family in the death of her brother, David Green on November 1.

Michael and Tracy Kinney in the death of his father, James Douglas Kinney on November 3.

Bonna and Jim Goode in the death of her sister on November 9.

Cindy Howson and family in the death of her mother on November 12.

Deb Price and Bill Price family in the death of her sister, Brenda Bernard on November 12.

Claude and Samantha Bacon in the death of his uncle, J.R. Conley on November 18.

Congratulations 

Kelly Jo and Aaron Walker in the birth of their daughter, Kathryn Kelly Walker on October 29.

Seth and Brandy Mobley in the birth of their daughter, Caroline Elizabeth on October 31. Grandparents John & Becky Mobley. Reports on this page are October 20-November 18

Home of Wanda Anderson

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