October 2016 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

October 2016

TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from Paul ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 God at Work: Backpack Ministry ������������������������������������������������������������������2–3 Our Backpack Ministry provides bags of food to 50 children at Foust Elementary each weekend school is in session. We sat down with a few of our volunteers to learn more about how this important ministry works and how it is impacting lives.

The Impact of Your Giving �����������������������������������������������������������������������������4–5

Have you ever wondered what happens with your tithes and offering? We asked our ministers where your giving goes and what they are doing to further God's kingdom. Curtis Woods, Associate Executive Director for Convention Relations at the KBC, also shared the impact of your giving beyond Owensboro.

Pg. 2

Bridge Walk ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������6–7 On Bridge Day, thousands of people will venture downtown to walk or run over the blue bridge. First Baptist Owensboro has a great location and opportunity to minister to all these people! Brent tells us about this event and how you can participate on October 1st.

What is Your Thread by N. & A. Scott ���������������������������������������������������������� 8-9

Pg. 6

How do you consistently apply the gifts God has given you? The Scotts, missionaries to Southeast Asia, share their "thread": investing their lives and resources to the glory of God.

FOM Update: Paramount Church by Rush Witt �������������������������������������������10 Rush Witt updates us on what went on at Paramount Church this summer.

Global Hunger Relief ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11 October 9th is Global Hunger Relief Sunday. What is Global Hunger Relief and how can you help fight hunger throughout the world?

Pg. 8

Just Around the Corner: Upcoming Events �������������������������������������������� 12–13 Wrapping up the RiverPark & Coming Back to First Baptist ��������������� 14–15 We have had a great time at the RiverPark, but on October 23rd, we return to First Baptist. Paul recaps our RiverPark series and explains how our worship experience will look.

Calendar of Events ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 September: A Month in Review ����������������������������������������������������������������������17

Pg. 14


Paul Strahan PStrahan@fbcowb.org

WORSHIP Derry Billingsley DBillingsley@fbcowb.org

DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn WDunn@fbcowb.org


Bob Farmer BFarmer@fbcowb.org

CHILDREN Suzie Horner SHorner@fbcowb.org

INTERIM RECREATION & COLLEGE Brent Phillips BPhillips@fbcowb.org





Will Smith WSmith@fbcowb.org

Alisha Williams AWilliams@fbcowb.org

OFFICE MANAGER Judi West JWest@fbcowb.org

Barbara Wright BWright@fbcowb.org

Maeghan Adams MAdams@fbcowb.org Michele Burton MBurton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant SDant@fbcowb.org

by Paul Strahan, Pastor


e are now in the middle

with Him. We have been given grace

at Corinth, Paul reminds the believers

of the budget process

beyond measure. We have been given

that “whatever you do, do it all for the

and the finance com-

mercy and unconditional love from

glory of God!” You see, our whole life

mittee is hard at work. One of the most

God! The Bible says we didn’t deserve

is to be lived in “stewardship” to Jesus

important goals for the committee is

any of it, but because of His great love

Christ. It is wrong thinking to believe

that a budget is presented that rep-

we have received it. Paul writes to the

“stewardship” is solely about our giving.

resents good stewardship on the part

church at Corinth and reminds them,

Stewardship is about serving, minister-

of the church. It is important that we

“Do you not know that your body is

ing, worshipping together weekly, being

budget our financial resources in a way

a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in

in a small group, and much more. We

that honors and magnifies the heart of

you, whom you have from God, and

are to be good stewards of our entire life

Jesus Christ. The theme of this month’s

that you are not your own? For you

for the honor and glory of Jesus Christ.

Connect is “stewardship.” I realize the

have been bought with a price: there-

As you look throughout this issue, you

word stewardship for most people

fore glorify God in your body." Paul

will read and see how your stewardship

simply means giving money. However

is saying that we no longer have the

is making a difference in the lives of

stewardship is much more than giving

right to make our own decisions about

people here at home and around the

money. As followers of Jesus Christ

our life, our money, our time, and our

world for the glory of God. Thank you

we have been given much. The Bible

talents. Jesus Christ is now our Master.

for your investment in the taking the

says, “To whom much is given, much is

The remainder of my life is to be lived

gospel to those who have never heard.

required!” What have we been given?

as a testimony of the grace and mercy

As children of the King we have been

I have received from Jesus Christ! He

adopted into the family of God. He has

is the decision maker for my life. In

promised us an eternal place in Heaven

another part of his letter to the church October 2016 | 1

GOD AT WORK Backpack Ministry

On a Wednesday after lunch prayer meeting, Wesley Dunn, our Minister of Discipleship, sat down with our Backpack Ministry volunteers to learn what it is they do and how God is working through this ministry to care for children at Foust Elementary School. How long have you been part of the Backpack Ministry?

Elementary School to begin this minis-

dinners for the weekend for these kids

try about five years ago.

who we don’t believe would have food

Marjorie: I think I’ve been doing it

How did this ministry begin? What need is it meeting?

otherwise. The teachers tell us they can

maybe four or five years. I enjoy it very much. It’s one of my missions.

Bob: When it began, my wife, Kath-

Barbara: I started when we started the

ryn, was in conversation with the FRC

Backpack Ministry. Five or six years ago.

(Family Resource Center) director at

Margie: I’ve been working with the Backpack Ministry for at least four years. And I think it’s fun working with my coworkers and I also think about the children who might be opening these bags on the weekend. Dianne: This is my third school year to help prepare the backpacks. Bob: I started from the very beginning. We met with the FRC director at Foust

Foust who was looking for churches to

tell such a difference on Monday when the kids come in. We knew from the get-go that the need was intense. So it’s one of the ministries this church does that makes me happiest.

We had a long discussion and that’s

How and when are the bags of food assembled?

kind of how it launched. At the begin-

Margie: We get together Wednesdays

ning, we did 25 backpacks a week and

before the lunch prayer meeting.

help out with the Backpack [Program].

now that has increased to 50. With two other churches also helping, they probably serve about 140 kids every week.

What do you all do? Barbara: We prepare food for two days: two breakfasts, two lunches, two

Barbara: I buy or order everything, get it set up for the volunteers, and they come in and bag it. It costs about $8 per backpack, per weekend. Then Bob Farmer and Orvil Vancil deliver them to Foust.

How did you all find out about the Backpack Ministry? Margie: By word of mouth...Barbara. Dianne: Well, I would come for lunch. At that time, everything was set up in the Fellowship Hall, and Nancy Baize was opening the bags wth Chris Crawford. And I thought, “That’s something I could do!” And I went over one morning, just got in line, and I started helping them. So that’s how I started. Barbara: I was excited about it from 2 | Connect Magazine

L to R: Bob Farmer, Marjorie Welborn, Barbara Reynolds, Margie Taylor, & Dianne Colvin day one when Bob brought this up,

parents. They can at least access food

thing else you can and want to do and

knowing with my position here that

that doesn’t have to be really prepared

this you can do. When I was younger,

there was so much of it I could help

very much. We all know you’re not

I worked with boys and girls and I love

with. I was excited!

going to have a spiritual impact unless

them to this day, and this gives me a

you’ve taken care of them physically.

feeling of working with children.

Marjorie: I really don’t remember how I got started, but I enjoy it. It’s one of the highlights of my week. I can volunteer! I can pick my volunteer jobs and this is one of them I picked.

If others are interested in serving, how can they get started? Marjorie: Just come in on Wednesday! Barbara: Be here at about 11 on Wednesday morning.

How would you describe the impact on the children receiving the food? I think Barbara’s got an answer for that one! Barbara: I do! I do! One of the teachers told me the children are as excited when they get that backpack as Christmas. You can’t get any better than that. Bob: One of the things the kids are so excited about is that they have something they can fix. A lot of these kids,

And I think that’s one of our goals, that we can at least get some food in these children’s stomachs and then the spiritual impact will happen.

Barbara: Well, as I’ve said, I think it’s one of the very best things we do, because we’re meeting a basic need. And then hopefully we have the opportunity

Marjorie: I think it makes an impres-

to meet the spiritual needs, but we’re

sion on the children. “This is mine!”

starting on ground level.

Margie: They get that special attention

Bob: The greatest impact I see for this

that they might not get otherwise.

group is that it really allows seniors to

Barbara: You know, everything we send can be eaten just as it is. They don’t have to heat it. Everything can be eaten as it is. The milk’s better if it’s chilled, but it doesn’t have to be.

What impact does serving in this ministry have on you? Dianne: It just makes me feel better knowing that I’ve done something to help somebody.

be on mission. They don’t have to go to Boston, they don’t have to go to another country, but they’re on mission here in this community. They make an impact on children. It makes me realize that no matter our age, we can all impact somebody’s life, be it physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually. Barbara: I think about this, Jesus was very concerned when He was teaching and realized, “These people are going

Marjorie: At my age it makes me feel

to need some food.” He was concerned

like I’m doing something.

about meeting those basic needs, so

the parents are absent, you know.

Margie: I feel the same way. When you

During the weekend they don’t see the

get my age, you feel like there’s some-

you just feel like, “Hey, I am following His heart, too.”  October 2016 | 3



IMPACT by Suzie Horner, Children

Did you know that in 2016, 15 FBC

monetarily, but also the giving of time

children accepted Jesus as their Savior,

by parents and other caring adults. Awa-

and the year isn't even over yet! Awana

na stands for Approved Workman Are

is a tool used to help children learn and

Not Ashamed. Our children are learning

apply God’s Word. Every Wednesday

how to be faithful workmen, unashamed

night, approximately 65 children are

to go and tell others about the gospel.

able to attend Awana because of the faithful giving of the people here at First Baptist. Seeds are planted in the heart’s of children, and lives are impacted eternally by studying the Word. This is possible not only through faithful giving

If you would like to give of your time periodically to help a child learn verses, you can do so by going to signup.com/ go/TrT7UA. Thank you for your faithful investment in the lives of God’s children and future generations to come.

SHEET MUSIC by Derry Billingsley, Worship

There are several factors which go into making a worship service happen. It would be so much more difficult for our church musicians to prepare to lead our congregation in corporate worship of God if they did not have one item in particular: sheet music. Whether hard copies or in digital format, our church musicians rely on music notation. If we didn’t have it, endless hours would be spent in somehow composing and learning a


song, making all the notes happen at by Will Smith, Students

Like every other ministry in our church,

Bible study books, or devotionals, we

Student Ministry is greatly impacted by

can provide students with opportunities

faithfully giving to the mission of FBC

to grow in their faith because you give.

Owensboro. Just a couple of weeks ago, we restarted our Sunday Night Bible Studies. Each week, around 40 students meet in homes across Owensboro to study God’s Word and be challenged to engage their friends with the gospel. Your giving allows us to provide our students with resources to help them grow in their faith. Whether that is journals, 4 | Connect Magazine

just the right time, and doing so from memory! When you give your offering to the church, a portion of it goes toward purchasing sheet music. Every choral

This is just one example of the outcome

anthem, piano offertory, vocal solo,

of your giving. We are also able to train

orchestral prelude and organ postlude

leaders, have fellowship activities, go

is a direct result of your financial gen-

to camp, participate in Disciple Now

erosity. Music inspired by God, written

Weekends, go on mission, have weekly

down on paper, then put into the

youth worship services, and tons more

hands of believing musicians can lead

all because you all are faithful to give.

to a congregation experiencing God

Thank you for being faithful. Your gifts

and expressing our love to Him!

are impacting the lives of our students.





by Curtis Woods, KBC Relations At the end of a major sports playoff, a committee will often award a specific player with the coveted "Most Valuable Player." Only one person on the team can receive the prize. Thankfully, this is not the case when Southern Baptist

by Wesley Dunn, Discipleship

Each and every week, people at FBC

should be our primary text, but there is

gather in groups to study God’s Word

great benefit in using trusted and faith-

together. Each and every week, people at

ful materials that lead our focus toward

FBC use personal study guides at home

Christ. Peter writes this, “But grow in

or work in order to personally prepare

the grace and knowledge of our Lord and

for their upcoming group study. Each

Savior Jesus Christ.” (2 Peter 3:18) As

and every week, people at FBC utilize

money is given toward the budget at

devotionals for their personal worship

FBC, we have the opportunity to pur-

time with the Lord. Both individuals

chase Christ-honoring resources to put

and groups depend on solid, biblical re-

in the hands of individuals and groups

sources to guide them in their study and

for the purpose of studying and growing

application of the Bible. Yes, the Bible

in the grace and knowledge of Christ!

churches support cooperative missions. Each church is the MVP! Because you faithfully gave through the Cooperative Program (CP), our records report 14,456 baptisms last year, the highest number since 2012, and 169,378 since 2005. You also supported more than 4,0000 missionaries overseas who baptized more than 57,000 new believers. In our own state, you continue to fund Crossings Ministries which faithfully presented the gospel to nearly 15,000 students. Once again, you exceeded budget projections, giving more than $22.3 million through the CP, plus undergirding our three ladies—Annie-Lottie-Eliza—with an additional $8.9 million to impact lostness worldwide. You are a trustworthy teammate!


by Wesley Dunn, Discipleship

Each year, First Baptist Owensboro is

the world have received assistance from

diligent in contributing to missions

the church in the past and some contin-

through our First On Mission offering,

ue today.

but you may not know that the church also gives to missions through dollars given to the budget. Churches, missionaries, and organizations in our community (Life Community Church, CareNet, Friends of Sinners, MentorKidsKY, Jail Ministry, The Help Office of Owensboro, etc…just to name a few), as well as in Columbus, Boston, Seattle, and across

We make contributions as a corporate body to Christ-centered endeavors in our town and beyond, because we believe the Kingdom is larger and greater than just what goes on at 230 JR Miller Boulevard. This happens solely because of your commitment to give to the overall budget at First Baptist Owensboro. October 2016 | 5

This Page: Hadley Bacon handing out water to runners at last year's Bridge Walk. Opposite Page (Top to Bottom): Water cups were distributed as 5K runners approached the bridge; volunteers handed out bottled water to walkers crossing the bridge; some of our own church members demostrating how to walk the bridge; we also apply "Bridge Walk" arm decals to Bridge Day participants. 6 | Connect Magazine

Saturday, October 1 • 9 AM–1 PM Bridge Walk is one of Owensboro's new favorite traditions. Every year thousands of people take the opportunity to walk on the blue bridge and experience the amazing views of the riverfront from a different vantage point. Thanks to the faithful giving of First Baptist Owensboro, we are able to impact thousands of people who come out for Bridge Day. We pass out over 3,000 bottles of water and put hundreds of Bridge Walk decals on children as they come to enjoy the event. Your giving is what makes it possible for our church to buy the water and decals that we pass out to each person. Bridge Walk is possible not only because of financial giving, but also because of the people who give so graciously of their time. The church coming together to reach out to our community makes an amazing impact on all those around us. Our church is strategically located to where every person who participates in Bridge Day passes by our front porch steps. Bridge Walk is October 1st from 9 AM–1 PM and we need your help to make it happen. To volunteer, register online at fbcowb.org or on the First Baptist Owensboro app. Volunteers are asked to serve one hour handing out water or applying arm decals. Give me (Brent) a call with questions. by Brent Phillips, Interim Recreation & College

What is your thread?”

dance so that we have the opportu-

Almost two years ago,

nity to be here. Some have decided

we were sitting down in the first of

to give to His work in such a way

many interviews for our journey

that it has changed your lifestyle,

to serve overseas. The consultant

by making cutbacks in other areas

further explained that a “thread”

of spending. Giving generously

is something you find yourselves

and cheerfully is a lesson we have

doing wherever you are, a consis-

been taught by many of you that

tent part of your life and ministry.

are reading this article. We want

Honestly, this question stumped

to express our sincere gratitude to

us. We came up with several an-

you and to the Father, who gave

swers, but it was not until months

the greatest gift of all: His Son,

after living abroad that we came to

Jesus Christ.

the conclusion that our thread has been and is “investment”. Being asked to write on stewardship, then, it seemed fitting. Many times people will use the word sacrifice when discussing stew-

Life Sometimes the Lord blesses us with opportunities to see our investments produce fruit. At other times, those offerings we make are

WHAT IS YOUR THREAD? How are you consistently applying the gifts God has given you? by N. & A. Scott, Missionaries to Southeast Asia ardship. In looking at the cross,

for many days down the road. An

though, we feel a more appropriate

important aspect of stewardship is

term for us to use would be an


offering. We are only humans, so please always look to the example of Christ. He is gracious to let us share about His work, so we are humbled to be able to share part of our life’s journey as a witness to His greatness.

Again, as we think about life stewardship, about giving of one’s time and energy, many of you could be writing on this topic with much more expertise. We have seen many of you faithfully raise your children in the knowledge

As we write these words about

of the Lord. Some of you have

stewardship, we want to pause and

devoted countless hours to serving

say “thank you”, because many of

in the church and community.

you have given from your abun-

We are deeply grateful for those

8 | Connect Magazine

Psalm 24:1 says,

“the earth is

the Lord’s,

and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it.” who are prayer warriors. There are

We borrowed an idea from the

those who humbly serve without

Maglinger family called “Super

recognition. These hours, these

Saturdays”. She would do special

tasks, are done for His name’s

little jobs on Saturdays and that

sake. If you are like us, there have

is when she received her money,

also been times of exhaustion in

some of which was for her tithe

serving. While it is mostly a joy,

and offering. Several years later,

we sometimes have to reevaluate

she still enjoys working so that she

and get our hearts refocused on

can give that money back to God.

the One we are serving, not merely

Now, even little C2 is thrilled to

the task and time.

put money into the offering bag at

Resources “Honor the Lord from your wealth, and from the first of all your produce,” is an instruction given in Proverbs 3:9. Although we are not financially rich, we know that everything we have is from the Lord. We both had the opportunity to grow up in churches where we were taught the joy and importance of giving. Giving tithes and offerings has been a regular part of our lives since our childhood. This has been something we have treasured teaching our own children. When C1 was just a few years old, we began teaching her about tithing.

our fellowship here. Now, let us take time to praise God for His great blessings in our lives. Would you join us in thanking Him? We also want to ask the Lord, “Is there anything in my life that I am holding back from You?” Concerning our finances, “God, they are Yours. Help us to be faithful to give joyfully. Is there an area of our finances that we need to give attention to in order to give You more glory?” As we continue to seek to strengthen this “thread” in our lives, please pray for us to be faithful in what He has given. Psalm 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains, the world and those who dwell in it.” October 2016 | 9

FOM UPDATE PARAMOUNT CHURCH by Rush Witt, Lead Pastor in Columbus, Ohio


lobal Hunger Relief (GHR) is

Cooperation. Southern Baptist

fering and extreme poverty that cause

an initiative of Southern Bap-

hunger efforts have a much lower

chronic hunger. Such projects may

tists that was formerly known

overhead because Southern Baptist

involve job training and vocational edu-

as the World Hunger Fund. GHR-fund-

churches cover most administrative

cation, livestock and seeds, clean water,

ed projects combat hunger around

costs through their Cooperative Pro-

medical care, hygiene education, etc.

the world in a wide variety of ways,

gram giving and special offerings.

from participating in disaster relief to

GHR funds are used in Gospel-centered

Collaboration. GHR partners work

hunger projects that share God’s love

together to promote the cause of

in both word and deed. GHR partners

hunger awareness, eliminating the

work to help people discover the new

need for massive marketing budgets.

lives God offers them, learning how to

GHR is one of the most effective chan-

More importantly, GHR depends on

provide for themselves and share new

nels for donating toward the global

a grass-roots network of Southern

life with others.

hunger crisis. While most humanitar-

Baptist church members to mobilize

ian organizations may keep from 30%

support and involvement.

addressing chronic hunger; from eliminating urban food deserts to helping women rescued from sex trafficking.

to 70% for administrative overhead (buildings, salaries, advertising, etc.), GHR is able to devote resources directly to meeting hunger needs because of the unique partnership it represents: 10 | Connect Magazine

From September 25th to October 9th, First Baptist will collect change for

GHR-funded projects meet crisis hun-

GHR. Bread banks are available in the

ger needs in famine or disaster relief

RiverPark Center foyer or the church

situations, but also catalyze long-term

office. Last year we gave over $9,500.

change in conditions of human suf-

Let's try to beat that total this year!


adly, the summer is over and

gospel and bless the watching world.

weekend, working hard to invite and

winter is coming, but what a

The past months have seen a couple

assist with two community cookouts.

summer it was. We celebrate

such teams come and go, leaving a wake

every spring as the snow melts, the trees bud, the grass greens, and the temperature rises. Winters can be challenging here in Ohio. The cold and ice makes connecting with neighbors more challenging and requires an added level of creativity. But when summer comes out to play, so do our friends throughout Columbus. And this signals new opportunities for outreach and ministry within our community.

of blessing in their path.

Through these efforts, combined with

Baptist Church (NC) brought nearly

college campus ministry to new stu-

50 volunteers for a week of ministry.

dents, our ongoing counseling ministry,

This team worked tirelessly and cre-

and many other efforts, we are seeing

atively. They helped us wash windows

new faces at church each week. Our

at businesses, deliver thank you gifts

children’s, youth, and adult ministries

to police and fire departments, hand

are growing, and we are poised for a

out outreach fliers, do much personal

strong fall and winter of ministry.

evangelism, and hold an evangelistic hotdog cookout, to which 200 people came. It was fantastic and amazing; they

Throughout the year—especially sum-

just kept going and going.

short-term mission teams who come to help our little church reach out with the

GLOBAL HUNGER RELIEF by Will Smith, Students & Missions

ing to our slow and difficult work here.

First, a large team from Pleasant Grove

The summer of 2016 was no exception. mers—we are blessed by a number of

These and other teams are such a bless-

Please continue praying for us. And please know your encouragement and help is invaluable to us! Thank you to First Baptist Owensboro for all you do

A few weeks later, a small team (20

to assist us in advancing the gospel in a

volunteers) came from Grace Baptist

place of great need.

Church (KY). This team came for a

JUST AROUND THE CORNER... Fall is here and there's a lot in store at First Baptist Owensboro. How can you get involved in October?


Saturday, October 1 at 9 AM

and the new Ark Encounter, a life-sized replica of Noah's ark! The cost to go is $60, which covers tickets and hotel.


Thursday, October 20 at 5 PM

Each year, First Baptist Owensboro vol-

Visit fbcowb.org/studentreg to register

We're hosting a night of scrapbooking

unteers distribute water and arm decals

by Sunday, October 2nd.

fun in the Christian Life Center! We'll


have snacks, drinks, and plenty of space

at Bridge Day. Visit fbcowb.org and click "Church Life" to sign up to help. Find more information on page 7.


Begins Wednesday, October 19

Join us for this six-week study, Ordinary: How to Turn the World Upside Down, by Tony Merida. Michael Kinney will lead as we meet on Wednesdays at

to spread out and get to scrapbooking. Please bring your own materials. If you have any questions, contact Brent.


Sunday, October 23 at 9 AM

Our youth are heading to Northern

6 PM in room 202. Contact Wesley with

We will remember and proclaim Jesus

Kentucky to visit the Creation Museum

any questions.

Christ's sacrifice during worship on

12 | Connect Magazine

Sunday, October 23rd, our first Sunday back in the sanctuary! Take the opportunity to prepare your heart and mind


Tuesday, October 25 at 6 PM

in the days prior to this special time.

Come and learn more about the women


you go to church with, and hear how

Sunday, October 23 at 6 PM

It's time for our annual budget business meeting! All members of First Baptist Owensboro are highly encouraged to attend. At this meeting—to be held in

God has been working in their lives through beautiful testimonies! Dessert and hot drinks provided.


the Fellowship Hall—we will discuss

Our LA55 group is heading to Cumber-

and vote upon the 2017 budget.

land Falls! Call Michele in the church

office to reserve your spot. Cost is $144 per person for a double occupancy room and is due upon registration.

WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY Begins Sunday, October 30

Starting October 30, our Women's Ministry will do the study The Armor of God by Priscilla Shirer. This group will meet at the home of Lee Waldroup (4428 Wilderness Trace) at 6 PM each Sunday. Contact Cheryl Goss with any questions. October 2016 | 13


ur experience at the RiverPark has been an ex-

is doing in each of us. We will close out our time together

citing time of worship and seeing the body of

at the RiverPark with a very special baptism service. Our

Christ together each week. We have met some

last Sunday there is October 16th. Please make every effort

new brothers and sisters in Christ. We’ve had the privilege

to be present on that day and invite or bring someone with

to have Annabelle Watts, Corey Merritt, and our own choir,

you. October 23rd will be the day we resume worship in our

praise team, and orchestra. There will be more special guests

sanctuary. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for First

to follow. We have learned about the transition all “followers

Baptist Owensboro. Thank you for being a part of this com-

of Christ” are presently in as we move toward transformation.

munity of faith.

I have reminded you that God predetermined that we would be “conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. That is what He

14 | Connect Magazine

Paul Strahan, Pastor




As we near the end of our time at the RiverPark,

The question many people are asking is, “What will

once again I want to say “thanks” to all of you.

we do when we go back to our sanctuary?” Our

There have been so many who have helped make

staff has been praying and discussing this just like

the transition to and from the RiverPark a success, I

some of you. To be honest, 95% of the remarks I

am afraid I would miss someone if I named anyone.

have heard about the schedule, the time, and the

Our staff and our church family volunteers have

worship experience have been positive. We have

been incredible and I thank God for the privilege of

talked at length about the pros and cons of our new

living life with you! You are the best!

Sunday schedule. As your Pastor let me share with

Your willingness to be flexible has led to some great

you what I sense God leading us to do.

“worship” experiences. I realize it has taken us out

We will continue with the current schedule:

of our comfort zone; however, I believe God has

worship at 9:00 and Sunday School at 10:30.

spoken in ways we may have never heard before. I also have seen new people who were invited and came to see what First Baptist is really like. Our last Sunday at the RiverPark will be October 16th and it will be a service to be remembered. We are planning on baptizing those who have made decisions in the last 2-3 months. Right now it looks like there will be about ten that day. Pleasant Valley Community Church has been gracious to allow us the use of their portable baptistery. I don’t want you to miss out, so please put this date on your calendar. We will have a tremendous time worshipping and praising the Lord for what He is doing!

Many of you have spoken joyfully of being together in worship as one body. We believe that will be a very positive experience moving forward. There is energy when the church body is together. We have also noticed that people are not in a hurry on Sunday and spontaneous fellowship is happening. We believe FBC has momentum, and God is doing something in us. We don’t have all the answers and there is no “perfect” schedule. We will continue to monitor things and see where God is leading us as we move into the future determined to accomplish the Great Commission of “making disciples of all people!” I am honored to be your pastor!

October 2016 | 15

OCTOBER Calendar of Events

1 SATURDAY 9:00 AM Bridge Walk 2 SUNDAY

Service at the RiverPark Center Global Hunger Relief Observed

9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC)



12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM


Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth Discover FBC Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal


Seekers Prayer Group

Service at the RiverPark Center No Children's Church Youth Creation Muesum (9–10)

9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC)


9:30 AM Jo Nelson Bible Study Fall Break: No Wednesday Activities Service at the RiverPark Center

9:00 AM Worship (RiverPark) 10:30 AM Sunday School (FBC) 6:00 PM Deacons Meeting 16 | Connect Magazine

19WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth

6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal

6:00 PM Ordinary Study


THURSDAY 5:00 PM Scrapbook Night


SUNDAY Return to First Baptist

6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group

Celebration of the Lord's Supper No Children's Church 9:00 AM Worship 10:30 AM Sunday School

6:00 PM Business Meeting


LA55 in Cumberland Falls (25–27)

6:00 PM Legacy Night

26WEDNESDAY 1 2:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Preschool, Awana, Youth

6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Orchestra Rehearsal Choir Rehearsal

6:00 PM Ordinary Study


9:00 AM Worship 10:30 AM Sunday School

6:00 PM Armor of God Women's Study


Monday & Tuesday 6:30 AM - 9 PM


6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 1 PM

OFFICE HOURS Monday - Thursday 8 AM - 4:30 PM


8 AM - 1 PM

BROADCAST INFO Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.



honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26

we will see over the coming months.

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is


CONGRATULATIONS We rejoice with Starla & Joe Canning in the birth of their son, Joshua John Canning.

SYMPATHY We offer Christian love and sympathy to Aldena Hershberger and family in the death of her husband, Roy Hershberger; to Vickie (Mike) Little and family in the death of her mother, Marie Hinton; to Pam (Boyd) Bartlett and family in the

Here's a sneak peak at worship and a few special events that

Sunday Worship on October 9 Featuring Jenny Beth Willis

Sunday Worship on November 6 Featuring Angela Lilly Trio

Sunday, December 4 at 7 PM First Christmas 2016: An Advent Lessons and Carols Featuring the Sanctuary Choir and instrumentalists, the evening will include Scripture foretelling the birth of Christ and music of the season.

Saturday, December 24 at 4 & 5:30 PM

death of her mother, Anna Wilkerson; to Kathryn (Bob)

Christmas Eve Service

Farmer and family in the death of her mother, Etta Cash.

The Lord’s Supper will be observed at both services.


What went on in September? Here are a couple moments from the month. Corey Merrit and Annabelle Watts helped lead worship on September 4th at the RiverPark Center.

Sunday, December 25 at 10 AM Christmas Day Worship No Sunday School

Sunday, January 1 at 9 AM New Year’s Day Worship Sunday School at 10:30 AM

Chad Hall, JJ Poole, & Jeremy Shiflet grilling at the church picnic

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 • fbcowb.org

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