October 2017 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

October 2017

Table of Contents Pg. 7

Pg. 2–3

Pg. 10–11

Pg. 12

A Word from Paul ������������������������������������������������� 1 A Picnic to Remember ��������������������������������� 10–11 God at Work: Serve Medford ���������������������������2–3

Four FBC members recount their experience of traveling to Medford to serve with our mission partner, Redemption Hill.

Progress Makes Perfect �������������������������������������4–5 We're so close to the end of Phase II! Take a look at all the progress that has been made over the last month.

It may have been hot, but we had a great time at this year's Church Picnic, and we have the pictures to prove it!

Giving It All & Then Some ���������������������������������12 We served so many people at Bridge Walk this year, we ran out of water! Dave Roberts tells us all about it in this recap.

Know Your Deacons ��������������������������������������������13

Love Thy Neighbor by Virgil Barker ������������������� 6 Happening in October ��������������������������������� 14–15 Are we taking opportunities to share the gospel each day?

Phase II Dedication Day ��������������������������������������� 7 Join us as we celebrate all that God has done throughout Phase II and dedicate the new construction to His glory!

FOM: Paramount Church ��������������������������������8–9 Paramount Church's Amy Hartmann shares with us what is going on in the life of their congregation and community.

Global Hunger Relief �������������������������������������������� 9 FBC has multiple opportunities for members to help those who are hungry this month.

Upward Basketball Returns to FBC ������������������15 Upward returns January 2018, and as Dave explains in this article, we need your help!

September: A Month in Review ������������������������16 Calendar of Events ����������������������������������������������17 On the Cover: It was a beautiful Bridge Day this year, as you can see from this shot of bridge walkers taken by our worship minister, Derry Billingsley.

MEET OUR STAFF PASTOR Paul Strahan PStrahan@fbcowb.org WORSHIP Derry Billingsley DBillingsley@fbcowb.org DISCIPLESHIP Wesley Dunn WDunn@fbcowb.org

ADMINISTRATION & SENIOR ADULTS Bob Farmer BFarmer@fbcowb.org

PRESCHOOL DIRECTOR Ginger Mayfield GMayfield@fbcowb.org

CHILDREN Suzie Horner SHorner@fbcowb.org

OFFICE MANAGER Judi West JWest@fbcowb.org

INTERIM RECREATION Dave Roberts DRoberts@fbcowb.org

FINANCIAL SUPERVISOR Barbara Wright BWright@fbcowb.org

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANTS Michele Burton MBurton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant SDant@fbcowb.org MAGAZINE DESIGN Maeghan Adams Maeghan Adams Creative madamscreative@gmail.com

230 JR Miller Boulevard • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 • fbcowb.org


e are entering the busiest time of the year, the last quarter of the calendar

year. It is also one of the most exciting times of the year for us. Here are some important dates to remember. October 8

Global Hunger Day

PRAY FOR OUR STUDENT MINISTRY We currently have a student minister search team in place and believe God has already chosen that minister. However, there is much work to do as we seek the Lord in this area. There are a

October 15 Lord’s Supper

couple of things you can do during this

October 22 Quarterly Business

process. The most important thing you

can do is pray. Pray for our search team

Meeting (Budget)

October 29 Unplugged Children’s

every day. Pray for them to hear from


God and seek His will in this matter.

November 5 Building Dedication

Pray for the candidates they will consid-

We will have one worship

er and their families. Pray for clarity

service, followed by a lunch

among the search team and a unified

and campus tours. It will be an

bond. I believe some of our greatest

exciting day!

days are ahead for student ministry.

November 19 Family Thanksgiving

Meal at 5 PM

December 17 Keyboards at

Christmas Night

December 24 Christmas Eve Sunday We will have one worship service that morning and two Lord’s Supper services that evening.

Secondly, I ask that you pray for our students. They are an important part of the church and they need our support. There is always a need for more involvement in our student ministry. Pray for the Lord to send more workers in all areas of our church.

OUR NEW LOGO My prayer is that by now you have begun to understand the importance of Making, Maturing, and Multiplying disciples. This is the command Jesus gave us as individuals. But He also gave it corporately to the church. I want to remind you of a few things. •

A disciple is one who is following Christ, being changed by Christ, and carrying out the mission of Christ!

It is the job and privilege of every follower of Christ to be a disciple of Jesus.

Two questions for every follower: who are you helping to become a disciple, and who is discipling you?

The business of the church is to make disciples!

As we are going, let’s make disciples of all people!

God at Work

2 | Connect Magazine


irst Baptist Owensboro has been

northern cities. Southern twang appar-

and canvassed the area by placing cards

blessed to partner with Redemp-

ently was not a product of the Tower of

on vehicles parked along the streets. We

tion Hill Church in Medford,


felt that was the most effective ways to

Massachusetts for the past seven years. Tanner Turley—a former member of FBC—is the lead Pastor of this growing evangelical church plant. This past summer we partnered with RHC in their soccer nights and Community Fun Day. The following paragraphs recount the experience of four FBC adults that served with RHC in August.

Howard Burton Redemption Hill meets in the Chevalier Theatre in Medford. This is the gym and auditorium of the old Medford High School that—when the school burned in the 1960s—remained standing. Now revitalized as a community center, the city leases this facility to RHC, sans air conditioning, at a preferred rate.

It is clear how those from a Southern

get our message out.

Baptist background who had moved to

There was no doubt that the communi-

the area for work would be drawn to

ty was well aware of RHC. Many even

RHC. But it is also clear when you visit

considered RHC their church. Tanner

how those from all over have joined

explained to us that even though they

this ministry. From Brady jerseys to

considered RHC their church, they

summer dresses to traditional Afri-

were far from regulars. That certainly

can dress, it was inspiring to see God

is one challenge that the church has

touching such a mix of people through

ahead. I truly believe that the commu-

one church.

nity is aware of RHC. The people of the

Bob Farmer One of the things in which we were blessed to participate was in assisting Redemption Hill at a clothing bank located in a nearby government housing village. A large number of Hatian and Somalian people live in this village. We were able to provide summer and

community all speak highly of what good work the church is doing. Mission groups like ours certainly are paying great rewards for RHC as well as the community. I feel we should continue to send groups and spread the great works that God is doing in Medford.

Dave Roberts

The center gives all the appearances of

winter clothing for many of the resi-

On Saturday, August 19, Redemption

the WPA building it is, and it is exactly

dents of this village, including children

Hill held a Fun Day in the Park. Our

like going to church in your high school

and adults.

team of four and another adult mission

auditorium. No A/C was not as big of a deal in Medford as it would be in Memphis, but it did cut down on the three-piece suits you saw. Worship was diverse in attire, race, age—really in all aspects. I expected a building full of folks who drove their “cah from the pahk”, when in fact the members were from around the country and around the world. During this trip and our trip to Seattle, I was amazed how God used young people from TN, SC, and KY to start Baptist churches in the gentrified suburbs of progressive

David Moore Our team was in charge of getting the message of the community day out. It was suggested the we pass out coffee and breakfast bars while commuters waited for the train during morning hours. We would return in the afternoons to once again pass out gum and cards explaining Community Day. We quickly learned that most were not really receptive to being talked to during

group from South Carolina assisted the church in its efforts to make disciples. The FBC team spent hours at the grill cooking and wrapping hamburgers and hot dogs to feed the visitors. This work allowed for the church staff and members to greet, visit, and share with the approximately 250 participants about Redemption Hill and its mission. All were very appreciative for the assistance and FBC’s continued support of the gospel efforts in Medford.

their commute, so we decided to take a different approach. We took the cards October 2017 | 3

Progress Makes Perfect!

4 | Connect Magazine

Opposite page (clockwise from top): Even the courtyard is getting a makeover; the door between the new reception area and the CLC; the second floor restroom is almost ready for sinks; the alley elevator in its new home; cabinetry in the new office work room and lunch space. This page (clockwise from top left): Workers putting up the backsplash in our new fellowship area where coffee will be served between services; our new weekday entrance is coming along; the basement hallway that leads to the new office suite and youth area; our reception area; the soon-to-be choir robe room.

October 2017 | 5

Love Thy Neighbor Connect: For Future Generations Update by Virgil Barker, Followup Team

and celebrate the blessing God has

sharing my personal witness with those



needing a Savior? Will I take the time to

Almost every day I have opportunities

The reason for investing large sums of

to share the gospel (good news) with

money and time, providing for God’s

Please join together in daily prayer for

my neighbors. How many opportuni-

future work in downtown Owensboro,

your neighbors, especially those in need

ties do I allow to slip by? Witnessing

is quite simple. I have been called, not

of a Savior. What a somber thought,

is important. I also realize I have been

just to allow God to use my witness

that one of our neighbors or family

called to be much more than a witness.

to make disciples, but also to use my

members could be missing from the

The First Baptist slogan provides a great

daily walk and teaching skills to mentor

group described below.

reminder that my focus should be on

new believers, providing them with an

Making, Maturing, and Multiplying

opportunity to grow and mature in the



The upcoming dedication of the new

What price am I willing to pay for an

beings and the elders. And they sang in

building/renovation gives me a great

opportunity to encourage others to

a mighty chorus: ‘Worthy is the Lamb.’”

opportunity to talk about God’s work

participate in God’s work through First

—Revelation 5:11-12

at First Baptist. I can share the Good

Baptist Owensboro? Will I give of my

News as I invite my neighbors to come

time? Will I give money? What about

6 | Connect Magazine

mentor a new believer?

“Then I looked again, and I heard the voices of thousands and millions of angels around the throne and of the living

On November 5th, we will celebrate the completion of our Phase II project. It will be an exciting day for our congregation to worship together and gather to dedicate our new facility to the glory of God. The Dedication Service will immediately follow our worship service in the Sanctuary. Our schedule will change to accommodate for the Dedication Service.

10:00 AM Worship

11:15 AM Dedication Service

11:45 AM Dinner on the Grounds

12:15 PM Tours of the new facility

We ask that you be in prayer for this special service and for what God can do through us and with us on this day. Please make plans to join us for this day of celebration!

October 2017 | 7

First On Mission

PARAMOUNT CHURCH by Amy Hartmann, Paramount Church Children's Ministry Resident


e have had a packed

coat drive for families in need through

where we had the privilege to faithfully

summer full of fun

the school with the hope to get the Bex-

meet for the last 4 years. The new space

memories partnering

ley community more involved in giving

has a daycare that meets in the base-

with teams from churches like yours

and serving our neighbors as a picture

ment during the week and the owner

who have come to serve our communi-

of the gospel and looking for opportu-

has allowed us to use the space for our

ty for the good of the gospel! We began

nities to share our heart behind it.

children’s ministry on Sundays. It has

the summer with an exciting baptism celebration of a couple college-age girls who have recently joined our church. As our middle school youth continue to grow in number, it has been fun to serve alongside other youth group teams together. These weeks often included helping organize school supplies or painting at a neighborhood city school in need located right outside of Bexley. In recent weeks, we also provided school supplies to bless many of the students and will be doing an on-going 8 | Connect Magazine

We also passed out 7,000 water bottles for our third year in the Bexley neighborhood 4th of July parade! This year, the committee decided to move us to the front of the line to start out the parade, which was very exciting. It was also a great opportunity to get the word out that we had just changed locations for our Sunday morning worship. It has been a pleasure to share a space

worked out well to meet for our Adult (and Youth) Bible Fellowship while the other congregation is in worship and mingle with snacks in between switching to our worship service while they meet for Sunday school. They also allowed us to have a neighborhood block party on their property with the help of a team in town and a picnic for both our congregations to enjoy!

with a local congregation just down

We have continued to grow in depth as

the street from Maryland Elementary,

a church through our study of Romans

GLOBAL HUNGER RELIEF by Dave Roberts, Interim Recreation

The Kentucky Baptist Convention

envelopes included with your offering

(KBC) in partnership with Global

envelopes or by designating as such on

Hunger Relief is involved in relieving

the regular envelope. We will forward

hunger locally, nationally and interna-

those funds to the KBC to assist in the

tionally in different ways, from pro-

hunger relief effort. As in the past, we

viding meals and groceries to hungry

will provide bread box banks. Families

families to participating in famine and

can return their bread boxes to the

drought relief, among other efforts.

altar at the end of worship services on

The desire of the KBC hunger relief

Sunday, October 29th. A suggested

effort is to build relationships with

amount for donating might be equal to

people and eventually lead them to a

the cost of a meal out for your family.

relationship with Christ.

Additionally, in an effort to help

as well as many great conversations

One of the exceptional features regard-

hunger relief locally, FBC will collect

wrestling through how the Scrip-

ing the Kentucky Baptist Convention

non-perishable food items during

tures apply to our lives as we meet in

Global Hunger Relief funds is that

October. The children’s ministry has

community groups throughout the

100% of the monies donated are used

already begun to collect can foods and

week. This summer our community

for hunger relief. The Cooperative

other items, and the food drive will

groups multiplied with now a total of

Program and partnerships with local

extend churchwide in October. Collec-

five groups meeting faithfully together!

ministries cover overhead costs, so

tion boxes will be set up in the chil-

We are looking forward to this fall as

every penny of every dollar donated is

dren’s area as well as Fellowship Hall.

college students are back in town and

used to purchase food.

At the end of October, FBC will take

we have more opportunities to serve our communities with our annual Paramount Thanksgiving dinner open to the community. We also are beginning a monthly prayer meeting to gather together and pray through our four pillars: Gospel, Change, Community, and Mission and we look forward to

October 8th is the day designated as Global Hunger Relief Sunday and First Baptist Owensboro will promote dona-

these items to the Help Office to assist with hunger efforts here in Owensboro/Daviess County.

tions by various methods throughout

Please make this cause a prayer con-

the month. You can give monetary

cern for the advancing of the gospel

gifts through offerings on Sunday,

and the growth of His Kingdom.

either by using the Hunger Relief

see the fruit that will come of it! ■ October 2017 | 9

A Picnic to Remember by Dave Roberts, Interim Recreation


ur Church Picnic—held on September 10 at Ben Hawes Park—was a time to encourage one another and experience

life together. In other words, we were “maturing” relationships and building the body—both spiritually and physically. It is not often that we get to fellowship as a church in such a flawless setting—outdoors with perfect weather and outstanding food. As Rick Warren mentions in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, “fellowship for a church is more important than any individual.” A great number of folks attended—from children to seniors—spending time playing, conversing, and, of course, eating. Thanks are extended to those who assisted with set up, the many cooks from home, and those men on the grill. The chicken and ribeye sandwiches were well received, as were the salads, vegetables, and desserts. Preparation for next year’s picnic will include a method to speed up service because great food deserves great service, so plan on attending. We would greatfully accept any suggestions you may have for improving the picnic. Please contact me, Dave Roberts, at droberts@fbcowb.org or 270683-3505 if you have a suggestion to share.

10 | Connect Magazine

This page: David Moore serves picnic goers—including Bob Blackstock. Opposite Page (top left clockwise): Christian & Stacey Connor relax in lawn chairs with their dog before the meal begins; Grover Waller and Don Bryant share a hug; Sandy Barrow, Janice Westerfield, and Glenda Askins hanging out on a picnic table bench; cornhole is always a big hit each year; lovely smiles from a lovely group of FBC members; Gaila Taylor and Carla Spencer got the green memo; our grilling crew grilling up a storm!

FBC was able to hand out 2,800 bottles of water. When we ran out of bottles, we switched to water coolers and cups and kept on giving!

Giving It All & Then Some!


his year's Bridge Walk proved

end of their trek! Our first group of

to be a very busy day for FBC

volunteers arrived for their 9 to 10:30

servants as they distributed

AM shift to crowds prepared to walk,

water to a crowd of thousands crossing

and many took water beforehand. By

the bridge on foot from Kentucky to

the end of the second shift (10:30 to

Indiana and back. Due to near record

noon), all 2,800 eight ounce bottles of

temperatures for September 23rd, water

water had been given out! However, our

was in high demand, and over 40 FBC

third shift (noon to 1:30pm) was still

members and children worked nonstop

able to serve water from coolers into

to quench the thirst of many at the foot

cups to many others asking for water.

of the blue bridge.

FBC served more than 4,000 women,

Following the morning Hilliard Lyons Bridge Run, the bridge opened to walkers at 9:30 AM. Walkers were thankful for the water FBC provided near the 12 | Connect Magazine

children, men, and even dogs, and the crowd seemed thankful to the church in meeting their physical need. Servants also applied Bridge Walk temporary tattoos to kids and adults alike as they

completed their walks. Thanks to all those that served—most wearing the green “Serve Owensboro” t-shirts. Now let us pray that the seeds that were sown sprout into making disciples. To God be the glory! “Jesus said, ‘Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again—ever! In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up within him for eternal life.’” —John 4:13–14

Know Your

Deacons Andy Anderson and Chet

Wiman are two men of God tasked with the mission of

caring for our church's needs.


Andy Anderson When did you become a member of FBC?

Wanda and I joined FBC in May 2007.

What passage of Scripture has recently impacted you? He will never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5). Whatever the situation I have been in or I am in, I can recite this verse and know He is with me.

What are your prayers for the congregation of FBC? My prayer for our congregation is that we will have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, be faithful in our service to Him, and pray for our pastor and staff as they lead us.


Chet Wiman

Keep them in your daily prayers as they seek to serve our congregation and pursue unity in the church.

When did you become a member of FBC? We have been members of FBC for the last 13 years or so.

What passage of Scripture has recently impacted you? As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us (Psalm 103:12). I made my decision to follow Christ as an adult, not as a child. When I came to this decision, the guy that was ministering to me pointed out this key passage to me. His point was that if God can forgive people of past sins, shouldn't we be able to forgive ourselves? It's a great passage that I try to use when I can.

What are your prayers for the congregation of FBC? I routinely pray that we would have an impact on our community that would lead to revival that would spread across the state and the country. October 2017 | 13

Happening in October AWANA FOOD DRIVE Throughout October Awana is collecting non-perishable goods for the Help Office throughout October. Donation bins are located in the Fellowship Hall and on the third floor. With your help, our children collected over 1500 items last year! Help us surpass that number this year!

SEEKERS WOMEN'S PRAYER GROUP Monday, October 2 & 16 at 6 PM Seekers use the privilege of prayer to lay personal, church, national, and world concerns before our sovereign God. Over the past two years, we have witnessed the hope, love and faithfulness of Christ through answered prayers. An average of eight ladies meet the first and third Monday of each month at the home of Terry Tullis to seek Him and intercede through prayer. The group is open to all interested ladies. For additional information or for requests for 14 | Connect Magazine

prayer, contact Lee Waldroup (270-929-

15th. Take the opportunity to prepare

8208) or Betsy Russell (270-316-8626).

your heart and mind in the days prior


to this special time.

Sunday, October 8

BLT TRIP Saturday, October 21

How can you help fight global hunger?

Bob's Lunch Troop is switching it up

Find information about this event and

and stepping out on a Saturday! Troop-

how you can participate on page 9.

ers will depart for a mystery location


from Bertram Lot at 9:45 AM and

Sunday, October 8 Children are encouraged to worship with their families in the Sanctuary.

NO WEDNESDAY ACTIVITIES Wednesday, October 11 The will be no activities the Wednesday of Fall Break, October 11th. This includes all meals and studies.

LORD'S SUPPER Sunday, October 15 We will remember and proclaim Jesus Christ's sacrifice during both morning worship services on Sunday, October

return by 3 PM. Call Michele in the church office (270-683-3505) to register for this trip. Cost is $20 per person and is due upon signup.

BUDGET BUSINESS MEETING Sunday, October 22 at 6 PM It's time for our annual budget business meeting! All members of First Baptist Owensboro are highly encouraged to attend on Sunday, October 22nd as we discuss the 2018 budget. This meeting will be held at 6 PM in the Sanctuary.

Upward Basketball Returns to FBC by Dave Roberts, Interim Recreation


n past years, the Christian Life Cen-

each season through Upward. FBC is

ter (CLC) hosted Upward Basket-

uniquely positioned as a congregation

ball, a basketball league for youth

to engage young families as there are

from kindergarten to middle school.

currently many young families in our

The program is a uniquely designed

church. However, conducting a fun and

sports experience that develops the total

well-organized sports ministry—while

athlete mentally, athletically, spiritually,

sharing the gospel and “making disci-

and socially. It also creates individuals of

ples”—will require volunteers from all

strong character, confidence, and faith.

age groups (youth to seniors). More

Due to a previous lack of engagement by

details of those needs will be communi-

FBC and its members, FBC terminated

cated in the future.

This timely and witty musical dares us

its association with Upward Basketball

to disconnect from things that distract

several years ago and other area church-

us from one another and from Christ,

es absorbed additional players at their

following the command of Hebrews

locations. This time around, First Baptist

12:1. Our rising 3rd-6th graders hope

will host the kindergarten Upward pro-

to see you on October 29th!

gram only.

LA55 CUMBERLAND STATE PARK TRIP October30–November 1 Come with us to beautiful Cumberland State Park to see the fall colors! We will leave at 11 AM on Monday,

Registration is going on now and will continue through October 20, 2017. Forms and instructions are available throughout the church. Upward Leagues for other ages are being hosted at Owensboro Christian, Bellevue, and Walnut

Beginning in January 2018, kindergar-

Memorial. If you know of school age

ten boys and girls will play on Saturday

children wanting to play, please help

mornings through the end of February

in getting them registered, and prayer-

in the CLC. In recent years—while be-

fully consider what role you will play

ing hosted at another church in town—

in “making disciples” through Upward

approximately 80–120 kindergartners

Basketball at FBC.

and their families were ministered to

October 30th and return by 3:30 PM on Wednesday, November 1st. Cost is $158 per person and is due upon signup. Contact Michele in the church office at 270-683-3505 to make your reservation. Space is limited. ■ October 2017 | 15

A great picture of the bridge and foot traffic during Bridge Day 2017.

SEPTEMBER A Month in Review

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26



Sympathy...During their time of loss, we offer Christian love and sympathy to Earl (Genevieve)Adams (brother-in-law Don Weller), Avery (Paula) Wedding (sister Shirley Clark), Walter (Leslie) McPherson (aunt), Amanda (Jonas) Billingsley (grandmother Dorothy Blinzinger), Cheryl (Ryan) Goss (grandfather Joseph P. Hullar), Kay (Scott) Copeland-Richmond (former in-laws William & Chris Wilson), Judi (Kevin) West (father Clifford Parr), Ondra Edds & family (husband David H. Edds), the family of Helen Coombs, and the family of Peggy Grossman.

Births...We rejoice with Kimberly Gregory (daughter Blakely Lynn, grandmother Janice Gregory), Ivy & Matt Morris (son Banks Michael, grandparents are Robert & Susan Morris and Lori Hayden, great-grandparents Bill & Gerry Jones), Celia & Andonis Papalouca (son Lukas Antonis), and Brandy & Seth Mobley (son John Lewis, grandparents John & Becky Mobley).

Joined by Profession of Faith & Letter on August 27th Andrew & Meagan Harrison

Joined by Letter on August 27th Matthew & Lindsey Purcell Joined by Letter on September 17th Chad, Erika, & Laine Wertz Pictured with children/siblings, Zane & Bristol 16 | Connect Magazine

Profession of Faith on August 27th Maddy Purcell Pictured with brother, Jack

Profession of Faith on August 20th Marty Mayfield Pictured with wife, Ginger, and children, Sydnee & Seth

Coming in the month of

OCTOBER 1SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship


Seekers Prayer Group

12:00 PM Prayer Lunch 4:45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM Studies for All Ages


SUNDAY Global Hunger Relief Sunday No Children's Church No Evening Worship

8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship


9:30 AM Jo Nelson Study Fall Break: No Wednesday Activities Lord's Supper

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM


Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship Deacon Meeting


Seekers Prayer Group

12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Lunch Evening Supper Studies for All Ages


BLT Mystery Trip No Children's Church

8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship

6:00 PM Budget Business Meeting


12:00 PM Prayer Lunch 4:45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM Studies for All Ages


8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship

6:00 PM Unplugged Musical


LA55 Cumberland State Park Trip Begins

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday




6:30 AM - 8 PM 6:30 AM - 9 PM


6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 1 PM

8 AM - 4:30 PM 8 AM - 1 PM

Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC (Sundays at 10 AM) and Channel 72 (Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM). Services are delayed by a week. Note: Sensitive information cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.

October 2017 | 17

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 • fbcowb.org

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