February 2017 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

February 2017




Adoption has touched many lives at

Derry Billingsley explains the Lord's

Find updates from the Scotts, VBS, our

FBC. Read their stories inside.

Supper from a different perspective.

construction project, and more!

TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from Paul ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1

Loved by Jean Byrd ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2–3 In 1984, the Byrds adopted their son, Zach, from South Korea. Jean tells their story of adoption and how believers have been adopted into the family of God.

God at Work: Adopting Grayson by Alison Christ ��������������������������������������4–6 Gavin and Alison Christ's lives were changed forever when they flew to Utah to adopt their sweet son, Grayson. Alison recounts their story of love in this month's God at Work.

Pg. 2

A Meal That Identifies Us by Derry Billingsley ������������������������������������������������� 7 We will celebrate the Lord's Supper on Sunday, February 26th. Many of us know the meaning behind this symbolic act, but what does it mean to the unbeliever?

First on Mission Update from the Scotts ���������������������������������������������������������� 8 They're moving to a new loation, learning a new language, and making new friends, among many other things. There is so much "new" in the life of the Scotts!

VBS 2017 by Suzie Horner ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 You may believe it's too soon to even think about Vacation Bible School, but Suzie is here to tell you it's not! See how you can pray for and help with VBS this June and even sooner.

Pg. 5

Discover FBC by Wesley Dunn �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 It's that time again! If you are new to FBC or just wanting to learn more, Wesley talks about our class, Discover FBC, meeting on January 26th.

Construction Update ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 10–11 Construction is really kicking into gear now with walls going up, concrete being poured, and a roof soon to be built. Check out the latest pictures and updates from the 1920s building.

Connect Follow-Up Committee Update by Virgil Barker ����������������������������11

Pg. 14

Virgil shares about love, sacrifice, and how we should remain faithful in giving in 2017.

On the Cover: The cover Calendar of Events ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 depicts a few FBC families that have been touched by January: A Month in Review ����������������������������������������������������������������������������13 adoption, including the Praying the Bible Recap ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Byrd, Strahan, and Christ On January 21–22, Dr. Donald S. Whitney came to First Baptist to share with us a method of families. praying the Bible. Here are a few pictures from that event.


Paul Strahan PStrahan@fbcowb.org


Derry Billingsley DBillingsley@fbcowb.org


Wesley Dunn WDunn@fbcowb.org


Bob Farmer BFarmer@fbcowb.org


Suzie Horner SHorner@fbcowb.org

INTERIM RECREATION & COLLEGE Brent Phillips BPhillips@fbcowb.org





Will Smith WSmith@fbcowb.org

Alisha Williams AWilliams@fbcowb.org

OFFICE MANAGER Judi West JWest@fbcowb.org

Barbara Wright BWright@fbcowb.org

Maeghan Adams MAdams@fbcowb.org Michele Burton MBurton@fbcowb.org Susan Dant SDant@fbcowb.org

by Paul Strahan, Pastor

ADOPTED! What comes to your mind when you hear the word “adopted”? For most of us, it is the adoption of children into families. When I grew up in the sixties, we didn’t hear of people adopting chil-

twins. The process of adopting the girls

before He laid down earth’s founda-

began, and I had a baby sister. Even

tions, He had us in mind, had settled

though the girls grew up in different

on us as the focus of His love, to be

homes, they have remained close to this

made whole and holy by His love. Long,

day. Adoption for our family was not a

long ago He decided to adopt us into

hard choice, and I love my sister.

His family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure He took in planning this!) He

dren as much as we do now. Adoption

Leigh Ann has a connection to adop-

today is much more commonplace in

tion as well through her sister, Leslie.

our culture. However, even in Poplar-

Leslie discovered after her marriage that

ville, Mississippi in the sixties, my own

she and her husband would be unable

family was touched by adoption. Some

to have children. About 18 years ago

This month we highlight the privilege

of you know my story, but I want to

they began the process of adopting a

of being the focus of God’s love through

share it with you. In 1968, my mom’s

baby. Their journey would take them

adoption into His family. We, like my

sister, my aunt, had twin girls. My aunt

to the Marshall Islands on two separate

adopted sister, Paulette, and Leslie’s two

had been battling some health prob-

occasions, and today they have two

sons, have been given the rights and

lems, and at the time the twins were

sons. The boys are close in age to my

privileges of the adopted family. That

born, she was struggling. When the

girls, and my girls love them to death.

means, as Christ followers, we have all

twins were four months old, the decision was made to get my aunt some help. My family would temporarily take one of the twins and another sister of my mom’s would take the other baby. It wasn’t long before my aunt realized that she would be unable to care for her

SPIRITUAL ADOPTION! As followers of Jesus Christ, the Bible teaches that we are “adopted” children of God! Listen to the way it is described in Paul’s letter to the Ephesians. The Message paraphrases it like this: “Long

wanted us to enter into the celebration of His lavish gift-giving by the hand of His beloved Son.”

the rights and privileges of being in God’s family. PRAISE THE LORD! Let’s live as children of the King!!



my Father, and I have adopted sisters and brothers in the family of believers. by Jean Byrd

hat were we thinking?

condemned to death. But Christ stands

Adopting a baby when

before His Father at the judgment bar,

our girls were 10 and 11

and offers His perfect righteousness—

years old? I could leave them alone for

His full atonement for our sins and His

short periods of time, they could help

perfect keeping of God’s law—as our

around the house, and get themselves

substitute. So God the Father declares

ready for school! It was January of 1984

us “not guilty” through the perfect and

when God put the thought of adoption

complete work of His Son Jesus Christ

into our hearts and minds.

on our behalf. Galatians 4:4-5 says, “But

This wasn’t the first time He had planted this idea. God began preparing our hearts years before He brought His plan to fruition. In 1971 we talked about adopting a child. Jerry was finishing pharmacy school, we had been married seven years, and had no baby. At this time I was not even a believer, but God

Romans 8:14 says, “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ.”

when the fullness of time had come,

And so Zach began a new relationship

God sent forth His Son, born of a wom-

with a new family (his forever family),

an, born under the law, to redeem those

in a new land, with a new language, and

who were under the law, that we might

a new culture. He thrived in his new

receive the adoption as sons.” Not only

home. He began to learn about what

have we been declared “not guilty” by

it meant to be in America. He learned

God the Judge, but God the Judge has

how to speak English, how to dress like

adopted us as His own sons!

an American, and, most importantly, he learned that he was loved by each of us.

was already preparing me to become

The adoption process for us took

His adopted child and for Zachary to

eight months, beginning February 14

When I became a believer, I began

become our adopted son. “The mind of

and ending October 18, 1984, when

learning about what it meant to be a

man plans his way, but the Lord directs

a three-month-old baby—a beautiful

Christ-follower. I began learning how to

his steps.” (Proverbs 16:9) It was not

black-haired, dark-eyed ‘China’ doll

imitate Christ, how to read His Word,

until February 14, 1984 that the Lord

from Seoul, South Korea came into our

and how to treat others like Christ

put His plan into place.

hearts and lives. He flew with a Korean

would have me treat them. But most

escort from South Korea to Greenville,

of all, I began learning how much God

SC. We decided that Jerry would be the

really loved me.

What does it mean to be adopted? Adoption is the process through which a person—the adoptive parent—assumes permanent legal responsibility for a child. Once adopted, there is no legal difference between an adopted child and one born into a biological family. So what does it mean to be adopted by God? Adoption is a legal act of God on our behalf. We come before the judgment bar of God as hopeless sinners, 2 | Connect Magazine

first one to hold him. When the case worker brought Zach off the plane and put him in Jerry's arms, Zach looked up and smiled the most beautiful smile, as if to say, “I am finally home!”

My adoption into the family of God means I have a new relationship with other people. I not only have new relationships in my local church, but I also have new relationships with the people

When I accepted Christ and was adopt-

in this community, other states, other

ed into the family of God, I knew I was

countries, as well as with the ones who

finally home in my Father’s arms. Now

have gone on to glory. Even though all

I have a new relationship with God as

believers become one with Christ in the

same way, we are still individuals. We

chose him. We chose him just like God

disobeyed. But when I ask for forgive-

don’t look, dress, or talk alike. God uses

chooses us. God says that there is no

ness, He forgives, just as I have forgiven

our unique personalities and gifts in the

difference. Colossians 3:11 states, “Here

my own children. The difference is

body of Christ to edify His church.

there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or

that He forgives and forgets my sins.

uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian,

He removes them as far as the east is

slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in

from the west. Praise the Lord that He

all.” God also says in Ephesians 1:5, “In

forgives and forgets.

In addition, even though Zach was now a member of the Byrd family, we didn’t look the same. Our biological children were blondes, Zach was Asian, and for a year we had a beautiful little foster son with ebony skin. The Byrd family got

love He predestined us to be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will.”

Being a member of God’s family also means I have a new relationship with unbelievers. I am no longer part of that

lots of looks from others. There were

Some people asked us if Zach was “like

family. I am no longer of the world. Jesus

many sweet comments, but some were

our own child.” I always reply, “No, he

prayed for us in John 17:14-16, “for they

not so sweet. We hurt for our children.

isn’t like our own child. He IS our own

are not of this world any more than I am

They didn’t understand why people

child.” Zach will inherit the same as our

of this world. My prayer is not that you

would say such ugly things, nor did we

biological children. There is no differ-

take them out of the world, but that you

as parents. One comment Zach received

ence in the way we treat Zach, in the

protect them from the evil one.” I have

when he was older was, “Why don’t you

way we love Zach, nor in his inheri-

a different family name, the name of

go back where you belong?” Seriously?

tance. God does not treat His children

Christ. I am to be a witness to the world.

We are a family, by love, whether by

any differently. He loves us all the same,

Just as God the Father loves the whole

blood or not. I carried my biological

God’s own children. We are joint heirs

world, I am to imitate that love. God’s

children in my body. I carried Zach in

with His only Son. There is nothing that

love is not self-centered. It reaches out

my heart.

can make God love us more or less. He

and draws others in. Our love must be

loves us unconditionally! Nor is there

like this. I must be willing to give up my

anything my children can do to make

own comfort and security so that others

me love them more or less.

might join us in receiving God’s love.

Now, there have been times when we

Adopting Zach was one of the high-

have been disappointed in their ac-

lights of our lives. We live in a time

tions. There have been times when

where a world full of orphans need

they misbehaved or didn’t do what we

to be adopted by loving families. God

asked them to do. And there have been

guided us every step of the way. He

so many times that I have disappoint-

brought just the right son into our lives

ed my Heavenly Father when I have

at just the right time. 

We have always told Zach that we

24 hours old

6 years old

The Byrd Family

by Alison Christ


avin and I met at a church

Our involvement has even led Gavin to

We grew closer to the Lord, because He

youth event and began dating

help with iPlay soccer and go on mis-

was our only hope for Gavin’s healing

shortly after that. At the time,

sion to Seattle with a team from FBC.

and a future together. After surgery and

I was a senior in high school and Gavin was a freshman at KWC. We didn’t discuss it until much later in our relationship, but the first night we met, we both had the feeling that this was the person we could spend our life with. We dated through college—Gavin at KWC and me at Murray State. We were engaged the summer after college graduation and married a year later. We started attending FBC before we were married and quickly became involved in worship and Sunday School. Gavin soon began playing with the praise band and working with youth on Wednesday evenings, while I began teaching the middle school girls Sunday School class.

4 | Connect Magazine

In college, we often worked with youth at Third Baptist Church, chaperoning many events. At one of our favorite events—Xtreme Winter Retreat—we heard presentations by Holt International about supporting adoption. As a young dating couple, we discussed the beauty of adoption, and I shared with Gavin my desire to adopt someday. In hindsight, we believe this was one of God’s avenues for introducing us to the opportunities of adoption. At the age of 21, Gavin was diagnosed with cancer. Through times of fear and questioning, our relationship grew stronger as our faith was challenged.

chemotherapy, Gavin was declared cancer free. We married knowing that God could give us natural-born children, but also aware that He may choose to grow our family and make us parents through adoption. After several years of childless marriage, we felt God’s leadership in pursuing adoption, both being encouraged by friends and family in our decision. Adoption was never an option that one of us wanted and the other didn’t. It was in both of our hearts and minds to ask God for guidance and action in pursuing an adoption. Because of the overwhelming number of adoption agencies and being new

to the adoption process, we knew we

God would select the right family for

situation. A couple hours later, while at

needed a support system. We were

them. Each phone call, email, or text

Kendal Quinton’s home preparing for

made aware of an adoption consulting

telling us we were not selected by the

a baby shower for another dear friend,

group from other local families. We

birth parent(s) was heartbreaking for

Rachel Knott, I received the call that the

took a leap of faith in contacting Faith-

us. However, even through our disap-

birth mother had selected us to be par-

ful Adoption Consultants (FAC), know-

pointment, we trusted that God had the

ents! We didn’t know if it was a boy or

ing they take only a limited number of

perfect situation awaiting us.

girl, but that didn’t matter in the least—

clients. We wanted to talk to someone about the requirements, timeframe, and waitlist time. Surprisingly, when I called, there wasn’t a waitlist and I immediately felt at peace with the foundation and purpose of FAC. God was working out the details before we even called. After completing the extensive paperwork, our profile book, and our

Each time we chose to present to a birth family, our profile book was sent to the birth mother and/or birth father. They could have multiple profile books to review to ultimately select an adoptive family for their baby. On November 12, Jessica called suggesting we make revisions to our digital profile book and

Gavin and I were chosen to be parents, and the baby, our baby, was due at the end of December! We learned the following day that we were having a boy! While going from “active” to “matched” seemed like forever, in reality it was only six short months of waiting for the fulfillment of God’s precious gift.

updates for our home study to be open

After being selected, we began our

to more situations. She also brought

relationship with the adoption agency,

up a last-minute situation. With very

which was located in Utah. We learned

few details, she needed to know if we

enough about our birth mother to pray

wanted to present to the birth mother

for her by name, send her a care pack-

who would review profiles in the next

age, and pray that she would have peace

hour. I went with my heart and told her

in her decision. We prayed that God

“yes” we would present, praying that

would comfort her, knowing that this

The hardest part of the adoption pro-

God would lead this birth mother to se-

would likely be the most difficult thing

cess for both of us was analyzing each

lect the perfect family for her baby and

she would ever have to do. We prayed

adoption situation. We were sometimes

that He would calm my anxieties about

for the health of our sweet baby boy and

given very little information and other

everything we had discussed. I called

continued to pray that God’s perfect

times knew quite a bit about the birth

Gavin after talking with Jessica to give

will would be accomplished.

parents, and had to decide if we wanted

him what little I knew about this latest

home study, we became “active” with the consultants in July 2015. Our FAC consultant, Jessica, provided guidance and motivation through the home study process, through each adoption situation presented, after being matched, and during the finalization process.

our profile presented for consideration as future parents of their child. We definitely relied upon God for His guidance in showing us what would be best for us as a future family. Each time we presented, we prayed God would put it in the heart of the birth mother to choose us only if it was His will. Over each situation we prayed that God would give the mother comfort and peace, that the baby would be healthy, and that

Continued on the next page...

On November 29, while in Sunday

We also had the awesome opportunity

with his grandparents, cousins, aunts,

School, our adoption and agency

to meet Grayson’s birth mother and

uncles, etc. who will love him and be

consultant texted that our baby boy

express our love and gratitude for her

positive, Christ-like influences for him.

had arrived. About four weeks early, he

choice to allow Grayson to be our son.

Our families have not only prayed for

weighed only 4 pounds, 1 ounce, and

We knew that our greatest joy was her

us every step along the way, but have

was being examined and evaluated for

greatest sorrow, and while we hoped to

also helped us in caring for Grayson

any complications from his early birth.

comfort her, she brought such comfort

when needed, offered advice and wis-

We were shocked, scared, and excited…

to us by expressing her peace at know-

dom, and helped financially. We are also

so many emotions all at once. With

ing we would be Grayson’s parents.

so grateful for our church friends. We

help from family, we packed our bags, booked plane tickets for the next day, reserved a hotel room, rental car, and quickly gathered together the long list of items recommended and/or required

Grayson has brought so much joy to our lives. He is such a happy little boy. He has a great big smile and is so sweet and loving. We never get tired of hear-

are blessed by the friendships we have developed and nurtured through our Sunday School class and involvement with the youth and music ministries.

ing from family, friends, and other care-

Through the years our prayers for

givers what a good-natured, contented

Grayson will change as he grows and

We arrived in Utah to meet our sweet

baby he is. What fun to watch him grow

changes. He will of course know that he

Grayson when he was one day old.

and learn! And he is such a smart little

is adopted, but we want him to know

Words are inadequate to explain the

boy—only one year old and knows

that we are all adopted as sons and

moment we saw our tiny son. Love,

how to play air guitar! Like his mom,

daughters of our Heavenly Father. We

hope, joy, gratitude—these are some

he loves to push buttons—most spe-

pray that he will always know that we

words that come close. And God had

cifically buttons that make music play.

love and treasure him, but even more

every little detail worked out. Across the

Like his dad, any small toy can become

that he will know the love of Jesus

country and away from our families, we

a soccer ball to be kicked around the

Christ and his worth as a child of God.

felt pretty inadequate to care for a new-

room. Gavin and I are brought closer as

We pray that Grayson will come to

born. He was so small and the doctors

we share in caring for him, praying for

know Jesus as Savior and Lord of his

wanted him to stay in the hospital until

him, and deciding together what is best

life and that his life will point others

he was gaining weight. This gave us the

for him.

to Him. He will have a witness differ-

by the adoption agency for our baby.

opportunity to learn from the neonatal nurses how to feed, change, and bathe him. We got to watch and learn from them how to meet his every need. They were so helpful, patient, and supportive. 6 | Connect Magazine

We have spent more time with our families since bringing Grayson home. We want him to always know how loved and wanted he is, and what better way than to allow him close relationships

ent from ours—his adoption into our family will give him an opening to share with others their opportunity for adoption into God’s family. 

A MEAL THAT IDENTIFIES US by Derry Billingsley, Worship When I was a child, I longed to sit at the

of God; they are without God and hope

us with Christ, and more than that, it

adult table. It wasn’t that the food was

in this world. Consequently, the Lord’s

defines our own identity as His beloved

better, or anything about the table itself.

Supper invites unbelievers to consider

children. Even so, we are called to exam-

I simply wanted to be in the group. I

their own need for grace. In a visible way,

ine our hearts to consider whether our

didn’t want to be left out. Being exclud-

it shows them they are outside the gates

lives affirm or deny this identity.”

ed from something you want to be a

of Christ, but that the invitation remains

part of is no fun.

to come to dine at the table if they will

I often write on what the Lord’s Supper

but trust Christ and turn from sin.

Every Christian should celebrate the fact that we are included! We should also feel the urgency of letting those

means to those of us who believe in

At the same time, the Lord’s Supper

without Christ in their lives know that

Christ, who are included. But what does

marks the believer. The world defines us

they also have a place if they confess,

it mean to the person who hasn’t put his

by skin color, social standing, education,

repent, and believe. On Sunday, Feb-

or her faith in Christ? David Schrock

or working profession. The Lord’s Supper

ruary 26, we will observe the Lord’s

states it well: “For the unbeliever, the

defines us as blood-bought children of

Supper during both morning worship

Lord’s Supper is a reminder that they re-

God. It defines us as the Lord’s covenant

services. As the day approaches, exam-

main outside of the covenant blessings of

people, and it calls us to stop identifying

ine and prepare your heart, and thank

God. Like Gentiles in Ephesians 2:11-13,

ourselves by our past history, our per-

God for your place at the table.

those who do not take the Lord’s Supper

sonal problems, or our sinful living. We

are strangers and aliens to the promises

believe that eating the meal identifies

February 2017 | 7

guage #1, the base language. Now, as we

for our family! Pray that we would

move on, language studies will contin-

adjust well and have good attitudes with

ue. Please pray for us as we transfer to

all of the changes.

this second language, building upon the

New Schools


New People & Culture While we are familiar with Southeast

New Year…LOTS & LOTS of New! The past couple of years have brought many transitions to our lives, and this year holds many, as well. We are in the process of moving to a new location, with a new language/dialect, and a new culture. That is a lot of new at once. We would truly appreciate your prayers as we embark on this new step. Here are some ways you can intercede for us and our people group as we transition.

New Location It is hard to believe that we are moving again. This time, to a nearby country. Pray that we would be able to find a home that would be in an area where we can develop relationships.

New Position This is a pressing area of need, one of important concern for us to be in our new location. As of right now, we are still waiting on some answers for finalizing this position. Please pray for us

Asia, each area is different. This new location has some different barriers and strongholds. It is very conservative and devout. Please pray for the Spirit’s continued work here, and for people to have a desire to seek the Truth.

New Teammates Over the past year and a half, we have had the privilege of getting to know our teammates. They are very special! Now we will get to work with them in person. Please pray for them as they continue investing in a place which is fairly new to them, too. Ask the Father to give us true unity as a team.

New Friends As we move to a new place, please intercede that we would make meaningful friendships. Pray this for our children, as well. As far as we know, they will be the only native English-speaking children in our city. This will be a big change for them.

and our leadership.

New Schedules

New Language

The area we are moving to has a hot

We praise the Father that we were able to reach language proficiency in lan8 | Connect Magazine

climate. People tend to eat dinner and socialize very late at night. If you know us, that is going to be a difficult change

C1 has had the privilege to attend a great international school in our first location. However, she will not have that option in our second. Pray for us all as we begin homeschooling her while also studying language and working. With our language studies, we will also have a new form of schooling/tutoring. SAME GOAL: To bring Him glory by making His name known among the nations! Thank you for joining us in this desire, for allowing us the opportunity to serve here, and for encouraging us along the way. FBC, we are deeply thankful for you!

VBS 2017

by Suzie Horner, Children

This year as Galactic Starveyors, kids will search the skies and God’s Word to uncover God’s truth etched in His handiwork. They will discover that the God who created everything had a plan to restore the relationship He knew we would break. God sent His Son, Jesus, to be our Savior and His Holy Spirit to be our Helper. From the very beginning, to the furthest reaches of space (and beyond), nothing is outside of God’s control or beyond His grasp. God loves us and will never leave us. As a church it is our responsibility to reach as many children and their families with the Gospel during VBS. Everyone can begin praying now as we prepare for this very important week. Below are five things that you can add to your prayers each day. •

Pray that God will stir up excitement in those attending the VBS preview as they plan and prepare.

Pray for the VBS Planning Team as they meet and assign responsibilities.

Pray that the people of FBC desire to get involved and fill every VBS need.

Pray for our first ever churchwide VBS involvement day on May 7th.

Pray that the Holy Spirit will begin to work in the hearts of children, parents, and all at FBC to fulfill His desires during VBS week (June 12–16).

DISCOVER FBC by Wesley Dunn, Discipleship I want to take the opportunity to personally invite you to our upcoming Discover FBC class. The purpose of this class is to help people understand exactly who First Baptist Church is, what it means to be a member of FBC, and why it even matters to be a member. First Baptist is a wonderful church! Personally, I am blessed to be considered a member of this faith family! Often, it is quite difficult to learn about the church. The people, the leaders, the programs, the ministries, the mission, the purpose, the building…all of this is so new and confusing. So as a means of trying to help those who are interested in FBC,

Our next Discover FBC class will meet on Sunday, Febru-

we want to take an afternoon and meet as a group, face to

ary 26th. The class will be held from 3-7 PM in Room 202

face, and talk about these things. The class is open to anyone

(located on the second floor next to the ramp). Dinner and

with a desire to know more about the church and the mem-

childcare will be available, so register online at fbcowb.org/

bership process.

discoverfbc. February 2017 | 9

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Pictured above: Our new addition is being framed in now. Soon, the roof will be installed. This area will become our new weekday entrance and is located off the back parking lot on Daviess Street. Pictured below: The pictures below show our basement area before and after the concrete was poured to complete the new floor. This area is the future home of our new office suite for ministerial, administrative, and maintenance staffs.

10 | Connect Magazine


by Virgil Barker, Follow-Up Committee Love. What is it? A quick Google search will produce several billion answers. Yes, that's Billions— with a capital B for emphasis. Yet if you were to read just a few of those websites, you would end up extremely confused about this thing called love. With Valentines Day right around the corner, I thought it appropriate to invite you to consider love once again. Instead of Googling the answer, let's look to the source of all Truth, God's Word. Many scripture passages deal with love and tell Pictured above: The third floor has been framed in for Sunday School classrooms, and (temporarily purple) drywall is currently being installed.

us what it is and what it is not. 1 John 3:18 says: "Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action." Reviewing the results of

Pictured below: The youth area, located in the basement, will have mov-

our FBC Connect: For Future Generations giving,

able partitions to create classrooms and large gathering space.

we see a great example of love in action. The cam-

Floor support for the partitions

paign total as of December 31, 2016 was in excess of $2.4 million. Considering the examples of love in the Bible, we realize the God of Love invites us to love others in the same way He loves us. It is an invitation unlike any other. God's Word tells us LOVE IS...the willingness to make regular and costly sacrifices for the sake of others, without asking for anything in return or using our sacrifices to place the other person in our debt. I think we can agree, Connect: For Future Generations giving fits this definition. Thank you for your gifts of LOVE. I encourage you to continue seeking God's guidance and blessings as we journey through 2017. I pray that we all remain faithful as we seek to determine what God

Support beam for the partitions

would have us give this year. February 2017 | 11

FEBRUARY Calendar of Events





12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review

6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 4:30 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship

5:00 PM Big Bowl Party

8 WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship Deacons Meeting



9:30 AM Jo Nelson Bible Study

12:00 PM Prayer Meeting (FH) 4:45 PM Family Supper 6:00 PM Bible Studies & SS Review 6:00 PM Seekers Prayer Group No Children's Church

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 6:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Evening Worship

12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Meeting (FH) Family Supper Bible Studies & SS Review


Lord's Supper

8:30 AM Classic Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Elevate Worship

3:00 PM Discover FBC 6:00 PM

Evening Worship








Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay.

6:30 AM - 9 PM 6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 3 PM

12 | Connect Magazine

8 AM - 4:30 PM 8 AM - 1 PM

Note: If sensitive information is mentioned in a service, it cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.

JANUARY: A MONTH IN REVIEW "If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26



SYMPATHY We offer Christian love and sympathy to to Earl (Mary) Thomas in the death of his brother, Bill Clark Thomas; to Steve (Sharon) Johnson & family in the death of his father, George ‘Pete’ Johnson; to David Malone & family in the death of his wife, Joy Mefford Malone; to Lois Wells & family in the death of her husband, Carl Wells.

Lillie Keiningham Joined January 15th by Letter

Mark Maddox Joined January 15th by Letter

PRAYING THE BIBLE CONFERENCE On January 21–22, Dr. Donald Whitney joined us for "Praying the Bible Conference". He also led a joint youth and adult Sunday School class and preached in our 11 AM service on Sunday. What a great weekend of learning and being in God's house!

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 • fbcowb.org

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