August 2017 | First Baptist Owensboro Connect Magazine

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First Baptist Owensboro

August 2017




This month we recap how three families

What were our high schoolers doing in

Summer's almost over, but things are

loved their neighbors this summer.

Medford this July? Read and find out!

just getting started at FBC!


A Word from Paul ......................................................................................................................................... 1 God at Work: Loving Our Neighbors by the Dunns, Fuquas, & Shiflets ............................................ 2–3 Sometimes hot dogs, lawn chairs, and good conversations are all it takes to show love to your neighbors. Over Memorial Day weekend, some of our FBC family showed love to their neighbors by hosting block parties, and they share all about it in this month's God at Work.

#FBCServeMedford: A High School Mission Trip to Beantown ........................................................ 4–5 In July, our high schoolers traveled to Medford, MA to serve with one of our mission partners, Redemption Hill.

Happening in August ................................................................................................................................ 6–7 Know Your Deacons featuring Todd Houston & David Moore ................................................................ 8 First On Mission: Judy from West Africa................................................................................................... 9 God's Word is being shared in West Africa and God's glory is evident! In this month's First On Mission feature, our mission partner Judy shares about StoryTogether and how you can pray for her and her teammates on mission.

Connect Follow-Up Committee Update by Virgil Barker ...................................................................... 10 They Grow Up So Fast! ............................................................................................................................... 11 It's time to send our preschoolers off into the children's department. Check out this year's graduating preschool class!

July: A Month in Review ............................................................................................................................ 12 Calendar of Events ...................................................................................................................................... 13

Pg. 2–3

Pg. 4–5

Pg. 6–7

Pg. 9


Paul Strahan


Derry Billingsley


Wesley Dunn


Bob Farmer


Suzie Horner






Will Smith

Alisha Williams


Barbara Wright

Michele Burton Susan Dant

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 • 270.683.3505 •

by Paul Strahan, Pastor


uly has been a busy yet productive month. We have seen several decisions from our Vacation Bible

School and others coming to be a part of our family.

Celebration of Baptism The last Sunday in July, we celebrated baptism in the CLC! We had ten follow through believer’s baptism including Ryan, Hillary, and Paige Overby, Lily-

Here are some important dates to note

ann Chaney, Baylie Billingsley, Ken-

that have recently passed or are soon to

dall Jennings, Brady Robbins, Payton


Goodall, Graham Robinson, and Emma

Ryan & Maeghan Adams At the end of July, Ryan and Maeghan Adams moved to Shelbyville where Ryan accepted a new position. We are

Foreman. What a great celebration! Thank you to those who were able to be there to celebrate with us.

Back to School Prayer Service

present, and let’s help prepare for the upcoming school year. We will follow the Back to School Prayer Service with an ice cream fellowship in the Fellowship Hall.

Name Tag Sunday Our Sunday morning service will be different August 13th. This is Nametag Sunday, and here is the schedule for that day. 8:15 AM

Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall

9:00 AM Sunday School

happy for them but sad for us. We will

We will have our Back to School Prayer

miss them both, and will miss the con-

Service on Sunday, August 6th at 6 PM!

tribution Maeghan has made weekly to

We will worship and pray for our

our church as a part of our staff for the

students and educators as they return

Take note that we will only have one

past eight years. Please pray for them as

for the new school year. We had a good

worship service on August 13th.

we send them out to become “mission-

turnout last year and expect another

aries” in Shelbyville.

good service this year. Plan now to be

10:00 AM Worship & Lord's Supper in the Sanctuary

Makenzie, David, Elliot, and Lillie pause for a photo opp while attending a block party at the Dunn home.




ften, some of the most

sion teams to cities across our country

out invitations…they set up a basic

opportune relationships we

to help church planters throw block

block party with hot dogs and burgers

have for engaging people in

parties, yet we seldom, if ever, do the

and asked that neighbors join in the

spiritual conversations are the connec-

same in our own city. So recently, on

fun by bringing sides and desserts.

tions we have with those that live right

one of the most popular holidays for

The old principle held true in their

around us. In order for those to happen,

grilling out, Memorial Day, three fami-

attempts…“if you build it, they will

a crucial first step must be made…we

lies from FBC took on the opportunity

come.” These families built and coor-

must actually get to know our neigh-

to get to know their neighbors in order

dinated a gathering on their street, and

bors. FBC wants to help individuals

to build relationships in hopes of future

the people came! Listen to some of their

and couples reach their neighborhoods

spiritual conversations. These families

stories from those gatherings and pray

with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and one

hosted block parties in their driveways/

for them as they continue to pursue

of the recent endeavors has been block

yards on Memorial Day Weekend.

after the people living around them.

parties. So many times, we send mis-

They walked door to door and handed

Wesley & Julie Dunn

and invite people to our “hot dog party”

on our street. As we had the party, it

(as Elliot referred to it). In the process

was wonderful to watch so many differ-

of going to each home, we were able to

ent conversations going on. Personally,

briefly chat with neighbors and get to

we were able to ask questions and find

know them, even the ones that wouldn’t

out what’s going on in neighbor’s lives

be able to make it to the party. Through

(what they do, where they’re from, etc.).

the invite process we found out our

This gave us great insight for future

neighbors were really excited about

conversations. Probably the most nota-

doing something like this. The word

ble highlight of the event came toward

quickly spread and neighbors started

the end. We have lived in our home for

chatting with one another about what

five years and have had a difficult time

all they were going to bring or provide

building a relationship with an older

for the party…it really became a group

gentleman on our street who often

effort! This promoted great community

seems indifferent. After this year's block

This year’s Memorial Day party at our house was our second one. We had the opportunity to do the same thing last year! We had been burdened for some time about reaching out to our neighbors and decided that a grill-out in our front yard would be a wonderful way to meet and engage people. What is so wonderful about doing this is the fact that we can involve our entire family in the work! As we handed out invitations, it gave our children the opportunity to actually be the ones to knock on doors

2 | Connect Magazine

party, that neighbor approached me

of the event we had a nice gathering of

was a smaller number than anticipated,

(Wesley), shook my hand, and thanked

people and, to my surprise, I met four

it was still a success. A young girl from

us for hosting. This event has given us

people that were new to the neighbor-

a few houses down attended VBS and

an opportunity to break down barriers,

hood and spoke to two families that I

stepped into a church for the first time.

get to know people, and take steps to-

had not previously. Some of our neigh-

She now asks to hear more about Jesus

ward future spiritual conversations. Our

bors are homebound, but reached out

each time she visits our home. Another

plans in the coming months are to have

to our family by phone. We were able to

family has begun attending worship

another gathering and to also host a 4-6

bring them plates and spend time with

at FBC and hopes to dive into Sunday

week Bible study this fall at our home.

them. Everyone was so grateful that we

School in the near future as well. We are

Please pray for the potential of that to

hosted this event, and it has literally and

reminded that it's about giving up our

develop and bear fruit!

figuratively opened doors.

own personal expectations (such as dis-

Josh & Sarah Fuqua

We plan to follow-up with another

This past year we felt the need (a God-given burden) to develop relationships in our neighborhood in an effort to share our faith. We thought we knew most of our neighbors, but the majority had never been to our home or shared a meal with us. We didn’t want church to be the only place we invited our neighbors. We began discussing the logistics of having the neighborhood over for dinner. We found neighbors that were equally burdened and a church that was supportive and could see God was laying the groundwork for our outreach. We partnered with our next door neighbors (thanks, T & J) and found logistical support from FBC. On the day Dunns

cookout and hope that some of our neighbors will join our small group. One of the surprising results of hosting this event has been how it strengthened our witness with friends and acquaintances outside of our neighborhood. Thank God for his blessing and pray He will continue to open doors.

appointment in the small number that attended) and remembering that God is at work in every situation. God calls us to love our neighbors. This could be as simple as asking a family over for dinner, lending a ladder to someone down the street, or welcoming other children into our home to play. This could also mean meeting someone in their place of brokenness, being present through their

Jeremy & Kristin Shiflet

pain, and talking with them about the

Being new to our neighborhood, our

the needs around us, and we are open

family was eager to hand out invitations

and ready to follow God's guidance in

and meet our neighbors. As we made

meeting those needs. We look forward

our rounds, most people expressed

to other opportunities to connect with

excitement about the block party and

our neighbors whether it's through

said they would be there. About six

another block party or everyday inter-

families actually came by and while that

actions. 


love and sacrifice of Jesus. God knows



August 2017 | 3

Our team helped with Soccer Nights, a four-day soccer camp hosted by Redemption Hill Church for ages 5–12.




ur goal as a mission team was to partner with Redemption Hill Church in their ongoing

ministry efforts in Medford. We were able to assist RHC in several ways. Our main responsibility was to help facilitate their soccer clinic called Soccer Nights. Our team was responsible for setting up and tearing down the clinic as well as serving at the registration tables, snack tables, and as soccer coaches. We spent a couple of mornings handing out granola bars and coffee to morning travelers. We also spent a couple of mornings

Garrett Mayfield I was able to help with the work in the parks. Our participation gave more opportunities to spread the name of Redemption Hill and God through our work. It allowed me to see how under

that are willing to help out and to show them that they are not alone in their journey with spreading God's love.

hard it is for a church plant to thrive.

show me that he has blessed me with

This mission trip made we want to be

many different talents in different areas,

involved in more missions work and

whether that be with having an easy

other trips.

time meeting other people or having

Bethany Roberts

grown shrubs and spreading mulch in

in Boston was handing out granola bars

playgrounds. These opportunities to

with my dad and Sam at a train station,

serve are small ways in which RHC is

helping in a local park with the others,

building credibility in the Medford area.

and helping at soccer nights. During

4 | Connect Magazine

there are people from other churches

The Lord used this trip in my life to

The ways I was personally able to help

dents giving testimony about this trip.

Redemption Hill by showing them that

churched many areas are and how

clearing neighborhood parks of over-

The following are a couple of our stu-

I feel that FBC's participation helped

soccer nights I registered the 4th and 5th graders and watched the smaller children that were unable to play in soccer nights.

the ability to get along with children. He's open my eyes to show me that I need to keep getting out of my comfort zone and to keep meeting new people and showing them the Lord. This trip has changed my perspective by making me more aware of projects locally, like trimming trees and bushes at parks, or helping around in other parts of the town.

Clockwise: 1. A shot of the crowd before the first night of Soccer Nights; 2. Students handing out granola bars to commuters; 3–5, 7. Our team mulched, trimmed hedges, and painted gazebos at local parks; 4. "Life in the big city!" Our students waiting on the subway.

August 2017 | 5

2016 Super Hero night at Awana


Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri.

Interested in Pickleball? The CLC has


Sunday, August 6 at 8:30 AM

systems, their employees, students, and families. This service is open to everyone, not just parents, teachers, and students. Let's join together as a church family to pray for the upcoming school

weekly pick-up games! Join us Mon-

Our 5-year-old preschoolers will gradu-


days, Wednesdays, and Fridays (10 AM

ate from preschool during our 8:30 ser-

to noon) or Tuesdays (5 to 7:30 PM).

vice on Sunday, August 6th. Parents of

Instruction is available for newcomers.

children promoting to Kindergarten are


Players of all levels welcome!

encouraged to attend a parent meeting


that day at 11 AM in Room 300. At least

Wednesdays in August

Beginning on Wednesday, August 2nd, lunch will be served at 11:45 AM for Noon Prayer Meeting. Join us for

one parent is encouraged to be present. Contact Suzie with any questions.


Sunday, August 6 at 6 PM

prayer, a hymn, and devotional from

Join us in the Sanctuary for this church-

Pastor Paul.

wide event as we pray for our school

6 | Connect Magazine

Sunday, August 6 at 7 PM

Join us for ice cream and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall immediately following our Back to School Prayer Service!

NAME TAG SUNDAY Sunday, August 13

Name Tag Sunday is back! The purpose of Name Tag Sunday is for us to get to know others who call First Baptist

home. We will begin in the Fellowship

Christ, following the command of He-

hopes to help us take the next steps in

Hall at 8:15 AM where you will pick up

brews 12:1. Tackling the cultural chal-

practical obedience on the call for all

a name tag and have breakfast. As you

lenge of unplugging in our digital age,

believers to share our faith! This study

enjoy breakfast, take time to fellowship

Unplugged reminds us to be present in

will meet weekly on Wednesdays in

with others and get to know some new

our daily lives.

Room 202.

so there will be plenty of time to visit

Sunday rehearsals for this musical will

with others you don’t often see. After

begin on August 13 from 5:45 to 7:15


Sunday School, we will gather in the

PM, and the children will perform on

Sanctuary at 10 AM for one service. We

Sunday, October 29th at 6 PM. Contact

realize it will be crowded, but we want

Derry at if

everyone to stay for worship. We will

you are interested or have any ques-

observe the Lord's Supper in this com-


folks. Sunday School will begin at 9 AM,

bined worship service.

PROMOTION SUNDAY Sunday, August 13


Children and students will promote to

Summer break is over and Wednesday

their new classes on August 13th. Please

nights are back at First Baptist Ow-

note, our promotion policy mirrors the

ensboro! Preschool, Awana, and youth

Public School System. In order for a

activities return Wednesday, August

child to promote to Kindergarten, the

16th at 6 PM, along with family supper

child will need to turn five on or before

at 4:45 PM and a new adult open Bible

October 1st. If you have any questions,

study at 6 PM called 3 Circles Evange-

please contact Alisha, Suzie, or Will.

lism Training.


Begins Wednesday, August 16

Saturday, August 19

Join us on August 19th for our annual Family Baseball Night at the Evansville Otters. We will leave from Bertram Lot at 5 PM and head to Evansville to catch the Otters vs. River City Rascals game at 6:35 PM. Ticket prices are as follows: Ages 9–Adult Ages 6–8 Ages 5 & Under

$12 $8 FREE

Prices include your ticket, transportation to the game, and your meal. The meal includes hamburger, hot dog, two sides, and unlimited soft drinks. Register online no later than August 15th at


Tuesday, August 22 at 6 PM

Come and learn more about the women

3 Circles Evangelism Training is

you go to church with, and hear how

designed to equip the people of FBC

God has been working in their lives

with the personal evangelism training

through beautiful testimonies! Dessert

tool developed by the North American

and hot drinks provided. 

Our rising 3rd-6th graders are invit-

Mission Board called 3 Circles: Turning

ed to participate in, Unplugged: The

Everyday Conversations into Gospel

Musical! This timely and witty musical

Conversations. Pastor Paul preached

dares us to disconnect from things that

extensively over the summer on evan-

distract us from one another and from

gelism and will lead this training. He August 2017 | 7

This month we introduce Todd Houston and David Moore. These men of God are tasked with the mission of caring for our church's needs. Keep them in your daily prayers as they seek to serve our congregation and pursue unity in the church. What passage of Scripture has recent-

that people see me as different than

ly impacted you and in what way?

society. Oh, how I fail daily!

Psalm 69: 9–12 has impacted me to ask

What are specific ways that you pray

myself, “Am I passionate about follow-

for the congregation of FBC?

ing Christ?” In this scripture, David cries out to God. He is so consumed


with following God that people are insulting him because of his zeal. They insult and mock him because his care

When did you become a member of

for God is so great that they are intim-

First Baptist Owensboro?

idated. This Scripture challenges me to

I believe since 2002.

be, act, and live different in this world. To be so consumed with following God

Specifically, I pray for three things: for our congregation to always love on guests when they visit our church, our leadership to always guide our church by Scripture and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, and I pray for the boys in the 9th and 10th grade Sunday school class I teach.

What passage of Scripture has recent-

What are specific ways that you pray

ly impacted you and in what way?

for the congregation of FBC?

Many years ago, FBC attended several

I feel that our staff can use many

Promise Keepers Conventions, and the

prayers to keep them focused on giving

theme one year was “for me and my

to others before self-serving. I feel they

house, we will serve the Lord”. I came

feel the prayers going up to support

home and made that the mission state-

each of them. I try to pray regularly

ment for my family household. I work

for the sick and needy. I feel that I have

every day to have our household serve

been blessed in SO many ways. I make

First Baptist Owensboro?

the Lord in everything we do. Kelly and

sure that I express to God that I know

I stress the importance of doing what is

He is the reason for those blessings.

I joined FBC on September 2, 1990. I

pleasing to God to the girls regularly.

Several years ago, I did a Bible study

DAVID MOORE When did you become a member of

remember the date, because it was my

that stressed making sure that we praise

25th birthday!

God before asking for more blessings.

8 | Connect Magazine



reetings all from sunny West

Kenya. I remember vividly that over-

the security situation in South Sudan

Africa. I have spent the last

whelmed feeling I had as we were plan-

has further unraveled. The civil war

two weeks in meetings with

ning and preparing. I knew the material

has been raging for a few years and is

colleagues learning and dialoguing

but not the location, colleagues, culture,

now on the edge of creeping into the

about planting healthy churches. We

or language. All reports said this part of

Toposa area. Coupled with poor rains,

have been challenged to think past our

South Sudan was quite remote and just

food insecurity is the new normal in

culture and tradition and really exam-

getting there was a challenge. The IMB

this area. Crime has escalated to fill in

ine what Scripture says.

leader in that area told me, “Judy, the

the gaps. All of these combined issues

only way this project can possibly suc-

have forced the Lewis family to evacu-

ceed is by prayer.” So I took his counsel

ate from South Sudan for at least three

seriously, and we all “got to it” and be-

months. Has the worked stopped? No.

gan praying. Many of you have partici-

These well-trained Toposa believers are

pated in this effort by the vision casted

out sharing their faith, training their

from the pulpit, from my prayer letters,

fellow believers, and reaching out to the

and social media posts. My colleague

lost. The week after the Lewis’ had left,

who said it would only be successful

the believers baptized 58 new believers!

through prayer was right!

Pray for their continued commitment

One of the tools available to our colleagues is the program I work with, StoryTogether (ST). This program targets non-literate people or oral learners, teaching them how to put God’s Word in a story format. With storytelling being a traditional method of relaying truth for adults, the Bible becomes accessible to people groups for the first

and direction from the Holy Spirit. Ask

time. Instead of the Bible being seen as

We just concluded this official phase

a book from outsiders for the literate

of the project. We concluded with two

intellectuals, now the common man can

Turkana speakers who recorded 41

hear and wrestle with the truths of God

stories. Seven Toposa speakers recorded

Please continue to pray for me and the

and His plan to redeem man to Himself

52 stories and 17 new Scripture songs.

three other projects around Sub-Sahara

through His son, Jesus.

Also, these seven Toposa participants

Africa. We will add the fourth in Oc-

have each planted a new church in the

tober. It is exciting working with many

last 12 months. We thank God for His

different people groups sharing God’s


Word in a manner that it is accessible to

In 2014, your church began this journey with me in our first official ST project amongst the Toposa people of South Sudan and the Turkana of northern

The rest of the story, though, is that

the Lord to show the Lewis’ the best timing for their return to South Sudan.

all, not just some. August 2017 | 9

by Virgil Barker, Follow-Up Team


an a treasure be too expensive? This question came up recently as Sandy and I spent

a couple of days visiting antique shops in the Twin Cities. It’s interesting to see the items offered for sale; some create a sense of nostalgia, others play more to our sense of humor. However, all are of value to someone. While wandering the stores, it’s fun hearing comments from shoppers. The phrases most often heard are: “that’s way too expensive, it’s just not worth it, no one would pay that price,” or my favorite, “are you kidding me?!”

Webster defines a treasure as, “some-

need, always being ready to share with

thing of great worth or value, esteemed

others whatever God has given them.

as rare or precious.” The problem is

By doing this they will be storing up

determining what constitutes “great

their treasure as a good foundation for

worth.” The discussion generally

the future so that they may take hold of

gravitates toward material possessions.

real life.” (NLT)

The Scriptures provide perspective by focusing on the “Real Treasure.” I Timothy 6:17-19 says, “Tell those who are rich in this world not to be proud and not to trust in their money, which will soon be gone. But their trust should be in the living God, who richly gives us all we need for our enjoyment. Tell them to use their money to do good. They should be rich in good works and should give generously to those in

Construction Update: Pictured here is one of the entrances to our new commons area on the second floor. To the top right is a banister on which different stains have been tested. On the bottom right, you see a sneak peak of our new addition between the CLC and 1920s building.

10 | Connect Magazine

Connect: For Future Generations is a good example of a treasure that is expensive, but not too expensive. When we surrender our resources to God, allowing Him to use those resources to impact “future generations,” it is definitely worth it! How could an endeavor giving future generations the opportunity to receive eternal life not be a treasure of great worth?

Raidyn Bailey

Rowan Canning

Parker Foreman

THEY GROW UP SO FAST! These preschoolers are headed to the big time: Kindergarten!

Alyson Goodall

Emily Howard


Annabelle Kirkland

Emerson Houston

Stephen Smith

Camp K12 went to Kentucky Down Under in July!


A Month in Review

"If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together." —1 Corinthians 12:26



SYMPATHY...We offer Christian love and sympathy to Morton (Janelle) Downs in the death of his sister-in-law, Mary Jo Allgood Downs; Mike (Melanie) Smith in the death of his mother, Monnie Smith Mauzy; to the family of Barbara Neese; to Melody (Roger) Brooks in the death of her mother, Dorothy Fitzgerald.


Joined by Statement on July 9th Dianne Baber Critchlow Not Pictured

Joined by Baptism on July 30th Emma Foreman

Joined by Statement on July 23rd Tom & Jennifer Green

Joined by Letter on July 11th Mildred Cannon

Joined by Baptism on July 30th Kendall Jennings



6:30 AM - 9 PM

8 AM - 4:30 PM

Monday—Thursday Friday

6:30 AM - 1 PM


9 AM - 3 PM 12 | Connect Magazine

Monday—Thursday Friday

8 AM - 1 PM

Joined by Baptism on July 30th Payton Goodall Joined by Baptism on July 30th Paige Overby

BROADCAST INFO Our service is broadcast on 90.3 WKWC on Sundays at 10 AM and Channel 72 Tuesdays at 7 PM and Wednesdays at 9 AM. Services are on a one week delay. Note: Sensitive information cannot be broadcast. An older service will be aired in its place.

MINISTER ON CALL If you have an after hours emergency, please call 270.683.3505 and press 9 to reach the minister on call.

Picture from our 2016 Family Night at the Evansville Otters.

AUGUST Calendar of Events


No Evening Activities

12:00 PM Prayer Lunch Returns



6:00 PM Seekers Prayer No Children's Church

8:30 AM Classic Worship

8:30 AM Preschool Graduation 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM

Elevate Worship

11:00 AM Preschool Parent Meeting 6:00 PM Back to School Prayer Service 7:00 PM Ice Cream Fellowship


Jo Nelson Study

No Evening Activities

12:00 PM

Prayer Lunch


Celebration of the Lord's Supper Name Tag & Promotion Sunday

8:15 AM Breakfast 9:00 AM Sunday School 10:00 AM Combined Worship 5:45 PM Unplugged Rehearsal Begins 6:00 PM 7:00 PM

Evening Worship Deacon Meeting


Evening Activities Return

12:00 PM

Prayer Lunch

4 :45 PM Evening Supper 6:00 PM 3 Circles Evangelism Training 6:00 PM Preschool, Awana, & Youth

17 THURSDAY 19 SATURDAY 5:00 PM Evansville Otters 20SUNDAY 6:00 PM Seekers Prayer

8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Unplugged Rehearsal Evening Worship

22TUESDAY 6:00 PM Legacy Night 23WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

27SUNDAY 8:30 AM 9:45 AM 11:00 AM 5:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Lunch Evening Supper Studies for All Ages

Classic Worship Sunday School Elevate Worship Unplugged Rehearsal Evening Worship

28WEDNESDAY 12:00 PM 4:45 PM 6:00 PM

Prayer Lunch Evening Supper Studies for All Ages

For information on these events, visit us online at or

August 2017 | 13

230 JR Miller Blvd • Owensboro, KY 42303 270.683.3505 •

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