Deep and Wide Brochure

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DEAR FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH AND SCHOOL FAMILY, With hearts filled with gratitude for how God provided in Phase One, we are now ready to seek the Lord to build Phase Two! The three-year capital campaign for Phase Two is called the Deep and Wide Campaign. The campaign logo is based off of the beautiful, old oak trees on the north side of our property. The call to deeper roots is a caller to a deeper relationship with Jesus as we continue to be rooted in Brenham (we’ve been here since 1846!). The branches represent our prayer that out of the overflow of the deepening roots of God working in us, we will used by Him for a greater impact. One of those impacts is the relocation of the school from downtown to our new campus! You will have the opportunity to learn more about this new school building in the pages that follow. It will also provide our church with more space for Sunday School, large social gatherings, additional parking, and other activities. As you read about the building and look at the pictures, please remember that what is most important is the lives that will be changed within the walls of these buildings. Six days a week (Sunday – Friday), people will be hearing about Jesus, children will be cared for, and the Bible will be taught and studied. Think about the families throughout Washington County that will be impacted by what takes place in this building! It is exciting! Over the next three years, we will need you, our church and school families, to prayerfully and sacrificially give to see this building come to fruition. This giving will need to come over-and-above your regular giving/tithing to our church or to your church if you are a school family and member of another church. I believe God has resourced the church and school families to see this building built; therefore, what is most important is seeking Him in prayer for what He is calling you to give or pledge. I also believe when Phase Two is completed, we will be able to give glory to God alone. Therefore, I pray you will be a part of this process because I don’t want you to miss out on what God will do. Thank you First Baptist Church and School family!

CAMPAIGN PURPOSE Since 1977, First Baptist Church School has been providing a Christ-centered, loving, and excellent education for the children of Washington County. Over the years, our downtown campus was added onto and adapted, as best as possible, to provide for the school during the week. We now have the opportunity to design a new school building from “the ground up,” which will allow us to use the best standards and practices for building a beautiful and functional building, a healthy learning environment, and a facility with up-to-date security features. This new facility will also provide more space to accommodate church growth, provide additional Sunday School classes, and provide space for larger fellowships.

PHASE TWO INCLUDES: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

60,134 square feet of additional space Adaptive learning spaces: Libratory (Library, Computer, and Technology), hallway neighborhoods, outdoor learning theatre, and expanded music suite Full-size gym and seating Cafeteria separate from gym for ease of cleaning and coordination with P.E. Flag football field and playgrounds Better access for ease of drop-off and pick-up Teacher recharge station 2,000 square foot fellowship hall with direct access to kitchen More parking Fellowship Hall and classrooms available for additional space for Sunday School classes More ingress and egress onto South Market St and new entrance and exit off of Cantey St. Room for growth of school and church

More info can be found at

QUESTIONS & ANSWERS How will we pay for this? We believe God will provide through our church and school families giving sacrificial gifts joyfully and faithfully to this campaign. These God-given resources, we believe, will be over-and-above what people give to our church or another church.

When will be build? This will be a question answered when we believe we have enough to start construction without putting the project and the church and school in an adverse financial position. At a minimum, we do not plan on starting construction until we have 50% of the funding in place.

How can I help? First, please pray; there is nothing more important than prayer. We want God to be glorified in this process, and this happens as we seek Him and depend upon Him. Second, make a commitment to stay informed about this campaign and the construction and participate when different events happen. We will provide

updates and events throughout this process. Third, ask the Lord to give you clarity about how you may give. God has blessed us in different ways, but we can all participate. In participating in whatever way God leads you, you will get to be a part of what God is doing!

How much will this cost? The projected cost is $15-18 million. We see this “cost” as an “investment” in the lives of children and families of Washington County. Thankfully, the church and school are in excellent financial health and have no debt.

Does this new building provide room for growth? While there are no plans to expand beyond 6th grade, the building provides more and better quality space to provide for additional children to be served, cared, and taught in our daycare and school classes.

CREATIVE WAYS TO GIVE Are you enthusiastic about giving to this vision, but not sure where to start? Here are some creative ways to help allocate or free up resources so you can be part of the Deep and Wide Campaign.

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