AVIARY Reimagined

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Jason Hackenwerth's AVIARY, latex balloon sculpture commissioned by Works & Process's 30th Anniversary Gala at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum (2014). Photo by Kristopher McKay.

Created from 6000 balloons and measuring 36' high and 29' in diameter, the work was suspended in the museum's rotunda for one night and then gifted to the Village of Catskill for a second life. With the artist's permission, AVIARY was disassembled, trucked 100 miles north and reconfigured in a vacant storefront, our new theater, the historic Catskill Point, the county office building's lobby and Arts Council gallery, the balloons arrival inspired a get-toknow the artist lecture and hands-on workshop for 400 elementary school kids and a jazz performance. Residents and visitors saw the sculptures on their way to work, on the way to the DMV and social services offices, strolling down Main Street, on the middle of the annual kids exhibit, at a county business chamber event and at the town’s annual Mothers Day Festival. Coordinated by the Greene County Council on the Arts’ public art project, Masters on Main Street, this program is designed to bring attention to Catskill’s downtown, using the arts as a tool for cultural tourism, community and economic development. Special thanks to Works & Process at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, Duke Dang and Charles Rosen, Jason Hackenwerth, Leah Blair, Bridge Street Theatre, Steven Patterson, John Sowle, Catskill Action Team, Nina Sklansky, the Catskill Arts Initiative, Greene County government, Shaun Groden, Village of Catskill, Vincent Seeley, Nancy Richards, Patrick McCulloch, Catskill Elementary School, Dawn Scannapieco, Hudson Talbott, Draga Susanj, Dina Palin, Will Barnds, Stan Raven, Shelly Pulver, Rob Shannon, Rob Hervey, Rinat Leon, Paul Smart.

Work in progress at Brooklyn studio, Friday, March 28, 2014. Photo by Duke Dang.

Installing at the Guggenheim Museum, Wednesday, April 2, 2014. Photo by Duke Dang.

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404 Main Street balloon delivery, 4:30 am, Thursday, April 3, 2014. Photo Fawn Potash.

Bridge Street Theatre balloon delivery, 5 am, Thursday, April 3, 2014. Photo Fawn Potash.

Aviary (reimagined) installation at Bridge Street Theater 44 West Bridge Street, Catskill, NY. Photo Beth Schneck.

Aviary (reimagined) installation at Greene County Office Building Main Street, Catskill, NY. Photo, Fawn Potash.

Aviary (reimagined) installation at 404 Main Street, Catskill, NY. Photo Duke Dang.

Graphic design by Nina Sklansky.

Selfie by Beth Schneck.

Graphic design by Nina Sklansky.

Photo by Beth Schneck.

Photo by Beth Schneck.

Photo by Beth Schneck.

Photo by Duke Dang.

Photo by Beth Schneck.

Leah Blair, Jason Hackenwerth’s studio assistant leading a hands-on balloon sculpture activity for 400 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders at Catskill Elementary School. Photo by Rob Shannon.

2nd grader, Milo Smart with collaborative sculpture created by 400 elementary students. Photo Fawn Potash.

Collaborative Sculpture in progress. Photo Rob Shannon.

Photo by Kyle Adams.

Photo by Veronica Chewens.

The demise of AVIARY (reimagined). Photo by Erika Klein.

Project Instigators: Duke Dang and Charles Rosen with Jason Hackenwerth’s studio assistant, Leah Blair. Photo Rob Shannon.

Project Coordinator, Fawn Potash, Director Masters on Main Street.

Jason Hackenwerth photo by Sean Gilligan.

From Abu Dabi’s International Science Fair, London’s Victoria and Albert Museum and NYC’s Guggenheim Museum to Catskill, NY, Jason Hackenwerth’s massive balloon installations are featured in exhibitions, performances and lectures around the world. Check out more videos and photographs of his work at www.jasonhackenwerth.com.

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