Texas Farm & Ranch, vol 59

Page 61


ituated at Highway 55’s “19-Mile Crossing” of the Nueces River about halfway between Uvalde and Camp Wood, Long Hollow Ranch offers approximately 8,400 acres to the

informed sporting family equipped to recognize quality and value in today’s changing marketplace. Long Hollow and several of its contiguous neighbors are subject to water-quality conservation easements designed to ensure future permeability of the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. By limiting (not eliminating) subdivision and development, these protections preserve far more than water quality. How secure is the viewshed at your existing ranch? How would it affect your enjoyment if the equally-large property you’re considering elsewhere becomes surrounded by 300-acre, then 150-acre ranchettes? If you plan to leave land to future generations, what safeguards the outdoors experience you enjoy today? Can it last? Long Hollow is an active cattle ranch and the conservation easements in place throughout the area enhance rather than limit sporting opportunities. Oil and gas extraction are expressly allowed, and all minerals will convey at time of sale. It’s simple: If you’re not a developer, conservation land provides substantially more acreage for a given budget, or requires less investment to reach a target size. Long Hollow Ranch is beautiful country with significant appreciative potential at a very compelling price. Fortunately for those that do, few people understand the emerging trends by which investment-grade rural property is selected and held. If you are capable of owning an asset of this caliber and you comprehend value, Long Hollow Ranch should be on your short list to consider. Limited subdivision is possible. Nothing similar is available for the price: offers between $800 and $1,200 per acre (depending on configuration) will be considered. v

Mike Luigs 512 914-5058 mobile mluigs@landwatersky.com www.landwatersky.com Volume 59 Texas Farm&Ranch


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