Rumah Gadang

Page 31



The walls at the sides of the house are called dinding tapi. These walls are made of woven bamboo called sasak bugis. This wall is constructed after the completion of the structural components of the house. The bamboo used for treated by soaking it in the water for a duration of time. This process protects te bamboo from termite and makes it strong and long lasting. It was woven on site and attacted to the 1

structural components of the house by grooves or takuk which hold the walls firmly. Legend

The upper part of the sasak bugis is pegged to the

1 Singo 2 Sasak Bugis 3 Kampias Sasak

columns and positioned between the roof gable (singo) and the columns. The use of peg or pasak is a common technique used. This technique require no

2 1 Perspective view of dinding tapi 2 Kampiar sasak on dinding tapi


nails. The roof gable (singo) has ornamentation on it

The verandah or sarambi in both Rumah Gadang

to enhance the aesthethic of the sasak bugis.

Dt. Mangkudum and Rumah Gadang Dt. Kayo are of masonary construction. With the arrival of Dutch in Pariangan, concrete and stone had been applied as material in the wall construction system. However, the construction of sarambi maintained the traditional construction techniques. No nails is used in timber walls in the sarambi.

4 3 Construction of dinding tapi 4 Concrete and stone used for wall construction at sarambi

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