Carousel Party Easter Issue 5 March 2014

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Easter Outfit ideas Little Duckling Easter Party First Communion Celebration Is s ue 5 | M arc h 2 0 1 4

About the Magazine

Carousel Party is a baby and kids lifestyle magazine that focuses on life’s sweetest “celebrations”. We look to inspire with the latest trends in fashion and parties by featuring amazing parties, the newest trends in tabletop confections, and ideas for celebrating all the sweetest moments that happen in your child’s life.

A note from the Editor Spring has sprung and we are so ready for the warmer weather and all the wonderful parties that come along with it! In this issue you will find beautiful and inspirational parties done by some of the most talented stylists and designers! We hope this issue serves as an inspiration for getting you in the mood for the warmer weather and it brings out your inner creative stylist! Spring is about new beginnings, new adventures and certainly new ideas! We hope you will love what you see and know that we look forward to publishing more inspirational issues for our readers filled with incredible ideas that can be re-created easily by you!


Featured on the cover

Apparel by Village Apparel Easter Basket ideas LittLe DuckL ing easte r Party First Communion Celebration

Photo by Hailey Faria Photography Make Up by Kreative Art Services

2014 Issue 5 | March

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Mag a zin e Sta ff

Suzanne Olvey Editor- in- Chief

My name is Suzanne and I am a mom to two beautiful girls who bring me the greatest joy as well as an event/party stylist for Fanciful Events!

Valerie Gimre Editor-in-Chie f I’m the founder and event stylist at Charming Touch Parties. I’m a momma of three busy, active, joyfilled kids, who keep me on-the-move and provide a constant stream of party inspiration. My lifelong admiration for sweet little details, my love of crafting, and my passion for throwing parties has inspired me to create my own event design business.

Rachel Green Creat iv e Di rec tor

Christy Bergerson Stylis t

As owner + designer for Printed Ink, I love anything design. I am thrilled to be a part of the Carousel Magazine team and I hope to bring you the best parties and inspiration in a way that is easy to read and fun to look at!

Hi I’m Christy - Wife, Mom, hopeless DIY enthusiast and Printable Designer & Event Stylist behind Itsy Belle Studio. I can’t wait to share all kinds of pretty party inspiration with you!

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Con t ri butors

S u z an n e O lv ey Fan ci f u l E v e n t s

Aut umn Gadbois A u tu mn Lyn n ’s C h o c o la t e S ins

Tania Fi s che r Tania Fis cher D es igns

Vale ri e Gim r e Char mi ng Tou ch Par ties

A n d r e a S c atuc c io Pa per + Pop

Ha iley Fa ria Ha iley Fa ria Ph o t o gra p h y

Li s a Frank Handcr afted Par ites

Tanya COl em a n S oir ee Ev e nt D es ign

Lor al e e L ew i s Lo r a l e e Le w i s

Koko & Mand y Ko ko Blu sh & Co.

Kate Face y

Kim Sto eg b a uer The To m kat S tu dio

J en n y R au l l i Blo om D e s i g n s

Bet h K ruse Beth K ru se Cus tom C rea t io n s

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B ab y S t e p s Ph o t o gr ap h y an d De si gn




30 Par ties to lo ve

Spring has sprung

0 8

Sk at i n g Away fr om Win te r C ha r m i n g Tou c h Pa rt ies

26 Du ckling Ea ster Pa rty Fanciful E vents


Ba r n ya r d B a sh A u t u m n Ly n n ’s C h o c o la te Sin s

30 Modern Ea ster Pa rty Paper + Pop


Sw e e t i e P i e Par ty Bl oom D es i g ns


Somebu nny Lov es You Birthday Beth Kr us e Cus tom Cr eations


Peter Ra bb it Photo Shoot Hailey Far ia Photogr aphy

2 0 F i r s t Co m m un ion C e le b r ation Ta n i a Fi s che r Design

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62 M aki n g Ea s t e r P re t t y

Fa n c y S p r i n g F l i n gs

41 E a s t e r DIY C r afts L i s a Fr a n k


Spri ng Tea Pa rty Baby S teps Photography & Desi g n



Bu nny Ba by Show er S oir ee E vent D es ign


Ba rbie™ Gla m Bi rthday The Tomkat S tudio


Confetti Fou ndati on

P e t e r R a bb it Par ty C ha r m i n g To u c h Pa rt ies

48 E a s t e r E gg tr avag an z a Lora l e e Le w is + Ko ko Blu sh & C o.

Dr essing U p for E a s t e r 53 E a s t e r o utfit id e a s 55 E a s t e r T re ats

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Parties to love

Skating Away from winter B y C h ar mi n g To u ch Par ti es

credits E v e n t S ty l i ng: Ch ar min g To u c h Par t ie s P h oto g r a p h y: Je n nife r Kay e Ph o t o gr aph y P ri n ta bl e s a n d g r a phic s: Be t h Kr u se Cu st o m Cr e at io ns Ca ke: Bake I t ! C u p c a k e s: Ch ar m in g To u c h Par t ie s Ice s k at e a n d mit ten c ake pops: Ro ni Su gar Cr e at io n s C o o ki es: Nat Swe e t s Fo nda nt ca k e to p p e r a n d fo ndant c u pc a ke toppers: Lo v e & Su gar Ki s s es Pe r s ona l i z e d s c a r v e s a n d h at favors: Sh awn a Br o c k m e ie r St y l e d Events Bir t h d ay gi r l nec kla c e: Bu t t e r c u p Bl ing I c e Skat e Pinata: Pl e asant l y Pinat as C us to m e m be lli s h e d bi rt hday hat s: Ch ar m ing To u c h Par t ie s www.carous e

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barnyard bash By A u tu m n Lyn n ’s C h o co late Si ns

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credits St y ling and Photog ra phy: Au t u m n Gadbo is Printa b les: Dim pl e pr ints Fonda nt Farm Anim al & Si lo: Fan c y Cake s Cow Su g ar Cooki es: Th e Swe e t Sh o p Co o k ie Co mp any Tab le Ru nner & Rag G arl an d: Cu pc ake wit h Ch ar ac t er Horse Fonda nt Oreo Top pers: 4 Kids Cake s Chic k c ake pops, ric e c rispy treats, c orn lollipops, a nd Or eo s: Au t u m n Ly n n’s Ch o c o l at e Si ns St rawb erry Frenc h Ma c a ro n s: Pist ac ia Ve r a Pi nk Chevron St raws: Th e Pr e t t y Par t y Sh o ppe Pi nk Ba rn Favor Boxe s: We n dy ’s Pr int abl e Par t y

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Sweetie Pie Party B y blo o m d e si gn s

I am so excited to share my daughter’s Sweetie Pie Party with you. Hillary turned ten and she is truly the sweetest, gentlest young lady you have ever meet. This was the perfect them for her and I was so excited to find all kids of pie foods, desserts, crafts and activities to fit this theme. We choose a dark red and french blue color scheme which was incorporated into all of our printables, found here. Our lunch room was decorated with lots of dark red paper lanterns and 17 inch round balloons which covered the floor. We covered the chairs with blue gingham fabric that matched the invite and the table was set with custom place mats and prepackaged lunches in gable boxes. At the “fillings” table, the girls stocked up on blueberries in mini jars, cherries, strawberries and sweet soda pop. They also

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had mini hand pies and berry pie slices served in gingham berry boxes. The cupcake toppers with gingham pattern and cherries were made by the amazing Brittany Ruhmor of Edible Details. During the party the girls decorated cupcakes (piethe new cupcake), made mini strawberry pies and tossed their own pizza pies. They then went on a find the fillings hunt. I decided to make a canopy to cover the dessert table so that it looked like a little bakery stand. www.carous e

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It was pretty easy to make with three pieces of wood per side for the uprights and wooden dowels to connect the two sides. Your lumber store can cut the wood to exact size so plan ahead. My mom is an amazing sewer so she made the gingham cover. You could also find a bed sheet that works.

couldn’t even tell they were cookies. We had all types of mini individual pies- banana creme pie, chocolate smore’s pie, mini mason jars with a sweetie pie, peach and apple. We also had mini round hand pies with the letter H on them and individual blueberry pies tied with bakers twine. Ala mode was served in ice cream cups.

The dessert table was filled with everything pie, of course. A gingham 10 and mini fondant pie made by Edible Details topped the cake. Elizabeth from Lizy B’s Bakeshop made the most amazing pie sugar cookies. They were so realistic that people

The girls took home with ruffled aprons with tags thanking them for rolling with the birthday girl.

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credits Pa rt y Conc ept a nd Styl in g: Bl o o m De signs Onli ne b a ki ng c u ps, ic e c ream cups, g ab le b oxes, st raws, tw in e, wooden st ic ks and ma so n ja r lids: Bl o o m s De si g ns I nvitat ion a nd printabl es: Bl o o m De signs Pi e Su g ar Cooki es: Li zy B’s Bake sh o p Fondant c ake a nd cupcake toppers: Edibl e Detai ls Photog raphy: Lau r a Lai ng Ph o t o gr aph y www.carous e

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Communion Celebration

By Tania Fisc her Design

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Celebrate the special moments

it ’s all in the


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credits S etu p a n d S ty l e: Tan ia Fisc h e r and Ro ni Pl asc e nc ia Invi tati o n, P o s te r, c o nes and printa b les: Tan ia Fisc h e r Des i g n C upca k e s, c a k e p o p s, c a k e b a lls, sig nat u re apples, c ake: Ro ni Sug ar Cr e at io n s Cooki es: Nat swe e t s R o s a ries: Tan ia Fisc h e r De sign M i n i M a s o n j a r s Caramel Moose: Past r y Gl am m O r e o s a n d Pret zels: MKR Cr e at io ns Pa p e r S tr aw s a n d Goody Ba gs: Gr e e n Par t y Go o ds C e r a mic C ake pop Sta nd: Cl ay a Go Go P h otog raphy: Mar ia He al e y Ta ble clot h: Candy Cr u sh Sh o p H e a d piec es: Happy An nie page no. 24


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Spring has


Du ck li n g Easter Party By Fa n ci fu l E ve n ts

I did a simple Easter brunch and used a touch of ducklings throughout the theme. I wanted to do this theme a little differently and change up the pastel color scheme with coral, turquoise, yellow and touches of gold. Since I decided on a “duckling” I wanted there to be lots of “egg” elements throughout the dessert table and also incorporated them in the decor, dessert displays and as take home favors {egg cartoons with page no. 26


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“Since I decided on a “duckling” I wanted there to be lots of “egg” elements throughout the dessert table and also incorporated them in the decor, dessert displays and as take home favors.”

candy in them} besides the fun and festive Easter “Nutcrackers”. The brunch menu was simple but full of wonderful things such as waffles on a stick, powdered donuts, mini cinnamon rolls, mini blueberry muffins, donut holes, mini cupcakes, and a couple of sweet treats. I wanted to do something sweet, simple and fun.

credits Conc ept, Desig n, and Styl in g: Fan c if u l Ev e nt s Ru ffled Ga rla nd and Duckl in g Peg s a nd Bu nny Peg: Cr aft Th at Par t y Lit t le Fondant Du c kl in g: Edibl e De t ail s ic e Cream Mini Cu ps, Yel lo w Candy Cu ps, Mint Straw s: Th e To m kat St u dio Ba lloons, Egg Ca rto o n s, Candy Pedesta l: Sh o p Sweet Lulu Pedestal: Th e Past r y Pedes tal Photog raphy: Am y Cr af t Ph o t o gr ap hy

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modern Easter Party B y Pap e r + P o p

credits St y ling, Print ed Mat erial s: An dr e a Sc at u c c io, Pape r + Pop Print G raphic s: Su nn y Duran, Su nn y By De sign Yellow I c e Crea m Spoon s, Polka Dot St raws, Bla c k an d Whit e Cu pc ake Liners: Th e To m Kat St u dio Cu pc akes: Kar e n Hu gh e s Hearty at Cu pc ake Gir l z

l Somebunny ’s

favorite things Bi rthday By Beth Kruse Custom Creatio n s

these are a few of my favorite things

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credits Printab les: Be t h K r u se Cu stom Cr e at io n s Pa rt y St y ling: Be t h K r u se Cus tom Cr e at io n s Photog raphy: Me mo r ie s by Meg an Ph o t o gr aph y Cooki es: Nat Swe e t sCo o k i es Hea db ands: Vint age Be be Props Ca ke Topper: Lu l u Cu pc ake

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Peter Rabbit Photoshoot

B y H ai ley Far i a P h oto gr ap hy

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credits Photog raphy: Hail e y Fari a Ph o t o gr aph y Pet er Rab b it D ress: Fair ytale Ju bil e e Pet er Ra b b it Boy Clot h es: Vil l age Appar e l St y le and Desig n: De l ishStyle

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M aki n g Easter pretty

B y H an d cr afted Par ti es

Pastel Pretties It’s the perfect time to infuse your home with soft, fresh colors and textures and these pastel DIY Easter baskets are quick, easy and pretty enough to display all Spring. This adorable beginner-level craft can be whipped up in 20 minutes with a few basic craft supplies. When the holidays are over, use these cuties to serve food at a picnic, package gifts, or display your pretty office supplies. Mini balloon wand, sprinkle straws + candy straws by Handcrafted Parties. www.carous e

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How to:

Gather various sizes of wooden berry baskets ( Sprinkles: coat sides of basket with thick layer of Mod Podge, then pour sprinkles (, available at Target) onto basket to coat. Use double sided tape to adhere a strip of tissue paper festooning ( around top band of basket. Mint Lace: brush a layer of Mod Podge onto side of basket, press lace onto sides and seal with another layer of Mod Podge over top. Paint top band of basket with craft paint (Martha Stewart Pea Shoot). Painted: paint the basket base (Martha Stewart Wild Salmon). Confetti: brush a thin layer of Mod Podge onto one side of basket at a time. Gently press 1� tissue paper circles onto basket, overlapping in places. Coat with a thin layer of Mod Podge to seal. Arch handled basket: paint raw wood basket ( with Martha Stewart Wild Salmon craft paint. Dress it up with a DIY coffee filter flower with a fringed lace center.

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Pinatas Gone Glam By Hand cr afted Par ti es Every party is more exciting with the anticipation of treats and trinkets spilling out of a pinata, so why not up the ante with an Easter egg pinata in lieu of a traditional basket? These glamorous Kate Spadeinspired DIY pinatas in gold, glitter and black + white stripes are perfect for all the fashion-forward ladies in your life. A white tissue paper festooning pinata is made chic with the addition of gold glitter polka dots, while a mini mylar golden egg promises to contain egg-stra special treasures.

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Hosting a girl’s night out bash with your best girlfriends, or need a special way to ask someone to be your bridesmaid? This black and white striped pinata with gold glitter bow is hiding a chic transforms into a gift box! Open it to reveal a gold and white stripe wrapping paper-lined box, trimmed with gold metallic ric rac. It’s a stylish way to present any gift that is sure to become a treasured keepsake. Learn how to make your own by following along with tutorials at Lisa Frank’s blog:

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Peter Rabbit Party B y C h ar mi n g To u ch Par ti es

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credits Event St yling and Des ign: Ch ar m ing To u c h Par t ie s Photog ra phy: Je n nife r Kay e Ph o t o gr ap hy Printab les a nd g raphics: Be t h K r u se Cu st o m Cr e at ions Cooki es: Nat Swe e t s Fondant Toppers: Ro n i Su gar Cr e at io ns Ca ke Pops and Choc ol ate Covered Oreos: Kima ’s Ko nf e c t io ns Fab ric Fringe Bu nt in g: Lil l y Pau l De sign s www.carous e

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Easter Eggstravaganza B y Loral ee Lewis + Koko Blu sh & C o.

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credits Pa rt y St y ling and Pla nnin g: Ko ko Bl u sh & Co mpany and Lo r al e e Le wis Photog ra phy: Lo o k ie Lo o Ph o t o gr aphy Tag s, La b els, Signs: Lo r al e e Le wis Clot hing a nd Props: Ko ko Bl u sh & Co mpany

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dressing up for


Easter looks f o r g irls

Louise Dress Prim & Pretty Dress

Persnickety Bo Peep Erika Dress

Afternoon Tea Dress


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Easter looks For boy s

Spring Derby

Dressy Casual Bunny Stripes Easter Outfit

BUttondown Dress Shirt

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treat ideas Hatching Chick Cupcakes By Itsy Belle SUPPLIES Angel Wing Cookies Cutters (sold at Sugar Cookie Dough Cupcakes Mini Cupcakes WIlton Candy Eyes Small Egg Bowls Orange Reeses Pieces Candies Yellow Buttercream Icing Wilton 21 Icing Tip www.carous e

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INSTRUCTIONS 1. Bake & cool cupcakes, mini cupcakes and Angel Wing Sugar Cookies. Our favorite recipe for non-spreading sugar cookie dough can be found here. 2. Pipe yellow buttercream onto large cupcake and front of wings using Wilton Icing Tip 21 or similar tip to give “feather� appearance. 3. Place angel wing cookies on bowl and large cupcake in next. 4. Set mini cupcake on top of cupcake and finish piping icing over wings and mini cupcake until completely covered. 5. Add Wilton Candy Eyes and place two Reeses Pieces to create Beak. page no. 56


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Easter treats B y Fiz z y Par ty

Bunny Cake Pops By Autumn Lyn n ’s C h o co late Si n s

Peter Rabbit Cookie Pops & Cookies B y N atsw ee ts

Fan c y Sp ring flings

it’s tea time

Sp r ing Tea Party

B y B ab y Steps Photography an d D esi gn P ty Ltd

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Gir l s o u t f i t s: Do l l c ake, Te a Pr inc e ss, Et sy D r u ms: My Fir st Ro o m P ony: Kat e Finn C u p s a n d pa p er part y wares: Pape r Esk imo S uitc a ses: Ebay Lo lly Ja r s: Th e Lit t l e Big Co mpan y Pa p e r p i n wh e els: Baby St e ps Ph o t o gr aph y F u rnit u re: I ke a www.carous e

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baby shower B y S o i r e e E ve n t D e si gn

sweet new baby

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St y ling & Printab les: So ir e e Ev e n t De sign Ma rshma llow Pops: Th e Mar sh m al l o w St u dio Ca ke Pops & Choc olate Covered Oreos: Th e Go u r m e t POP Fonda nt Toppers: Ku pc ake Spo t

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Barbie Glam ™

bi r th d ay par ty B y th e to mkat stu d i o

“Have the girls pose for photos after the fashion show and send a copy out with the thank you cards!�

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We are so excited to officially announce our newest brand partner, Barbie™! We recently styled this Barbie™ themed party for Walmart in celebration of Barbie’s birthday which was on March 9th! This party theme, was a classic Barbie™ style with a focus on beauty, fashion and fun! We created a free printable party designs , along with Barbie™ products from Walmart, which makes for the ultimate Barbie™ birthday party on any budget! The printable collection includes invitation designs,

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cupcake toppers, favor tags and more! The best part? The invitation and label designs are even customizable so that you can add your own text before printing. You can find the printable collection here. A fun activity for the party is a fashion show! The girls can get their hair and make-up done, all while getting one of their own Barbies™ ready too! This Barbie™ Printastic Hair Doll, available at Walmart is so much fun for the girls to play with.

Once the girls and their Barbie™ dolls are dressed and ready, it’s time for the fashion show! Create a catwalk by lining up chairs, turn up the music and have the girls take turns walking down the aisle!

credits st yling / design: Th e To m kat Studi o pa rt y su ppl ies: Sh o p To m kat photog raphy: Te n2 2 st u di o hair/ makeup: Wh ippy Cake c ookies: Le mo n Bl iss Baker y

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The Confetti Foundation

Packing Party

What is a packing party? It is a get together twice a month where volunteers come together to cut, string, pack, and label the contents that go into our birthday boxes! Of course we have to make a party of it and have snacks, drinks, and music. Located at 78 Thames Street in Newport, RI. Adults and kids are invited (over the age of 5) kids are encouraged to make Happy Birthday cards for the patients. Check back here for dates on our next party! Photo credit Meghan Sepe Photography page no. 72


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Birthday Buddy What is a Birthday Buddy? A Birthday Buddy is someone who has the same birthday as you! Did you know that in the United States there are over 859,000+ people who have the same Birthday as you? So the chances are pretty high that one of your Birthday Buddies is a child who has to be hospitalized on there birthday. Consider celebrating YOUR Birthday with a donation of $22 so your hospitalized Birthday Buddy can celebrate in style and a little cheer! We can even sign the card with your name on it!

we now have 3 5 h o sp i tals, 3 3 birthday fai r i es, an d 2 3 states www.carous e

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Advertise Interested in advertising with Carousel Party? Email us at and we will be in touch with you regarding our ad rates and media kit.

Submissions Interested in submitting a feature to Carousel Party? Email us at submissions@ with your feature proposal and we will be in touch with you regarding submission guidelines and information.

V i s i t C a r o u s e l Pa r t y o n l i n e at w w w . c a r o u s e l p a r t y. c o m

And follow us on our fav o r i t e s o c i a l n e t w o r k s to o !

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Look for these fun parties and more in the next issue

To be featured in our next issue email us at: s ub mis s i ons @ c a r o u se l pa r t y. c o m Š Ca rousel Party | www.carous e

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