Fanbase Music Mag Issue 24

Page 24

“Donovan Fourie” so I used a name from one of my songs I wrote in my previous band called “Energy Related”. All the other session musicians only joined after the first Strings of Life Album was released. And that’s how Energy Related was born.

Very intrusting concept I must say, so what made you decide to go completely solo only now by putting out your music under “Donovan Fourie” and not as Energy Related anymore? Well there are a few reasons. All the session musicians in Energy Related also have other projects that they have to commit to. I cannot expect from them to be 100% committed in in Energy related at all times as they also have other responsibilities. If I decide to go on tour or if I get invited to play a show they might be busy with something else that they have committed to. When people hear Energy Related is playing a show or bringing out a new album they expect to hear Energy Related as a full band which makes it hard for me because sometimes I play with just the drums or just the bass guitar sometimes I play alone sometimes I have only the lead guitar joining me etc… it looks bad on us if I advertise Energy Related and only two of the members pitch up. Unfortunately Members of Energy Related come and go…some get added, some get replaced and some choose to leave. That means if one of the members decide to leave or if we add new members the whole band is held back by training new people to learn and get up to date with all the music so that we can carry on.

What do you think is the advantages and dis advantages of becoming a solo artist and not being involved with a band. There are a lot of advantages and a lot of disadvantages in going at it as a solo artist. As a solo artist you get to make your own decisions, solo artists get to follow their vision that they have in mind. As a solo artist you face lower cost on Marketing, touring, recording music videos, studio time etc.

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