The Call Vol. 71 #7

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September 2016

Volume 71, Issue 7

What business are you in? So, how’s business? By simply posing those two questions and tenaciously seeking answers, Peter Drucker became the father of American management studies and forever changed the way we train leaders in commerce in industry. They are good questions for any organization including the church. What Drucker quickly realized is that there is often a difference between what we say our business is and what we act upon. If asked, most churches will say that they are in the business of sharing the gospel or making disciples or demonstrating the Kingdom of God on Earth. But more often than not churches act as if our real business is to maintain an organization or the identity of a group, avoid conflict, and make people happy. The disparity between the vision that a congregation says it is pursuing and the vision that it acts upon can be very confusing to a lot of people and leads inevitably to mixed results and a weird sort of double-speak. So here’s the question, what business are we in? What is it that we really trying to do together in this world? Putting aside all the “correct” answers, what is the truthful answer? Many organizations, many churches, cannot answer this question honestly such that a majority of members could agree. For many the answer may be avoiding conflict, but that is not so much an answer as ignoring the question. Without a shared vision of what we are trying to do or to go it is unclear what to do next or where to go or how to tell if you are getting closer or further away. Without a shared answer it is really impossible to make any informed decisions or measure our faithfulness or success. So, the question remains for us, what business are we in? I suspect that God may be waiting for us to make up our minds. Here’s my provisional answer. I am in the business of cooperating with God in the transformation and nurture of men and women into becoming the people God intends us to be--a new kind of people that Jesus calls disciples. God does this transformation through the Spirit, not me. I only help by asking questions, walking alongside, teaching a little bit, and hopefully encouraging others through this process. I try to share good news that this way of life leads beyond death and that we don’t need to be afraid anymore. And most intimately, I try as I do this to grow myself into someone who is just a little bit more like Jesus, although this is for me the hardest part of all. But in helping others I find myself a little less frightened by the world and a little more hopeful for what God can and does do. This is not the calling of my ordination. This is the calling of my baptism and I suspect it does not end even at my death. I am not always successful, but I love the work and I know that over time the work changes me. And in that sense of joy and satisfaction business is very good indeed even when I cannot point to any single objective outcome. So, what business are you in? How’s business?

Rev. Brian Maguire


Membership Class: so exactly what is a Presbyterian? Interested in joining Fairmont? Join us on Sunday September 4, 11 and 18 at either 9:45 or at 11:45 in the Upper Room to find out more about the Presbyterian faith tradition, the life and ministry of Fairmont, and our work in sharing the Gospel and nurturing disciples of Jesus Christ. Even if you are only interested in finding out more you are invited, but please bring questions.

September 4 Communion Sunday Rev. Brian Maguire will preach “Love Letter” based on Philemon. September 11 Kick Off Rev. Brian Maguire will preach “The Virtue of Being Lost” based on Exodus 32: 7-14 and Luke 15: 1-10.

September Movie Matinee, Sunday, September 25: RISEN—Come join us at 1:00pm in the Fairmont Cinema Movie Theater on September 25 to watch RISEN, an epic Biblical story of the Resurrection as told through the eyes of a Roman officer tasked with solving the mystery of what happened to Jesus after the Resurrection. How does a world-weary Centurion respond to the possibility of life emerging from death? How does a persecutor of Jesus first become curious, then sympathetic, and finally, a disciple? Finally the film confronts us with the far more personal question of how we respond to his resurrection. This 2016 film starring Ralph Fiennes is rated PG-13 for violence (spoiler alert: an innocent rabbi gets crucified).

September 18 Pastor Denise Weaver will preach “The Man of the Year: Dishonest, Shrewd, Prudent” based on Psalm 79:1-9 and Luke 16:1-13. September 25 Rev. Brian Maguire will preach “What the Dog Saw” based on Jeremiah 32: 1-3;6-15 and Luke 16: 19-31. CONNECTIONS IS BACK! Join us every Wednesday night starting on September 14 at 6:30pm for Connections, a time to connect to God, our traditions, and each other. Adults and children begin the evening in prayer together in our chapel. Adults then engage in interactive, engaging and thought-provoking adult education led by Pastors Brian and Denise while our children share in faith formation, storytelling, and music education led by our Children’s Ministry Coordinator, Rachel Boden. Nursery care is available for our youngest attendees. We conclude around 7:30pm each night so there is plenty of time to get little ones to bed.

CHRISTIAN FORMATION Children’s Ministry Happy fall, church family! We are so excited to kick off the school year and the program year. Come check out all of the fun activities going on in the Sunday School wing this year: Children's Choir (age 4-5th grade) Sundays, 9:30am

The first Connections class this fall will be The Work of Worship: What Do We Do in Worship and Why? This six week class will explore the foundations for our worship practices and the history and theology that shapes them. We will particularly consider why we do what we do at Fairmont as a Presbyterian congregation. Along the way we will explore scripture, baptism, communion, church music, art, and architecture.

Sunday School (ages 3-5) Sundays, 10am, Room A Sunday School (grades 1-5) Sundays, 10am, Room B Sunday School (ages 3-5) Sundays, 10:45am, Room A

Wednesday September 14: The Work of Worship – The Word Wednesday September 21: The Work of Worship – The Body Wednesday September 28: The Work of Worship – Time Wednesday October 5: The Work of Worship – Space Wednesday October 12: The Work of Worship – Feast Wednesday October 19: The Work of Worship – Music

Sunday School (grades 1-5) Sundays, 10:45am, Room B Kids Connections (all ages) Wednesdays, 6:30pm Also keep an eye out for our child acolytes and our upcoming fall and Advent events for children and families! We are looking forward to another great year in children's ministry!


Mark your calendars:

It can be uncomfortable to tell a person you cannot help them in the way they requested. Remember that Sunday, September 11th: Kick-Off Barbecue, 5pm we do provide help through the agencies we support. in Fellowship Hall You are not saying “no” so much as “not in this way” to a request for cash. Thank you for your support of Saturday, October 29th: Trunk-or-Treat, 4pm in the the staff in following this procedure. parking lot Fifth Sunday Offering – July 31 – Danny Shafer Memorial Fund – Thank you to everyone who made a special offering to provide scholarships and financial assistance to Fairmont Preschoolers whose families need some extra help. To-date a total of $1,990 has been donated. Thank you again for helping to support Fairmont Preschool.

Men's Group The Mens' group will meet at NCR on Wednesday, September 21st at noon. Please sign the friendship pad or call the office to confirm your attendance. PYC 6TH ANNUAL Kick Off Cook Out!!! Please join the PYC and the Children’s ministry for a potluck dinner. Sunday September 11th at 5pm, please bring a side dish to share!

House of Bread – Thanks to Paul and Carol Lamberger, Pat Smith, Kathy Radde, Sally Athmer, Moira (Sally’s friend), Nancy Leonhard, Ann Diller, Dave Youngerman, and Sally Kaskocsak for volunteering on Monday, August 1. It was a great day of community outreach, service, and fellowship.

Young Couples/Young Families All couples and young families are invited to join together at Marion’s Pizza at Town & Country on Friday, September 23, at 6pm. Please let Pastor Denise know if you will attend.

There is one more volunteer date for this year on Saturday, November 6. The volunteer day is from 9:00am– 2:00pm. This is great for those of you who work or are in school during the week. Please sign up on the Mission bulletin board near the black and white narthex.

MISSION What should you do if a person seeking assistance approaches you at church on a Sunday morning? First, do not give the person cash. Try to locate either Pastor Denise or Pastor Brian. Explain to the person that our church does not provide cash assistance choosing instead to send money to local agencies that provide different types of assistance. You may refer persons to those agencies. A list of agencies that meet a variety of needs, i.e. food, shelter, medicine, rent or utilities assistance, are at the monitor’s desk and posted on the office on the bulletin board next to Donna’s desk. We refer persons to agencies because an agency provides screening that allows that person to then “be in the system” to receive the most help available. As a church, we no longer provide direct help on a case by case basis. It has been noted that if a person receives cash at the church the number of calls and persons walking in asking for assistance expands exponentially. At times during the week, there may only be one or two persons in the office. There have been incidents where a person asking for assistance caused the staff to feel threatened. Please help us by referring persons seeking assistance to an agency rather than giving them a cash donation.

Paper Product Collection—We are entering into a Mission partnership with a new local group, Kettering Supplies, which is a non-food bank project for Kettering families, sponsored by Partners for Healthy Youth. This youth-led project is supporting needy families with everyday items that we all use in our homes such as cleaners, paper towels, soap, toilet paper, and sponges/scrubbers. Fairmont Church has committed to specialize in providing paper products! Please purchase toilet paper, paper towels, disinfecting wipes, and tissues this month. We need them delivered to the Fellowship Hall stage by Saturday October 15 as we will be adding notes for the 3rd Sunday Mission Project! Happy shopping! Thanks to all of you and your outstanding efforts in bringing in shoes, Ashton collected 2800 pairs! They received $1096 for the shoes and that puts his total at $5382 towards his $15,000 to get his service dog. Thanks so much to such a caring, wonderful group of people, I truly appreciate your generosity. Sallie Luther




Communion 8:30am Casual Service 9:30am Fellowship 10:30am Traditional Service 11:30am Fellowship





Labor Day/Office Closed


9:00am Preschool 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm AA (133) 6:00pm Dayton Opera (sanctuary) 6:30pm Scout Meeting (133) 7:00pm Personnel Team Meeting 7:00pm Christian Formation (134) 7:00pm Mission Team Meeting 7:00pm Musica Rehearsal (cr) 7:00pm Evangelism (109) 7:00pm Worship Team (chapel)


9:00am Prescho 6:30pm Connec (chapel) 6:30pm Praise B 7:00pm Dayton 7:30pm AA (012

Kick Off/WOF Box Lunch 8:30am Casual Service 9:30am Fellowship 9:35am Children's Choir (127) 10:00am Sunday School (133) 10:30am Traditional Service 11:30am Fellowship 1:00pm Golf Outing (off site) 2:00pm Scouts (109, 133) 5:00pm BBQ


9:00am Preschool 11:00am Board of Pensions (fh) 12:00pm OA (133) 7:00pm Circle 1 (chapel) 7:00pm AA (012)


9:00am Preschool 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm AA (133) 7:00pm Building and Grounds (109) 7:00pm Finance Team (rc) 7:00pm Musica Rehearsal (cr) 7:30pm Board of Trustees (109)

9:00am Prescho 5:30pm GIFT (fh 6:30pm Praise B 6:30pm Connec 7:30pm AA (012

8:30am Casual Service 9:30am Fellowship 9:30am Third Sunday Mission Project 9:35am Children's Choir (127) 10:00am Sunday School (133) 10:30am Traditional Service 11:30am Fellowship 2:00pm Scouts Meeting (012, fh) 4:00pm PYC (109)

9:00am Preschool 9:00am Quilters Group (133) 9:30am Dayton PEO (012) 12:00pm OA (133) 12:00pm Call Deadline (office) 7:00pm AA (012)


9:00am Preschool 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm AA (133) 7:00pm Session (109) 7:00pm Musica Rehearsal (cr)

8:00am Men's B 9:00am Prescho 10:00am Circle 3 site) 10:00am Circle 2 1:00pm Circle 5 6:30pm Connec 6:30pm Praise B 7:00pm Circle 6 7:30pm AA (012

8:30am Casual Service 9:30am Fellowship 9:35am Children's Choir (127) 10:00am Sunday School (133) 10:30am Traditional Service 11:30am Fellowship 11:30am Food and Fellowship Coffee Hour (fh) 1:00pm Movie “Risen” 2:00pm Scouts (109, 133) 4:00pm PYC (109)

9:00am Preschool 12:00pm OA (133) 12:00pm Castle Lunch (off site) 7:00pm AA (012)


9:00am Preschool 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm AA (133) 7:00pm Board of Deacons (109) 7:00pm Musica Rehearsal (cr)

9:00am Prescho 10:00am Call Ma (133) 6:30pm Connec 6:30pm Praise B 7:30pm AA (012









ool ctions


Band (fh) Opera (cr) 2)




9:00am Preschool 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm NA (012)


9:00am Preschool 10:30am Mom and Me 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm OA (133) 5:00pm Theology on Tap (off site)

9:00am Preschool 6:30pm Girl Scouts (133) 7:00pm NA (012) 7:00pm La Leche Meeting (109) 7:00pm Choir Practice (cr)


9:00am Preschool 10:30am Mom and Me (nursery) 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm OA (133)




10:00am Dayton Opera (cr, narthex, sanctuary)


ool h) Band (fh) ctions (chapel) 2)


9:00am Preschool 7:00pm Choir Practice 7:00pm NA (012


9:00am Preschool 10:30am Mom and Me (nursery) 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm OA (133) 5:00pm Theology on Tap (off site) 6:30pm Scouts (outside)

9:00am Session Retreat 9:30am Circle 7 (off site)


Breakfast ool 3/4 (off


9:00am Preschool 1:00pm Rug Hooking Group (fh) 7:00pm Choir Practice (cr) 7:00pm NA (012)


9:00am Preschool 10:30am Mom and Me (nursery) 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm OA (133) 6:00pm Young Couples/ Families at Marion’s Pizza at Town and Country

10:00am WOF Fall Gathering (fh)


9:00am Preschool 7:00pm NA (012) 7:00pm Choir Practice (cr)


9:00am Preschool 10:30am Mom and Me (nursery) 11:00am Fit 4 You (fh) 12:00pm OA (133)

2 (off site) 5 (parlor) ctions (chapel) Band (fh) 6 (parlor) 2)

ool Mailing


ctions (chapel) Band (fh) 2)






Sunday Box Meals! Order a delicious Sunday Box Meal by filling out the order form found in the bulletin on the first Sunday of the month. Pick up your order after church on the second Sunday. Meals are $8. If you can deliver a meal to a shut-in, please mark that on your form and WOF will cover the cost.

Address Changes Joseph Buchanan

September's menu: BBQ Chicken Sliders(2), Seasoned Tater Tots, Kale Salad, & salted Caramel Brownie.

Brian Diller

We appreciate Karan Bowden, Jenny Fiden, and Martha Keil for developing and continuing this successful WOF program!

The Lee family update: Max and Char, Eric, Sophia, Austin and Alex arrived safely in England on August 2. Max and Char are having to learn to drive all over again (on a different side of the road!) They request prayers for the children regarding behavior, making friends, and getting ready for school as they adjust to a new country and culture. The Lee’s new address is:

EVENTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS Add Years to your Life! Join Fit4YOU! Our new coed adult fitness program Fit4YOU is off to a great start and we are already seeing and feeling the benefits! What are you waiting for? Come join us!! Fall is a great time to begin a new regimen! We are in the Fellowship Hall Tuesday and Friday mornings at 11:00am and meet for an hour each session. Fit4YOU is a progressive strength, balance, and flexibility exercise program that will help improve your mobility, strength, balance, endurance, emotional well being, bone health and coordination. …because don’t we all want to stay fit to respond to God’s calling? Fit4YOU is appropriate for both male and female, sedentary and active adults. Classes are free, and are open to members and non-members and include: standing and sitting activities, ankle weights and hand weights for resistance-type muscle training, stretching, and balance and flexibility exercises. Please contact Sarah Bugden for more information.

Karen York New phone number: Bereavements William R. Miller, Jr. died August 10. His memorial service was held August 20 with both Rev. Denise Weaver and Rev. Brian Maguire officiating. Please remember Bill’s family in your prayers.

WOMEN OF FAIRMONT Women of Fairmont Fall Gathering—The Women of Fairmont start the year with the annual Fall Gathering on September 24 at 10am in Fellowship Hall. Pastor Denise Weaver will present the first lesson of this year's Horizons Bible study. "Who Is Jesus? What a Difference a Lens Makes," by Judy Yates Siker, challenges readers to find their own voice and their own answer to Jesus' question, "who do you say that I am?"


Fairmont Presbyterian Church’s unique “sign singing” senior performing group called Vital Signs has now All women of the church are invited to the gathering. been together for five years with over 160 Consider joining a circle to enjoy the fellowship, performances at churches, retirement homes, senior support, and Bible Study that comes with being part centers, libraries, schools, and community special of a small group. Find a time that works for you on the events all over southern Ohio. Our first performance listing displayed on the WOF bulletin board near the was in July of 2011 when we performed “America the church library. Regular monthly meetings begin in Beautiful” at our 10:30 Worship Service. Boy, were October. we nervous! We feel we have learned a great deal since then spreading our message about God’s love


and have certainly met a lot of beautiful people in our travels.

plane ride, tickets to a local show, or an overnight package? Or perhaps your family or group might like to donate a themed basket to the raffle. See Mel Hohler about donating your item(s).

Vital Signs presently consists of eleven members from Fairmont Presbyterian Church (three of them over 90 years old!) Miamisburg Christian Church and St. Mary Catholic Church Franklin. They are: Mary Allbery, Margie Brem, Sherian Brumley, Howard Bugden, Sarah Bugden, Jane Hamilton, Jane Heywood, Betty McKinney, Karen Oeters, Carol Rankin, and Wanda Roberts. This past year our beloved member Carol Accrocco passed on..we sure do miss you Carol, and promise we will try to stay “Fine as Wine and Twice as Bubbly!”

We are still collecting vintage items, particularly seasonal decorations, old ornaments, jewelry and toys. And if you'd like to sell your own antiques or art, booths are still available. Pick up an application in the office. Please put November 19 on your calendar to volunteer or attend the sale. It is Fairmont's way of helping the hungry in Dayton! Ann Diller, secretary

So far 2016 has been a great year for us with many exciting shows and memories including those at Bear Elementary School, The Montgomery County Retired Teachers Association luncheon, The Ohio Presbytery Meeting, and Eaton Presbyterian Church. We are also involved in a new endeavor… rehearsing monthly with a special group from the Adult Day Care at The Goodwill on Kuntz Rd. downtown Dayton with dreams of someday bringing this 40 person performing group to the stage!

Fairmont Construction Update The summer of 2016 has been very busy. Over the past 90 days Fairmont has: replaced the entire roof, painted the sanctuary, carpeted the sanctuary, levelled the empty west lot, installed playground equipment, installed a playground fence, built a new preschool classroom and bathroom, installed Wi-Fi access throughout the building, repaired and updated the digital sign, replaced the preschool and youth room security doors, and fixed leaking downspouts and gutters. Whew! Our final big project for the remainder of the year is to paint the front of the church including the steeple. Thank you so much for your support for these important improvements. They allow us to keep Fairmont as an important engine of ministry and mission in our community thanks to your generous stewardship, love, and prayer. A huge thank you to Karen Sensel and Bill Stager and their whole crew from building and grounds for getting this all done.

Why not join Vital Signs as a performer; we would love to have you! Come to one of our rehearsals or performances and see what we are doing. It’s a great ministry! Rehearsals are at Fairmont Presbyterian Church on Mondays at 2:00pm and performances at various places 3-4 times a month. If you would like to book us for a performance, we would love to come to your church, school, health care facility, retirement home, assisted living community, or club … at no charge! Please contact me Sarah Bugden, Volunteer Director, for more information.

The office will be closed for Labor Day, Monday, September 5.

The Fairmont Golf Outing is planned for September 11. Please mark your calendar and let Daryll Sakada know if you are planning to play.

The church office has reopened Monday’s after being closed for the summer months. The office hours are Monday –Friday, 9:00-4:00pm.

ART, CRAFT AND ANTIQUE SHOW , November 19— New this year!...a large Doll House has been donated for sale this year. It is fabulous and a Looking ahead: There will be a 10:30am single must-see. Also new this year is our own Antique service on Sunday, October 30 for Reformation Roadshow with Antique Appraisals done by Park Heritage Sunday. Avenue Antiques. This is your chance to have a professional appraisal for only $6 per item (2 for $10). The appraisals will be done from 9-3. We are again having a raffle with themed baskets, and also an auction of higher-end items. Do you have a special thing to donate to the auction such as a


Fairmont Call Newsletter Fairmont Presbyterian Church 3705 Far Hills Avenue Dayton, OH 45429

Church Office: 937-299-3539 Fax: 937-299-5974 Facebook: Fairmont Presbyterian Church - Kettering, OH ______________________________________________________________________________

STAFF Pastor/Head of Staff: Brian Maguire Praise & Worship Leader: Jerry Mahn Associate Pastor: Denise Weaver Preschool Director: Coleen Petrello Director of Youth & Music Ministries: Ashley Ross Preschool Teacher: Vicki Ramga Children’s Ministry Coordinator: Rachel Boden Preschool Aide: Liz Lewis Organist: Judy Bede Administrative Assistant: Donna Schoonmaker Bookkeeper: Becky Hegwood Custodians: Glenn Stevens and Louis Weyrauch

DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT CALL The Deadline for the October newsletter is Monday, September 19, 2016 Please submit articles to: 8

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