The Call: Volume 74, Issue 3

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Fairmont Presbyterian Church THOUGHTS FROM BRIAN He is Risen! . . . So what? The revolutionary claim of the Christian Gospel is not simply that Jesus rose from the dead on Easter Sunday. The revolutionary claim of the gospel is death itself and all its related powers (shame, guilt, sin, etc.) broke that Easter morning. So, Easter is not just a celebration for Jesus being no longer dead, it is a celebration for all flesh including you and me. Sometime over that long, heavy weekend the cosmos changed and nothing and no one has ever been the same since. That place furthest from God and God’s intention, a place we summarily call Hell, has had its front door bashed in. There is now nowhere, no time, no situation, no condition, no person who is outside of God’s saving power and promise. And that means for the first time, we are finally and truly free. Free to be you and me, not as we have been subject to fear and alienation, but as we were meant to be: free, creative, and loving beings participating with our creator. Easter confuses our time line and sense of narrative because it focuses our attention on one morning some 2000 years ago, but it is actually about our future. Indeed, Jesus’ resurrection is a moment of humanity’s future cast into our past, a wormhole in history demonstrating God’s intention and design. He was the first, but the new life we celebrate on Easter is not just Jesus’, it is your new life as well. He is risen! And so shall we!

April 2019 Volume 74, Issue 3

NOTES FROM KELLEY “I regard everything as loss because of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things, and I regard them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him.” - Philippians 3:8

I am drawn to the season of Lent. In the everyday busyness of my life, I struggle to hear God’s voice within me, calling me to be still. Lent gives me permission to stop and listen. Our journey from Lent to Easter is not without difficulties nor sorrow nor pain. The very nature of the Lenten road is to see that within us which must die and to see the One who made that possible. Maybe our Lenten question should be “What should we count as rubbish in our life?” The power of the resurrection cannot be obtained without going first through death. What must we die to in this dark season? What is rubbish?

And if death is all too present in our lives, how do we go to the cross without fear? We do not go there alone. Jesus goes before us and through the tomb and on to resurrection light. We can trust him. May Christ’s deepest peace and joy be with you as we walk from death to life.

Pastor Brian Pastor Kelley

Maundy Thursday Worship 7:00 p.m. April 18: Join us for worship as we enter the central drama and mystery of the Christian faith remembering and celebrating together both what Jesus did for us and what he instructed us to do. “Maundy” is short for mandatum, Latin for “command.” On this night we will share in the Lord’s Supper just as Jesus commanded as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke.

WORSHIP AND MUSIC April 7: Sacrament of Communion Lesson: John 12: 1-8 Sermon: “A Glorious Waste” April 14: Palm/Passion Sunday First Lesson: Psalm 118: 1-2, 19-29 Second Lesson: Luke 19: 28-40 Sermon: “Stones”

This year we will also honor Jesus’ commandment recorded in the Gospel of John where he washed his disciples’ feet and told them, “[I]f I, your Lord and teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you.” (John 13:14-15). If you wish to participate in the rite of foot washing (or hand washing, you are invited but there is no obligation) please wear appropriate footwear that is easy to slip on and off. You will have the opportunity to both wash and be washed as a sign of mutual service and love.

April 18: Maundy Thursday First Lesson: Exodus 12: 1-14 Second Lesson: John 13: 1-17 Sermon: “You Also Should Do” April 19: Good Friday Tenebrae Worship April 21: Easter Sunday First Lesson: Isaiah 65: 17-26 Second Lesson: Luke 24: 1-12 Sermon: “Premature Obituaries”

Good Friday Worship 7:00 p.m. April 19: Come and join us as we remember Jesus’ final day in scripture and song for this solemn service at worship contemplating the very heart of Jesus life, death, and life.

April 28: Second Sunday of Easter First Lesson: Psalm 150 Second Lesson: John 20: 19-31 Sermon: “Among Them”


Kidz Korner

Fairmont Bell Choir: The Bell Choir is once again making a joyful noise at Fairmont Church! It is not too late to join the Bell Choir. Previous experience playing hand bells is helpful, but not necessary. Rehearsals are held on Thursday evenings from 6:00–6:45. Contact Vicki Ramga at with questions.

Bible Storytime: April 5, 8pm on the Zoom mobile app. Ask Rachel how to participate!

Join us for our annual Easter egg hunt!

Congratulations to Fairmont choir members Elaina Vimmerstedt, Cody Pepitone, and Megan Rehberg (left to right, pictured) on their wonderful performance in Pirates of Penzance as part of the Dayton Opera!

Saturday, April 13 10:30am Puppet show and lunch to follow!


Registration for summer camp 2019 at Kirkmont is now open! Kirkmont - "church on the mountain" - is located in Logan County near Bellefontaine and offers many opportunities for school groups, universities, and adult education. Visit for more information and online registration, and ask Rachel about how to receive help from Fairmont with camp participation fees.

Connections for Easter: Apocalypse and Apocalypticism (a history of the end): Starting on Wednesday May 1 at 6:30 and then throughout the Easter season we will be considering the meaning and the impact of the Book of Revelation on Christian faith and culture. We will be considering influence of various forms of apocalyptic thinking including antichrist(s), the rapture, and the millennium on how we view our lives, the world, each other, and God.

PYC PYC meets on Sunday evenings during the program year from 5-7pm at the church. Feel free to drop in any time, and please see Rachel to find out how you can help with PYC in 2019! Upcoming PYC events:

WITHIN THE FELLOWSHIP Births Thomas Mark Venable (Anne and Don Venable) Rachel Rhubart Rothenberger (Danielle Rhubart and Mike Rothenberger)

May 19th: Youth Sunday, single service So, who is in charge around here? . . . God.

Adult Education Pastor’s Bible Study: Pastor Brian and Pastor Kelley are leading a new Bible Study on Thursdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Upper Room. We will be examining the Scripture passage to be preached the following Sunday. Everyone is welcome! Lenten Study: Making Sense of the Cross by David Lose Throughout Lent we will be considering the meaning, importance, and function of the cross. Christianity has always been a curious religion in that our central symbol is a means of torture and execution. The cross has confused, confounded, mystified, inspired, uplifted, and transformed generations. In this year’s Lenten study we will consider some of the multiple dimensions of meaning of the cross and some of multiple directions of transformation. We will be using as our guide, David Lose’s, Making Sense of the Cross. Copies are available for purchase from the church office for $13.00 and it is available through on line booksellers.

Okay, how about who is next in charge? The Presbyterian Church embraces of the collective leadership and decision making of members selected and elected to guide the church. Our leaders for 2019 are: Session


Rich Bowden Charlie Chamberlain Kerri Miles John Schramm Brench Boden Kimberly Gunlock Linda Hammond Mike Harvey Jeff Adam Dave Diller Danielle Rhubart Lisa Shearer

Betty Brown Kelly Coan Pat Goss Helen Kanis Deb Wright Julie Boden Liz Lewis Barb Miller Annette Sakada Kathy Shafer Jack Yoder Kate Barnett Sharon Cost Sara Grillot Pam Lowry Anne Venable


Wynn Adam Bill Lowry Bill Stager Lois Thomas Paul Fiden Sunday Mornings - 11:45 a.m. Chapel Tom Gunlock Will Lewis Wednesday Nights - Connections 6:30 p.m. Chapel Daryl Sakada Friday Afternoons - noon in the Chapel Terry Akers Adam Kabacinski Please join us as together we contemplate the cross and let it Paul Lamberger guide us through Lent. 3 Michael Rothenberger There will be multiple times to fit your schedule to meet and discuss this important and relevant book each week in conversation with friends.

Ap Sunday

Monday Office closes at noon

Tuesday 1

11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: AA (C) 12pm: OA (rc) 7pm: Musica 7pm: Team Meetings


6:30pm: Praise Ba 6:30pm: Connectio 7pm: Quartet 7pm: AA (012)


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: AA (C) 12pm: OA (rc) 7pm: Musica 7pm: Trustees, B&G, Finance


5:30pm: GIFT


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: AA (C) 12pm: OA (rc) 7pm: Musica 7pm: Session (Upper Room)


6:30pm: Praise Ba 6:30pm: Connectio 7pm: Quartet 7pm: AA (012)


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: AA (C) 12pm: OA (rc) 7pm: Musica


6:30pm: Praise Ba 7pm: Quartet 7pm: AA (012)


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: AA (C) 12pm: OA (rc) 7pm: Musica


6:30pm: WOF Coordinating Team

8:30am: Casual Service 9:45am: Prayer in the Chapel 10:30am: Traditional Service 11:45am: Lenten Study (chapel) 5pm: PYC


Office closes at noon

Palm Sunday 8:30am: Casual Service 9:45am: Prayer in the Chapel 10:30am: Traditional Service 11:45am: Lenten Study (chapel) 5pm: PYC


Office closes at noon

Easter Sunday 8:30am: Casual Service 9:45am: Prayer in the Chapel 10:30am: Traditional Service


8:30am: Casual Service 9:45am: Prayer in the Chapel 10:30am: Traditional Service 5pm: PYC


10:00am: Dayton PEO (012)

Easter Monday office closed

Office closes at noon



6:30pm: Praise Ba 6:30pm: Connectio 7pm: Quartet 7pm: AA (012)







1pm: Creative Crafters (fh) 1pm: Pastors’ Bible Study (upper room) 7pm: NA (012) 7pm: Choir Rehearsal



1pm: Pastors’ Bible Study (upper room) 7pm: NA (012) 7pm: Choir Rehearsal


9:30am-1:30pm: Kettering 11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: OA (rc) 12pm: Lenten Study (Chapel)


nd ons (chapel)


1pm: Creative Crafters (fh) 1pm: Pastors’ Bible Study (upper room) 7pm: Maundy Thursday Worship 7pm: NA (012)


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: OA (rc) 12pm: Lenten Study (Chapel) 7pm: Good Friday Worship





1pm: Creative Crafters (fh) 1pm: Pastors’ Bible Study (upper room) 7pm: NA (012) 7pm: Choir Rehearsal


11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: OA (rc) 5:30pm: Family Pizza Dinner (offsite)



nd ons (chapel)

nd ons (chapel)

11am: Fit 4 You (fh) 12pm: OA (rc) 12pm: Lenten study (chapel) 5pm: Theology on Tap (off site)




10:30am: Easter Egg Hunt


WOMEN OF FAIRMONT The Coordinating Team will meet on Monday, April 1st at 6:30pm in the Upper Room. Circle 1: April 8, 7pm in the Chapel Circle 2: April 17, 10am in the Parlor Circle 3: April 17, 10am in the Parlor Circle 6: April 17, 7pm in the Parlor Circle 7: April 20, 9:30am, home of Kathy Akers Mark your calendars for the Spring Gathering - May 11!

Box Lunch Look for the Box Lunch order form on the first Sunday of the month, and pick up your meals after the 8:30 or 10:30 lunch April 14. This month, enjoy Meatloaf, Cheesy Potatoes, 3-Bean Salad, and Cherry Jello-O Cake! Please order for someone who can't get out but would appreciate a delicious Sunday meal. WOF will cover the cost of the meal if you'll deliver!


One Great Hour of Sharing: During the Season of Lent we again join with other Presbyterians in sharing God's love through ministries that provide relief to those affected by disasters, food for the hungry, and support toward selfdevelopment of poor and oppressed communities. Watch the weekly bulletins for further information through Lent. This annual collection will occur in April. 3rd Sunday Mission Project: On Palm Sunday teams are delivering Book and Fresh Fruit Easter Baskets for Jeremiah’s Letter Families! – Thanks to all for decorating baskets, writing loving notes on over 60 bookmarks, and delivering the baskets. The parents are eager for their kids to receive these baskets of books and fresh fruit. There will be no 3rd Sunday Project on Easter Sunday! House of Bread: Mark your calendar for 2019! We are working May 21, Aug. 7 and Nov. 7. On these days, we are sending a team to slice, dice, mix and serve lunch for more than 200 hungry folks. There are jobs that can be completed while sitting. Join us from 9:00 - 2:00 for this valuable service to the hungry in our community. We can carpool if you would like! Sign up on the Mission Team bulletin board.

Helping Hands, Helping Hearts THANK YOU from the House of Bread! The Mission Team recently received an update/thank you letter from the House of Bread. They informed us that their Family Dining Room and extension just opened, which includes additional dining space, family bathrooms, play space for children, and private meeting rooms for parents and adults to meet with caseworkers and other community resources. They said, “Every day, guests walk through our doors and are greeted with kindness and compassion. Sometimes we share joys and happy stories, and sometimes we help our guests deal with the latest crisis in their lives.” Due to the House of Bread’s recent renovations, they are much more equipped to connect their guests with community resources to help them through life’s difficulties. Be sure to check out the bulletin board on the way to Fellowship Hall if you are interested in volunteering with your Fairmont family at the House of Bread! We go as a group throughout the year to serve lunch to Dayton community members, and the sign-up sheet is directly on the board. Ask 6 a Mission Team member with any questions!

NEW! Kinship Support Ministry: A new mission ministry of Fairmont, the Kinship Support ministry, was awarded a $5,000 Northminster Mission grant from the Presbytery of the Miami Valley. The Kinship Support ministry is a support group for non-custodial relatives or close friends who are raising children who can no longer remain in the care of their parents. This critical ministry is at the heart of our calling to bring Christ’s love to children and youth in our community. OOPS! Soda Can Pull-tabs – We goofed! We still are collecting Soda Can Pull-tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Tabs may be left in the marked jar near the Mission Bulleting Board outside the Parlor. Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for your faithfulness to this project over the years. How Else Can You Serve as a Disciple? We continue to collect assorted items at the top of the stairs: Box Tops (J.F. Kennedy Elementary) and men’s belts (House of Bread). Remember to bring items for the food pantry!

BUILDING AND GROUNDS Renovations! As we approach spring and summer, the committee is scheduling a few major renovation projects. We will be removing and replacing the rear concrete sidewalk, painting the exterior trim on the building, replacing sanctuary windows, and hopefully renovating the fellowship hall (including new paint, carpet, and window treatments). We would ask you all to be aware of these ongoing projects and to be very careful coming and going as we proceed. Thank you!

ANNOUNCEMENTS Where is Brian? Pastor Brian will be away on spiritual retreat during the week before Holy Week with the brothers of the Benedictine monastery of Glastonbury Abbey in Hingham, Massachusetts. Later in the month, Brian will be visiting his rock in northern Minnesota and his family in Minneapolis. Fourth Friday Family Pizza Dinners: Family pizza dinners are on the fourth Friday of each month at 5:30 p.m. Our next gathering will be on Friday, April 26, 2019 at Marion’s Pizza in Oakwood on (711 Shroyer Rd). All are welcome! Bringing the Beloved Community Together: On Saturday May 25, the Ku Klux Klan will be demonstrating in downtown Dayton where 160 years ago Abraham Lincoln spoke. Fairmont has joined dozens of congregations, synagogues, mosques, and community organizations urging that May 25 be a day to celebrate the bonds of unity that bind us together as a community. Instead of counter-protesting, we seek to demonstrate that love is stronger than hatred in all our communities. Stay tuned for more on our events at Fairmont on this special day. 2020 Fairmont Israel Trip: Have you ever wanted to walk where Jesus walked, dip your toes in the Sea of Galilee or the Jordan River, or wander through the remnants of the temple in Jerusalem? Now is your chance! On February 10 -20, 2020, Pastor Brian will be leading a pilgrimage trip to the Holy Land. You are invited to come along. This will be Brian’s tenth trip to Israel/Palestine. He regularly leads groups focusing on Biblical history for United Theological Seminary and for the Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership. A brochure containing all pertinent information is available at the church office. Come and see! 7

Visit your Church Library! Have you stopped by the church library recently? To borrow, write your name and the date on the card at the back of the book and leave the card in the box at the desk, or sign out the item in the notebook at the desk. What items would you like to see on the shelves? Let me know! Members have given generously to the Memorial Fund over the years, with some of the funds designated for the library. Sally Athmer (

The Men’s Breakfast will be on Wednesday, April 17th at 11:30am at MCL Cafeteria. RSVP by April 16th by calling the church office. Making Music with Acoustic Grace: We continue our monthly gathering in Fellowship Hall to play and sing for about 50 minutes starting at 9:30am on April 14. Song/chord sheets are provided. All skill levels welcome!

Contemplative Prayer in Chapel: Are you yearning for more silent, contemplative prayer on Sunday mornings? From 9:45am-10:15am, there is a time for self-guided silent prayer in the Chapel. We provide spiritual readings and tools to guide your time of silence. You may also use this time for quiet prayer, reflection, and preparation for our communal worship together as God’s people. Creative Crafters will be meeting in Fellowship Hall on the first and third Thursdays of each month from 1-3pm. All levels of "craftiness" welcome! If you have any questions, please call Brenda Anderson or Barb Miller.

PRESCHOOL CORNER Registration for Preschool for the 2019-2020 school year is now open. Registration forms may be found under the Preschool tab on the church website. Contact Tracy at 2993539 or with questions. We are excited to announce that the preschool has applied for their first star in the Step Up to Quality Program! This will allow us to be recognized as a quality program with qualified teachers! This is a very exciting time for our preschool!

Fairmont Presbyterian Church

Website: Facebook: Fairmont Presbyterian Church - Kettering, OH Twitter: @FairmontChurch Instagram: fairmontpresbyterianchurch

3705 Far Hills Avenue Dayton, OH 45429 937-299-3539

STAFF Pastor/Head of Staff: Brian Maguire Associate Pastor: Kelley Wehmeyer Shin Director of Christian Education: Rachel Boden Director of Music Ministries: Vicki Ramga Organist: Judy Bede Praise & Worship Leader: Jerry Mahn

Preschool Director: Tracy Landgren Preschool Teacher: Amber Reshad Preschool Aide: Liz Lewis Administrative Assistant: Jennifer Mason Bookkeeper: Martha Keil Custodian: Louis Weyrauch

April Birthdays Jaci Rose


Janice Walters


Susan Stewart


Chris Shearer


Karen Penney


Don Venable


Nicholas Lisle


Richard Cost


Lauren Bergstresser


Max Schneider


Abby Whitesell


Krista Hysinger


Sallie Luther


Phyllis Dodson


Joan Gray


Kelly Coan


Julie Wooley


Kerri Miles


Thomas Hohler


Andrew Hohler


Janet Brasier


Terry Akers


Jane Schwartz


DEADLINE FOR THE NEXT CALL The deadline for the next Call is Friday, April 19, 2019. Please submit articles to: 8

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