FEECE e-Newsletter

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September 2011 Volume 2, Issue 5

Mehran UET

Inside this issue Seminar on Research Projects..... 1 Final Year Project Committee .... 2

FEECE E-News Seminar on Research Projects

Ungoogle Yourself....................... 3 And here comes NEX’11.............. 4 Who is Working on What ............ 4, 5 Campus News ............................. 3

By Moiz R. Memon (08TL06)

Department of Software Engineering, Mehran UET organized a seminar on “Research & Projects” at Mehran UET Auditorium on 3rd February, 2011. Prof. Dr. Roshan A. Shaikh was the resource person. The key points of this seminar were What is Research, Scientific, Statistical & Historical Truth, Research is a Game, How Does One Do Research, The Social Foundation of Research, Experiment and Data Treatment., Instrumentation and Data Treatment, Process and Review, Research and Research Cycle, Data versus Truth, Data Analysis Spiral, The Agile Approach, Topics for Research. The event was attended by the faculty and final year students of FEECE.

Photos of the Month................... 5

FEECE Team Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani (TL), Engr. Kehkashan Asma (ES), Engr. Syed Mohsin Shah (TL), Engr. Shanzah Shaikh (TL), Engr. Saadullah Kalwar (TL), Engr. Umair Mujtaba (TL), Mr. Shahjahan Memon (08TL81), Mr. Moiz Rehman (08TL06), Mr. Salman Ahmed (08TL16), Mr. M. Naveed Shaikh (08TL19), Mr. Omair Najam (08TL93), Ms. Aisha Khan (08TL102).

2KES Scholarship Foundation 2KES scholarship foundation supports financially every year 2 students for their complete 4 years under graduation (B.E) expenditures at MUET. Every one can make donations to 2KES scholarship foundation so that it can help more needy students to get graduated from the 2nd top public sector Engineering University. Good news is that students can also donate their books which are not in their use but those books can help the needy students to enhance their study skills more. You can donate calculators, e-books, CDs and any academic stuff which can help the students who can’t afford all that. http://sites.google.com/site/fahimumrani/2kesscholarshipfoundation

SUBSCRIBE To Subscribe, please join the yahoo Group named “sar_muet” Or email: fahim_umrani@yahoo.com

Workshop on OPNET Department of Telecommunication have organized a workshop on OPNET Software for Engineers and Students of TL, CS/SW, and ES department. Workshop is starting from 03rd Oct 2011 to 05th Oct 2011. Last date of registration is 1st Oct 2011. Venue: Department of Teleommunication Registration Fee: 1500PKR (including refreshment and certificates) For further information contact: Engr.Zulfiqar Arain. Engr.Shanzah Shaikh, Engr.Nafeesa Zaki

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called Research, would it!” ~Albert Einstein~

Final Year Project (Thesis) COMMITTEE by Syed Mohsin Ali Shah The final year project is by far the most important piece of work in the degree program. It provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate independence and originality, to plan and organize a large project over a long period, and to put into practice some of the techniques you have been taught throughout the course. It should be the most satisfying piece of work in your degree. It is worth about a quarter of the final year marks. In the past couple of years, it was observed that due to some reason or another, students did not actually pay attention to this important milestone of an undergraduate degree, known as the ‘Thesis/Project’. Students were seen wasting their time in other unimportant activities and the quality of the research work done was below standard. Many of the students would rely completely on their Supervisors or on their Group Leader for the completion of the thesis/project. Participation from the Supervisors also showed signs of the lack of concern for the thesis/project groups, where by weekly meetings were usually held when the deadline for thesis/project submission was announced.


In order to remove these fundamental flaws and to bring about a more research-conducive environment, the professors of the Telecommunication Department, namely Dr. A. Waheed Umrani, Dr. Ahsan A. Ursani, Dr. Faisal K. Shaikh and Dr. Fahim A. Umrani under the guidance of Dr. Aftab A. Memon, brought in to action a ‘Thesis Committee’. This committee did some ground work and found solutions to make the Supervisor-

Student undergraduate research at par with the International universities. As per recommendations of the Thesis Committee of Department of Telecommunication, from 08TL batch and onwards, the student groups are required to present their work to the Thesis Committee Members (TCM) (the respected Professors of Telecom Dept.) for approval. The overall process flow of final year project is summarized in the following steps: 1. Project Proposal Submission – Supervisor will submit a ‘Project Plan’ to TCM. 2. Approval – Project may be approved or rejected after initial scrutiny by the TCM. 3. Initial Seminar – Student groups are required to give a 10 min presentation to the TCM. 4. Mid Seminar – 10 min presentation and a progress report of 2000 words to be given to the TCM. 5. Final Seminar – a 20 min presentation and the final draft of the thesis (before it can be accepted for the final exam) given to the TCM. No student group was allowed to the next stage until after the formal approval of the TCM was determined. The first three steps have been completed by the grace of Allah Almighty in the months of July and August 2011, and students are working as busy as a bee to get a good amount of their thesis/project to be completed before 17th October 2011, the date set for the Mid Seminar. May Allah Almighty bless them in their research.

Campus News: Year Book

“In order to Succeed, You must be Willing to Fail….”

Yourself The Internet and social media have penetrated our lives so much that it has almost gripped us. We, the new generation, have become social freaks. This has given rise to new trends in our professional and social lives and behaviors. Like now most of the companies have started employee search by using Internet, do the necessary verification of the recruitment by using search engines and know their recruits by analyzing their social life on Internet. In the age of Google, it is quite possible that there are some nonsense, unflattering photos or embarrassing blog postings popping up when somebody googles your name. It can ruin your image and embarrass you. To find out what is associated with your name, you just have to write your name like “complete name” and Google it and all the information associated with your name will be floated out off the screen. Learn to view the search results with your name through the eyes of a potential employer. It's been observed that the majority of executive recruiters routinely look into candidates by searching the Internet. Here are some important tips to save you from this uncomfortable situation. 1. Stop using your full name. The best way to save yourself from mislead

There is a Good News for the students coming under the umbrella of FEECE.. The FEECE Team announced to make the “Year Book” for the final year batches (08 and onwards) . The Year Book will contain: 1. Data of Students of Final batch. 2. Achievements & Experience in University life. 3. Suggestions for improvement, Likes/Dislikes, favorite quotes. 4. Future Goals/Aims. These will be written by each student of final Year Batch themselves.

by Omair Najam (08TL93), Syed Mohsin Ali Shah

association is not to use your full name on Internet, try to use your last name abbreviated or you can also use your online pen name while signing up for new mailing address and sites. You should not use the same e-mail address that you also do professionally; recruiters may search for your e-mail address right after searching for your name. 2. Google yourself to find out what other people are seeing when they search your name. You should Google your name to see what comes up with your name but do not forget to use the quotation marks around your name, like “Lucky Ali”. If you try to subscribe to a social or network site and cannot use a pen name or screen name, there is a good chance your information may appear in Google searches. 3. Make changes to the content that's already been indexed by Google with your name on it. You can change your name on public profiles and it would be a good practice to permanently delete the accounts that are not currently in use. It will not index your name in older date records. 4. Use HTML Meta Tags. You can use the "robots" HTML meta tag in your content if you want to continue publishing information under your name but don't want it appearing in Google search

results, like: <metaname="robots"content="noindex,nof ollow"/> This obviously only applies if you have your own website and access to the underlying code, as it stops most search engines from indexing (cataloging) your page or following the links on it. The <meta> tag must go in the <head> section of a document in order to work. If you like, you can leave out the "nofollow" bit, which allows the search engines to follow the links, but not index the page. 5. Email The Sites. You can also email the sites which have included misleading information using your names, but always be polite and do not make empty threats because it will make you situation worse. 6. Google's Removal Request Tool. You can use Google's removal request tool to ask Google to remove search results or cached content. It will also help immensely if you post on industry-related websites with your names and contact information to build your Internet profile and make it count. These are just a few tips. You can always use GOOGLE to get more tips to UNGOOGLE yourself. In the end, we hope this information will help you make a better Internet profile.


And here comes NEX’11! by Qazi Fahad Ahmed 09ES144, Edited by Mohsin Shah The faculty of EECE, for the first time is organizing a national level event called NEX’11 (National Engineering eXhibition 2011). This idea was put forward by the teachers and students of electronics department, who have organized many competitions and exhibitions on university level, like, Micromaze, Ecotronics, MESPEC and Gaming. After the success of these events, the student gained a lot of confidence and courage to organize something on National level. Vice Chancellor, MUET, Jamshoro, Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan Rajput and The dean FEECE, Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdry supported this idea and decided to give utmost facilities to coordinators and students for making this event to happen. Talking about NEX’11, it comprises of the following categories; 1. Project competition 2. Circuit designing 3. Techno-post galleria (poster competition)

WWW (Who is Working on What)

4. Techno-fusion quiz 5. Speed programming 6. CISCO skills Competition 7. National Workshop on "Project Based Learning" and 8. Gaming. National Engineering Exhibition (NEX) 2011 is created to bring brilliance, color and an added touch of something special for undergraduate students that will provide multiple avenues for students to exhibit and polish their uncharted talents. The whole faculty of FEECE (including students from all batches) is actively involved in the process to make this event the best of its kind. Invitations have been sent to all the Universities of PAKISTAN for their peer participation. NEX11 aims to develop interest among the engineering students competing along with innovative projects and inventions under one roof. Qazi Fahad is also Advertising & Marketing Team NEX’11, member IEEEE

By: Salman Ahmed (08TL16) & M.Naveed Shaikh (08TL19)

Who is working on what has become an integral part of this newsletter and we are pleased to share some good work done by researchers around the globe and right at our home MUET Pakistan!. In this issue we will include some work done by some great scientists which will initiate the battle against the historical and well known research of Einstein. An international team of scientists, known as MINOS, has discovered the particles that can travel faster than speed of light. Experiment for verification was done in Europe. These neutrinos were pumped from CERN near Geneva to Gran Sasso in Italy . These particles arrived 60 nano seconds before than light. This research is still in experimental phase but since it has already been shown that these particles are faster so one should think about the implication of this research. Some of them may be: 1. All work based on the theory of relativity may be reversed. 2. A revolution can come. May be time travel concept may become a reality which require high speed than speed of light. Some useful links about this discovery are: http://www.nature.com/news/2011/110922/full/news.2011.554.html http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/09/22/us-science-light-idUSTRE78L4FH20110922 In first section we included an international research, so we will focus here in this part about the MUET specifically. These are final semester for 08 batches. Many students are working on very interesting projects, but due to lack of space, we will be talking about two of them.


A group from 08TL is working on “Design Of Emergency Roadside Telephone Network�. This group is working under the supervision of Dr. Aftab Memon. The aim of this project is to provide the best solution for emergency roadside telephone network for National Highways and Motorway Police so that they can provide the best assistance to the motorists. They are working on the available sources present on the particular highways and trying to utilize all those resources to meet the requirements of problem. Another group from 08TL working on a diversified project that deals with the Brain-Computer Interface. It can be used for paralyzed patients. The group is working under the supervision of Dr. Fahim Aziz Umrani. They are trying to use sensors under the technology of Neurosky. Basically it will detect the emotions and after sometime it will be converted into voice such that the medical staff or any other can remotely get aware that which patient is looking for services, like if he is not feeling well, need any medicine and activities going through in his mind. This work is going on and if it is completed successfully it would be a great advantage for the paralyzed patients. Best of Luck to all the guys and gals who are working on their research Theses/Projects.

Photos of the Month


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