Personal stylist in Australia - Fae Jagdon

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your style and thrive with confidence .

Why Personal Style Matters

Your personal style means more than just clothes. It has the power to create everlasting impressions and newfound confidence within yourself. When you invest in your style, you’re ultimately establishing who you are and how youwanttoshowuptotheworld.

You’re here because you are ambitious, driven, and ready to show up as the best version of yourself. You understand the importance of personal style and feeling so aligned with who you are, that it translates through your outfits, the work that you do, andthelifethatyoudesire.

Styled to Thrive  Are tired of feeling dread and ick when it comestoallthingsstylerelated  Want to feel complete alignment and ultimate confidence within all aspects of style  Are ready to repair your style relationship so you can effortlessly attract the life you desire  Want to trade traditional style rules for personalised style strategies that actually work  Value growth, self-development, and have a deep desire to show up as the best versionofyourself

1:1 Styling Experience

Fae is such an incredible PersonalStylistBasedInAustralia. So full of warmth and positivity, talented yet humble.She helped me discover my personal style and went on to create an amazing capsule wardrobe comprising of all the items I felt I needed (clothes, shoes, accessories) to fit with my budget.Faeguidedmethroughtheprocesswith kindness and patience, sharing different outfit combinations I would I never have considered and styling tips that transform clothes to compliment my body shape. Honestly, I loved every minute and it felt like I have met a kindredspiritinFae.

Ready to level up with your style? I’m excited to hear from you and to see how we can work together!
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