Case studie food

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Compact systems, easy to install Cleans Water for discharge to sewer Small Footprint Completely automated Simplified operation Low maintenance Flows up to 3000L/h CE certified Compact solution developed for wastewater treatment in several food applications. Inlet wastewater is treated by a coagulation/DAF system as a pre treatment or for direct discharge into sewer network. This solution has a small footprint, low capital investment and easy installation. | | +351 239 437 336

Application Field





Wastewater characteristics: Wastewater results from washing operations, fish cleaning and fish filleting. This wastewater contains a substantial amount of contaminants in soluble, colloidal and particulate form. This results in load values above limits approved by regulation authorities for water discharge, such as FOG`s, Suspended Solids, COD and BOD.

Providing a system to treat fish processing wastewater for saving money on reducing sewage fees. The system reaches up to the following removal rates: 60% COD; 90 % Suspended Solids and 90% FOG`s.

Inlet COD - 5000 mg O2/L Inlet BOD - 2000 mg O2/L SS - 1500 mgO2/L FOG`s - 1000 mg/L

VAMEF 08 installed in a food processing factory

VAMEF Stirred reactor and flotation chamber

VAMEF top sludge scraper

VAMEF dosing system

VAMEF set up solution

The waste water treatment in this case has the following steps: Furthermore, the system is controlled with an electric board. This screening, buffer tank, chemical coagulation / flocculation system allows a very efficient depuration, reducing COD, BOD, treatment process by flotation (VAMEF) and sludge dewatering FOG`s and SS, in accordance to regulations and usual requiresystem (PSS). ments. The is important The sludge is discharged by a pneumatic Thebuffer wastetank water treatmenttoinminimize this caseinfluent has thevariability The VAMEC units include the chemicals feeding pump pumpsto a dewatering (both composition and hydraulic) to the coagulation subsequent wastewasystem. This system be eitheragent), a filter press or pressure filter following order: buffer tank, chemical / (coagulant, flocculant and can neutralizing reactor ter treatment process (VAMEF unit).The levelsludge of this tankfor is mixing, bagspH units (PSS), depending the amount of sludge generated. flocculation treatment process (VAMEC), controller and settlerondevice to separate controlled by system the VAMEF control panel. water storage dewatering (PSS) and treated the resulting sludge. Furthermore, the system is Chemical Finally, will beboard suited(GSM for discharge in receiving pit to tank. treatment will be performed through a DAF compact controlled withwater an electric optional). This unit with ais continuous coagulation to the publicdepuration, sewer complying The(VAMEF) buffer tank important chemical to minimize influent / floccusystem connect allows a very efficient reducing with COD the discharge lation treatment. VAMEF unitsand include chemicals or forto thereuse subsequent biological step. variability (both composition hydraulic) to the feeding and SS,regulations in accordance the treated watertreatment for pumps (coagulant, and neutralizing agent), stirred subsequent waste flocculant water treatment process (VAMEC several industrial situations such as washing equipments reactor, toplevel sludge scraper, controller to spray painting booths. unit).The of this tank ispH controlled byand thesettler VAMECdeviceand separate the resulting sludge. control panel. The treated water is pumped to a storage tank. Chemical treatment will be performed through a The sludge is discharged by a pneumatic pump to a settlement compact unit (VAMEC) with a continuous dewatering system. This system is a low pressure filter

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